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Five "Life Changing" Seasons Wells: Minor Cursed Wells Bugfix

Date Posted: 24th Jan 2013 at 12:32 AM

Title: Five "Life Changing" Seasons Wells + Roofless: Minor Cursed Wells Bugfix Jan 23/13

January 23, 2013: Small Bugfix to the Cursed Wells

This minor update to the Cursed Wells eliminates a jump bug associated with pregnant Sims who have left the lot before a miscarriage occurs. Actually I'm not sure this would ever occur during regular game play - I found it by using MoveObjects On to delete a Sim while I was running some tests.

Download here.
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Michelle's Updated Barrel Recolours

Date Posted: 21st Feb 2012 at 9:51 PM

Michelle 111 updated her two wonderful sets of barrel recolours on Feb. 20, 2012. They are both available at the Plumb Bob Keep: Pooklet Naturals and Rustic/Medieval. The Rustic/Medieval set is also available at MTS.

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Ye Ole Cooper's Waterbucket Starter Set

Date Posted: 21st Feb 2012 at 9:48 PM

StephSim has uploaded an interim release of Ye Ole Cooper's Waterbucket Starter Set that were previously only available by downloading her Gwrych lots. The Starter Set contains some new recolours, and the objects themselves have been updated.
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Rustic/Medieval Recolours of Ye Olde Cooper's Trash Barrel

Date Posted: 25th Jan 2012 at 2:52 PM

Michelle has graciously fulfilled my request for Ye Olde Cooper's Barrels in her four special recolours. They can be found here: Rustic/Medieval Recolours of Ye Olde Cooper's Trash Barrel
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Ye Olde Cooper Barrels in Pooklet Natural Recolours

Date Posted: 18th Dec 2011 at 11:52 PM

Ye Olde Cooper Barrel Recolours

Michelle has created some very clean Pooklet Natural recolours for Ye Olde Cooper Barrels at the Plumb Bob Keep.
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August 1, 2011: New Release & Updates

Date Posted: 2nd Aug 2011 at 3:24 AM

August 1, 2011: New Release & Updates

The future theme entry for July posted today, the Trashamatic Garbage Disposal & Dishwasher.

I also updated two older projects for smaller filesize and more flexible object placement: Simple Columns That Actually Fit and Fence Post Extenders. The filesize was reduced to a quarter of the original by eliminating unused resources, simplying coding, and using SimPE's built-in compression.
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UPGRADE #2: Ye Olde Cooper's Barrel & Sacks

Date Posted: 16th Feb 2011 at 6:29 AM

Upgrade #2: Compost Sourcing, Enhanced Viewing & Skill Building, Feb 15/11

Please download UPGRADE #2 of Ye Olde Cooper's Barrel & Sacks to gain the following enhancements:

1) Contents recolours now select properly, even when an object is first obtained from the catalogue.

2) The Traditional Trash Bucket is now a source for Seasons compostable waste.

3) To reflect its size compared to typical trash receptacles, the capacity of the Traditional Trash Bucket has been moderately increased.

4) NPCs and playable characters will now empty the Trash Bucket even if it only contains unwanted objects, rather than just conventional trash.

5) The Omnivorous Trash Bucket (for Cheaters) has been removed but re-released in Barrels for Brigands. It now has its own GUID and is fully autonomous.

6) All Viewable objects in the set now build Creativity Skill at a rate of 2/3 that of the Painting Easel.

7) The hidden "Easter egg" now works more reliably, and players will be given a hint when a Sim gains a point of Creativity.

8) If FreeTime, Apartment Life, or Mansion & Garden Stuff is installed, Viewing or Critiquing builds Arts & Crafts Enthusiasm.

9) If FreeTime or the later games are installed, the "View Many" option is available - on all lots. This works well for skill building.

10) Autonomous viewing can be annoying, so Sims will not autonomously view any of these objects unless a player directs a Sim to do so. From that point on, any Sim may autonomously view the object, although this mode will time out in 30 to 36 game hours, or if "Reset Autonomy" is selected.
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Maintenance Free Dishwasher with NPC Worker - Motive Checking Fix, Nov 2/10

Date Posted: 2nd Nov 2010 at 8:58 PM

Update: Dishwasher NPC Motive Checking Fix, Nov. 2, 2010

If you downloaded the project prior to November 2, 2010, please install this update. Due to a frustrating little logic error (substituting a 1 for a 0), NPC motive checking was disabled, which in extreme situations could allow the NPC to become very uncomfortable or even die. I really don't want any dead NPCs on my conscience!
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Projects Galore!

Date Posted: 26th Oct 2010 at 9:07 PM

I have several things on the go, and I know I need to stop and finish some of them off. The water barrel & puddle project keeps growing and currently needs tweaking to allow for skill gain when mopping up the puddles. Then there's lots of variants of the barrels, buckets and sacks that still need making and/or finishing.

Now in the moderation queue: a variant of the NPC Worker that will attach to the cheaper basegame dishwasher. This NPC is designed to use less resources, for complex lots, small lots, and slower computers - so the cleaning check will only occur once per hour, and by default the worker will stay in the disappeared mode whenever there is no work to do.

There will also be an NPC Worker based on the Bon Voyage Housekeeper, to allow for a bit more variety. Well, yes, and I also confess I have dreams of a live-in masseuse, butler, and fortune teller. Actually the live-in masseuse has now become my current project.

StephSim is also waiting for me to complete my grill and flexible appliance project, which is another medieval compatible set that would also be useful in simpler or more rural modern times.

Well that's all for now. Just about to embark on a road trip.
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Upgrade to Ye Olde Cooper's Barrel and Sack Miscellany / Water Bucket Bug

Date Posted: 28th Jun 2010 at 7:48 PM

Barrels and Sacks: Enhanced Mesh, Catalogue, Animation & Extra Recolours - Aug 7, 2010

Please download the new archive and the revised versions of, and/or to gain the following upgrades:

1) Mesh enhancements which increase the clarity of the Contents textures, the bottom Surface of the barrels and the catalogue thumbnails, while in some cases reducing the poly count and filesize. This is a very noticeable improvement!

2) Custom catalogue thumbnails which tilt the barrels so that you can more easily select the desired Contents recolours. If you first installed this set prior to August 7, 2010 and are using one of the later EPs, please Control-Right-Click on each thumbnail to update it.

3) Improved animations for use with the trash barrel and trash bucket, so that Sims no longer remove an invisible lid.

4) Smaller package filesizes, using SIMPE's built-in compression.

5) Eleven additional Contents recolours.

6) For all barrels and buckets that contain Contents, they now appear full when moving or recolouring, no matter what their state during live mode. This feature makes recolouring easier.

7) Eat and Salvage are now available from the Trash Barrel and Trash Bucket, not only for Sloppy Sims but for all Zombies and Active Werewolves.

8) The No-Cheat Trash Bucket no longer allows Apartment rent bills to be destroyed.

I am also aware that the Water Bucket included in StephSim's Gwrych Medieval Prison Towers does not properly restore saved water levels. I have fixed this bug and plan to release it with a Water Barrel, a set of five puddles with many recolours, a Purely Decorative Barrel and a Purely Decorative Bucket, following the posting of Ye Olde Cooper's upgrade. All components of this new set are complete, although I may not be able to resist adding one or two more puddle recolours prior to release.

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