From all the staff here at MTS, we'd like to wish all of our members and guests a Happy Holidays, and a Merry Christmas!
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UPDATE Jan 16: Lamp of Fire Warding

Date Posted: 17th Jan 2017 at 12:05 AM

Lamp of Fire Warding

Minor UPDATE January 16th, 2017:

This release changes the "Summon Fireflies" menu option to "Summon Butterflies" during the daytime (7:00 am to 6:59 pm). In addition, this menu option is now only displayed if Seasons (as well as Apartment Life) is installed.
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Lamp of Fire Warding

Date Posted: 15th Jan 2017 at 5:06 AM

Lamp of Fire Warding

This blessed Lamp burns with an everlasting flame, unceasingly protecting the whole lot from the dangers of fire. When fire breaks out and if Apartment Life is installed, a townie will be transformed into a good warlock who will extinguish the fire magically - otherwise, the lantern will call in a basegame firefighter.

When fire is detected, the lamp's candle acquires a red glow that lasts until the fire is extinguished. If the warlock is not up to the task, backup code will automatically put out any fires that remain. While in the alarm condition, several menu items are suppressed.

In normal conditions, the Lamp can create a good townie warlock to teach the Fire Prevention skill, raise Work interest and FreeTime Nature enthusiasm, increase grades points, magic skill and good alignment, and satisfy comfort, fun and social needs. If the teacher is a warlock, everyone present will become slightly Nicer, and the spellcaster can also bring happiness or summon fireflies to the lot.

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Typographical Update

Date Posted: 2nd Jan 2017 at 3:30 AM

Minor UPDATE January 1st, 2017:

The Orb & Pillars of Enlightenment

The Orb & Towers of Clarity

The Orb & Cone of Centring

This typographical update removes a redundant "The" from the Activation and Deactivation confirmation messages.
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The Orbuculum and Tripus of the Apprentice

Date Posted: 26th Dec 2016 at 2:23 AM

This crystal ball transforms a teen townie into a neutral spellcaster who can teach any of the basic seven skills and raise any of the 18 interests and 10 FreeTime enthusiasms, all selected at random.

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Crystal Balls: Restored Initial Effect and Light

Date Posted: 24th Dec 2016 at 6:39 AM

UPDATE December 23rd, 2016:

Lady Valentina's Crystal Ball, with Holder

The Orb & Pillars of Enlightenment

The Orb & Towers of Clarity

The Orb & Cone of Centring

This set of updates restores the operation of the crystal ball light and initial effect when a magic user begins a session. This feature apparently disappeared during the accreditation process.
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Orbs of Clarity and Centring

Date Posted: 18th Dec 2016 at 11:28 PM

The Orb & Towers of Clarity & The Orb & Cone of Centring

These crystal orbs transform townies into warlocks and witches to teach life skills, increase magic skills, raise school and college grades, and promote interests and enthusiasms. The magicians invoked by the orbs can also create a meal on demand, or - if the playable Sim has made friends with them - make any Sim on the lot into a magic user.

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College and Grade School ACCREDITATION

Date Posted: 17th Dec 2016 at 11:40 PM

Dec. 17th, 2016: College and Grade School ACCREDITATION

Effective December 17th, 2016, the Opportunity Pack Lectern & Accessories, Reading Desk & Accessories, Extension Speaker, Lady Ravendancer's Magical Arcana, Grimms' Storybooks, Parenting Life Skill Guide, Lady Valentina's Crystal Ball and Orb of Enlightenment have all been University and grade school accredited, meaning that school and college students will earn grade points while they attend the talks. Their educational progress will be displayed at the beginning and end of each tutorial session. With this release, college and school students no longer need to go off-screen to take their classes.

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Four Festive Effects for Basegame

Date Posted: 10th Dec 2016 at 5:59 AM

RELEASED Dec. 9, 2016: Four Festive Effects for Basegame

Inspired by a request from celticlass64, this is a small collection of built-in basegame visual effects that have a celebratory theme.

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UPDATE Oct. 3, 2016: The Orb & Pillars of Enlightenment

Date Posted: 4th Oct 2016 at 6:27 AM

UPDATE Oct. 3, 2016: The Orb & Pillars of Enlightenment

This release fixes a problem which could potentially lock out the healing option if it were somehow unsuccessful. In addition, sick Sims no longer need to walk up to the Orb to request healing if they are seated in the same room, and the order of the healing text announcements is now more logical.

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BUGFIX Sept 27: The Orb and Pillars of Enlightenment

Date Posted: 27th Sep 2016 at 5:31 PM

BUGFIX Sept 27: The Orb & Pillars of Enlightenment

When I returned to work on my crystal orbs last night, much to my dismay I discovered that the BHAV routine that allows a playable Sim to request Healing or Blessing and interrupt the Good Witch (or Warlock) NPC while she was teaching was pointing to a non-existent reference. This release corrects that problem: the package is cured! My apologies for releasing a faulty version.

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