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6-15-19 Update

Date Posted: 15th Jun 2019 at 6:31 PM

Uploaded an after school activity for teen fairies on my patreon.
Name: Fairy Training
Days: M,F
Ages: Teen
Skills: Charisma, Gardening, Fairy Magic

I also created an after school activity request form, if you want to have a custom after school activity made. You can access it via my patreon.
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Broom Riding Team Opportunities

Date Posted: 13th Jun 2019 at 4:32 AM

I'm making a set of opportunities for the advanced version of the Fortunteller Baba's High School for Witches mod on my patreon. I'm adding opportunities to make the school seem more like an actual school. I don't want every sim that attends to have the same exact experience so I'm creating multiple versions of the same opportunity. Right now I'm focusing on the Broom Riding Team but I plan on doing the same for other "sports" teams, clubs, classes, school events, and dating.

I've already added 4 different versions of the Broom Riding Team Tryouts opportunity. The sim's broom riding skill level impacts which version they receive and determines their likelihood of making the team. They all have the same text so you can't really tell the difference between them unless you open the .package file with s3pe.

Now I would like to make games or competition opportunities, where the sim's skill will also dictate the outcome. There's going to be local, state, national, and world games. There's going to be at least 22 other teams that represent the other towns in Sims 3. You won't actually need the towns though.

Obviously, Al Simhara, Champs Les Sims, and Shang Simla are going to be in the world tournaments. Unless there's a map or something, I'm going to have to decide which towns are going to be in the local tournament, which ones are going to be in the state tournament, and which ones are going to be in the nationals. I might make most of the towns that are included with expansion packs local, and then towns that you have to buy are going to be divided up between state and national. Or I might just come up with new locations.

I want the mascot for each team to be an animal that is associated with witches. Basically: Birds, bats, cats, roosters, dogs, hares, hyenas, leopards, oxen, sheep, snakes, spiders, toads, and tortoises. They can also be animals that are apart of the same family.

  • Appaloosa Plains = Black Shucks
  • Bridgeport = Black Widows
  • Isla Paradiso = Black Panthers (Might Change and Might Move)
  • Moonlight Falls = ?
  • Starlight Heights = ?
  • Twinbrook = ?
  • Sunset Valley (This is where Fortunteller Baba's High School for Witches is based so you'll be playing as this team.) = Black Cats (Overused trope? Might Change)

  • Dragon Valley = Shadow Dragons
  • Hidden Springs = Jaguars (Might Change)
  • Lunar Lakes = ?
  • Monte Vista = ?
  • Roaring Heights = ?
  • Sunlit Tides = ?

  • Aurora Skies = Dark Lynx (Might Change)
  • Barnacle Bay = Leatherbacks
  • Lucky Palms = ?
  • Midnight Hollow = ?
  • Riverview = ?

  • Al Simhara = Simhara Sand Vipers
  • Champ Les Sims = Black Swans
  • Shang Simla = ?

  • Oasis Landing = ?
  • Oasis Landing (Utopian) = ?
  • Oasis Landing (Dystopian) = ?
  • Sims University = ?
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6-2-19 Update

Date Posted: 2nd Jun 2019 at 2:14 PM

Assassination Opportunities
I uploaded the nraas assassination skill opportunities mod to my patreon. It has all language strings. I don't plan on uploading it to MTS. You can only pick targets based on their age and career so I wasn't able to create the opportunities where you had to specifically assassinate a paparazzi, celebrity, and an occult life-state. The opportunities start at level 1 of the assassination skill. You can use nraas MasterController to do that.
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Assassination Skill Opportunity Templates

Date Posted: 30th May 2019 at 3:28 AM

I plan on having this up on my patreon by the end of this week. These opportunities are supposed to help you achieve the mini-challenges from the nraas assassination skill. The opportunity templates are below.

  • The police have been trying to take down {Sim in Criminal Career} for a while now. I don't think we're ever going to catch the scum. Why don't you save us some time and get rid of {Sim in Criminal Career}?

Cop Killa
  • Doing criminal things is difficult when you constantly have the police breathing down your neck. Distract the cops by taking out {Sim in Law Enforcement Career}. That should give us space to do what we need to do.

