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Date Posted: 15th May 2009 at 10:35 PM

I've just reinstalled all my Sims games [well, sims 2, and will be doing sims 1 likely in the next day or so - with all my extra space, I should be able to handle it fine] and am healing up. IO've got a new plate in my jaw and the past two weeks have been a pretty quick recovery all things considered. Since I'm back at my desktop, I'll be installing my programs for modding over the next few days - milkshape, gimp and simpe.

Before I got the infection and started feeling so rotten, I was in the middle of a major project and some smaller ones. I expect that they will be put up both here and on my own mini-site at Simlogical. I just want to fix a few things that were bothering me in regards clipping issues. While for bedding, I'll put up with it, since there isn't much other option, for other decor items, I think I can make it work -without- the clipping.

And just for my own piece of mind - glad I'm unwired, that was awful - can't eat all the things I enjoy yet, but I'm fine with soft foods like pasta and cottage cheese. 6 more weeks of being careful, then the bone should be healed and I can work on the muscles and nerves.
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When it rains it pours...

Date Posted: 6th Apr 2009 at 3:54 AM

So, finally almost recovered and I get an abscess on the jawline. I go in tomorrow and see the surgeon, with the possibility of immediate surgery, depending on what he finds.

Of course, I can do recolours on the laptop, but since I don't have milkshape installed up here, it means that depending on how I feel that I'll be limited to recolours and lots for a little while. But that's not so bad - and I'll have time to consider my next set of meshes.
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Short sabbatical

Date Posted: 23rd Jan 2009 at 12:26 AM

I've got four severely impacted wisdom teeth that need to come out - two are in my sinus cavity wall [as I understand it] and two are tangled in nerves.

The pain is already annoying enough for me to risk the surgery - needless to say, I'll be most likely laid up -afterwards-
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Feel free to comment

Date Posted: 10th Sep 2008 at 10:08 PM

This is my guestbook, so feel free to sign it and leave general comments.
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Cleaning up older things

Date Posted: 28th Aug 2008 at 2:55 PM

Seems like this will likely be the last expansion for the sims 2, and in some ways, I'm rather glad. Still doesn't have some building features I'd like, but the ceilings and roof pieces look promising.

One of the goals I have set is to go in and update my old houses, before starting on new ones. Another is to through all my old recolours and meshes, make sure they are to where my skills are now, perhaps revitalize them a bit.

Once that's done, well, got some new projects I want to work on.
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Long overdue update

Date Posted: 13th Jun 2008 at 5:02 PM

Its been a while, for the longest time, I was just waiting for the Freetime expansion, and then I got distracted from the Sims altogether. There is still a project I'm planning on putting a lot of work into, making my oversized trees compatible with Seasons. I -will- be doing so, thanks to Echo figuring out what was missing from a cloned seasons tree. I just need a chunk of time. Maybe sometime next month.
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Waiting for Expansion

Date Posted: 8th Jan 2008 at 3:04 PM

Since this next expansion is supposed to be the last, I am just waiting before I go back to making things. Then, there is less chance of it breaking on a later version. :D

Also, I've been busy with RL stuff for the past few months, and just catching my breath at this point.
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Wrists part two

Date Posted: 27th Sep 2007 at 12:38 PM

Yes, somehow I've managed to flare up my wrists.

I am hoping that a long term project that had been sitting on my back burner can be done in time for thie current contest's back burner. I guess for me, old hollywood is not Marilyn at all :D
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Date Posted: 16th Aug 2007 at 6:52 PM

I have always prided myself on being a patient sort, but there are times when the waiting can become unbearable. I submitted something on sunday night, and the not hearing anything is about driven me nuts. I wouldn't mind at this point a 'Change this and change that' reply, just to hear something, anything.

This is the longest I've ever had to wait, and I'm just hoping the mod in charge of this particular area is okay, since it has been so long.

On other news, I'm contemplating ideas for when I get to my 50th upload, which is closer than I thought.
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Date Posted: 1st Aug 2007 at 4:37 PM

Okay, so I still haven't finished that little canoe - I am an idjit and forgot to write down the registry code for milkshape, and have a new email too - waiting on word back from the person at Milkshape *crosses fingers*

I need it anyway, since I've figured out what to submit for the contest, since my attempt at a mayan-ish CAS didn't work as I'd wanted - looks gorgeous, but can't see the bloody pyramid :D

And lets see - goals for this month

Finish last month's goals
Make a pale skin that is mine to fold/mutilate/etc for my self sim
Do a YACAS to go with my Lost Garden CAS
Refine the CAS I was working on for the contest
Try and get my entry done before the deadline.

Been a little distracted playing with my self-sim - letting her do stuff.
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