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Date Posted: 28th Nov 2007 at 1:39 PM


I want my Journal to be the place to look for updates/changes, release dates, future design plans or general banter (about Simming or life things that impact Simming) So, I decided to ORGANIZE my Journal so that I can update topics as I need to without creating a new entry for each update. Unfortunately to do this I had to recreate the Journal, which meant I lost past comments. I apologize to everyone whose comments were lost because of this!

PLEASE feel free to leave comments. I often learn stuff about my downloads from these comments and value the input! For future reference, I provided a growing Table of Contents for my Journal. It is the first post, which means it is located at the END of my Journal. Start there if you are looking for a specific topic!

Comments 1
DIARY OF A SIM BUILDER: General Information

Date Posted: 17th Nov 2007 at 4:47 PM

DIARY TOPIC 4: General Information

I usually build 3 or 4 houses in a collection. The houses move from starter houses to mansions or cheap houses to expensive ones to offer variety. I tend not to use user creator objects to decorate unless they can be uploaded in lots. I don't always decorate, but try to.

Starting January of 2008, my lots will be created using the base game and the core Expansion Packs. You will no longer need the STUFF packs to download my newer lots. Eventually, I will update all of my MTS2 lots so they will not require STUFF packs.

All stephanie b. walls, floors and ground covers included in houses downloaded from MTS2 can be FREELY used in lot creations on any free or pay site as long as I receive credit for the textures. Please do not post my textures (walls, floors or groundcovers) or lots on other sites without my permission or edit them and reupload them as your own without giving me credit for the original design. If you use any of my lots in a Sim movie or Sim Story, drop me a line so I can see your creation! Credit for my lots would be nice, but is not required when used in Sim Stories or Sim movies. Thank you!

I'm always working on some lot or project. However, I am opened to requests. Don't be afraid to ask. If I am not totally swamped, I may be able to take your request. (See my Journal for details of what I may be involved in at any given moment!)

END OF DIARY ENTRY 4: General Information

Comments 0
DIARY OF A SIM BUILDER: Harry Potter Collection

Date Posted: 17th Nov 2007 at 4:36 PM

DIARY TOPIC 3: Harry Potter Collection

I began the Harry Potter Collection in September of 2007. What started as a neighborhood for my son and I to play in has turned into over 30 Harry Potter downloads! As I explore my Harry Potter neighborhood, I feel a sense of overwhelming pride! Creating this collection was great fun as I always felt the support of those who LOVE all things Potter! Needless to say, I know others are TIRED of those StephSim Harry Potter uploads! Alas, it has come to an end! How Bitter Sweet! (See My Downloads to collect the Harry Potter Lots)

The Summer Houses are a figment of my imagination because I wanted the students to have a safe place to go during the summer if they had no other recourse (as Harry often did). If a student is having trouble at home or a serious issue they need to resolve, they will receive an invitation when they ask for help aloud. The Summer Houses are ran by House Ghosts, who send student opened invitations. If a student declines the invitation, the talking message self-destructs and the student has no memory of ever receiving it. If a student accepts the invitation, they are transported to the summer house for their Hogwarts house. The student can remain at the getaway for a week at the most and cannot invite guests. All memories are erased upon exiting the cottage by the House Ghost (except any solutions for a problem).

The houses are cottages. They change to accommodate the occupants at the time. There are shared spaces like a garden, a pool, a dining hall and a common room. The shared rooms stack are to the front of the lot. The sleeping quarters will stack upwards at the rear of the lot. Additional bedrooms (with bathrooms) are added on as each guest arrives and will reflect the occupants of the rooms. The Summer Houses will be decorated in the colors of the Hogwarts House it represents. The houses should not be seen as a stationary places because each moves when the next person needs it and accepts an invitation. It basically exists everywhere, but nowhere! :D

The Harry Potter Tribute Lot will serve 2 purposes: the future home to Harry Potter as an adult and his family, and it will also include a few EXTRA walls from my entire collection. The extension walls can be found in the Potter garage. Once you have uploaded the house into your game, you can simply repaint the garage walls and remove the extra interior walls. Then, you will have a perfect tribute house for the future Harry clan and the walls to add extra "kick" to your other Potter lots.

As of January 2008, I will be slowly updating all my Harry Potter lots so they will not require STUFF packs to download.

Shell Cottage, The Harry Potter Shops (Hogsmeade, Shrieking Shack and Diagon Alley) and The Harry Potter Train Stations are all "PICKED" lots!

