
Join Date: 6th Oct 2009 · Total Posts: 20 (0.00 posts per day)

Last Activity: 13th Oct 2011 8:18 PM ·

Games owned: The Sims 2: Sims 2 Pets The Sims 3: Sims 3 World Adventures + 1 SPs

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Liddylulu is a member of the following groups:

For all the gleeks out there, and any fans of the show glee.
There is no group for us nice little British simmers? Well, now there is!
For all that enjoy arts and want to share and talk about it.
A place for us teenage MTS users to hang and talk.
Yeah we're divas, but we ride like big boys do.
If you like or have sims that dress in alternative fashion, chat about it here