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Lab Assistant
#26 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 8:23 PM
Sounds very interesting!
I'm going for the Monarch leadership mode, and I'm wondering if there's a certain amount of money they should all begin with? Should the king/queen begin with more?

Edit: More questions!

1. Can they work?
If not how do they gather money? Fishing and selling? Digging and selling? Harvesting and selling?

2. Do the King and Queen begin the game together or does the King or Queen choose their spouse after?
Field Researcher
#27 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 8:34 PM
Sounds fun! I was wondering the same thing as Jennybean, it would seem logical to have the ruler begin with more dough.

Just Call Me Allie :)
#28 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 9:15 PM
Sounds interesting. I'm currently doing a Legacy and a sort-of-kinda modern Royal Kingdom, but I'll keep this bookmarked. A note, tough, as far as I know the deleteallcharacters cheat is bound to explode your game. From the Wiki

Quote: Originally posted by Sims 2 Wiki
Base Game

Deletes all sims including NPCs and townies from the neighborhood. Useful if you have new facial defaults and replacement townie names you would like to apply to everyone in a new neighborhood to regenerate all prettier townies with better names at once.

* Not for use on played, inhabited neighborhoods! It has also been reported that this cheat causes problems with later expansions. If you would like to create a new, clean neighborhood, use the method described here instead: Creating a Clean Custom Neighborhood

In the end it links to Maty
#29 Old 23rd Jan 2009 at 11:53 PM
That's not really a challenge as there is no goal, that's just a way to play. Could you set a goal or some rules? It sounds like an interesting idea but I need it to actually be challenging in order to succeed.
#30 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 11:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Jennybean
Sounds very interesting!
I'm going for the Monarch leadership mode, and I'm wondering if there's a certain amount of money they should all begin with? Should the king/queen begin with more?

Edit: More questions!

1. Can they work?
If not how do they gather money? Fishing and selling? Digging and selling? Harvesting and selling?

2. Do the King and Queen begin the game together or does the King or Queen choose their spouse after?


It's up to you. You can start with 30,000 to get a good head start (or you can earn the money yourself) by using familyFunds.

1.The Seasons is a very good pack for this (though if you don't have it get your Sims a normal job!) and yes you can gather fish/food. Once your Sims are quite well-off you could build them some home/community lot business' too. Remember to sell things that you could craft (this does not apply to the refrigerator or stove). Note: anything you dig up (plastic flammingo ect.) can be sold, as they must have washed up

2. You may start with them in seperate lots then marry in later, or you can just combine households when you first put them into the neighborhoods. You can't however make them in one CAS session as a family, because the idea of the challenge is pairing up unlikely matches and seeing what happens, so pre-married Sims aren't allowed, but if you don't wan't to play the rules strictly that's fine. So simplified your Sims can either get together using combine households or you can marry spouses in.
#31 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 11:13 AM
[QUOTE=nerina]Sounds interesting. I'm currently doing a Legacy and a sort-of-kinda modern Royal Kingdom, but I'll keep this bookmarked. A note, tough, as far as I know the deleteallcharacters cheat is bound to explode your game.

Thanks for that

I have already been informed about this, but I must have forgotten to update it. Thanks for the memo

so from now on, DON'T USE DELETE ALL CHARACTERS! :howdy:

Check out moreawesomethanyou for info
Lab Assistant
#32 Old 24th Jan 2009 at 8:44 PM
Thanks for the answers ChristSims2.

I agree with Broo though, this is more like a play style, rather than a challenge because of the lack of goal and "strict" rules.

Still interested though :P
#33 Old 31st Jan 2009 at 10:31 PM
I made some rules for my own use. Is it OK if I post them here so that other people could use them too? If they want to, of course. I'm not asking you to make them mandatory or something.
#34 Old 1st Feb 2009 at 5:45 PM
Quote: Originally posted by broo
I made some rules for my own use. Is it OK if I post them here so that other people could use them too? If they want to, of course. I'm not asking you to make them mandatory or something.


The idea is still needs alot of perfecting, so I'm welcome to any ideas. I may even add them to the challenge if I think they're great :D

I only posted it for people's ideas, and so far they've really helped, so keep'em coming and hopefully we can create a cool challenge! :smash:
#35 Old 21st Feb 2009 at 9:50 AM
I think it would be even more realistic and fun for those who have castaway stories to do this challenge with CS.. Didn't read your whole post so maybe it is not possible but i think it'd be more realistic..
#36 Old 25th Feb 2009 at 4:47 PM
I am going to try it now
world renowned whogivesafuckologist
retired moderator
#37 Old 25th Feb 2009 at 5:32 PM
Do NOT use the deleteallcharacters cheat!

