Updates, Mon. July 17th 2006 @ 10:45 P.M.
Date Posted: 18th Jul 2006 at 6:15 AM
Hello there, everyone!

Here I am; happily mod-ing away.
Now, I know I haven't submitted anything in awhile; but that is going to change. I have a big back-up of sims, clothing, accessories, and even a recolor of one of Louis's skintones to submit.
I have a HUUUUGE list of sims to submit, too long to post here. They're coming, though; don't worry!
Also, Clothing to come:
Phantasy Star Online: Red HUnewearl Clothing (This one is almost done, I just need to work out a few glitches in the alpha!)
I have more than this to upload, but I'm too tired to remember it all...I'll come back with more updates later! I'll be working on a lot of clothes soon, so I'll be trying to upload those as well!
Love you all, thanks for your constant support!