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The True Value of Sim Creations

Date Posted: 4th May 2008 at 8:38 PM

DIARY TOPIC 15:The True Value of Sim Creations - Who should decide?

1.The Naysayer -ALWAYS finding reasons to dislike a creation
2.The Close-minded -Hating ALL creations by specific creators
3.The Hero Hater -Hating creations because their favorite creators do/ Can only be devoted to 1 awesome creator
4.The "Anti" Hater -Hating specific genres of creation (sci-fi, intellectual, modern, traditional, etc.)
5.The Elitist -Hating because your collective group has secretly deemed a creator/creation mediocre
6.The Comparison Crew -Hating as a result of simplistic comparisons
7.The Competitor -Hating those who create similar work
8.The Envious -Haters Without A Cause -Hating those who ALWAYS "seem" to do exceptional work
9.The Outright Hater -Haters Just Because -Hating because "there is just something I don't like about this creation/creator"
10.The Picture Judge -Hating based on an image alone
11.The Bandwagon Downloader -Only downloading creations deemed worthy by stars, trophies or high downloads

1.The Eternal Optimists -Downloading because all creations have value
2.The Open-Minded -Downloading to see if a creation is worthy or easily adaptable to have personal worth for you
3.The Die-Hard Fan -Downloading creations by a specific creator because you are in awe of and respect their work
4.The Hero Worshipper -Downloading because you are thankful someone created something you wanted or wished you could create
5.The Intellectual -Downloading because you relate to someone based on their comments and have a genuine interest in how their intellect translates into creations
6.The Variety Downloader -Downloading from various creators because they offer a variety of creations in many different styles
7.The Comparison Crew -Downloading someone you deem great in order to compare him/her to others you think are great
8.The Competitor -Downloading to compare other's creations to yours (often realizing the creators talent is greater)
9.The Envious -Downloading someone you have a love/hate relationship with but would never admit to downloading their work
10.The Enamoured -Downloading someone's creations religiously - no matter how good, bad or ugly
11.The In-Game Downloader -Downloading creations to put in your game to ensure yourself it lives up to the greatness you see in the images
12.The Curious Downloader -Downloading a creation to see if it has untapped potential

Your downloader type can impact your comments. What sort of downloader are you? While I appreciate people taking time to comment on my creations (as I gain valuable insight from ALL comments), I take it all in stride. The POWER should belong to the Creator, not the Downloader or Moderators. Moderators and Downloaders can only add or detract value from your creations IF you accept what is said as the ultimate truth. My personal preference is to keep grounded and not "seek" accolades. "I" must deem each creation as worthy of sharing with others and thereby being the first judge of value.

The Creator Challenges and Value
I have a love/hate relationship with the Creator Challenges. The Good: a great way to share my creations, rejuvenate my creative side & push myself to create something greater than before. The Bad: "my" reason for creating is taking a backseat to competition. Lately, I find myself trying to regain control of "who I am" as a creator as opposed to who others "think" me to be. For me it's really not about "winning" but about expressing myself and sharing the results. Having my Jetsons lots Featured left feelings of great pride, overwhelmed anxiety & giddish excitement. Eventually, I began to feel undervalued. Why undervalued? 1st -It took my exceeding the quality of what many other Featured Creators produced in order to be "socially recognized". 2nd -I've created several equally impressive lots that are buried away in my profile because they have no stars. 3rd -My downloads for the Jetsons skyrocketed from 900 to 10,000. Does it take a trophy in the Featured section for lots to be truly appreciated? For me, the 900 downloads have equal value to the 10,000. 4th -It is so strange that creators have to "prove" themselves in a community that exists for FUN. For the sake of preserving my intentions, my future entries will be 1 lot as I don't want my entries to be seen as the product of a grandiose "show-off" trying to outshine others. That's not who I am and not the value I place on my creations. I can't lose sight of this.

MTS2 Community Accolades
I was really "curious" about what it would take for my creations to be recognized enough to be "Picked" and "Featured" by the MTS2 staff. I joked about sacrificing my first born in one of my Jetsons' posts, but it REALLY feels that way. Oddly enough, if you are not part of the greater MTS2 Inner Circle (which seems intentionally exclusive), then you must work twice as hard to prove your work worthy of community acceptance! Yeah! I know people hate when I say such things, but this is MY reality and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way. Why do I waste time thinking these thoughts when it REALLY DOESN'T MATTER?