Mood: Luff
Comments 0

Date Posted: 17th Nov 2007 at 4:35 PM

1. City Hall
2. City Squares (multiple buildings for different purposes art museum, studios, etc.)
3. Fire Station (Community and/or Residential Versions)
4. Police Station (Community and/or Residential Versions)
5. Airport
6. Seaport
7. Train Station
8. Travel Agency
9. Telephone Company
10. Lumber Mill
11. Landfill/Recycling
12. Power Plant
13. Home Improvement Lots
Consignment/Pawn Shop, Bank, Real Estate Agency, Home Supply Depot, Interior Designer
14. Vanity Lots
Beauty/Barber Store, Beauty Shop, Barber Shop, Modeling Agency, Photography Studio
15. Open Food Market
16. Coffee Shop
17. Collection Agency
18. Detective Agency
19. Social Services Lots
Community Thrift Store, Food Bank, Soup Kitchen, Homeless Shelter, Youth Center, General Offices
20. Hospital (Residential Version with Pharmacy and Helicopter)
21. Medical Center
(General Practioner, Dental Clinic, Plastic Surgeon and Pharmacy)
Simtopia Falls Retreat (Commercial with Hotel)
Hope Springs Lodge (Psychiatric Sanitorium - HOTEL "?")
22. Gas Station & Mechanics
23. Taxi Company
24. Car Dealership
25.Parking Lot
26. Rest Stop
27. Playgrounds
28. City Park
29. Cyber Cafe
30. Kidland Restaurant
31. Family Restaurant
32. Themed Food Park
33. Coffee Shop
34. Grocery Store
35. Bakery /Sweets Shop (Baked Good, Ice Cream, Candy Store)
36. Flower Shop
37. Book Store
38. Electronics Store
39. Music Store
40. Art Store
41. Furniture Store
42. Pet Store and/or Veterinary
43. Toy Store
44. Church and/or Cathedral
45. Cemetary
46. Funeral Home
47. Television Studio
48. Radio Station
49. News Station
50. Newspaper Company
51. Movie Studio
52. Department Store
53. Clothing Stores (male, female, childrens, family, wedding, sports)
54. Design Agency
(Administrative Offices, Design Department, Sewing Department, Modeling Department, Show Room, Sale Floor)
55. Cleaners and/or Laundry Mat
56. Clothing Donation Center
57. Alteration Shop
58. Mystic Shops (Mystical clothing, clutter and accesories)
59. Community Center
60. Performance Arts Theatre
61. Art Gallery
62. Museum
63. Opera House
64. Bowling Alley
65. Sports Center / Gym
66. Spa
67. Basketball Court
68. Soccer Field
69. Golf Course
70. Skate Park
71. Outdoor Lake with Park
72. Community Gardens
73. Zoo
74. Fair Grounds
75. Post Office
76. Library
77. Arcade
78. Movie Theatre
79. Dance Club, Karaoke Bar, Piano Bar, Sports Bar
80. Day Care
81. Elementary School
82. Middle School
83. High School
84. Dance School
85. Art School
86. Police Academy
87. Magic Arts Academy
88. Star Trek Convention Hall
89. 4 University Squares

University Square 1
Central Square surrounded by 4 places - 1 Student Garden/Lake/Barbecue Park, Administrative Building, Student Hall with Cafeteria/Book Store and Activity Room, Chapel)

University Square 2
Central Square surrounded by 4 places - centralized Clock Tower/Statues, Camp Ground with Outdoor Eateries,
Campus Plaza (Arcade, Movie Theatre, Bowling Alley), Amphitheatre, Indoor Skating Rink

University Square 3
Central Square surrounded by 4 places - Student Parking, Library, Gym with Indoor Pool, Sports Field

University Square 4
Central Square surrounded by 4 places - Faculty Dining Hall, Faculty Lounge, Faculty Offices, Faculty Parking

90. Science Hall
(Zoology, Biology, Chemistry, Botany, Anatomy, Computer, Physics, Oceanography),
91. General Studies Hall
(Math, History, Literature), Medical Hall & Hospital, Galactic Hall (Space Studies)
92. Fine Arts Hall
(Music, Dance, Architectures, Photography, Theatre, Sculpting, Drawing/Painting, Computer Graphics - Be sure to include an amphitheatre), Magic Arts Hall, Mechanics Hall, Foreign Studies Hall
93. Technology Hall
94.Sports Hall with Life Guard Station (Beach Area)
95.Religion Hall
96.Agricultural and Forestry Hall
97. Book Stores
98. Publishing Company
Comments 0
DIARY OF A SIM BUILDER: Table of Contents

Date Posted: 17th Nov 2007 at 4:33 PM

Journal Table of Contents

Diary Entry 1: Journal Table of Contents
Diary Entry 2: My Projects
Diary Entry 3: Harry Potter Collection
Diary Entry 4: General Information (About My Creations)
Diary Entry 5: About My Journal
Diary Entry 6: Goodbye 4 Now! Vacation Abounds!
Diary Entry 7: What's To Come
Diary Entry 8: Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
Diary Entry 9: Sci-fi On The Brain
Diary Entry 10: In And Out of The Shadows
Diary Entry 11: Lots Not Showing In The Lots Bin
Diary Entry 12: Sim Vacation Countdown & OTHER STUFF
Diary Entry 13: Soapbox Sim Rant: Down With Custom Content
Diary Entry 14: Sim Creation Vacation In Kensington
Diary Entry 15: The True Value of Sim Creations
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