Project Progress - Images
Date Posted: 4th Feb 2010 at 11:43 PM
I have completed 4 out of 30 Simtopia Community sets thus far and set 5 (Travel Set: Bus Depot, Sea Port and a Travel Agency) is underway.
Simtopia Set 4: Simtopia Train Depot will be uploaded to the MTS queue on Saturday, February 6, 2010 - (feeling a bit under the weather at the moment).
I separated the Train Depot from the rest of the Travel Lots because I wanted to have a complete set of lots to link together to give them the appearance of an extended set of train tracks, which meant creating more than 1 or 2 lots. It includes a main set of 8 lots (all 6 x 5) to mix and match in any order you please with a few exceptions. Of the 8 lots, there are 2 main hubs that include Train Ticket Areas and Main Depot Buildings. There is also 1 VACATION Train Station (which can be combined with the connector lots in the main set).
Uploading will begin soon!
UPCOMING Simtopia Projects
Simtopia Community Set 4 (UPLOADING PHASE AS OF 02/06/2010)
Simtopia Train Depot Lots
Simtopia Community Set 5 (NEXT PROJECT)
Travel Agency (1 small lot) , Bus Depot (1 medium & 1 large lot) and Sea Port (1 - 2 large lots)
Simtopia Community Set 6
Telephone Company, Lumber Mill, Landfill/Recycling, Power Plant
The Gwrych Project is being packaged as a "Neighborhood" instead of as individual lots. To make this happen, I need to add a few more lots to the small collection of lots I already completed to fill in the neighborhood a bit! The project is still on the way, but I must ask your patience in this endeavor as this is my first time packaging the lots and preparing them for download in this way. In the meantime, enjoy the images below of of a few of the Gwrych lots I have completed!
Gwrych Castle
Gwrych Abbey
Gwrych Manor
Gwrych Servant Hideaway
Comments 0
Previews: Gwrych Parts 1 and 2 & Simtopia Parts 4 and 5
Date Posted: 9th Jan 2010 at 3:26 PM
If one is updating her journal, she cannot surely be dead!
So what's going on with my Sim projects? Glad you asked!
Well...I hit a few snags with the Gwrych Project, but not to worry it is forthcoming! To put together a series of medieval lots is quite a challenge. First, I had to go on a downloading spree for all things medieval to secure objects that are more period appropriate that can be "included" in my lots. Then, I had to reorganize what I wanted to accomplish with this set (a few general medieval lots or a complete medieval community of lots). Needless to say, the community won! Third, I decided to isolate my medieval community so I could use Stev84's Country Roads and other medieval neighborhood objects, maps, screens, etc. Next, I had to create neighborhood maps to go along with my vision of a medieval hood. I ended up creating 4 islands to be used interchangeably. Then, I had to rethink the old project and decide if I should build on it or start from scratch. I decided to start from scratch because it was a bit too cumbersome to try to use the old stuff.
Finally, I was able to get back to the business of lot creation and have completed Parts 1 and 2 of the 6 Part Gwrych project. YEAH!!!
The only hold-up with presenting what I have completed of the Gwrych project is deciding how to upload the project. Because of it's depth, I think it is best to upload Gwrych in the format that group projects are presented. It will be much easier to keep up with it in that way. Besides, it seems I cannot do anything "small" scale.
I promise it will be worth the wait! Outside of the first set, the Gwrych lots are as true to medieval form as my imagination allows and most of the lots are a managable size with the exception of the main Castle and the Abbey. However, all else will be scaled down! After all, we cannot have our peasants living in the lap of luxury can we and as we know the clergy should have a strong presence in medieval society?
NOTE: I used Stev84's "Country Roads" (link above) to build my medieval hood and to take pictures. It will not be included in the uploads in any form.