It sure would be nice if every creation, no matter how seemingly great or small was accepted at face value. My theory is that if an object receives 1 download, it has great value to someone other than the creator. Popularity "downloading" is another story entirely.

Personal Value
People will always assign personal value to your creations. There are benefits to doing this. Good comments can be uplifting and constructive comments can drive you to do better next time. However, true value starts within. Sappy? Yes, but helpful to regain pride in your work. I think it's so important to own how YOU feel about each creation BEFORE you present it to the Sim community. Your initial feelings about your creations SHOULD far outweigh how others view them. By assigning value to your own work, it becomes easier to accept the opinions of others. After owning your feelings about your creations, give a little thought to how the opinions of others will impact you. Avoid wrapping your worth in the number of downloads a creation receives. Separate constructive criticism from nasty opinion. With each creation, try something new. Keep in mind competitions can be great if your first competitor is self. It's all good.

:lovestruc THE TRUE VALUE OF A SIM CREATION :lovestruc
The true value of a Sim Creation is the creators initial reaction to his/her work upon completion. Assigning internal value to your creations allows you to keep the external value shared by others in perspective and helps you to grow as a creator.

END OF DIARY TOPIC 15: The True Value of Sim Creations
Comments 34
Sim Creation Vacation In Kensington *giggles*

Date Posted: 26th Apr 2008 at 2:46 PM

DIARY TOPIC 14: Sim Creation Vacation in Kensington

Well Ladies and Gentlemen,
Once again, it is time for a Sim Creation Vacation! I decided to spend my vacation in the Victorian London Kensington District (which has grown thanks to the many lots and objects I've added from other creators). I've been on a major downloading spree and have organized all of my Victorian London finds. This shall be a most pleasant trip I'm sure. Not to worry! I'll take a few snapshops of my adventure so I can share them when I return.

About the Kensington Project...
Please do enjoy the downloads. I was hoping to post this on April 24th (my birthday), but today is just as well. The Kensington Project is my gift to the Sims community as I will not upload anything new for a few weeks.

Take a look at the project. I KNOW it looks overwhelming, but really it isn't. There are 7 lots to add to your Victorian community. You can pick and choose which lots you would like to have. Then, select which type of "content" lot you want to download for each. Don't let the CC scare you away as there are NO CC Versions, Textures Only Versions, Limited Versions and Loaded Versions to choose from.

Each lot in the Kensington Collection is special to me. My favorite lot thus far is Leighton House. I fancy myself a bit of an artist, so of course I love the Leighton House. But it is much more magical inside than outside. Arab Hall is very unique and the tiled foyer will mesmerize. Not to mention, the Art Studios (2 connected rooms) are the envy of all artists with grand windows and several spaces to create and display your artwork! YOU MUST download Leighton House if no other lot in the collection. I promise you won't be disappointed.

Here are a few tempting photos of the Leighton House Studios.

Note To Self
Create custom paintings to replace the custom wall paintings at some point.
First I must convince myself to break my Trek-like thought pattern..."I'm a builder, not a mesher." We shall see.

Top 4 Kensington Lots for Me:
1st Leighton House
2nd Natural History Museum
3rd Peabody Tenements
4th Royal College of Music

For the first week I will NOT be checking e-mail OR logging in to MTS2 (except to DOWNLOAD more stuff). After Saturday, I will be logging in to MTS2 and checking e-mail but still on vacation. My lot creations will remain on hold for a few weeks. I shall return to create Parts 3 and 4 of the Kensington Collection and FINALLY to present the Gwyrich Project with Lauralaima. I also have quite a few ideas floating around in my head, so I look forward to my return.

Enjoy the downloads everyone!

END OF DIARY TOPIC 14: Sim Creation Vacation in Kensington!
Comments 10
Soapbox Sim Rant (Death to Custom Content)

Date Posted: 5th Apr 2008 at 7:26 AM


------ My name is StephSim and I "LOVE" Custom Content! ----

I really question the growing trend of "NO CC"! This NOVEL is not meant to bash the "NO CC SUPPORTERS". I'm just curious to know why many among us act as though including custom content in lots is "EVIL"! Au contraire.

