From all the staff here at MTS, we'd like to wish all of our members and guests a Happy Holidays, and a Merry Christmas!
A disappearance and reappearance

Date Posted: 14th Jul 2018 at 1:22 PM

Hey. I disappeared for a while. Sorry about that.
My illnesses have gotten a lil intense recently and I haven't been able to mod properly. However: I'm back and I'm gonna get back to working on my mods!

Just a note that I'm not sure if I'll be bringing out any new trait mods soon, because modding takes a lot of energy out of me. Hopefully I can update soon though! (I have a few plans for traits too, whoops.)
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Oof, another planned trait

Date Posted: 21st Jan 2018 at 9:07 PM

I say planned. More, I've already started work on it but I ran out of energy half way through so now it's on the backburner. I recently got diagnosed with fibromyalgia, so I guess I'm going to make that a trait. (Maybe?)
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