Dave Luv

Downloads: 619,418
Thanks: 25,147

Join Date: 5th Aug 2005
Total Posts: 169 (0.02 posts per day)

Top Download

Are your young Sims tired of doing their homework? With this mod, they will finish it in about 15

12th Aug 2007 at 6:31pm in » Global Mods

Sims 2

Dave Luv has 14 downloads in the following areas of our download section:

353.5k Sims 2 University

Faster University Education mod (3...

5th Oct 2008 at 2:19am

30.1k Sims 2 Pets

Simsky's "No Pets Flower Beds"...

30th May 2008 at 9:53pm

100.7k Sims 2

Simsky's "Better TV" mod - greatly...

16th Sep 2007 at 11:45pm

98.7k Sims 2

Honzik - the Amazing Teddy...

4th Sep 2007 at 8:57pm

391.9k Sims 2

Faster Homework mod

12th Aug 2007 at 6:31pm

212.9k Sims 2

Smart Toddler Picture (walking,...

8th May 2007 at 11:46pm

69.1k Sims 2

Plumb Bob Toggle Mod

21st Mar 2007 at 11:15pm

58.6k Sims 2

Simsky's Antidisasta - exit the...

5th Mar 2007 at 2:23pm

80.5k Sims 2

Simsky - Durable Food mod

18th Jun 2006 at 11:27pm

134.6k Sims 2

Simsky's Body Makeover

1st Dec 2005 at 11:37am

52.6k Sims 2

Simsky adds "Make Me Slim" Picture...

21st Nov 2005 at 2:20pm

37.9k Sims 2

Simsky - Fireproof Cooking mod

19th Sep 2005 at 6:04pm

66.6k Sims 2

Simsky's Multi Alarm (+ Burglar...

22nd Aug 2005 at 2:59pm

22.2k Sims 2

Fire Detector

15th Aug 2005 at 12:48pm


Dave Luv is not a member of any public groups

Home Page: click here · Biography: Is somebody as lazy as I am ;o)? Location: Brno, Czech Republic Interests: Music, music, music :o) Occupation: Senior programmer

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 University Nightlife Open for Business Pets Seasons Bon Voyage Free Time Apartment Life + 8 SPs