1. It's far more difficult to create a lot without CC. - For me, 1 is no more difficult than the other. It depends on the creation. I find it MORE challenging to find CC items and then create a design around those items than to create a lot without CC. Regardless, my lots are not about the CC, but about the design.
2. It's better to download lots that have no CC. - This comes down to personal preference or the "idea" that CC lots are corrupt. All creators do not use the same amount of CC: some tons, some use minimal & some rarely use CC. Others use ALL forms of CC in lots, while others limit which type of CC they use. Also, Sims 2 is much more stable than Sims 1 ever was. My experiences downloading lots has had very little negative impact with my game crashing. CC is not "evil".

Issues Against the "Down With Custom Content Movement" For Lots:
1. Object Creators in General, Build Mode Objects Creators, Objects and Achieving An Authentic Look- Many object creators love to share their items with the hopes that people will use them in their games as well as in uploaded lots. Many Build Mode objects are artistic creations that make a BIG difference in how a lot turns out (like macarossi's windows/doors and nanisim's build mode items).
2.Freedom of Choice - Whatever happened to just downloading what you like without whining about what you don't? Not everyone likes Custom Content. I appreciate that. This does not mean that people who do are crazed. Besides, some people prefer to instantly play without having to decorate, landscape or look at the usual Maxis/EA objects.

Disadvantages of Including Custom Content
1. Too much CC may cause your game to lag/crash / 2. CC can take up unnecessary computer space / 3. Some people prefer to add their own CC

Solutions Or Insights to Disadvantages.
Don't download lots without checking the download size, Only download lots your computer can handle, Use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer to load the Lots ONLY OR to only Install the CC you want, Try to create your own version of lots you like, delete lots you fear are suspect and Understand that using ANY CC is a risk.

A lot of work goes into lot creations that contain CC. I do certain things BEFORE I include custom content in my lots: I decorate the interior of my lots with Maxis Objects/Furniture MOST of the time (which is why I use my Expansion Packs to have more objects to select from), I thoroughly test my lots for playability when including CC, I make sure the CC I use (mainly build mode items) works/loads, I fix or recreate problem CC lots, I have others test my lots, I am selective about CC using familiar CC, before I package a lot I open my Downloads Folder and check file sizes to replace large files, I try to use CC created by MTS2 creators AND I offer a variety of other downloads with Limited to No CC lots. Not to mention the time it takes to upload lots with CC.

While I have no intention of totally giving up Custom Content, I will try to create a few more lots with minimal to no CC. Downloaders need to be aware that lot designers do a lot to accommodate and share their creations. Knocking creations because of CC is ludicrous. Download what you like and leave everyone else in peace. I use build mode CC because I "want" to and I love the freedom of being able to. My challenge in lot design is not the lack of build mode items, but the inability to translate a real creation to a Sim creation without them from time to time. The general gist, MTS2 offers a variety and for good reason (and this is the beauty of it all): We don't ALL like the same types of lots!


