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Original Poster
#26 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 4:36 AM
none of them

*cant think right now*
Mad Poster
#27 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 10:42 AM
^Ambitious, Artistic, Dislikes Children...and Evil, because I feel I have to .
#28 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 10:52 AM
^ Bookworm, Brave, Friendly... umm, Computer Wiz.

(It would be funny to put Great Kisser for someone. :lovestruc )

Darkness thrives in the void,
but always yields to purifying light.

My Tumblr
Mad Poster
#29 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 1:20 PM
^Good, Friendly, Good Sense of Humour

If anyone is stuck for what to say about me... *is vegetarian* :P

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#30 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 3:06 PM
veggie, never nude (?) (<--guessin)

Like, whatever.
My nickname is Eve
Mad Poster
#31 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 3:12 PM
Good, Childish, Friendly, Likes Children (?)

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#32 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 4:24 PM
^Correct, unless the children are spoiled stupid brats.

artistic (?)

Like, whatever.
My nickname is Eve
#33 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 4:45 PM
^kleptomaniac, friendly

(I felt like chucking that first one in as a curve ball XD)

Find me on YouTube!
Flabaliki - General gaming
TheSimSupply - Videos all about The Sims!
#34 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 4:54 PM
^ Ambitious, Computer Whiz, Heavy Sleeper

That's what I imagine you as, based on nothing since I don't know you at all :p


#35 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 5:01 PM
artistic, friendly and good

Like, whatever.
My nickname is Eve
#36 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 10:12 PM
/\ friendly, charismatic, GSH...
#37 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 10:17 PM
Friendly, Good, Insane (Everyone in TTC is! xD) GSH
#38 Old 23rd Dec 2009 at 10:22 PM
/\ friendly, insane, GSH, absent minded
Original Poster
#39 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 1:16 AM
^GSH, Friendly, Likes children ?, Childish
#40 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 1:27 AM
/\GSH, Friendly, Charismatic, Vegetarian?
(no to the last two, i hate children!!!!)
Original Poster
#41 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 2:25 AM
^GSH, Good, friendly, hates children

(still noone has guessed my perfect traits for me *goes to get BOOK to wait*
#42 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 2:33 AM
^ bookworm, computer whiz, GSH, Good, Friendly
Original Poster
#43 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 2:37 AM
Bookworm is correct!

GSH, dislikes children, Friendly, Good

Now get the other 2 *starts day dreaming*
#44 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 8:08 AM
/\ absent minded, bookworm, vegetarian, GSH, friendly?
Original Poster
#45 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 8:38 AM
Absent minded and bookworm correct. Guess the last one now

And becca, you're only supposed to give four traits to me and most others. Vlad is the only exception I cab think of atm.
/\ GSH, good friendly, dislikes children

*randomly cries* (hint hint)
#46 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 10:14 AM
Absent minded, bookworm, neurotic ?

Like, whatever.
My nickname is Eve
#47 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 10:16 AM Last edited by Beccapixie10 : 25th Dec 2009 at 11:13 PM.
^ bookworm, absent minded, evil, over-emotional?
(forgot about the 4 traits thing, sorry)
EDIT: that was meant to be for Alicia actually...

Eve, Party Animal, Insane, Friendly, GSH
Mad Poster
#48 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 3:46 PM
^good sense of humour, bookworm (?), virtuoso (?), good, party animal

Happiness is anyone and anything that's loved by you.

My name is Jessica, but I answer to Jessie, Jess, Candiiee, Candy and Cand. :P
#49 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 3:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Beccapixie10
^ bookworm, absent minded, evil, over-emotional?
(forgot about the 4 traits thing, sorry)

check, check, really?, nope.

likes children? absent minded, good, charismatic

Like, whatever.
My nickname is Eve
I aim to misbehave
retired moderator
#50 Old 24th Dec 2009 at 4:00 PM
Charismatic, absent minded, friendly, evil

Check out my tutorials: For TS4: Eyelashes and for TS2: Eyes and Eyes 2
-My Insta-

Please, call me Nina (:
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