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#26 Old 9th Jan 2018 at 4:08 AM
@Emerald1234 that may be possible. Their father's family has had two burglars now, and their mother's family one.

@Cher64 Thank you.

I played the Caliente household today to try to get Flamenco's relationship with Nighat established since they are both now teens. I used TwoJeff's crystal ball to bring her to the lot since Flamenco hadn't met her before. I had them talk and flirt, and they now have two bolts and are capable of using the phone to call for dates. I had Flamenco call her for a date, and they had a Great Date. They both got their first kiss and are now in love. Last time I played the lot someone had gotten a magic lamp, and I had Tiento wish for wealth. I had forgotten that wishing for wealth increases the chance for a burglar, so when everyone went to bed, the burglar came again. They hadn't gotten over their furiousness from the previous burglary and now they are back to full red furiousness over the second burglary.

Dulcinea and Tango keep rolling wants to plant so I have a small greenhouse on the their lot with a lemon tree and a few tomato plants. The darn tree is sickly all the time but no one has gotten a gardening badge yet to be able to talk to it. Tango got the Tsang Footwork scholarship, and Flamenco got the Logic Skill scholarship.

Dulcinea reached the top of the Dance career and is now permaplat. Nestor reached the top of the Law Enforcement Career awhile ago, and has been permaplat for awhile. I got a message one time when he came home from work that he was sick with a cold. I had him make Grandma's Comfort Soup, but it didn't help with the cold. As soon as he finished eating, I got a message that he was sick with a cold. I sent him to bed to sleep, and got a message in the middle of the night that he was finally better.

I moved Tango and Flamenco into dorms. Nestor saw Tango off to college, and Pollination Technician 7 saw Flamenco off to college. I think that may have been the first time Flamenco met Pollination Technician 7. He grew up with Nestor and Dulcinea and his half brothers. They moved in, but I didn't do anything else with them. I'm planning to create a CAS Sim spouse for Tango, and to move Nighat in with Flamenco when she's ready.

I played Gunther and Cornelia Goth's house to get them married and at least get Cornelia pregnant with Mortimer. Immediately after they married ACR kicked in and they woohooed. Cornelia got a level 5 job in the Adventurer career, and Gunther got a level 7 job in the Oceanography career. Thankfully Cornelia gave birth to a baby boy without having to exit without saving. She gave birth to Mortimer and I exited the game because I had a headache starting.
Top Secret Researcher
#27 Old 9th Jan 2018 at 6:46 AM
I am glad that the game is going well for you.

To help with the Sickly Tree, have you a ladybug house near it?

Also SimWardrobe has a Plant Sprayer that helps. For Sickness with Sims there is a Sprayer from SimWardrobe that gets rid of the sick tiles in the area. SimWardrobe's Mods

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
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#28 Old 9th Jan 2018 at 4:00 PM
I don't have a ladybug house. I didn't know that could help, or where to find it.
Top Secret Researcher
#29 Old 10th Jan 2018 at 7:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
I don't have a ladybug house. I didn't know that could help, or where to find it.

The Ladybug house comes with Seasons, to find it go to the Build Menu and Select Gardening, look there for something that sort of looks like a pole. It works if you place it 2 or 3 tiles from your Fruit Trees or Garden Plants. You can place more than one and that is what I do. The Ladybug House helps get rid of bugs, so it will help with the tree if the tree has a problem with bugs. Also it is better to use than Spraying in my opinion, I don't like Spraying.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Field Researcher
#30 Old 10th Jan 2018 at 10:02 PM
I hope the headache is gone.

I've had the same thing happen with sickness, where I get a message the sim is sick after eating Grandma's Soup. I wonder if the sickness notifications just come at certain intervals, and the soup takes a while to take effect, or if it sometimes just doesn't work at all.
Lab Assistant
#31 Old 11th Jan 2018 at 6:55 PM
I've been dabbling in this hood myself, but didn't get very far. I like your hood, it's so interesting to see how different they'll be from the premades