Here are previews of what I will be uploading soon for the Gwrych Project:
Part 1
Gwrych Neighborhood Maps
4 Island Hoods for my Medieval Lots
Part 2
Gwrych Castle Grounds
Gwrych Gatehouse, Gwrych Castle, Gwrych Bathhouse, Gwrych Manor House...a Guest House, St. Mary's-On-The-Hill...a Double Monastery, Gwrych Retreat...a Nobility Hideaway, Gwrych Servant Retreat...a Servant Hideaway
The Castle - a 5 x 5 lot
The Gatehouse - 1 x 3 lot
The Abbey - a 5 x 5 lot
The Manor - a 3 x 3 lot
The Servant's Retreat (Hideout) - a 2 x 2 lot
The Simtopia Project: Community Lots had been on hold whilst I organized the Gwrych Project. Now that the Gwrych Project is in motion, I will be able to pick up the pace with lot building now. I will work to complete sets 4 and 5 of the Simtopia Project before completing the next Gwrych set. I have completed 3 out of 30 Simtopia Community sets thus far.
UPCOMING Simtopia Projects
Simtopia Community Set 4 (CURRENT PROJECT)
Travel Agency, Sea Port, Train Depot (Possibly a Bus Depot too)
Simtopia Community Set 5
Telephone Company, Lumber Mill, Landfill/Recycling, Power Plant
Back to Sim uploading and building for me!
Comments 2
Gwrych and Simtopia Project Checklist ONLY
Date Posted: 9th Jan 2010 at 3:12 PM
Gwrych has evolved and will be presented in 6 Parts.
Gwrych Neighborhood Maps
4 Island Hoods for my Medieval Lots
Gwrych Castle Grounds
Gwrych Gatehouse, Gwrych Castle, Gwrych Bathhouse, Gwrych Manor House...a Guest House, St. Mary's-On-The-Hill...a Double Monastery, Gwrych Retreat...a Nobility Hideaway, Gwrych Servant Retreat...a Servant Hideaway
Part 3
Breconshire Duchy: Henafol Township - Set A
Harlech Castle, Breconshire Manor, Henafol Town Part 1 and Henafol Town Part 2, Henafol Parson's Cottage, Henafol Chapel
Breconshire Duchy: Henafol Township - Set B
Henafol Reeve Cottage, Henafol Row Houses, Henafol Peasant Homesteads, 4 Home Businesses
Part 4
Glamorganshire March: Llechwedd Village
Chepstow Castle, Glamorganshire Manor, Llechwedd Row Houses, Llechwedd Peasant Homesteads, Llechwedd Parson's Cottage, Llechwedd Village Parts 1 and 2
Part 5
Radnorshire Barony: Fechan Village - Set A
Conwy Castle, Radnorshire Manor, Fechan Row Houses, Fechan Peasants Homesteads, Fechan Parson's Cottage, Fechan Village
Part 6
Other Gwrych Lots - Set A
Mystic Retreat (Witchcraft Counsel Hall - Secret Society ?), Mystic Shop, Town Stables, Forge, Tavern/Restuarant, Inn 1, Inn 2, The Farchnadfa (marketplace)
Other Gwrych Lots - Set B
Lumber Mill & Yard, Cider Mill, Gristmill, Shipping Docks and 2 Empty Community Lots)
Part 7
Gwrych Walls, Floors and Terrains
PROJECT 2: SIMTOPIA - Community Lots
Since there are a total of 30 Community Sets for Simtopia. I will update this list 10 sets at a time (Note: 3 of 30 sets are complete).
Simtopia Community Set 1 COMPLETE
City Hall and 3 City Squares (Municipal, Studio, Skyline)
Simtopia Community Set 2 COMPLETE
2 Police Stations and 2 Fire Stations (medium -1 modern and 1 traditional each)
Simtopia Community Set 3 COMPLETE
Airport Collection
Simtopia Community Set 4
Travel Agency, Sea Port, Train Depot (Possibly a Bus Depot too)
Simtopia Community Set 5
Telephone Company, Lumber Mill, Landfill/Recycling, Power Plant
Simtopia Community Set 6 (Shopping Centers with Cafe & Restrooms)
#1 - Home Improvement Plaza
Consignment/Pawn Shop, Bank, Real Estate Agency, Home Supply Depot, Interior Designer
#2 - Vanity Fair Plaza
Beauty/Barber Store, Beauty Shop, Barber Shop, Modeling Agency, Photography Studio
#3 - Motley Plaza
Open Food Market, Coffee Shop, Collection Agency, Detective Agency
#4 - Social Services Plaza
Community Thrift Store, Food Bank, Soup Kitchen, Homeless Shelter, Youth Center, General Offices
Simtopia Community Set 7
Simtopia General Hospital (Residential with Pharmacy and Helicopter)
Simtopia Medical Center
(General Practioner, Dental Clinic, Plastic Surgeon and Pharmacy)
Simtopia Falls Retreat (Commercial with Hotel)
Hope Springs Lodge (Psychiatric Sanitorium - HOTEL)
Simtopia Community Set 8
Gas Station, Mechanics, Taxi Company, CarSimtopia
Community Community Set 9 (2 each - 1 Large, 1 Small)
Parking Lots , Rest Stops, Playgrounds, City Parks
Simtopia Community Set 10
Cyber Cafe, Kidland Restaurant, Family Restaurant, Themed Food Park
Comments 0
Current Projects List: Gwrych and Simtopia
Date Posted: 13th Nov 2009 at 3:54 PM
I am busy toiling away on 2 projects simultaneously: the Gwrych Project (a Medieval Welsh community) and Simtopia Community Set #4.