If you want an empty neighborhood, there are clean neighborhood templates you can download from MATY which are a WAY better option, but deleteallcharacters is not safe to use!

my simblr (sometimes nsfw)

“Dude, suckin’ at something is the first step to being sorta good at something.”
Panquecas, panquecas e mais panquecas.
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 23rd Apr 2009 at 10:49 PM
I would like to try this scenario, however I do have a couple of questions, maybe someone could help me with. If you choose to move all your sims to just one big lot, they all lose their last name and become the name of the first sim, correct? So how would you get them to be in one lot and still retain their identity?Also, it says that you can make them fish and make things to sell, who do you sell it to, there are no npc's? Do we make some? I am a little confused.
Lab Assistant
#39 Old 24th Apr 2009 at 7:34 AM
I am going to try this right now, as it sounds like a fun and well thought out challenge. I am not going to bother with the delete all characters thingy because i dont want to stuff up my game.

I will keep you guys posted!
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 24th Apr 2009 at 4:35 PM
I have started! It is sooo fun!
Lab Assistant
#41 Old 25th Apr 2009 at 2:45 AM
Default update: 4-30
Ha, well mine isn't going so good, first two days and 2 of my guys were struck with lightening and died. I brought them back, lol. Also all of my people hate each other, so all they do is fight. Not a good omen.

Okay, well I have had it with this challenge, hope everyone else is doing better. After my revival of the 2sims that died, it has been about 2 sims weeks in my game. All of the people do nothing but fight, although there is a lot of woohoo going on to. However no pregnancy for anyone. I even had hacked flower thingy set to pregnancy 100%, and installed special showers in the shower hut. Maybe they hate each other to much< I don't know. But giving up on this one.
Lab Assistant
#42 Old 7th May 2009 at 7:39 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 11th Feb 2014 at 4:28 PM.
Default Island Crash
Island Crash

You were on a wonderful cruise. Having the time of your life. When suddenly an immense storm kicked up and before you knew it the ship was capsizing. As you crash into the freezing cold water you wonder if your going to die. The waves crash over you and soon you have lost consciousness. You wake up on a beach with the sun beating down on your back. Looking around you realize you are one of a few survivors that have in one way or another found their way to this island. Can you and the others survive on this deserted island alone? Will you ever be rescued or will you end up populating the island?

This is my first ever made challenge so please if you see where it can be improved please comment.

As stated above a cruise ship has crashed and a number of survivors have found themselves on an empty island. Your challenge is to turn the island into a prosperous well populated island. However this will not be easy as there are many restrictions along the way.

Set Up
You must start with a brand new neighborhood and it must be an island. MTS2 has lots of islands that you can download.
There are no other sims on this island. You must delete all sims using the cheat shift+ctrl+c deleteAllCharacters use a clean template.
This will give you a completely uninhabited island.
You may not add Downtown, Bluewater Village, Vacations, or University. Remember no one knows you’re here and this island is uninhabited. Also if you have freetime you may not go to hobby lot’s.
You will start with six sims plus the roll of a six sided die. So you can have up to twelve sims and as little as seven sims. All your sims must be adults except if you have more than eight sims. If you have more than eight sims then you can have elders and or teens among your sims, it is up to you whether you want elders or teens.
Now that you have your sims you must decide their aspirations and personalities. Wait, you can’t just do whatever you want. Remember these are random survivors, their aspiration and personalities must be decided by the roll of the dice.

For their aspiration you will roll the die once.
1= Knowledge
2= Popularity
3= Fortune
4= Knowledge
5= Family
6= Romance

For the personality you will roll the die twice
First you will roll to see which group you will chose from.

1-2 is group one
3-4 is group two
5-6 is group three

Now you will roll to see which personality you will have from the group.

Group One
1 = Aries
2 = Taurus
3 = Gemini
4 = Cancer
5 = Leo
6 = Virgo

Group Two
1 = Libra
2 = Scorpio
3 = Sagittarius
4 = Capricorn
5 = Aquarius
6 = Pisces

Group Three
1 = Sagittarius
2 = Libra
3 = Pisces
4 = Virgo
5 = Aries
6 = Gemini

Now for the genders. Your first six sims will already be set. Three will be male and Three will be female. The rest you will roll the dice for.
Odd (1,3,5) = Male
Even (4,2,6) = Female