Call me Hannah
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#32 Old 15th Jan 2018 at 4:43 AM
I started off with the older Goth household and when I entered the house Gretle immediately had the want to retire. I had her call work to retire and filled the want. Victor was already permaplat from filling his LTW and now his LTA is maxed out and platinum. I have a slower LTA gain mod so it took from the time he was an adult to middle of elderhood (his age bar is in the middle) to max out his LTA meter. The fact that Victor and Gretle are still alive and their age bars are in the middle (I think its still going to be some time before they die of old age), is making the house full. There is Victor, Gretle, Frida, Caelum, Aaron, Heidi and Issac (7 Sims). Frida reached the top of the career and filled her LTW. Aaron became a child, and Heidi and Issac became toddlers. I turned on ACR birth control because of the number of Sims in the household. (I don't have a larger household mod, and I don't like large families.) Gretle kept having wants to have a grandchild (not going to happen in this household), and play with Mortimer (he's currently a baby in another household.) She was driving me crazy with wants I couldn't fill.

Aaron Child Born in Game:

Prudence and Simon are also elders and their age bars are in the middle. Prudence reached the top of the criminal career and reached her second LTW. I forgot to have Simon take care of the plants, and the plants died (oops). Agnes and Erik ACR woohooed and I head desked when I heard baby chimes. There are 7 Sims in the house: Prudence, Simon, Agnes, Eric, Alice, Cordelia and Carina. The twins were toddlers and Carina was a baby. The twins became children and Carina became a toddler and Agnes gave birth to a baby girl named Danielle. I turned on ACR birth control. Once it was raining while Simon was paying bills and he was hit by lightning. Erik was the one who kept rolling the want to get hit by lightning, but he never did. Simon didn't have the want, but he was the one that got hit. He immediately ran inside and used the toilet and took a shower before he had to go to work.

Alice Child Born in Game:

Cordelia Child Born in Game:

I next played the Caliente house. Tiento grew up to Teen and had a want to get the alien abduction scholarship. I had him stargaze, and he did get abducted. He just turned teen and already has the A+ Scholarship, Creativity Skill Scholarship, Tsang Footwork Scholarship and Extraterrestrial Reparations (Alien Abduction Scholarship). The grow up townie mod mentioned to me in a different thread didn't work to age Tessa Ramirez, so I went to her house and used the Sim Blender to age her up and had her call college to get her A + scholarship. I saved the household and went back to the Caliente House. Out of Curiosity I had Tiento ask Tessa on a date. They have two bolt chemistry and got their first kiss. They had a dream date and Tiento asked Tessa to go Steady. She agreed, and they are now in love and going steady.

Dulcinea got a Silver Gardening badge taking care of the plants.

Tiento Teen Born in Game:

I next played the Al Mahmoud household to get Nighat to college. Nighat got the Logic Skill Scholarship before I sent her to college. Tariq reached the top of the Medical career and reached his LTW and is now permaplat.

I moved Nighat into Flamenco's dorm. She was too busy playing bass guitar to go to class and missed class. Flamenco did go to class. I hope I'm not going to have trouble getting her to class every single time.
Top Secret Researcher
#33 Old 15th Jan 2018 at 7:03 AM
Just have Nighat spend some time doing homework. make sure to have her do her term paper on the computer and have her sudy college using a bookcase.

Then make sure she goes to her Final. Save before she has to go, so if she doesn't go you can just exit to the Neighborhood with out saving.

Fortunately at University you can miss a lot of classes as long as make it to the Final.

I like playing University and I always have my Sims join one of the Greek Houses. Toga Parties!

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Field Researcher
#34 Old 16th Jan 2018 at 3:19 AM
Yes, doing a term paper will go a long way toward helping with the grades in Uni if you have sims who don't want to go to class.

There have been a lot of cute kids born in your game so far!
Mad Poster
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#35 Old 17th Jan 2018 at 1:50 AM
I know about term papers and make my sims do them even if they don't want to (Most have the want to do the term paper, but even if they don't I make them do it anyway.)

Most of the time my Sims automatically go to class, so Nighat was the first Sim that didn't automatically go to class. I'll make her do her term paper the next time I play her lot.

Thank you Cher64.
Mad Poster
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#36 Old 18th Jan 2018 at 2:28 AM
I'm not feeling good so I didn't play very long tonight. I opened up Gunther Goth's house to get Mortimer to toddler. Not much happened. Gunther and Cornelia skilled for their jobs, and both worked on getting a Bronze Robotics badge.

