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#301 Old 30th Jan 2020 at 5:18 PM
Oh, boy! I tried booting up TS2 a few days ago only to be greeted with this "lack of memory" issue. Will definitely give this a read later to hopefully fix it.
Test Subject
#302 Old 4th Feb 2020 at 5:36 PM Last edited by Lucydu28 : 4th Feb 2020 at 5:55 PM.
sorry i'm french so i don't speak english but i have the translator for your messages!

mon jeu met " Erreur fatal " de temps en temps pas tout le temps ! ça fonctionne pour ça ? sinon j'ai le Graphics Rules Maker et j'ai cela en mémoire 2048.
Memory: 2048MB
Free memory: 2048MB
Mon pc fait 4 Go est non 2048

J'ai les sims 2 versions Ultimate Collection

Pensez-vous que je dois l'installer ? j'ai aucun autre soucis

Test Subject
#303 Old 9th Feb 2020 at 9:29 PM
My game still crashes and I've done everything! I've done the 4GB. I did the memory allocation. It STILL crashes after I've made a new family. On the new family loading screen after CAS, it crashes. It's REALLY annoying. I don't know what else I can do! When my game crashes and I check the task manager it says MEMORY COMPLETELY USED UP. Wtf????
Test Subject
#304 Old 26th Mar 2020 at 4:34 PM
Hello, I am during installation, and one of my antiviruses(A have two) found a trojan, and I am not sure if I should continue it?
I was in a step where I put 4GB patch over Sims2EP9, and it told me that this TR was moved into quarantine (like we all, heh)
It's called TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen3
And here's my security's notes about it: https://www.avira.com/en/support-th...ry/2710?track=1
I had this patch few years ago, but I uninstall TS2 with all mods etc. and now I reinstall it and this appeared and I feel insecure, but I really want to play TS2, and now I am stuck.
I don't really feel like virusing my laptop, and I don't want to risk.
Test Subject
#305 Old 26th Apr 2020 at 2:51 PM
Sorry if that's the wrong place to ask - but if you already did everything there is about the pink flashing and crashing (including the things mentioned in this thread), what other options are there if your game still crashes?

I can play for hours without problems if I don't use CC at all or just very little. But I love playing with custom outfits and objects etc. Is there really anything like too much CC? I just have so many great items but I can't use any of them without constant crashing (every 20 minutes and on most community lots).
Mad Poster
#306 Old 26th Apr 2020 at 5:51 PM
What amount of CC is too much depends on what your system can handle. In addition to this, Apple computers have a file limit (I don't have an Apple, so I'm not familiar with the details.)

If your game only crashes when you put CC in your game, you may have some bad CC and will probably have to do a 50/50 search to weed it out.
Test Subject
#307 Old 2nd May 2020 at 8:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by RoxEllen1965
What amount of CC is too much depends on what your system can handle. In addition to this, Apple computers have a file limit (I don't have an Apple, so I'm not familiar with the details.)

If your game only crashes when you put CC in your game, you may have some bad CC and will probably have to do a 50/50 search to weed it out.

My computer should have no problems but it still crashes quite often.

Did the 50/50 method already and that didn't help. The game crashes no matter what CC I have, it just does it more often if it's the whole folder and not at all if I remove every download. But I can't figure out what CC could be bad, either every single file is corrupted or the problem is somewhere else.

It's just sad, I love the sims 2 so much but there is apparently no way to play it with custom content without any issues
Test Subject
#308 Old 5th May 2020 at 4:13 PM
So I also have this problem after trying litteraly everything! My problem is that the 4gb patch won't apply. After I do that my memory is going down to 1024 and it just sucks that the game is always crashing after a really short amount of time. I have a lot of cc, but this is not a big problem, because I used to have constant crashings since I installed it. My Computer is a Lenovo with Windows 10 and an intel graphics card. I do not know more, cause these things aren't really my cup of tea. I really tried every method out there to stop the crashings and only got rid of the pink flashings etc. The only thing not working is still the 4gb patch, so that is actually my last hope.
Log generated on 5/5/2020, 16:57