Little to No CC: Contemporary Mountain Retreat, Harry Potter: Ragnuk's Kingdom (1 NO CC Version) & The Mediterranean Trio Lots. Textures Only OR Textures (5 or fewer Build Mode Objects): Desperate Housewives: Delfino Residence, Desperate Housewives: Unoccupied Blue House, Exclusive Lot: Carolina Estat, Harry Potter: #4 Privet Drive, Harry Potter: Grimmauld Place Single Lots, Harry Potter: Hogwarts (LARGER), Harry Potter: Quidditch Pitch, Halliwell Manor, Desperate Housewives: Solis Residence, Galaxia: Tera Luna, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Summer HOUSE, Harry Potter: The Forbidden Forrest, Desperate Housewives: Scavo Residence, Desperate Housewives: Unoccupied Yellow House, Harry Potter: Malfoy Manor, Harry Potter: The Burrow, Desperate Housewives: Hodge Residence & Desperate Housewives: Huber Residence. Texture Rich lots: Harry Potter: Hogsmeade Village & Diagon Alley and Harry Potter: Train Stations. Minimal to Moderate Textures / Limited to Moderate Build Mode CC: These includes: Charmed Halliwell Neighbor 1, Charmed Halliwell Neighbor 2, Countryside (Part I), Countryside (Part II), Countryside (Part III), Countryside (Part IV), Desperate Housewives: Britt Residence, Desperate Housewives: Mayer Residence, Desperate Housewives: Van de Kamp Residence, Desperate Housewives: Young Residence, Exclusive Lot: Holiday Hideaway, Galaxia: Cumulus Glacier, Galaxia: Tera Verde, Harry Potter: 4 Summer Cottages,Harry Potter: Azkaban Prison, Harry Potter: Godric's Hollow, Harry Potter: Grimmauld Neighborhood, Harry Potter: Smaller Hogwarts, Harry Potter: Little Hangleton, Harry Potter: Lovegood Home, Harry Potter: Ms. Figg's Cottage, Harry Potter: Ragnuk's Kingdom (Also a No CC Version), Harry Potter: Spinner's End, Harry Potter: St. Mungos Hospital, Harry Potter: Train Stations (Also A TEXTURES ONLY Version), Harry Potter: Tribute House (TEXTURE RICH), Silver Monkey: Dome of Doom, The Laurel Beach Lots, The Stepford Project Part 3 (3 Mansions), The Stepford Project Part 4 (Shops) & The Stepford Project Part 5 (Final Mansion) . Heavy CC: Exclusive Lot: Australia's Serendipity Lavender Farm, Exclusive Lot: Chesire Botanical Gardens, Galaxia: Sim Fleet Titan, Harry Potter: Shell Cottage, Harry Potter: The Ministry of Magic, The Jetsons Neighborhood (7 Lots), The Stepford Project Part 1 (2 Mansions) & The Stepford Project Part 2 (Community Lots).
Comments 35
Sim Vacation Countdown and OTHER STUFF

Date Posted: 29th Mar 2008 at 6:24 AM

DIARY TOPIC 12: Sim Vacation Countdown and OTHER STUFF!

A wise person asked if I ACTUALLY plan to take my Sim Vacation! I decided to put it in words as then it MUST be law! :D

April 22nd is the deadline for the Victorian by April 18th I will be submitting my last few pre-vacation things.

1. Complete and submit the Gwrych Project with Lauralaima as part of the Deluxe Designers Inc. creations!

2. Complete and submit my Victorian London Project (which is off to a good start). Since I won't be uploading anything new for a month after I submit this project, I am creating several lots for this upload. Whatever I have complete by April 18th is what I will submit!

3. Texture Harry Potter Trunks and convince Jason the :cylon:Sci-fi King to package them for me. I will hopefully be adding them to the Hogwart's Castle and King's Cross downloads pages.

* PROBLEMS WITH MY DOWNLOADS - Please don't be shy about letting me know if you are having trouble with one of my downloads. I try to make sure they are all working and I will do what I can to fix them.

* NO MORE STUFF PACKS - ALL of my lots have been updated to work without STUFF Packs. If you couldn't download lots from my Desperate Housewives Collection, my Harry Potter Collection or any of my other collections because of the STUFF packs, you can grab the lot(s) now! :D

* LOTS NOW SHOWING IN LOTS BIN - A few of my lots were not showing in the LOTS BIN as a result of the object file names. I have fixed each lot and renamed my files to prevent this from happening, SO...feel free to download those lots again!

*THANK YOU STARFISH OF TERROR - I wanted to say a special thank you to Starfish_of_Terror for helping to test my "FIXED" lots to make sure they worked in the game. I really appreciate your help with that! So, if you were having trouble (especially with a few of the Potter lots - Godric's Hollow, St. Mungo's Hospital, Shell Cottage, Ms. Figg's Cottage, etc.) they have been updated and will now show in the LOTS BIN! :D

*VACATION NOTES - My vacation will start on April 18th. I will take up to 1 month off from creating things Sim.

*AFTER MY SIM VACATION - When my Sim Vacation is over, I am planning to create a few Nontraditional Starter Homes and a few Fairy Tale lots!

stephanie b.