After Mortimer aged to toddler I moved the Bachelor family into a different house. Also not much happened. Simis and Jocasta skilled for their jobs. I had a migraine earlier today, and the medication the neurologist gave me tends to leave me sort of "out of it" for the rest of the day. I was sort of out of it so I wasn't paying as much attention as I usually do to the ACR pregnancy scanner, so I didn't save when Jocasta went into labor. By the time I realized the ability to save was disabled. I'm not feeling good and didn't feel like playing her pregnancy over if it was a girl so I figured I would just name the baby Bella if it was a girl.

Jocasta actually gave birth to a baby boy I named Michael, so the family tree will have Michael and Bella in order. I exited after that, since that was my goal for tonight.
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#37 Old 23rd Jan 2018 at 6:05 PM
I've been not feeling good lately so I haven't been playing. Today I'm feeling a little better, so I started playing this morning.

I didn't remember where I was in terms of college rotations, so I did college first. I made a Young Adult CAS Sim named Solea and moved her into Tango Caliente's dorm. Tango had the want to declare the Physics major and Solea had the want to declare the Mathematics major. They got engaged the first Semester of their Junior year. (I stopped playing right after they got engaged.)

I had Nighat study cooking so her college bar would be fully open then had her do her term paper. Thankfully that was the only time she goofed off instead of going to class. I don't know if Tango getting engaged encouraged Flameno, but the beginning of their second semester Flameno had the want to get engaged to Nighat. He proposed, she accepted. He didn't roll any wants for a major, so I had him declare the Drama major because of his LTW. Nighat at first only rolled the fear of going into the Psychology major, but later rolled the want to go into the Physics major. I stopped the first Semester of their Junior year.

Since Mortimer is a toddler in a different household, I opened up the Bachelor household to see if I could get Bella born. At first their work schedules didn't quite line up, but eventually they were home at the same time and ACR woohooed. I heard baby chimes, so hopefully I'm not going to have trouble getting a girl this time. Jocasta is constantly rolling the fear of changing a diaper and throwing up, and is filling both. (I usually try to avoid fears, but I make Sims change baby diapers regardless if they have a fear of it. Her morning sickness is filling her fear of throwing up. Most of the time my pregnant Sims roll the fear of throwing up after their morning sickness is over, but Jocasta is rolling the fear while in the morning sickness stage and is filling it.)

I remembered to save right before Jocasta gave birth, but she gave birth to a baby girl without me having to exit without saving. I named her Bella. It's going to be interesting to see how DNA plays out, since she has red hair from her dad and light blue eyes from her mom.
Top Secret Researcher
#38 Old 23rd Jan 2018 at 8:02 PM Last edited by lordtyger9 : 1st Feb 2018 at 7:59 PM.
@Orilon I do hope that you start feeling better.

Good that you have Bella now.

glad that your game seems to be going well.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Mad Poster
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#39 Old 1st Feb 2018 at 6:37 PM
Tango Caliente and Solea Garcia graduated from college (Solea is the Young Adult CAS Sim I created to be Tango's spouse.) I moved them into their own house and had them get married.

Flamenco and Nighat also graduated from college. I had meant to move them in with Nighat's parents but since I have been getting over a stomach bug this week, I was in kind of a daze and forgot about moving them in with Nighat's parents and moved them into their own house. They got married before I saved the house and exited the game.

I'm now trying to decide if I should leave them, or move them in with Nighat's parents.

I started a new rotation this morning. First up was Victor Goth's house.

Frida and Caelum have been teaching the twins their toddler skills, but I accidentally had Caelum miss the carpool because he was teaching Issac how to talk. Thankfully he had a paid day off, and used it. Caelum did manage to go to work the rest of the days I played and is now level 9 in the Journalism Career. Depending on if he can get the skills he needs, he probably will be permaplat the next time I play the house. Frida already got to the top of the Gamer career and is already permaplat.

Aaron brought Brian Technician 7 home from school, reminding me that I haven't played his household for awhile. Flamenco Caliente is Brian's older half brother. Flamenco just graduated from college and is now married to Nighat, and since I haven't been playing that household for awhile, Brian is still a child.

The twins Heidi and Issac aged up to child, but no pictures since I forgot to turn on Fraps.
Top Secret Researcher
#40 Old 1st Feb 2018 at 8:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Orilon
Tango Caliente and Solea Garcia graduated from college (Solea is the Young Adult CAS Sim I created to be Tango's spouse.) I moved them into their own house and had them get married.