The Gwrych Project will consist of 6 sets. I have been working on the Castle. Here is an image pf the original Gwrych Castle and also one of the revision. The castle will serve as apartments or as a residence.
About Simtopia
Simtopia Community Lots will consist of 30 sets. I have completed 3 sets thus far. Here is an image from Simtopia Airport.
That's all for now.
Comments 5
~*~Simtopia Update~*~
Date Posted: 23rd Oct 2009 at 8:31 PM
1st - Simtopia Community Set #3 (a 6 lot set) - Simtopia Airport
I am finished with the AIRPORT! Everything has been tested and uploaded!
There are 6 total with each being connected to form 1 massive airport and used in parts to create smaller airports as each lot is really independent of the others.
Airport Part 1
Parking Lot, Park and Departure Taxiway
Departure Building and Taxiway
Airport Part 3
Control Tower, Departure Terminal, Security
Airport Part 4
Maintenance Hangar and Standby Runway
Arrival Building and Arrival Taxiway
Airport Part 6
Arrival Taxiway, Parking Lot and Recreation Building
You will be able to download all 6 as a set or pick and choose which parts of the airport you would like. The layouts are very well thought out and with the use of David's Aspiration and Career Objects for Builders, I was able to be a bit more creative. I have quite a few funny things to capture!
I must take images of the lots and double check my zips. They should be uploaded this week (November 8th)!
Other Plans
Gwrych Project
Simtopia Sets 3-10
Comments 2
Date Posted: 11th Oct 2009 at 2:52 AM
While I absolutely LOVE being in Canada surrounded by the most awesome scenery in British Columbia, I swear there are times when the wheels of time are at a rusted standstill. Living in an isolated community is perfect for me in so many ways, but I must admit it also has it's down sides as far as accesibility to the simple things go (not that I'm REALLY complaining). Moreso, I'm being a bit impatient.
"Patience Young Jedi!" :cylon:
In the midst of completing the Gwrych Project, my computer graphics interface spazed out. Basically, my computer has to be rebuilt. It started with a graphics card, but I also discovered that the motherboard was shot.
So, with a new motherboard comes the desire to upgrade everything else. With help from my sweety, this computer will be reborn BIGTIME!
Gwrych is on hold until I receive the parts and rebuild my PC as it requires a bit more juice than my motherboard can handle without a proper power supply and an added graphics card.
So, while I await the arrival of my new graphics card, power supply and fans I shall continue forward with my SIMTOPIA community (which I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE - :lovestruc ).
The Simtopia Project uses ALL EPs and Stuff Packs. I figured that with The Sims 3 being out, The Sims 2 will only continue to become cheaper and therefore people will be able to get the EPs and Stuff Packs. I must admit, it's awesome to be able to design using all the Maxis/EA objects. This allows me to omit user created objects from my lots, leave the "accent" decorating up to other Simmers and upload my lots with great ease!
Oh Yeah....I MUST comment on the upgrades to MTS overall! I'm impressed. Nice work everyone!
I've finally uploaded (for approval or rejection) the neighborhood maps (my first) for Simtopia and the first set of community lots. YEAH! All the computer downtime has been a real downer, but I'm excited about what is to come.