As always, ENJOY the downloads!

END OF DIARY ENTRY 12: Sim Vacation Countdown and OTHER STUFF!
Comments 0

Date Posted: 19th Mar 2008 at 5:54 AM


Note: For anyone loading a lot or downloading a lot with this issue.

THE PROBLEM: (Lots Not Showing In The Lots Bin)
Someone downloads a lot. They click on the Sims2Pack Clean Installer file and install the lot. When they enter the game, the lot is not in the lots bin. If any file in your Downloads Folder has a non-basic English character (other than A-Z, 0-9, underscore, etc.) then Sims2Pack has trouble reading those characters so the lot never shows up in the game but the objects do.

Install everything in the lot package ( Sims2Pack Clean Installer). Go into your Downloads Folder and rename the download files (walls, floors, terrains, objects) that have Non-Standard English characters. Go into your Teleport Folder, delete the file(s) in there.
Read Carefully:
Install the lot file AGAIN (Sims2Pack Clean Installer) BUT this time, uncheck the PREVIEW BOX and CLICK on the icon of the LOT ONLY to install only the lot. (You already have the downloads installed). Then click install. Once you enter the game, the lot should now be in your lots bin!

Here is a step-by-step account of what happens from my end just to make sure I am explaining it right and hopefully everyone can see what happens or where the problem comes in.

I attempt to load the original version of my Shell Cottage lot (because I KNOW that it will NOT SHOW in the Lots bin). I created a set of floor textures and used an "&" in the floor texture package name. They have names like "floor_sb08redmulch&grass2". The Sims 2 lot package is called sb08HPCShellCottage. The lot package has a regular name.

1. I have nothing in my Downloads Folder except the Enabler Color Options file. The Teleport Folder is empty.

2. I click on the ShellCottage Sims2Pack. Clean Installer opens the file. I change nothing. The Preview box is checked. I click install! The default is set to go to the Teleport Folder. I click install again.

3. BEFORE ENTERING THE GAME. The files all show up in the downloads folder. I have 8 floors that use the & in my Downloads Folder. The Teleport Folder is still empty.

4. I load The Sims 2 game. The lot is NOT in the Lots Bin. I minimize the game. The Downloads Folder is the same. The Teleport Folder now has a Sim2 Temp File named 44ec0bdc623eda3936c3f102f40521b3.

5. I exit the game. THINKING ALOUD: OMG! Here's how "I" created empty packages. The first time I did this, I reloaded the lot package again immediately after exiting the game! (You know gotta try it 1 more time just in case I didn't do something correct the first time.) I'll do that...This is where the Empty Packages came in BECAUSE (DUH!). There are now duplicates of the same file which is probably very confusing for the installer! There are now 2 files in the Teleport Folder. 1 File opens and it has the lot and a few of the download objects labeled as "empty packages" (a Sims Import File) and a 2nd file with the same name and absolutely nothing in it (a Sims2 Temp File)!

6. I will enter the game again (as that is what I did the very first time this happened before trying something new). Of course, the lot is STILL not in the Lots Bin. I exit the game. Now there is only the Sims 2 Temp File in the Teleport Folder with nothing in it.

7. I clear everything out of the Teleport Folder and the Downloads Folder (except the Color Enabler File). Must start "fresh" to get to the solution.

8. I click on the Sims2Pack for Shell Cottage again and click install twice to install the lot with objects without changing anything. There are now 2 Files in the Teleport Folder (a Sims2 Temp File and a Sims2ImportFile). The object files are in the Downloads Folder. I go into the Downloads Folder and rename those Non-Standard files (in my case removing the "&"). I also open the Teleport Folder and delete any files in it.

9. I reinstall the LOT ONLY in the Sims by clicking on the Sims2Pack for Shell Cottage since I already have the objects in the game, unchecking the Preview box and clicking on the House Lot to install ONLY the lot. I enter the game. The lot shows! :D

10. I repackage the lot. When I exit, there is nothing in the Teleport Folder. After clearing the Downloads Folder (except the Enabler file), I reinstall the newly packaged lot to make sure it works correctly. It loads properly.

