Join Date: 17th Jul 2009 · Total Posts: 11 (0.00 posts per day)
Last Activity: 4th Jan 2011 4:08 PM ·
Games owned: The Sims 2: + 2 SPs
The Sims 3:Groups
BellaSwan14 is a member of the following groups:
Show your appreciation for one of the greatest feats of man -- our vast amounts of literature!
For anyone who has read the Harry Potter series or seen the movies and fallen in love.
do you like dogs or cats or any other animal?? if so join now!!!
For everyone who loves chocolate!
A group for anyone that loves to read.
A place for us teenage MTS users to hang and talk.
For all that people who love the Heroes TV series...
For all the people whose native language is German or want to learn and speak German
For anyone that likes vampires, plays with vampires [Simmys or not ; )], or just plain loves VAMPYS!