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#26 Old 18th Apr 2012 at 11:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
There was a bunch of terrain found in the game files in regard to seasons changes. When extracted, and used in CAW, they sort of layer on other paint, and give the terrain a new feel. I used spring grass, and it adds little small patches of flowers/tufts of grass. There's terrain for winter grass, something in regards to rocks. It's from Martine (I think), and on the internet somewhere. Google will do just fine.

I just plopped them on the list.

Link v

OMG that's awesome. There IS winter grass, and it looks about how I'd expect it. I really hope they work that into the seasons. ^_^

♫ Keeping this here until EA gives us a proper playable woodwind/brass instrument ♫
For now, though, my decorative Bassoon conversion for TS4. =)
Mad Poster
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#27 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 12:27 AM Last edited by matrix54 : 19th Apr 2012 at 12:40 AM.
IF they used that, it's gonna ruin the look of some towns that use it. Like, Bridgeport is, obviously, a town in a region that has winter and fall, and maybe spring (summer, I'm not too sure on). It has a very dark color for grass, and when you later that "winter" grass on? Not too different, coupled with snow, but how about spring grass. Now too pretty.

In other town, that have those unique color characteristics that contrast the terrain paints given, how will they look? It's nice to have, but this isn't the Sims 2 where all the terrain was the same color - there is a lot of custom stuff.
And since I looooooooooooooooove lists, I've decided to make a list of possible seasons (like I sad, I'm bored, and speculation is nice)

Sunset Valley: Summer, Fall, Spring, Summer
Riverview: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
Egypt: Summer, Summer, Summer, Summer
China: Fall, Spring, Spring, Fall
France:Spring, Fall, Summer, Spring
Twinbrook: Spring, Summer, Summer, Spring
Barnacle Bay: Summer, Summer, Summer, Summer
Bridgeport: Winter, Spring, Fall, Winter
Hidden Springs: Winter, Fall, Winter, Fall
Appaloosa Plains: Fall, Summer, Fall, Summer
Lunar Lakes: Spring, Spring, Spring, Spring
Starlight Shores: Summer, Spring, Summer, Spring


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Lab Assistant
#28 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 12:36 AM
Can't wait to play summer when it's the middle of winter here. ...Or now, there are still trace amounts of snow on ground here

I think Appaloosa Plains would be more of a spring/autumn feel. DEFINITELY autumn. But Spring is the time for animal babies.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#29 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 12:38 AM
I marked it as summer because of the ice cream truck. :p

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#30 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 12:39 AM
I hope we can customize the seasons, because I only play custom worlds now - the EA worlds are so poorly done. I would love to have my BlueBay Retreat save file with mostly Spring and Fall. And Paradise would be only Summer. Yeah, I think I don't have a life either. I would love Winter though, seeing as there's SNOW.
#31 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 1:04 AM
LOL Matrix, hilarious list there, but it would be more like:
SV: Summer, Fall, Semi-Winter, Spring (85% of the time)
RV: just as you said
Egypt: just as you said
China: Spring, Summer, Skip Fall and a little of Winter every now and then.
France: all seasons
Twinbrook: just as you said, maybe fall here and there
Barnacle Bay: doesn't deserve weather
Bridgeport: just as you said including Summer but not like all out Summer it'd be more of a San Francisco summer, or Boston summer.
Hidden Springs: Hidden what?
Appaloosa Plains: No winter?!?!? SAY WHAT, it definitely has a winter and spring not so much a summer. LOL
Lunar Lakes: The moon doesn't have weather, now does it?
SS: So true<3
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#32 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 1:32 AM
Lunar Lakes would need something. I gave it spring, because it's pretty generic, and if there's tress someplace, there's climate.

Bridgeport is a little too alpine for summer, the the game will probably use seasons to reflect a general temperature and climate change. Of course, every place on earth have all the seasons, but a Sims summer is very hot. Casual bathing suit hot. Bridgeport doesn't look very warm at all. Like sunset Valley, while close to the mountain, is too tropical for snow, since winter in the Sims universe brings about snow, so winter would never happen.

China is very fall. It's adjacent to the Far East from Bon Voyage. Also, I don't think it snows too often near the rice fields and the great wall (which are in the world).

And how have you never hear of Hidden Springs? D:
And a nice lol at Barnacle Bay.