Kiri: texture memory updated
=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 EP8
Build: ReleaseSRT
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 5.1
CPU: 3225.599853Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 1024MB
Free memory: 1024MB
User: User
=== Sound device info ===
Name: Unknown
Driver: Unknown
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Intel(R) HD Graphics 610
Name (database): Intel(R) HD Graphics 610 <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
Vendor: Intel
Chipset: Vendor: 8086, Device: 5906, Board: 396617aa, Chipset: 0007
Driver: igdumdim32.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B78E66-1A46-11CF-946C-0219BCC2D535
Driver version: 6286
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.782383, 16:9
Screen mode: 1920x1080x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 10178MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1

Global properties
uintProp propertyRevision 6
boolProp allowCustomContent true
boolProp animationLOD false
uintProp antialiasingQuality 1
boolProp autoCentering true
boolProp autoLogin false
boolProp bumpMapping false
boolProp checkForPatch true
boolProp constrainFloorElevation true
uintProp cutawayMemorySize 3
boolProp cutawayOutside true
boolProp disableCustomObjects false
boolProp displayCustomObjectInfo true
boolProp displayLookAtBoxes false
boolProp displayPaths false
boolProp deviceVsynch true
uintProp dynamicRenderStrategy 0
boolProp edgeScrolling true
floatProp horzedgescrollrate 0.5
floatProp vertedgescrollrate 0.5
uintProp effectPriorityLevel 3
stringProp lastLoadedNeighborhood Pleasantview
boolProp freeWill true
floatProp geomBoneInfluenceThreshold 0.01
boolProp geomCheckGeomDataIntegrity false
uintProp geomGenerateTangentSpaceNormalLines 0
boolProp geomGenerateTangentSpaceSxT false
floatProp geomGeneratedTangentSpaceNormalLineLength 0.1
uintProp geomMaxBoneInfluencesPerVertex 4
sintProp geomMaxMorphTargetDeltasPerVertex 4
floatProp geomMorphTargetDeltaThreshold 0.001
floatProp geomPerBoneBoundBlendWeightThreshold 0.9
boolProp guob true
boolProp interrupt false
boolProp lightOpenGLStyle false
uintProp lightingQuality 3
boolProp livePIP true
boolProp lotInfoAdvancedMode true
stringProp lotWindowFillColor (0,0,0,1)
uintProp maxParticlesTarget 10000
uintProp maxTerrainGrade 5
boolProp morph true
stringProp neighborhoodWindowFillColor (0.5,0.5,0.5,1)
boolProp noStupidIFFUnlocking false
boolProp optimizeMeshes true
floatProp particleDamping 0
floatProp particleDensity 1
uintProp particleLODOffset 0
floatProp particleScale 1
floatProp particleSizeThreshold 1
boolProp quickTips true
boolProp reduceBoneWeights false
boolProp renderOpaqueUI false
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer false
boolProp rotateCameraSims1Mode false
boolProp nhoodWaterReflection false
boolProp renderInsideObjectOnlyOnSelectedSimLevel true
boolProp showSnowOnGround true
uintProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 1