Flamenco and Nighat also graduated from college. I had meant to move them in with Nighat's parents but since I have been getting over a stomach bug this week, I was in kind of a daze and forgot about moving them in with Nighat's parents and moved them into their own house. They got married before I saved the house and exited the game.

I'm now trying to decide if I should leave them, or move them in with Nighat's parents.

I started a new rotation this morning. First up was Victor Goth's house.

Frida and Caelum have been teaching the twins their toddler skills, but I accidentally had Caelum miss the carpool because he was teaching Issac how to talk. Thankfully he had a paid day off, and used it. Caelum did manage to go to work the rest of the days I played and is now level 9 in the Journalism Career. Depending on if he can get the skills he needs, he probably will be permaplat the next time I play the house. Frida already got to the top of the Gamer career and is already permaplat.

Aaron brought Brian Technician 7 home from school, reminding me that I haven't played his household for awhile. Flamenco Caliente is Brian's older half brother. Flamenco just graduated from college and is now married to Nighat, and since I haven't been playing that household for awhile, Brian is still a child.

The twins Heidi and Issac aged up to child, but no pictures since I forgot to turn on Fraps.

I hope that you are feeling better, I don't play when I am feeling bad.

I would have Flamenco and Nighat and move in with Nighat's Parents if there is plenty of room or maybe add on to the parents house, otherwise I would have Flamenco and Nighat stay where they are.

Good that Frida became Perma Plat, and I hope that Caelum makes it to Journalism 10 next time you play him.

I always try to get my Sim's LTW done, sometimes more than once even.

I am looking forward to more Take care.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Field Researcher
#41 Old 2nd Feb 2018 at 1:01 AM
If Flamenco and Nighat are planning to have a lot of kids, I'd consider moving them in with Nighat's parents. Grandparents can be a lot of help.

I try to get the first LTW done, but usually ignore anything after that.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#42 Old 3rd Feb 2018 at 7:07 PM
In the Pleasantview that came out of the box, Flamenco and Nighat only had the Dina and Nina Caliente that players are introduced to the beginning of the game. Flamenco and Nighat themselves are dead, and Dina and Nina don't have any other siblings. I'm trying to determine if because of the large number of children in the Goth and Crumplebottom houses if I should turn on ACR birth control right after Nighat has Dina and Nina or if I should wait and see. I play in rotations and try to incorporate each Sim in the neighborhood to keep everyone aging. On one hand, it may reduce the number of rotations if they intermarry, or it could add to the number of rotations if they don't. I'm trying to keep the number of inter marriage down, so they most likely will increase the number of rotations.

Living with Nighat's parents most likely help with the twins when they are babies and toddlers.

I try to reach the first LTW of every Sim that I can. I sometimes do the second LTW, or sometimes I don't bother. For example since Nestor Caliente reached his first LTW, I'm not bothering with his second. On the other hand Simon Crumplebottom reached his second LTW this rotation of the Crumplebottom house. It just depends on what the LTW is.

Simon and Prudence both reached Platinum LTA so their LTA is full and both have reached their second LTW. Prudence reached her second LTW awhile ago, and Simon reached his second LTW this rotation. Erik reached his first LTW this playthrough and is now permaplat. Agnes is level 7 on her job, so she hasn't reached her first LTW yet. Erik and Agnes spent a lot of time teaching Carina her toddler skills, and she became a child.

Prudence's want to teach both Alice and Cordelia how to study made me realize that they hadn't learned how to study yet. Carina also had a want to be taught how to study.
The next day Agnes was the only adult that was home when the girls got home from school. I had them ask her to learn how to study. Carina and Cordelia learned how to study, but Agnes got interrupted teaching Alice how to study by needing to grow up Danielle from baby to toddler. Agnes grew Danielle up, and my mod that makes children and teens do their homework at 7pm kicked in and Alice finished her homework. Agnes taught Alice how to study the next day.

Simon has max cooking skill and a gold gardening badge so the food he makes is extra filling. Erik grabbed the leftover hot dogs that Simon had made on the grill but didn't stop eating when his hunger was filled. He became fat. I had him work out on the treadmill to get back to the middle state.

Alice and Cordelia kept bringing Aaron Goth and Brian Technician 7 home from school.

I next switched over to the Caliente household. Nestor and Dulcinea are 4 days away from becoming elders, and both have reached their first LTW. I'm not bothering with their second. Tiento is still a teen, so the main goal of this rotation was to get him ready for college.