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Lab Assistant
#33 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 1:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
I marked it as summer because of the ice cream truck. :p

Ah yes, the creepy stalker disguised as the ice cream truck.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#34 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 1:38 AM
That and because that area of america is rather hot. Spring temperatures wouldn't be warm enough. This is only based on the "Seasons" system. EA COULD change it, and give it some depth, but that's probably not going to happen.

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#35 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 1:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
Lunar Lakes would need something. I gave it spring, because it's pretty generic, and if there's tress someplace, there's climate.

Bridgeport is a little too alpine for summer, the the game will probably use seasons to reflect a general temperature and climate change. Of course, every place on earth have all the seasons, but a Sims summer is very hot. Casual bathing suit hot. Bridgeport doesn't look very warm at all. Like sunset Valley, while close to the mountain, is too tropical for snow, since winter in the Sims universe brings about snow, so winter would never happen.

China is very fall. It's adjacent to the Far East from Bon Voyage. Also, I don't think it snows too often near the rice fields and the great wall (which are in the world).

And how have you never hear of Hidden Springs? D:
And a nice lol at Barnacle Bay.

Ahaha I see what you mean now, but the reason I said Sunset Valley for snow is because here over in the North East and Central East it tends to snow on beaches, but I forgot about how tropical it was. And before I had said China to include winter, I had to google to double check if it actually snowed there, and indeed it does ---- SCRATCH THAT: http://www.weirdasianews.com/2009/1...ial-snow-storm/

Just got trolled. LOL omg, so off topic but that's hilarious. And I said Hidden What because it doesn't deserve to even be a neighborhood :x

EDIT: It actually snows naturally in the winter but not that heavy in the plains.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#36 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 2:16 AM
Appaloosa plains isn't actually plains, though. It's far too hilly and mountainous. Pacimfic Wiki Describes it as a Flood Plain, though.

The design of the town doesn't lend itself to winter at all. :/

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#37 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 2:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
Appaloosa plains isn't actually plains, though. It's far too hilly and mountainous. Pacimfic Wiki Describes it as a Flood Plain, though.

The design of the town doesn't lend itself to winter at all. :/

Lol didn't this get sorted out in the Pets thread? :P

Well it actually is somewhat plains, considering the large plateaus and the hilliness, if you look at images of the Great Plains you'll get the same look to it here and there. I think the thing about Appaloosa Plains as well, is it's a tad too saturated in some regions, but other than that it's perfectly fine. The town in a sense does lead to winter because it's classified as a plain, plains get a good heap of snow, and it's in an Autumn state, which means it should at least go onto the next season.
Lab Assistant
#38 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 2:53 AM
Well, I just hope that weather/seasons can be changed in-game, on-the-fly, like it was in TS2. I'd hate it if it could only be set in CAW like the atmosphere/climate currently is, which would mean all existing towns would probably have whatever EA determines as appropriate presets. It would be a hassle and, to some like me, a nightmare, to have to go through that whole complicated process of opening existing worlds in CAW just to change what kind of weather is native to a town.
Top Secret Researcher
#39 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 3:00 AM
The EA folks said that Bridgeport was supposed to be modeled after San Francisco. It might get cool there..but not that cold. Sunset Valley is California...we were told that in the beginning. Twinbrook is the south, Louisiana or something like that, ungodly hot in the summer and cool but not cold in the winter. Appaloosa Plains looks like the American west, Wyoming, eastern Colorado, Northern Oklahoma. Probably would get cold and snow there but most of the other places are warmer climates. Riverview looks like the midwest...Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, so snow there at least!

My guess is we would get a four-season world with a Weather pack and the ability to set our weather patterns for other worlds or custom worlds.

Reality is...we can make those towns anywhere we want them and any climate we want them to be. Well..spanish moss and palm trees would be weird in a cold climate, but other than that....
Lab Assistant
#40 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 3:09 AM
I know a seasons EP was coming, but seeing this pop up for the first time DID kind of make me excited for a few seconds only to kill it violently and rather harshly...well, that's life.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who's rooting for mermaids and swimming in the ocean for seasons. A seasons EP is a lot more likely than another vacation EP anyway.
And and and and...making a Magic then Seasons EP is going to interrupt their old idea - new - old - new pattern. But I don't care. It's seasons!
Just don't give us frostbite after being outside for only three seconds again. If I'm going to get an interactive seasonal environment, I want to be able to play in it properly without dying first in the process.
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#41 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 3:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by rian90
The EA folks said that Bridgeport was supposed to be modeled after San Francisco. It might get cool there..but not that cold.