boolProp renderSelectedSimLevel false
boolProp sleepInBackground true
boolProp simInBackground false
boolProp simShadows true
boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true
uintProp soundDetail 2
boolProp specHighlights true
boolProp unevenTilesFloorable true
boolProp useEffects true
boolProp useLODs false
uintProp snapshotPictureQuality 2
uintProp snapshotPictureSize 2
boolProp usePixelAspectRatio true
uintProp videoCaptureMaxRecordingSeconds 60
uintProp videoCaptureQuality 1
uintProp videoCaptureSize 1
boolProp videoCaptureAudioOn true
boolProp CameraDriftCamEnabled true
boolProp CameraSpecialEventEnabled true
boolProp ShowLotPackageFilename false
boolProp SoundMasterGroupVoxEnabled true
boolProp SoundMasterGroupFXEnabled true
boolProp SoundMasterGroupMusicEnabled true
boolProp SoundMasterGroupAmbienceEnabled true
uintProp FXVolume 100
uintProp VOXVolume 100
uintProp AmbienceVolume 100
uintProp MusicVolume 40
floatProp tvVolume 0.5
uintProp AudioPerformance 1
boolProp ShowTutorialWelcome true
boolProp NoLegacySounds true
boolProp liveCameraConstraints true
uintProp edithConfigFlags 1
uintProp copiedShippedDataToUserDataFolder 114175
boolProp enableLotImpostersInLot true
boolProp enableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot true
uintProp lotSkirtSizeIncrease 9
uintProp neighborhoodPropFadeDistance 50
boolProp clickableLotImposters true
boolProp showXRayCursor true
uintProp maxTotalSims 10
uintProp maxTotalHumans 8
uintProp maxTotalPets 6
floatProp pagodaSlopeControlX 1
floatProp pagodaSlopeControlY 1
floatProp pagodaCornerHeightRatio 0.25
floatProp pagodaEaveX 1.5
floatProp pagodaEaveY 1.5
floatProp diagonalPagodaEaveX 1
floatProp diagonalPagodaEaveY 1
boolProp force12HrTime false
boolProp enableOceanReflection false
boolProp includeCeilings false
stringProp activeDeviceDisplayMode 800x600x32x60
boolProp activeDeviceUseSoftwareRasterizer false
uintProp optionMaterialDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectHiding 0
uintProp optionSnowOnGround 1
uintProp optionShadows 3
uintProp optionOpaqueUI 0
uintProp optionReflection 1
uintProp optionCeiling 0
uintProp optionEffectsQuality 3
uintProp optionLightingQuality 3
uintProp optionSoundQuality 3
uintProp optionEnableLotImpostersInLot 1
uintProp optionEnableNeighborhoodOccupantsInLot 1
uintProp optionLotSkirtSizeIncrease 1
sintProp activeDeviceNum 0
boolProp copiedUSToUKEnglishNames true
stringProp activeDeviceList 1;0;Intel(R) HD Graphics 610;8086;5906;6286;, GUID: D7B78E66-1A46-11CF-946C-0219BCC2D535;
stringProp SoundOutputMode stereo
boolProp perfAddLights true
boolProp perfRenderParts true
boolProp perfLightCaching true
boolProp perfEnableSkinning true
boolProp perfEnableMorphing true
uintProp lodOverride 0
boolProp effectLODSoftChange true
floatProp effectMaxTimeDelta 0
boolProp enableSnapshot true
boolProp floorCollisions true
boolProp wallCollisions true
boolProp creatingLotTemplate false