As for The Gwrych Project...It will be downsized and uploaded using the StephSim account once my PC is back in full form. With Lauralaima and Deluxe Designs moving on to greater things in Sims 3 designs, the DDI projects will be no more. Sad but true, but no love is lost! It's all in good Simming!
This SIMTOPIA Project has got me PSYCHED!! Aside from creating a Base Game Community, I've wanted to create the "ultimate" Sims 2 neighborhood for a long TIME! Soon...I hope! :D
Future Projects:
Continue Simtopia Project (will include Italian Renaissance lots)
Complete Gwrych Project and Upload under StephSim
Small Base Game Only Neighborhood
Well...That's all for now! I'm off to browse for a while and then take time to work on my wedding ceremony!
Comments 7
On Rejection: Destiny Redefined!
Date Posted: 31st Dec 2008 at 12:46 AM
I'VE UPDATED THIS ENTRY BELOW! (January 7th, 2009)
Updates are in bold print within the thread and at the end of the thread.
I must say what's on my mind and then I shall surrender to the silence that beckons, every so gently pulling me elsewhere...
Today, I giggled as yet another one of my little wall collections was rejected. This time it's because they don't "appear" to be seamless. I really wish they were tested in the game instead of relying on pictures.
Sad, but true...I'm a perfectionist. I've been creating textures since Sims 1 and while many of my earlier Sims 1 and beginning Sims 2 collections of walls went through a period of trial and error, making seamless textures today is child's play for me. So, what else can I do but laugh in the now as my perfectly seamless walls were rejected on the basis that my screenshoots were too small (110 textures) and that my walls don't "appear" to be seamless. I "only" do seamless in the now.
Please don't think I'm merely upset about the textures being denied. I find the process disturbing. We have so many Gods to pay homage to these days. I think it's time for me to be the master of my own destiny!
I now live to share my creations with others without constant judgment or criticism. I don't mind these things in small doses and not at all from downloaders. For the most part, the comments on my threads are positive and often make me improve my creations.
I guess that is why I find all of this so fundamentally limiting. Being the best is not about controlling the flaws of others, but giving others the freedom to make their things better at their own pace and if they choose to. I don't create for acceptance, I create to share with as many people as possible knowing I put all of myself into my creations. I create so others can use my things to create their own. I create because I want to give people a bit of "Sim" happiness that costs nothing to have.
The whole evaluative nature of things has been grating on me quite a bit lately as I have been grappling with my overall "value" in the world, not just in Sims. It's so easy to see things clearly when you have no other alternative but to be reflective. As I type this final Sim community letter at MTS2, I'm still laughing quite shamelessly that my purpose for creation is constantly defeated! I want to care. I want to create. I want to share. Just not in this way any longer.
I apologize for my rant, but I'm bowing out of the MTS2 creation games. I apologize for all the wonderful creations that will not be realized because I just don't have it in me to place my value in the hands of others. I figure the Universe is trying to tell me that my time can be better spent. So, I shall invest my time in things that have greater value in the now and bring me great joy. While I was so pleased in creating the walls and the Gingerbread Village that inspired these walls, I've lost the desire to upload things. Great time and effort go into all things I do, so I am not in the mood to await the approval of others simply to share my creations.
I leave everyone with this little thought of "worth". I now see myself as my Beloved sees me. Nothing else truly matters in the now. All that I am, all that I do has unsurpassed value because I do things from my heart. I love and share and live from within.
I cannot seem to be
More of anything
Other than what I am.
But you paint me anew
With such grace!
With such passion!
In temptuous beauty!
In love everlasting!
Until your truth
Is my reality
And I see myself
Through your eyes.
I am a Goddess Divine!
I am a Blessed Enchantress!
I am traces of you,
I am all of me.
I am life itself.
At the end of the day,
I have been born from your love
As it soars in the depths of my soul,
With the strength
Of a thousand caged birds
Longing to take flight.
At the end of the day
Only I can determine my worth.
Nothing else matters.
(Added January 7, 2009)
The creations that exist here will remain. But for now, I shall no longer upload to MTS2. I will respond to PMs and log in from time to time. Although for now, I am not responding directly to this thread.