Nestor and Dulcinea both had wants for Tiento to get a scholarship, so I had him get a teen job. He got to the top of the teen music career and got the Overachiever scholarship. I sent him to college. I used the send teens to college option to send Tessa to college also.

Tiento and Tessa worked on getting skills they needed to open up their college bar before they went to their first class. I quit after they went to their first class.
Top Secret Researcher
#43 Old 3rd Feb 2018 at 11:23 PM
As for intermarrying, go with some kind of story line that you make up?

Me I use the Sim Modder to change the LTW if I feel like the Sim should have something different and then depending on what the original LTW is I will sometimes go with a LTW from the LTW list instead of just doing one that is their Aspiration List. Also I use NewLTWEnabled by Squinge so that I have the Careers added for Uni to have LTW associated, like a LTW of becoming Cult Leader for example. Anyway I always look at the kind of sim they are when giving them their Aspiration and then I look at their interests and family history when giving them their LTW, I don't really do it randomly.

In your case it think it would important to go with the background of the Character and the story line involved.

In the end go with what feels right.

I think that you are doing well with your game and I look forward to reading more. Take care.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Mad Poster
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#44 Old 5th Feb 2018 at 6:32 PM
Because of the fact Nighat is supposed to have twins, I decided to move Flamenco and Nighat in with her parents.

The minute I moved Flamenco and Nighat in, ACR kicked in and they ACR tried for baby. I heard baby chimes and checked the ACR pregnancy scanner. The pregnancy scanner showed one baby, so I used the Sim manipulator to make the pregnancy twins. Flamenco and Nighat both got jobs, and both rolled the want to go on vacation. They had an ok vacation on Twikki Island.

Not much happened during Nighat's pregnancy. Flamenco and Nighat skilled for their jobs, and I filled various wants for Benazir and Tariq. Benazir and Tariq are 3 days away from becoming elders, and since both are permaplat I imagine they will have quite a few days once they become elders.

I saved right as Nighat went into labor, which was a good thing because this time the game decided not to cooperate right away. It kept giving me twin boys, or boy/girl twins. It took many, many tries before the dang thing finally gave me girl/girl twins. These are the time when I wish there was a Sims 2 version of Master Controller that could force baby gender. Dina and Nina were finally born, although born in game Dina is not going to look like she does in Pleasanview out of the box. In this version of Pleasantview, she will have blonde hair and alien eyes. Looking at Nina's DNA in SimPE it looks like she will have red hair and green eyes.
Lab Assistant
#45 Old 5th Feb 2018 at 10:45 PM
Cool! I think Dina will look awesome with alien eyes. Honestly, it's awesome you were able to get the girls to have accurate physical appearances at all. As a big premade player myself, I think it will actually be much more exciting to see what all the premades would actually look like genetically in relation to their parents. Like, I have no idea how you'll get Daniel to have red hair.

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Top Secret Researcher
#46 Old 6th Feb 2018 at 6:40 PM
I like the Island Vacation and the Far East Vacation more than the Mountain one, but I like them all to some degree.

I too have sometimes wished that there was some way to make sure to get a certain gender when a sim is having a baby. Saving and then trying over and over again can be time consuming.

I am glad that you did finally suceed in having twin girls. I like Alien Eyes, several of my otherwise normal Sims have Alien Eyes from one of their Parents.

Your game is going well I think, take care.

for info on changing the Mac Open File Limit check out my post here http://www.insimenator.org/index.ph...html#msg1628939
Curiosity killed the cat,
but satisfaction brought it back.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#47 Old 8th Feb 2018 at 6:35 AM
Gunther Goth's house was next in the rotation, not much happened. Gunther and Cornelia taught Mortimer his toddler skills and skilled for their jobs. They both worked on getting a bronze robotic badge but neither got one yet. I stopped when Mortimer became a child.

Jocasta and Simis' house also was fairly boring. They taught Michael his toddler skills and took care of baby Bella. I stopped when Michael became a child and Bella became a toddler. Jocasta taught Michael how to study before growing up Bella.

