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Date Posted: 30th May 2015 at 6:34 PM

Just reading and working down the list of feedback. Last on "WA Worlds with Routing Fix applied (updated 2014.01.28), last post geekgirl101 18th Apr 2015 at 10:22 PM".

Switching to PMs and then calling it a night...until next time...
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New blog

Date Posted: 7th Sep 2012 at 3:09 PM

I've succumbed and gotten a wordpress blog - http://ellacharmed.wordpress.com
There's certain things that Journal does not support, so I've thrown in the white flag and surrendered to the inevitable.

Most updates would be centralized in that one location, unless I remember to post about the same news twice.
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What I've been up to

Date Posted: 16th Jul 2012 at 6:27 PM

I'm drowning in numbers and colored dots.
But they sure are pretty, aren't they?
Wiki still need updating, though.

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The ella-machine is back in business.

Date Posted: 13th Jul 2012 at 6:43 AM

GPU is back, babby!

Oh boy! So many things to update!
Mood: Luff
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My Prince is gone

Date Posted: 28th Apr 2012 at 12:09 PM

My cat died.
His name was Prince (for Prince Charming, what else?). He was 3. Farewell, my Prince, RIP. I'll miss you and our cuddles.
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Starlight Shores Routing

Date Posted: 17th Mar 2012 at 2:58 PM

Found holes, plugging 'em now.
It's on the edge, first chunk boundary where the DT is, bottom left corner, with the beach at the bottom of the screen.

Anyone see any mashups of Sims in any particular spot, please tag me here and let me know the spot(s). Before I release the fix, preferably.

Just on the world areas, not on Lots themselves. The stamp-on-feet-route-failure-tantrums on venues is another issue entirely, need a different investigation, I think.

Jun 07 Update:
I'm sorry this is taking so long. I've been having some computer issues for a while and can't get to it. If the RMA process is going to take too much longer and I can't get a 1-to-1 replacement in a timely fashion, I'll post the map up on the wiki.

But the problem is, the PC is overheating with just Chrome idling, so I have to shut down and let it cool off for half hour everytime it reaches (or creeps up to) the crashing point of 105C.
Thank goodness for browser's Session Managers!

Right now I have the casing open and have a couple battery operated clip-on fans aimed at it just to post some updates on here and clear up some patching enquiries.
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Patch 1.29 and the world fixes.

Date Posted: 17th Dec 2011 at 3:32 PM

No updates needed. Nothing in the .world files have been changed in any shape or form. Thank goodness!
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sigh...Some days you're just better off staying in bed!

Date Posted: 8th Dec 2011 at 6:49 AM

Found this little Gem still floating around the Interwebz.

One day a Novice came to the Master.
"Master," he said, "How is it that I may become a Writer of Programs?".
The Master looked solemnly at the Novice.
"Have you in your possession a Compiler of Source Code?" the Master asked.
"No," replied the Novice. The Master sent the Novice on a quest to the Store of Software.

Many hours later the Novice returned.
"Master," he said, "How is it that I may become a Writer of Programs?".
The Master looked solemnly at the Novice.
"Have you in your possession a Compiler of Source Code?" the Master asked.
"Yes," replied the Novice.
The Master frowned at the Novice.
"You have a Compiler of Source. What now can prevent you from becoming a Writer of Programs?".
The Novice fidgeted nervously and presented his Compiler of Source to the Master.
"How is this used?" asked the Novice.
"Have you in your possession a Manual of Operation?" the Master asked.
"No," replied the Novice.
The Master instructed the Novice as to where he could find the Manual of Operation.

Many days later the Novice returned.
"Master," he said, "How is it that I may become a Writer of Programs?".
The Master looked solemnly at the Novice.
"Have you in your possession a Compiler of Source Code?" the Master asked.
"Yes," replied the Novice.
"Have you in your possession a Manual of Operation?" the Master asked.
"Yes," replied the Novice.
The Master frowned at the Novice.
"You have a Compiler of Source, and a Manual of Operation. What now can prevent you from becoming a Writer of Programs?".

At this the Novice fidgeted nervously and presented his Manual of Operations to the Master.
"How is this used?" asked the Novice.
The Master closed his eyes, and heaved a great sigh.
The Master sent the Novice on a quest to the School of Elementary.

Many years later the Novice returned.
"Master," he said, "How is it that I may become a Writer of Programs?".
The Master looked solemnly at the Novice.
"Have you in your possession a Compiler of Source Code, a Manual of Operation and an Education of Elementary?" the Master asked.
"Yes," replied the Novice.
The Master frowned at the Novice.
"What then can prevent you from becoming a Writer of Programs?".

The Novice fidgeted nervously. He looked around but could find nothing to present to the Master.
The Master smiled at the Novice.
"I see what problem plagues you." said the Master.
"Oh great master, please tell me." asked the Novice.

The Master turned the Novice toward the door, and with a supportive hand on his shoulder said, "Go young Novice, and Read The Fucking Manual." And so the Novice became enlightened.
FFS, go and READ! Read threads, read stickies before you post! If there's nothing to read on the subject, go and search some MOAR!

Does everyone on this planet expect others to read and then give them the answers on a silver platter?
What is it with the feeling of entitlement? You're born and so entitled to be served all the answers without working for it? Everyone who can post on a forum has access to the Internet and have the same tools at their disposal as I do. So, why can I read and they can't? Jeezus freaking cheesus on a freaking jumping freaking pogo freaking stick!!111!!

Imma off to bed!

...unless someone has a magic want to send the lot of them out the door, back to Elementary School to learn to read and out of my hair?
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Oh, Joy! More corrections to work out...

Date Posted: 24th Aug 2011 at 6:15 PM

Been testing some things out with China in CAW.

The routing in the Dragon Springs Lot has some sunken lines in the areas near the fountain and rocks. As does the Hot Springs Lot on the staircases. Which I theorize is the major contributor to the lags and route-failure hissy-fits the Sims do.

So, I had this "bright" idea to just raise terrains and delete Lot and replace Lot. Sounds simple in theory, right? Well, the routing has indeed changed. In my preliminary testing, for proof of concept:


But now I have to learn about conforming edges and finding which fracking Resources the Lot translate to in s3pe. Behold, the spectacular failure of the After picture:

Another method is if I could figure out which value I can tweak for that locked Position Y value in s3pe. Hmmm...another food for thought. Prolly locked in s3pe too, though. Have to do more testing and then post a thread. Hopefully others have also tried this.
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Auto Drive letter assignments are de ebil!

Date Posted: 31st Jul 2011 at 10:00 AM

I'm baaack!
Finally got my system running again.

All partitions restored and Windows up & running, Snow Leopard up, Lion up (Intro vid runs but black screen after that, I'll be kext-hunting in the days to come, it seems), all HDD partitions recognized and accounted for.

2 days of chasing my tail and it is the frakking drive letter assignment that changes my Data drive from D to E that is causing Windows to fail, unable to load my User Profiles! UGGH! GRRR!
Mood: Luff
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