Please understand that this is mainly about the freedom of expression not being limited by the opinion of those in control. It has very little to do with "my" creations being "rejected". I don't think anyone's creations should be rejected outside of making sure people include ample descriptions, decent images and do not use the creations of others unethically.
In all honesty, downloads and downloader comments already speak volumes to individual creations. Through comments alone it is quite easy for creators to get input about how the public at large sees their creations. Then it is up to the creator to decide rather or not to improve their work. PLEASE don't let this become a "MOD HATING" fest, for that would defeat my purpose here. This is more personal, seeing that I put all of myself into my creations. I prefer to just share them and let the downloaders decide their value.
I started posting here because I received several e-mails about posting my stuff on a FREE site when I was only submitting things to The Sims Resource. Prior to posting on TSR I shared my creations with anyone who asked and on my own Sim sites. At the time MTS2 was seemingly ideal because it's such a well known Free Site. So I created lots and textures, which even now excites me. However, what is making me cringe is the thought of uploading my things to a site that turns people away on the basis that their work is not "enough". I am by no means "giving up" on Simming or creating Sim things. Perhaps I will find another way to share my creativity in the near future, but for now I shall simply enjoy playing the game!
I would also like to thank everyone who has already left a comment and those who will do so in the future. I truly appreciate everyone's support and input!
Happy Simming to all and Good-bye for now!
Stephanie (aka StephSim)
2 U
Comments 14
Phoenix Rising!
Date Posted: 11th Nov 2008 at 11:45 PM
Hi Everyone!
I do believe it is high time I returned to Simming!
However, my return will be gradual. I will work slowly.
So what's on my Simming Agenda? Glad you asked!
Things to come.
I will spend a bit of time updating my MTS2 pages so my lots are up to standard.
All Stephsim and D.D.I. lots have been updated according to the new MTS2 guidelines!
I will be working on a small holiday project. Nothing GRANDE! Just something to get me back into the swing of things and the Christmas season is always a wonderful time to get back into Simming.
I will update the Gwrych Project and bring closure to that project. CANCELLED FOR NOW
I will work on a new Harry Potter neighborhood. These lots will be small and not focused on the movie or book details. So those of you looking for GRAND LOTS, this collection will not be for you. The goal is to design small lots that give us the essence of the Harry Potter world, but in a practical, Sim Friendly, User Friendly and Kid Friendly way. I will use the base game and only 2 or 3 EPs if necessarily for building purposes. All lots will be unfurnished. For the time being, this set will be called "The Harry Potter "Mini" Collection".
I will work on new collections of textures (walls, floors and ground covers) which I will begin uploading to MTS2.
I will start a new project, centering around one of my favorite trilogies. It's something I have never seen done before so I shall keep my little neighborhood TOP SECRET! As it unfolds, I will share the details. Until then.."Shhhh!"
I will check out the changes on MTS2 (especially those that focus on welcoming "newbies" as promised) and do what I can to help with that endeavor.
All new lots (with the exception of the Gwrych lots and the Holiday Project) will be created with the base game and only 1 or 2 specific Expansion Packs and/or Stuff Packs. The use of Expansion Packs and Stuff Packs will be kept to a minimum in most lots unless otherwise specified.
Also in the New Year, I shall have many wonderful personal things to share! Until then, life is indeed quite a mystery.
Stephanie 2U
P.S. - Please keep in mind this is a working agenda. I will be SLOWLY completing the above mentioned items over an extended period of time, going well into the New Year. I will not crank out lots in large numbers as before as I intend to keep a balance in all things in the upcoming year.
Comments 15
My Apologies :(
Date Posted: 15th Jun 2008 at 11:42 PM
(UPDATED JULY 18, 2008)
Hi MTS2 Family!
For several weeks I attempted to motivate myself to build and get back into Simming. I even entered the game a few times, but inspiration has yet to return. I'm afraid I have Sim Designer's Block! Designing Sim lots has been a great diversion from reality. At some point I may return to Simming, but I'm afraid I must set all things Sim aside for now.
Of course, I'm sure it has more to do with my personal life at the moment. While the storms have calmed a bit, I am experiencing the most profound life transition. I shall tend to reality so I can get through this wondrous, (but difficult) storm and start life anew!