1. Unchecking the oddly named files during an install did not work. That was probably because the name you see in Sims2Pack Clean installer is not necessarily the name of the file. The lot didn't show in the lots bin.

2. Of course, installing the Lot Only worked as well. However, the lot looks different without the decorative objects. This is however an option if you prefer not to tinker with files a little. It's painless and actually works!

Original Info I found when trying to find a solution as to why lots did not show in the lots bin:

- Every once in a while some fluke thing happens and a lot is actually corrupt, but this is indeed rare. As the causes for corrupt files can be numerous, I won't even attempt to understand that. Usually, you can identify a corrupt file easily because it often won't open in the Sims2Pack stage or it loads in the lots bin but when you click on it "strange" things happen from brief flashes, returning you to the deskptop while minimizing or crashing and kicking you out of the game. Don't try to fix these files, but get rid of them.

- The Sims 2 is much more stable with lots and having custom content than Sims 1. I have found that it is rarely the custom content that causes problems as it is simple things like how programs read or intrepret custom content. The files themselves were fine, but file names are crucial.

File names that use English text A-Z, 0-9, hyphen and the underscore will work best to prevent lots from not showing in the lots bin. Accent marks(ö ü é ï ô) over letters really are difficult for the Sims2Pack (which is a blessing to the Sims community) to read. This is not to dishonor cultural language markings. If you find a file like this in your downloads, be sure to change the file name (WITH PERMISSION FROM THE CREATOR) BEFORE PACKAGING THE LOT if you are uploading the file in a lot. It's also wise to carefully search the files you installed. I originally overlooked the file that caused this error in the Lavender Farm lot. Several of my Harry Potter lots had files with Non-standard English characters as well. The best thing to do is keep the package file names simple and hopefully it will prevent this from happening!


Comments 8
DIARY TOPIC 10: In And Out Of The Shadows!

Date Posted: 3rd Mar 2008 at 7:59 AM

DIARY TOPIC 10: In And Out Of The Shadows!
UPDATED: 3/18 /08

What Remains For March!
1. Work on the "Shadows of Gwyrich" Project
2. Work on Harry Potter Travel Trunk(s)
3. Work on Victorian London Challenge

The Completion Date for the "Shadows of Gwyrich" Project (3 Lots) will be announced as we are close to completing it.

* Final Lots Uploaded for The Stepford Project
* Created a massive set of Starfleet Academy Walls
* Added Link for Jetson Build Items
* Added Unfurnished Jetson Lots
* Added Jetson Walls/Floors
* Un"Stuff"ed the Galaxia Collection (4 Lots)
* Un"Stuff"ed Entire Desperate Housewives Collection (11 Lots)
* Play Tested & Updated All Jetsons' Furnished Lots (7 Lots)
* UNSTUFFED all Harry Potter Lots (50 Lots total) - Added a few more!
* UNSTUFFED The Mediterranean Collection, Cheshire Botanical Gardens, Contemporary Mountain Retreat, Holiday Hideaway (Christmas Lot), Carolina Southern Charm lot

I will be "in the shadows" updating past lots. In addition, Lauralaima and I will begin work on the "Shadows of Gwyrich" Project. When the above mentioned things are complete, I will be "out of the shadows" and taking a Sim Vacation (at least 4-5 weeks) and will ACTUALLY spend time PLAYING the GAME. The ONLY creation I will be working on is my entry for the Victorian London Challenge. When my hiatus is over, I will once again return to creating exciting NEW lots!

stephanie b.
END OF DIARY ENTRY 10: In And Out Of The Shadows!
Comments 1
DIARY ENTRY 9: Sci-fi On The Brain

Date Posted: 9th Feb 2008 at 11:35 AM

DIARY TOPIC 9: Sci-fi On The Brain!
:cylon:UPDATED 2-27-08:cylon:

My Sci-fi "Challenge" entry is FINALLY COMPLETE! The Project centered around the cartoon show "The Jetsons". It has been fun, but an exhausting experience! Initially, I was going to create The Jetson apartment complex, but it did not translate well in the game in it's original form. So, I downsized it and really went all out with decorating it. Then, I decided to make an entire neighborhood. After all, you can't have the Jetson's home without a neighborhood.