Device 0

uintProp MaterialDetail 3 #default: 3
uintProp ObjectDetail 3 #default: 3
uintProp ObjectHiding 0 #default: 0
uintProp Shadows 3 #default: 3
uintProp OpaqueUI 0 #default: 0
uintProp Reflection 1 #default: 1
uintProp EffectsQuality 3 #default: 3
uintProp LightingQuality 3 #default: 3
uintProp SoundQuality 3 #default: 3
uintProp DirtyRect 2 #default: 2
uintProp FullscreenFadeEffect 1 #default: 1
uintProp Turbo 2 #default: 2
uintProp SimulatorControls 3 #default: 3
uintProp LightingOptimizations 3 #default: 3
uintProp AnimationSamplingLevel 2 #default: 2
uintProp LivePIP 1 #default: 1
uintProp SpecialEventCamera 1 #default: 1
uintProp ScreenModeResolution 3 #default: 3

Option properties
boolProp bumpMapping true
uintProp imageDataSizeReductionOnLoad 0
boolProp reduceBoneWeights false
boolProp useLODs false
uintProp lodOverride 0
uintProp renderInsideVisibleObjects 0
boolProp simShadows true
boolProp objectShadows true
boolProp guob true
boolProp heightMapShadows true
boolProp renderOpaqueUI false
boolProp reflectionWithExtraViewer true
boolProp nhoodWaterReflection true
boolProp useEffects true
uintProp maxParticlesTarget 10000
uintProp particleLODOffset 0
uintProp effectPriorityLevel 3
floatProp particleDensity 1
floatProp particleScale 1
boolProp lightingEnabled true
boolProp portalLighting true
boolProp floorAndWallNormalMapping true
boolProp specHighlights true
uintProp AudioPerformance 2
uintProp dynamicRenderStrategy 2
boolProp enableSnapshot true
boolProp useTurboRect true
uintProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8
boolProp optimizedDiffusion true
boolProp incrementalLighting true
boolProp lerpLights true
boolProp useDirtyTiles true
boolProp animationFrameSampling false
boolProp livePIPDefault true
boolProp chooseCameraSpecialEventEnabled true
uintProp maxResWidth 1920
uintProp maxResHeight 1080
uintProp defaultResWidth 1920
uintProp defaultResHeight 1080
uintProp optionMaterialDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectDetail 3
uintProp optionObjectHiding 0
uintProp optionShadows 3
uintProp optionOpaqueUI 0
uintProp optionReflection 1
uintProp optionEffectsQuality 3
uintProp optionLightingQuality 3
uintProp optionSoundQuality 3
uintProp optionDirtyRect 2
uintProp optionFullscreenFadeEffect 1
uintProp optionTurbo 2
uintProp optionSimulatorControls 3
uintProp optionLightingOptimizations 3
uintProp optionAnimationSamplingLevel 2
uintProp optionLivePIP 1
uintProp optionSpecialEventCamera 1
uintProp optionScreenModeResolution 3
sintProp activeDeviceNum 0

Device properties
boolProp useRenderTextures false
uintProp antialiasingSupport 1
boolProp enableDriverMemoryManager false
boolProp vs2LoopsFunctional false
boolProp presentWorkaround false
boolProp enumerateMultisampleLevels false
boolProp simpleTerrain false
boolProp disableVSyncSupport true
boolProp disableTexMemEstimateAdjustment true
uintProp deviceLocalVideoMemorySizeDefault 2082471936
boolProp activeDeviceUseSoftwareRasterizer false
uintProp configParserErrorCode 0

This is my config-log, oh and I don't have the UC, I have all expansion packs and all stuff packs, except mansion and garden, H&M and Kitchen and Bath.
If someone could help me please let me know.
This game means so much to me and I would love to play it with less crashes.
#309 Old 5th May 2020 at 4:43 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sanctusinfernum
So I also have this problem after trying litteraly everything! My problem is that the 4gb patch won't apply. After I do that my memory is going down to 1024 and it just sucks that the game is always crashing after a really short amount of time. I have a lot of cc, but this is not a big problem, because I used to have constant crashings since I installed it. My Computer is a Lenovo with Windows 10 and an intel graphics card. I do not know more, cause these things aren't really my cup of tea. I really tried every method out there to stop the crashings and only got rid of the pink flashings etc. The only thing not working is still the 4gb patch, so that is actually my last hope.
This is my config-log, oh and I don't have the UC, I have all expansion packs and all stuff packs, except mansion and garden, H&M and Kitchen and Bath.
If someone could help me please let me know.
This game means so much to me and I would love to play it with less crashes.

Make sure you don't run the game in compatibility mode with older systems if you want to use 4 GB patch. (to see that, right click on an icon with which you start the game, then choose "properties", then choose compatibility tab and see if you have checked option "compatibilty mode".
Test Subject
#310 Old 11th May 2020 at 1:54 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Anhaeyn
Make sure you don't run the game in compatibility mode with older systems if you want to use 4 GB patch. (to see that, right click on an icon with which you start the game, then choose "properties", then choose compatibility tab and see if you have checked option "compatibilty mode".

Thanks for the tip but it only changed it up to 2048 instead 0f 4096, so I think it still did not work. If you know any other solution, please let me know.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#311 Old 11th May 2020 at 2:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sanctusinfernum
Thanks for the tip but it only changed it up to 2048 instead 0f 4096, so I think it still did not work. If you know any other solution, please let me know.

Do you have the computer specs for it? If you don't have enough RAM it can't draw on it, you need 2GB free to run your pc.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Test Subject
#312 Old 11th May 2020 at 3:13 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Do you have the computer specs for it? If you don't have enough RAM it can't draw on it, you need 2GB free to run your pc.

