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Date Posted: 14th Nov 2010 at 11:00 PM

I just noticed that I've got a new badge: Journalist. Cute! I never thought my ramblings would qualify as an achievement, though; reading them without being bored to tears, yes, but not writing them. But it's fun to see all the new achievement badges! I should branch out so I can get more of them.
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*sob* *wail* *whimper*

Date Posted: 4th Nov 2010 at 11:46 AM

I currently have a brand new upload sitting in the moderation queue. This is something you haven't seen from me before:

Yes, it's a hack for sad, crying and otherwise morose in-game animations. I needed one of my poor Sims to sit down and cry for a story, but couldn't quite find what I needed... so I made what I needed instead.

It's already available on my blog, in case you are curious and don't want to wait.

Edit: Yowza, it went through the moderation queue in less than eight hours! Wheee!
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The Babylon Project, Pt. I

Date Posted: 17th Oct 2010 at 1:45 PM

For those of you who like Babylon 5, I've uploaded some Earthforce uniforms, along with stat bars and rank insignia, at Off World Adventures and at my blog Nixed Sims.

I will probably upload them here as well, eventually - I'm quite proud of them. But for now, Off Worlds and the blog is where you'll find them.
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Date Posted: 25th Sep 2010 at 5:50 PM

I just got a name change approved (from nixnivis to NixNivis) by telling the silliest story I've ever told in my entire life! It was quite fun to write, though - and much more fun than just saying "I'd like my name changed because when I signed up in 2006, I assumed it had to be all lower-case." I love the idea that you have to tell a silly story to get a name change!
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Would you look at that!

Date Posted: 24th Sep 2010 at 4:07 PM

It's always nice to come home after an overnight hospital stay (don't worry, it was planned, it wasn't an emergency or anything) and find that you've got another pick.

Only problem is, I now have five picks but only four "personal pick" slots, so I'll need to choose which ones I want to showcase. Decisions, decisions... not that I mind, though!
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There be blog here!

Date Posted: 21st Sep 2010 at 7:20 PM

I've finally got around to launching my very own Sims blog: Nixed Sims! (Just in case it isn't immediately clear, the name is a pun on my screen name, NixNivis - Nix, for short - because I'm silly like that. )

There isn't much there at the moment, just a couple of objects, but the plan is to put everything up there that I've posted here and at SimTrek 2 Boldly Go.

I'll keep posting my things in all the places I've used to - meaning here, at ST2BG and at Off World Adventures. I just felt that I wanted a place that was just mine and nobody else's (and I was too lazy to set one up for myself)... hence, blog.

So welcome to Nixed Sims!
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Date Posted: 2nd Sep 2010 at 9:37 PM

I just noticed that I've got a fourth pick! My TNG/VOY dress uniforms now have a little star as well, wheee!

Now, if this would only inspire me to get off my lazy behind and update those First Contact dress uniforms, as I've been meaning to do forever...
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Thought of the Day

Date Posted: 13th Aug 2010 at 10:14 AM

When you start having nightmares about BHAVs, it's time to put your posebox down and back away slooowly. :P
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Why do they do this to us? Why??

Date Posted: 9th Aug 2010 at 5:04 PM

So I'm making a posebox - Star Trek themed, of course. After careful consideration, I have come to the realisation that the reason the Sim's ring finger doesn't have its own joints, but is assigned partially to the pinky and partially to the middle finger, is because Maxis enjoys driving you insane by messing up your animations. *nods*

My life would be SO much easier if the ring finger had joints - or at least was assigned to the pinky only - but we can't have that, now can we? That makes far too much sense. Of course, for my own body meshes, I can easily reassign the ring finger to the pinky and solve the problem that way... but then that would only work for my meshes, not for in-game meshes or other custom meshes. They would still have the ring finger behave like it darn well pleases - and guess whose fault that would be? *sighs*

Having all fingers, or maybe all fingers except the thumb, assigned to the same joint(s) I could possibly understand, if the Sim/character/whatever don't have to be able to move its fingers all that much... but separate joints for four fingers? Out of five? Where's the logic in that?? Are Maxis afraid that we would immediately animate our Sims to give you the finger if we could animate all fingers individually or something?

Ah well. Back to trying to figure out how to make things look good despite oddly behaving fingers...

Edit: Woot! I just got my Sim to pout!! (Read that: I finally figured out how to correctly pull in-game facial animations.) This is so much FUN!!

(I still have a serious bone to pick with those ring fingers, though...)
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Times they are a-changing

Date Posted: 13th Jul 2010 at 7:16 AM

Major profile overhaul, because... well, because I felt like it.

The two Sims in the banner are a couple of my characters from the USS Strangelove RPG over at Sim Trek - 2 Boldly Go, and also in my stories on that same site. Their respective personalities made them perfect for illustrating my "dos" and "don'ts".

ETA: And now I've changed it to feature two versions of the same Sim. What can I say, she was more pleasant when she was younger.
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