So until further notice...I will be but a whisper here at MTS2.
To those of you I've started projects with, I apologize. Laura, I will send you what we have so far and perhaps if you feel motivated to kickstart the castle, it will push me to complete it. DD, sorry but hopefully you and Laura can come up with a little something for DDI. Jason, I will help when I can (as I owe you so much regardless Bro - I've got your back!)
To fans of the Kensington Project...I apologize, but my heart isn't in it right now!
To Delphy and Staff...YOU GUYS know you ROCK! I will try to stick to my little promise of kickstarting the "newbies" support data as well as visiting the forums from time to time. I'll just need to see where my head is soon. At the moment, it's swarming outside of Simsville at full speed. So, when the twister stops, I'll return to keep my word. I do apologize for getting everyone motivated and then myself having to back out for a while! It really can't be helped I'm afraid.
Please don't be shocked if I don't respond to PMs or comments on my lots for a while. I won't be logging on to MTS2 that often (once every week or two)!
Take care all and happy Simming! :D
Comments 14
Entry 16: Fact or Fiction? - The Untouchables
Date Posted: 11th May 2008 at 3:26 PM
Journal Entry 16: Fact or Fiction? - The Untouchables
I decided to move this little discussion to it's own journal entry as it should have a life of it's own. In my past Journal entry the conversation kept coming back to this idea of the "untouchables" (Inner Circle, Chosen Ones, Secret Society). As a result of interaction between myself and Echo, I thought it best to let this unfold. I think everyone should read this if only to bring awareness to how you respond. Below is a lot of banter, a little of my opinion and quite a few "questions". I think everyone should freely express what you feel here without being hurtful to others. I've cut and pasted the relevant posts as the first entries so you can see what spurned this. Now...on with the TALK!
The purpose of this opened dialogue is to try to bridge the gap between Moderators and Other Downloaders/Creators, as well as Featured Creators and Other Downloaders/Creators. While my raging side is an AMAZON WARRIOR, that is not the direction I wish for this conversation to take. Cavepeople tuck your CLUBS away!
Much of the "distance" that exists is because we all bring our own baggage. I.E. - In American business those in power often distance themselves. This creates an unspoken divide. Over time it can turn into something UGLY. ALL parties have to take responsibility for creating the divide.
To Moderators:
I know this sucks, but people in power have a certain responsibility to have success. IMO -the biggest job of the MODS is to try to be helpful while keeping your cool without sacrifing yourself in the process. In fairness, a few of you are always "DIPLOMATIC". I do realize that after telling someone something for the zillionth time it's difficult not to tear them a new hole. I only ask that you look at your responses over time and reflect on that. Ask yourself: How can I approach people in a different way so THEY won't feel "intimidated" by the response. (Note: Set aside the ideas of not being responsible for other's feelings and the limits of I-net communication.) How often do I welcome newcomers? How do I put the fires out? Unfortunately, if the fires are handled with more fire, it will spread. Are "picked" and "Featured" creations an honest reflection of all the talent at MTS2? How does this come across to the average downloader? Do you really care about what you do? Do you resent the fact that so many people seem ungrateful?
To Featured Creators: I think it is nice to relate to other creators as equals in the sense we all share our creations and this is risky business. When you received your first trophy, what changes happened in you? Did you change how you respond to everyone else? Do you spend any time offering positive feedback to those aspiring to be Featured? While you may see yourself as "arriving", you must realize that with great reward comes greater responsibilty. I'm not saying to become "Dudley do good!" I'm just saying to remember that people come from so many walks of life, are various ages and their culture may not be the same as yours.
To Other Downloaders/Creators:
What are your personal feelings when you see the word Moderator and/or Featured Creator? Do you make heroes of them without their permission? Do you want what they've accomplished over time? Do you give MODS their props (congratulations) for all they do? Do you approach them with respect? Do you judge them all as 1? How do you handle disagreements? I think many among us have stopped seeing the Moderators as human.
Overall, we must regain the human factor (thank you for pointing this out Vera Marina) without sacrificing self so MTS2 can be the STRONGEST Sim Community in existence.
What do YOU honestly think?
End of Journal Entry 16: Fact or Fiction? - The Untouchables
Comments 63