Date Posted: 3rd Dec 2011 at 8:05 PM
FINAL MONTHLY UPDATE: Thursday, December 29, 2011
Who goes to the dentist to find relief from an underlying tooth infection and returns immobile. That would be me! Fell down a small flight of stairs, landing on the knee. No breaks, but pain swelling and immobility that has finally ended.
FREEDOM! Needless to say, I welcome the end of 2011. It has been a strange year, culminating in these last few months into the realm of when it rains, it pours. AGH! So, I Sim to escape reality! Yeah SIMMING!
I have been on downloading sprees at
The Medieval Smithy,
Garden of Shadows and
The Plumbbbob Keep for a larger choice in things Medieval. Those of you who download en masse on occassion as I do KNOW that the downloading is fun, but the organizing and testing of objects is a chore in and of itself! I finally completed the organization and now am adding things to the four lots I have in wait.
NOTE: Uploading will commence as soon as I finish downsizing, tweaking and testing the four lot clones for functionality!
I am working on 4 lots simultaneously. None are quite complete (outside of creating an object or two, tweaking, testing and minor furnishing). There are two small, simple residential lots (1x1 and 3x1)...a small bakery and a parson's rectory for the lavish Gwrych Barony.
And then there is the Barony Monastery (no name yet). It was inspired by the Wine Set at
The Keep by
raynuss. It is a Hotel lot with 3 monk's rooms (always given up for the wayward traveller), a Great Hall (dining restaurant), a group prayer area (check-in/waiting room) and a fancy, smancy Chapel. Here is the exterior view. The front has a covered area for dining al fresco and the rear has a small vineyard with an above ground wine cellar.
The fourth is
Goleu Sanctum (a spiritual retreat-Circle of Stones, Scriptorium, Campground hotel, Swimming Hole, etc.)...
Deer Hunt, Leading Into The Forest
Fire Dancer, In Circle of Stone (Stonehenge Like)
My Customized Version of the BV Food Stand using Medieval Decor
UPDATE: Wednesday, December 14, 2011
I'm busy tweaking one of my Gwrych lots before finishing up the Barony Parson's Cottage and the Baker's Cottage.
(December 4, 2011 - April 30, 2012)
Starting December 4th, I have returned to designing and uploading
Gwrych lots. I plan to avoid non-Gwrych inspiration until I complete the project.
The only side project will be uploading small sets of complete Babylon 5 Walls/Floors on occassion. This will not replace Gwrych uploads when I do. Babylon 5 textures will be uploaded to the "Off World" site or (preferrably to Nixnivis's site). I will not be doing anything else until Gwrych is complete.
Final Gwrych Barony RESIDENTIAL Lots (3 Lots - Baker's Cottage, Parson's Cottage and Parson's Retreat: Residential Vacation Home Version)
Final Gwrych Barony Hotels (3 Lots - Parson's Retreat: Hotel Version, A Small Kingdom Hotel made Medieval and Barony Castle made into a hotel)
* Final Gwrych Barony Community Lots (3 Lots)
* Gwrych Extra Lots Set 1 (3 Lots)
* Gwrych Extra Lots Set 2 (4 Lots)
* Gwrych Extra Lots Set 3 (5 Lots)
* Gwrych Extra Lots Set 4 (6 Lots)
* Old Gwrych Lots Uploaded to DDI account. (3 lots 2 versions each)
* Gwrych Mystic Shopping District: 4 Home Businesses (Fairies, Plant Sims, Witches, Ghosts) for leading double lives
* Gwrych Mystic Shopping District: 4 Home Businesses (Pirates,Werewolves, Zombies, Vampires) for leading double lives
* Other Gwrych Mystic Lots (Where humans are more than welcomed) - (2 Lots)
- 1 Hotel specifically for the Mystics
- 1 Pub (to be used in both the Shopping District and near the Vacation Mystic Hotel as a portal)
Gwrych Note:
I will be adding an updated Neighborhood Organization Map to this Post for the Vacation Lots once the Barony lots are complete. I will update the map once again when the Gwrych Extra Lots are complete. And finally, there will also be a separate map for the Mystic Shopping District Map when I get to that point.
BABYLON 5 TEXTURE PLANS (Mainly Wall Sets/Subsets)
Note: I will be sharing the Babylon 5 Textures as each set is complete on Nixnivis' site. Once the first set is posted, a link will be provided here in my journal for those who wish to collect the set.
IN PROGRESS: General B5 Textures
* Red Sector B5 Textures
* Blue Sector B5 Textures
* Yellow Sector B5 Textures
* Brown Sector B5 Textures
Collegio Institute Manor DORM has been updated in Comments Post #8 in the original Gwrych post of 45 lots. The lot did not have a mailbox, which made it load in Build Mode. For those of you who figured this out and added a mailbox, this does not apply to you. For everyone else, all you need to do is add a residential mailbox to your original lot or download the updated zip file in Post #8. I have also updated the Teleport Files in the
"ALLGwrychLots_2of7" zip in the Main Post. So, you will have the most updated version of the lot. A few build mode cosmetic changes were made to the lot as well, but the floor plan remains the same. Also, this particular lot (and this lot ONLY) has been repackaged without the STUFF PACKS. Now, your Sims can enjoy the Institute Manor DORMS!
* I will not be taking any requests until Gwrych and Babylon 5 Textures are complete.
BUT...I will honour building the log cabin for the newlyweds as promised though.