This is true, but there's more to BP than that. It's based visually, but not geologically. The pine trees, and terrain give this away. The snow capped mountains aren't to far away from the reachable terrain in the game. Bridgeport, in palate, geography, weather, plantlife, etc. say it's a very cold, and very wet place, like it rains + snows a lot.

Not much heat though. The most it'd, probably, get is like 80ish degrees.

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Top Secret Researcher
#42 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 4:05 AM
Pine trees grow in warmer climates as well, including the area around San Francisco. It is covered with huge pines, very beautiful. It does get cold up there..but I don't think it snows.

Actually, we have tall pines here in Florida too, miles upon miles of them covering a large portion of the state. Pines are not just cold weather trees but instead are transitional. They grow in areas where hardwoods cannot grow due to soil/water issues.
Rogue Redeemer
retired moderator
#43 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 5:49 AM
It would be nice if EA would go a bit further this time than with TS2 Seasons. Like so that we'd have occasional extreme weather conditions too. Power-outs during storms, maybe random debri appearing on your lawn afterwards... and a realistic radio station in stereos which would sound like a real radio station but in simlish, and while it's on, you'd have pop-ups telling you about news around the town (including weather reports). Just like the newspaper!
Floods, earthquakes and tornadoes could be too much for The Sims, but it would be nice to have more random inconveniences in sims' lives due to the weather. But of course, preferably there'd be a lot more fun interactive stuff related to the weather and seasons than inconveniences.
#44 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 6:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by matrix54
IF they used that, it's gonna ruin the look of some towns that use it. Like, Bridgeport is, obviously, a town in a region that has winter and fall, and maybe spring (summer, I'm not too sure on). It has a very dark color for grass, and when you later that "winter" grass on? Not too different, coupled with snow, but how about spring grass. Now too pretty.

In other town, that have those unique color characteristics that contrast the terrain paints given, how will they look? It's nice to have, but this isn't the Sims 2 where all the terrain was the same color - there is a lot of custom stuff.

I understand, it's pretty complicated. But it makes a huge difference. It's the difference between our winters looking something like this or ...this. (Ignoring the trees, of course)

The actual winter grass they made is too green and dirty for me. What I used above is actually the Dry Grass.

So... I really hope they can work something out. The green colors of the grass in The Sims 3 just aren't very pretty (too bright) and they'll clash with winter way too much. However, the very fact that they set aside terrain for seasons is something that has me hopeful.

♫ Keeping this here until EA gives us a proper playable woodwind/brass instrument ♫
For now, though, my decorative Bassoon conversion for TS4. =)
retired moderator
#45 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 6:48 AM
Given the way worlds are built, I strongly suspect weather won't be available in any worlds except for a new category of worlds introduced with that EP.

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Mad Poster
#46 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 7:09 AM
Bridgeport looks nothing like San Francisco to me. It has a more Seattle/Vancouver feel to me. Pacific North(or South)west anyways.

You know what, why are we debating on preset seasons anyways? Isn't it common sense that they'd include a seasons chooser . . . ? Or am I stretching EA's "credibility" as a "reputable" "company" too far?

Angie/DS | Baby Sterling - 24/2/2014
This account is mostly used by my sons to download CC now, if you see me active, it's probably just them!
Top Secret Researcher
#47 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 7:13 AM
Well for new worlds for weather we could possibly have an alpine village, possibly with a ski resort, snow and such. There could also be an island oriented world, we haven't had on of those yet.

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.

Rogue Redeemer
retired moderator
#48 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 7:24 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kiwi_tea
Given the way worlds are built, I strongly suspect weather won't be available in any worlds except for a new category of worlds introduced with that EP.

It will really be interesting to see how on earth they'll make weather and seasons happen... EA has kinda cornered themselves with the way that the worlds are built, which is just stupid, it's not like they didn't know that they'd be making weather some time down the line! Especially considering that there have been signs of weather in the game files, which indicates that they've been working more or less with the theme since WA already.

Maybe we'll be left to tweak all worlds that were made before the EP to work with it... if not, we'll be having one heck of a patch to make it all work together!

On a random idea note, how about seasonal holidays? Not holidays from the real life, but made up seasonal celebrations and gatherings around the town!
Lab Assistant
#49 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 7:54 AM
Ha, they should give us easter. With an Easter bunny. That gives us eggs. :3
Forum Resident
#50 Old 19th Apr 2012 at 8:55 AM
Tornadeos would be cool.
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