You can have the some of the sims related to each other but not the first six. You must have three females and three males that are able to marry/have kids.
Now you’ll move into the neighborhood. You will move all your sims into ONE lot. If you have more than eight sims you will have TWO lot’s to begin with and you may allow them to have a counter and a phone(you may use cc if you have the shell phone) in order to keep in touch with the other lot. For the first day you may only have the cheapest refrigerator to keep your sims alive and the shower. Everything takes time to scavenge so you have a limit of how much money you can spend each day for the first generation. After a week you may move the sims onto their own lot’s as long as they are the smallest lot available. Now here’s where we start getting into rules so…
Lab Assistant
#43 Old 7th May 2009 at 7:40 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 5:02 PM.
Default Rules
- The second day you only have hammocks or the cheapest bed.
- For the first generation you have only wood to work with. Everything must be made out of wood. (except hammocks and the hobby section.) If it can not be made out of wood (excepting fridge, stove, and plumbing) you may not use it. (so no t.v.s, computers, etc.) You do find a way to make paper so the bookshelves are allowed.
- The first generation may not have any maxis jobs. You are on a deserted island. But you may build your own businesses. However once again no electronics except for the cash register. (You might want to set up a grocery store. You are allowed to order ‘forage’ food but you can only get half of what you can afford. However if you have set up a grocery store then you can order as much food as you want.)
-No take out for the first two generations.
-You can only have the cheapest fridge, stove, and plumbing until you have a knowledge sim that maxes out the mechanical skill. (however you may use the juicer)
-You may plant and harvest food.
- The first generation can only have candles for light.
- The first generation on the first week, you can only spend 50 simoleons per sim on lot per day.(this is not allowed on the first day and this does not include the first refrigerator or the phone)
- After the first week you are allowed 100 simoleons per sim per day.
- It takes time to get settled down and scavenge things so you can not have children until the first week is over.
- The second generation is allowed to have maxis jobs but they can not go to college.
-Once you have a second generation sim max out the mechanical skill you can start to buy electronics and other lighting if you have started an electronics store.
-The third generation may go to college if you build your own university.
-If a sim maxes out five skills then you have found an island right off the coast for your downtown. You may now add downtown or create your own.
-If a sim maxes out six skills you have found a second island where you can have Bluewater village or one of your own creation.
- If a sim maxes out seven skills then you have found another island farther away, this is for vacation. You may use ONE of the BV vacation spots or create your own.
-Second generation sims do not have build mode restrictions if you have two second generation sims max out mechanical skill.
- Third generation sims do not have any buy or build mode restrictions.
- You can not have the robotics station until the third generation.
- Second generation sims do not have a money limit as there has now been a monetary system set up.
- You may use CC
- You may Not use any mood altering CC, hacks, or mods.
- You can not use the elixir of life. Or any thing else that would unnaturally extend your sims life.
-There are no apartments for the first two generations.
- Pet's are allowed after the second generation begins to be born. By then you have started domesticating the wild animals.

Wow I know that’s a lot but it will make the challenge more difficult and hopefully fun.
Lab Assistant
#44 Old 7th May 2009 at 7:41 PM Last edited by Phaenoh : 10th Feb 2014 at 5:02 PM.
Default Scoring

- One point for reading the rules
- One point for following all the rules
- One point for each sim you start out with.
- Two points for each first generation Lifetime Aspiration achieved.
- One point for each set of twins you have without using hacks, mods, or cheats.

Bonus Points

Five points if all sims keep the males/females last name.

Five points if you create a university

Two points for each island (up to three) that you discover as according to the rules.

Two points for each sim owned business

The Hard Way
Five points for not using any aspiration rewards.

Your Own
Two points if you create your own downtown. This also applies for the shopping district.
Lab Assistant
#45 Old 7th May 2009 at 9:22 PM
Default Interesting
Interesting but I have a few questions and suggestions

-A rule about apartments. Their should be a litmit to apartments or a certain type allowed. Thier on a deserted Island

-Is their any special rule about plumbing or no I might have missed it

- Could I have one of my families as pirates??? could add a twist

I will try to let you know about how I think soon enough.

Thx for your time and let me know what you think good challenge

EDIT: What about pets
Lab Assistant
#46 Old 7th May 2009 at 9:39 PM
Yeah there should be something about apartments.
The only rule about plumbing is that you can only have what is cheapest until a sim maxes out mechanical skill.
Yes, you could have a family of pirates. It would add a twist.
Pets is a good idea.
I think I'm going to say yes to pets as there would be wild animals.
Lab Assistant
#47 Old 7th May 2009 at 9:42 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Norikoann
Yeah there should be something about apartments.
The only rule about plumbing is that you can only have what is cheapest until a sim maxes out mechanical skill.
Yes, you could have a family of pirates. It would add a twist.
Pets is a good idea.
I think I'm going to say yes to pets as there would be wild animals.

now Im definatly gfonna give this one a try.
Field Researcher
#48 Old 17th May 2009 at 4:48 AM
can i start out with less than 6 sims...?
Lab Assistant
#49 Old 25th May 2009 at 4:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by jarod95
can i start out with less than 6 sims...?

Well, I think six would be easier but if you really want less than six than I guess you could start out with just four. Two guys and two girls.
Lab Assistant
#50 Old 25th May 2009 at 5:11 AM
I think your idea is a very interesting one, but I would really, really, REALLY advise you not to use "delete all characters." Ever. It will corrupt your neighborhood, which I'm sure you don't want. Instead, I suggest following this tutorial on creating a clean, custom neighborhood the safe way: http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/s...pic,5861.0.html.
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