The Jetsons Project includes the following 7 lots:

Residential Jetson Lots
Sky Pad Apartments (Jetson Home)
Air View Condominium (stephanie b. creation)
Meteor Manor (stephanie b. creation)

Community Jetson Lots
Little Dipper School, Orbit High School and Galaxy Library
Spacely Space Sprockets Inc. and Cogswell Cogs Businesses
Shopping Center (Grocers, Pet Store, Hair Salon, Clothing Store, Cafeteria)
Moonlight Retreat (stephanie b. creation modeled after the Jetson's Moonlight Club)

As most know by now, I coerced Mr. Duskey into creating a few FABULOUS meshes for my little project! (Thanks my friend for your patience and kindness in spite of the constant demands and threats of violence! )

* Special Made Furniture and Jetson Objects compliments of Jason Duskey
(Chairs, Desks, Jetson Interior Decor [Lighting], Building Signs, etc.)
* Appears to float above the sky
* Working Elevator Tubes
(Using the Invisible Tile by Frillen, the Seamless Glass Windows/Doors by Numenor and the Ascension Stair/Elevator by Targa)
* Floating lawns in Moonlight Retreat
* Decorated (mainly with Maxis/EA furnishing) with Jetson Ambiance and Functionality in Mind
* Unique Swimming Pools and Floating Parks
* Has a Cartoony, yet Sim Realistic Feel
* Includes Lots for Living, Work and Play
* Each lot offers something different!

Favorite Lots:
Meteor Manor and Moonlight Retreat

This FUN little entry signifies my move away from the traditional for a while into my FANTASY PERIOD (which won't include too many "picket fences".)

stephanie b.
END OF DIARY ENTRY 9: Sci-fi On The Brain
Comments 5
Diary of a Sim Builder: Coming To A Neighborhood Near You!

Date Posted: 16th Jan 2008 at 1:13 PM


The updating of lots previously submitted to MTS2 is postponed until AFTER I complete my Sci-fi project.

COMPLETE: Initiating Stepford Project
I have teamed up with Deluxe Designs and we are working to bring the luxury of Stepford, Connecticut (a fictitious town where all the men are happy and all the women are "perfect") to you. The project is being uploaded in separate parts under the Deluxe Designers Inc. name and is well underway. Be sure to check the D.D.I. profile page for information concerning the Stepford Collection! :D

I have submitted all of my old collections to MTS2. :D

stephanie b.
Comments 4
DIARY OF A SIM BUILDER: What's To Come (Entry Complete)

Date Posted: 30th Dec 2007 at 7:32 PM


Well, the New Year is HERE and I am anxious to get closure on things from the past and create new lots. I have decided to remove the STUFF packs from my computer to make my lots available to more users! This will impact future downloads as of January 2008. Here are my plans for the New Year !

Complete My Farm Lot for the Farm Contest (Just For The Fun Of It!)

Work on the Stepford Project (a request).

Upload My "Countryside Collection"

P.S. - I will also be creating a few walls for my Sci-fi King! ...
Don't worry J-! Evil computer issues will not prevent me from keeping a promise! I hope everyone's holiday was what you wished it to be!

stephanie b.
Comments 1
DIARY OF A SIM BUILDER: Goodbye 4 Now! Vacation Abounds!

Date Posted: 16th Dec 2007 at 2:16 AM


With the Harry Potter Collection behind me, it is time to move on! Christmas is days away and it is now time for me to focus on my nonSim life! I hope everyone here at MTS2 has a WONDERFUL Christmas, a JOYOUS Holiday Season and a SPECTACULAR New Year!

While I will be checking e-mail and creating a few walls for special projects, I will not be uploading, editing or creating lots for the next 20 days.

Sim Plans When I Return:
Upload the Remainder of My Sims 2 Collections to MTS2.
Create a few houses requested as I began the Harry Potter Project!
Select and Begin A Small, New Project From My Project List (See Journal)

There will be limited large projects in the future (like the Harry Potter Collection). Most of my collections from here on will only contain 3-4 lots.

Take care and until NEXT YEAR!
stephanie b.

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