Angel Of Mercy
  • I don't feel like working this same job until I'm 67! Pay a visit to {Elder} so I can get some inheritance money.

  • All I want is to be able to spend some time with my family and friends without getting bombarded by paparazzi. Can you handle that for me?

  • I sent {Celebrity} 8,267 love letters and a box of my hair last week. Instead of reciprocating my love {Celebrity} called the police! If I can't have {Celebrity}, then no one can!

  • My ex left me for a vampire because I didn't "sparkle" enough. Instead of using a healthy coping mechanism, I've decided to use my simoleons to punish all occults!
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5-26-19 Update

Date Posted: 26th May 2019 at 7:15 PM

Low Class Saiyan High
I submitted the Low Class Saiyan High mod to MTS. It should be up within a few days. You can download it now from my patreon. I added the skill opportunities and all of the language strings.

This a career where the goal is to research & write about various creatures. Opportunities will mainly consist of obtaining information from various occult life states and writing up a report. Sims will also have to travel to various towns to look for creatures like bigfoot, the beast of bray road, and the wendigo.

Assassination Opportunities
While testing my mods, I've been using the nraas Assassination skill and Desecrate's Weapon mod. I thought it would cool if sims could receive opportunity calls where an anonymous sim puts a hit on someone else.
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5-21-19 Update

Date Posted: 21st May 2019 at 8:23 PM

I just uploaded a Low Class Saiyan High mod to my patreon. I plan on uploading it to MTS once I add some opportunities and include all language strings but until then you can just download it from my patreon. There's some basic information about it below.

Low Class Saiyan High

School Offer:
The Low Class Saiyan High School ensures that your Saiyan teen will get a head start in the fundamental skills of the Saiyan Army... athletics and martial arts!

Military Base

School Tones:
  • Study Kakarot's Highlight Reels (Increases Martial Arts)
  • Put In Extra Gym Time (Increases Athletic Skill)

School Tone Descriptions:
Study Kakarot's Highlight Reels:
Kakarot, son of the Saiyan folk hero, Bardock, has competed in Earth's World Martial Arts Tournament from childhood and well into his adulthood. He was a masterful fighter and studying is highlight reels in between classes will help you improve your martial arts skill.

Put In Extra Gym Time:
Saiyan Army Trainees have to complete monthly fitness tests or take a hefty grade penalty. By putting in extra gym time now, you won't have to worry later.

Level 1 - Saiyan Army Trainee

School Days:

If you're attending this school, you're most likely a Low-Class Saiyan. Statistically, you won't get passed the Low Class Saiyan Division so you'll be spending most of your time training your body and learning new martial art techniques.

  • Homework
  • Athletic
  • Martial Arts
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5-17-19 Update

Date Posted: 18th May 2019 at 1:53 AM

Fortuneteller Baba's High School for Witches
  • Added All Language Strings
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5-14-19 Update

Date Posted: 14th May 2019 at 11:17 PM

Fortuneteller Baba's Elementary School for Witches
  • Added All Language Strings
  • Added Skill Opportunities
    • Gardening
    • Alchemy
    • Broom Riding
    • Spellcasting
    • Fishing
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4-23-19 Update

Date Posted: 23rd Apr 2019 at 3:28 PM

Fortuneteller Baba's Elementary School for Witches - In Progress
-Create a version where the rabbit-hole is at the School - Done
-Create a version where the rabbit-hole is at the Vault of Antiquity - Done
-Add skill opportunities
-Upload English strings for translation

Fortuneteller Baba's High School for Witches - Fixing
-Fix opportunities - Done
-Upload English strings for translation

Werewolf Elementary School - Upcoming
-Create a version where the rabbit-hole is at the School
-Add skill opportunities
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3-22-19 Update

Date Posted: 22nd Mar 2019 at 5:38 PM

Fortuneteller Baba's High School for Witches - Done
The only thing I plan on adding to this mod is uniforms but that'll probably take a while. Of course, I'll try to fix any issues that come up.
-Added opportunities
-Added version where the rabbit-hole is at the Vault of Antiquity
-Added more difficult versions of the schools

Fortuneteller Baba's Elementary School for Witches - In Progress
-Create a version where the rabbit-hole is at the School
-Create a version where the rabbit-hole is at the Vault of Antiquity
-Add skill opportunities
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