All the child age children bringing home Brian Technician 7 reminded me that I hadn't played his lot in awhile. I thought he was closer to teen than he actually was. He actually was at the beginning of being a child. I wasn't quite sure on how long I wanted to play the household, but ended up stopping after the standard 3 day rotation because of my real life job interview. Not much happened during the rotation. Pollination Technician 7 stargazed for a long period of time and I was curious what would happen if he got abducted. I have a Multi-PT #8 mod in, so I imagine one of the custom PTs may get him pregnant since he has 16 days left until elder and isn't at the pregnancy cut off, but it didn't happen.

I left for my real life job interview and actually got the real life job. Its part time, and it sounds like even then 19 hours a week isn't guaranteed, so I don't know how it's going to affect my Sims 2 playing time.

Later this evening started up the game and went to Tango Caliente's house. The minute I opened the house, ACR kicked in and Tango and Solea tried for baby. No baby chimes though. They both rolled wants to get jobs. Tango got a level 8 job in the Architecture career (I think I may have incorrectly said before that his LTW was the top of the Dance career, but its not. His LTW is to get to the top of the Architecture Career.) Solea got a level 4 job in the Entertainment career.

Solea had a want to go on vacation, but Tango didn't. Since their funds were low, I sent just her to Three Lakes. She stayed in the campground since it was free. Since she has no body skill (I think its related to body skill anyway, I may be wrong), her axes went all over the place. The local that had been axe throwing next to here left, my guess is out of fear of getting hit by her wild throws.

She didn't have any vacation wants so I sent her home. The car pool came for her the minute she got back from vacation, which is good since they need the money. She brought home some money, but not much since she didn't get promoted. She still needs a charisma points. They woohooed when she got home, and this time I did hear baby chimes.

I have a tendency to put two mirrors next to each other when I'm decorating Sim houses which let to something I've never seen before. Solea was practicing her speech in one mirror to get the charisma point she needed for her job. While she did that Tango went over to the other mirror and started doing something odd that I can't describe. His queue said "gussy up", but I've never seen an adult Sim do that before in a mirror. I noticed that it raised his hygiene slightly, but sent him to take a shower since that is a more effective way to raise hygiene.

Solea's pregnancy passed without much going on. She gave birth to a baby boy named Palo. The same day Tango came home perma plat from reaching the top of the Architecture career. I think that may be some kind of record for me, a Sim hitting perma plat 4 days into being an adult.
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#48 Old 8th Feb 2018 at 4:15 PM
This morning I played Tiento's dorm. Their Freshman year Tiento and Tessa weren't rolling wants to declare a major, but they were rolling wants to do their term paper, do homework, and do research. They occasionally ACR flirted, and fell in love, but no engagement wants. The beginning of the Sophmore year Tiento rolled the want to declare the Physics major, and Tessa rolled the want to declare the Math major.

I'm trying to decide which set of families to move into the hood next. I was kind of playing with the idea of having Nina Caliente hook up with Don Lothario, but realized that I need to move in Don's grandparents, and since Nina is already a baby in the hood, she would be the same age as Don's parents, not Don himself.

bbostic8's comment about Daniel Pleasant's genetics gave me the idea of starting to move in the ancestors for that group of Sims.
Mad Poster
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#49 Old 3rd Mar 2018 at 1:35 AM
I haven't been feeling good lately, plus being generally bored with Sims 2 so I haven't been playing for several weeks. Because of the idea of hooking Nina up with Don, I'm most likely going to have to play longer rotations with Don's grandparents to get his parents grown up to the point of having him, so he is the same age as Nina Caliente.

To get that started, I moved Carmelo and Mama Lothario into a house this morning. They both had wants to get into the medical career. They found the jobs on the computer, and then ACR woohooed and I heard baby chimes After they woohooed they got out of the bed and started playing rock paper scissors. I got a notification that Mama had discovered her one true hobby of games while playing. Since she is in the medical career and needs plenty of logic points, I imagine she will get quite a few points in her OTH since the chess board gives games enthusiasm.

Mama's pregnancy was uneventful. They played a lot of chess, and both kept gravitating to the guitar. Carmelo got promoted to nurse right before Mama gave birth to a baby boy named Nicolo. I had remembered to save when she went into labor, but thankfully I got a baby boy right away I didn't need to exit without saving. I quit because I needed to leave for an appointment.
Field Researcher
#50 Old 3rd Mar 2018 at 9:32 PM
I hope you're feeling better. I go through periods where I don't play for a while. It does help to have a goal, such as getting Nina and Don together.
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