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#26 Old 30th Sep 2011 at 9:33 PM
Most times, I side with books as I'm an avid reader... and I sort of like imagining the environment/characters rather than have them visualized for me via a movie. Harry Potter is definitely one of those series' for me where the books trump the movies in comparison.

*But* there is one series of novels where I am absolutely content with watching the movies over reading the books; and I know someone is going to argue me on this.

I like the LOTR movies rather than the books, mostly because Tolkien can get a bit wordy in his descriptions (seriously, he names every single plant that the hobbits pass or animal they come across in full detail for PAGES)... although I was a little sad they left out poor, 'ol Tom Bombadil. Ah well, I take what I can get.

"Goonies never say die."
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#27 Old 2nd Oct 2011 at 12:12 PM
Books. They skip LOADS in the movies >

I had some AWESOME pictures for this but I don't know if you can make them show as images (cause img code is off)
Here's the links anyways (1st by golden jet from serebii, 2-4th by me)
http://tinyurl.com/3n8m7ln http://tinyurl.com/3q5k23g http://tinyurl.com/3gfa8up http://tinyurl.com/3bvaon5
Lab Assistant
#28 Old 5th Oct 2011 at 5:42 PM Last edited by Amylet : 5th Oct 2011 at 5:55 PM.
I prefer books too! Totally! , because there's more details. There's lots of other reasons why I think that, but I won't write it all here, there are really too many...
But I liked the firsts movies too, they were good and faithful. (I know that some people won't agree, but it's my opinion) The nexts disappointed me...
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#29 Old 8th Oct 2011 at 8:22 PM
Books! Movies 1-4 had too much left out of them, and the entire change of plot regarding Winky in book 4.... Ugh. Though, I really liked the 7th movies.
#30 Old 9th Oct 2011 at 1:54 AM
I should think that the first and second movies have quite the least difference, although of course, there are still inconsistencies and missed out scenes. The 7th movies, despite having been split into 2 parts, still have a lot of deleted, or changed, scenes- and a lot of additional ones that does not appear in the book.
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#31 Old 10th Oct 2011 at 2:53 PM
Books, for sure, though i did not read them until within the past year. Since then i've read the whole series twice. I had seen movies 1-6 multiple times when i started the books, and after the first couple of books i easily saw all that was left out of the movies. I refused to read book 7 until i saw the last 2 movies because i knew, if i read the book first i'd expect too much of the movies, but if i saw the movies first i'd appreciate the extra content in the books even more. After seeing the final movies and finally reading the last book i knew i'd made the right choice.
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 11th Dec 2011 at 5:47 PM
Books, hands down! I mean the movies have brilliant actors, special effects and all that, but they just can't capture the feelings of the book series. Everytime I read the books I felt like I belonged to the Harry Potter world, watching the movies feels like watching every other movie. I didn't even cry when Dumbledore died :P

Life Stage: Young Adult

Traits: Artistic, Bookworm, Dog Person, Over-Emotional, Good

LTW: Master of the Arts
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#33 Old 22nd Oct 2012 at 2:01 AM

The book series. I would think our imagination and the author's descriptions will paint a better picture of the story, than the movies might.
#34 Old 2nd Apr 2013 at 3:46 PM
Default The Movies are way better!!!
I think the movies are way better than the books the visual stimulus you get with the movies is way more believable than reading it in print..!!
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#35 Old 6th Apr 2013 at 9:05 AM
Books, of course, but films are great too :D
#36 Old 9th May 2013 at 2:46 AM
The books are obviously better. There's just more content and more story in there!

Also, in case any of you were interested, there's this great website called myhogwarts.com (not to be confused with .co.uk) that is like an online version of Hogwarts with duelling and quidditch and classes and everything! We even hospitalized the professors earlier So you should join if you're interested.

Sirius Black: Escaped Azkaban, Outran Dementors, Outwitted Ministry, Killed by Drapery
Where I've been hiding...
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#37 Old 1st Jul 2013 at 1:40 PM
The books win hands down every time for me. I can't describe it but i get so much more out of the reading the books than Hollywood's CGI and Special FX can ever give me.
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#38 Old 4th Jul 2013 at 8:50 AM
Books, books, books, BOOKS.

They're much more descriptive and in depth than the movies could ever be, though I still love the movies too ^u^
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