I have 8GB of RAM and 7.43GB are still usable, so it actually should work.
Lab Assistant
#313 Old 31st May 2020 at 9:27 AM
Hi, I need some help. I installed the 4GBpatch, and I moved the exe file to the CSbin, but my memory does not read 4096, but it reads on memory: 3984 MB, and on free memory: 556 MB.
Test Subject
#314 Old 12th Jun 2020 at 5:48 PM
I can't run the game after installing 4gb patch... I deleted the cache files but it didn't help.
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#315 Old 13th Jun 2020 at 12:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by candyboot
Hi, I need some help. I installed the 4GBpatch, and I moved the exe file to the CSbin, but my memory does not read 4096, but it reads on memory: 3984 MB, and on free memory: 556 MB.

Do you have enough RAM to use it?

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#316 Old 13th Jun 2020 at 12:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by elkakub17
I can't run the game after installing 4gb patch... I deleted the cache files but it didn't help.

Try Window mode. Right-click your desktop shortcut go to properties target window. Go to the end of the text which should say the path you instaled it to. Do a gap then type in -w click apply.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Test Subject
#317 Old 13th Jun 2020 at 4:41 PM
But I using window mode...
Lab Assistant
#318 Old 14th Jun 2020 at 1:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by joandsarah77
Do you have enough RAM to use it?

No, I don't.

It says on my computer: Installed RAM-memory: 4,00 GB(and 3,89 GB is usable.)
Lab Assistant
#319 Old 3rd Aug 2020 at 12:05 AM
i redid the 4gb install and i had to re install the game so i thought it worked BUT i still see Memory: 2048MB
Free memory: 640MB after i opened and closed the game?

Every one should read this please read and repost it.http://www.womensweb.ca/violence/rape/index.php
Lab Assistant
#320 Old 15th Aug 2020 at 3:38 PM
Thank you very much for this information. It worked for me. :-)
Test Subject
#321 Old 31st Aug 2020 at 2:01 PM Last edited by LaMonde : 31st Aug 2020 at 2:14 PM.
Hi! I'm going slightly insane because the crashing drives me crazy and I've done everything to get the 4gb patch to work yet it still won't
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 6.0
CPU: 4751.600097Mhz, Name:AuthenticAMD, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 2048MB
Free memory: 2048MB
User: ***
Computer: DESKTOP-03E6M7R

^Even after using window mode

Operating System
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Pinnacle Ridge 12nm Technology
8.00GB Single-Channel Unknown @ 1330MHz (20-19-19-43)
SyncMaster (1680x1050@59Hz)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 (ZOTAC International)
476GB E12-512G-PHISON-SSD-B16-BB1 (Unknown (SSD))

so I would say I have enough ram and memory to run the 4gb patch?
I also have moved the files from bin to bin multiple times, I have no compatibility modes on, I have tried in window mode. I am losing my sanity
please help me
Mad Poster
#322 Old 31st Aug 2020 at 9:37 PM
If the patch refuses to run or properly save changes on the exe file while the file is in Program Files, try copying the file to your desktop and run the fix there, before you move and replace the file back into place. Sometimes the write protection (or whatever it is) in Windows can get a bit frustrating in the Program Files areas, but this trick can help if nothing else works.

Same with the Graphic Rules & Video Cards files.
Test Subject
#323 Old 3rd Sep 2020 at 6:46 PM Last edited by Lucydu28 : 3rd Sep 2020 at 6:57 PM.

the patch does not apply I don't know how to do it too, I have 4096 but at the bottom I have 2800 or less sometimes and not 4096 on the 2 how to do?
I still haven't found the solution to my problem, I can't get 4096, the memory often drops

basically the memory changes all the time but it does not stay fixed
thank you
Mad Poster
#324 Old 3rd Sep 2020 at 7:46 PM
Have you run the Graphic Rules fixes, too? Could be your game isn't properly reading the graphic card/chip, and doesn't mange to balance the memory.

How much RAM do you have? You need 6 or more for the 4GB patch to properly work, at least if you have Windows 7 or above, because the newer Windows versions can easily use 2 GB RAM just for the OS, leaving very little for the game.
Test Subject
#325 Old 4th Sep 2020 at 2:09 PM
when turning on the game, I went to 2292 in memory in the file
I managed to make it work with the 4go patch, I had 4096 the other day but not anymore, I have 8 GB in my pc so I don't think any worries if the other day it worked!
if you are talking about Graph Maker i did this

it no longer works because 'I had to change the game;, hum

I put the Exe back in TSBIN and graph maker found it
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