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#4001 Old 22nd Feb 2024 at 3:26 AM Last edited by Algester : 22nd Feb 2024 at 9:06 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by LadySmoks
A lot of woohooing in your game. Does anyone work???

Welll yes kinda everyone is tagged rich.... and some are even celebrities.... but this is a burner save at least birds and the bees isnt firing is miscarriage factor after modding it which means babies are being born

ohh and my 2 timing sim? yeah.... he's the father of... heptuplets.... (quadruplets and triplets)
https://imgur.com/a/FoW4tbj behold his 2nd gen family also since this is a burner save.... let's just say.... shit happened (like how was I supposed to know throwing the procreation elixir at sims would more likely than not guarantee a triplet?) like this is the second TIME! then again what was EA's logic to make the procreation elixir effect to be only 8 hours but the buff has to be in effect for multiple births where in pregnancy by default lasts 3 days?
#4002 Old 26th Feb 2024 at 11:15 AM
Playing around in Lunar Lakes

Mad Poster
#4003 Old 26th Feb 2024 at 2:48 PM
I love those trees! I am almost finished with a world using those and the other fantasy ones. Very fun look for worlds.
#4004 Old 27th Feb 2024 at 2:08 PM
I don't expect TS3 puddings to look like perfect human beings, but I swear sometimes Maxis forgot that not everybody plays their game from a mile away.

Jareth Alto



Cleaned up all the shadow mess under his nose, used GShade to fuzz out the background and added a PSD layer for some extra lighting.
Forum Resident
#4005 Old 27th Feb 2024 at 3:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Gargoyle Cat
I don't expect TS3 puddings to look like perfect human beings, but I swear sometimes Maxis forgot that not everybody plays their game from a mile away.

I think it's actually kind of fun to take the vanilla puddings and do makeovers every so often, those types of threads are some of my favorites. It's neat to see everyone's different interpretations of the premades too.

You have been chosen. They will come soon.
#4006 Old 27th Feb 2024 at 5:18 PM
I decided to start a new family line to play because after getting to generation 50+, things started to get a bit repetitive and boring. And all those tomb stones... Anyway, I made a young adult female and the plan was her to be a free spirited painter living in Monte Vista. Just anjoy her life and maybe at somepoint have child as a single mom. Well, that was the plan but after one game week she met a ghost at the graveyard and they just instantly clicked. I was surprised to see that the man was Octavius Capp. At that point I really didn't mind anymore, since I never played the Capp family in Sims 2. So, she brought him back to life and then he got a much needed makeover.

Snow and Octavius had five kids (like I really needed that ), first twins and then triplets. The youngest girl, Syren, was the one I chose to continue the line. I like the way she looks. Reminds me of Ann Hathaway someways.

Syren doesn't work due to the fact that she is creating a new egg-shaped and skull-cut gem collection, which I lost at one point. She met Benjamin Schmidt but since Benjamin was already married to an elderly lady - Vallari Chandra - they had to wait until she kicked the bucket. Finally Syren and Benjamin got married in China while on a vacation there. Benjamin took the Capp family name. Syren is now pregnant. Hoping to have just one baby. *keeps fingers crossed *

Field Researcher
#4007 Old 1st Mar 2024 at 2:25 PM
I started up a new save in the Sims 3. I choose Isla Paradiso. Yes, I know that it's buggy and awful. I chose it because I wanted to check out the hotels. However as I made my Sims I found these cowboy hats... and decide to make him into a horse wrangler with the Jockey ambition. As I started the game he rolled a want to become a firefigher. I figured, why not? I didn't realize it was a work on site career! I did have to fix some things to make the career work. I grabbed a mod to fix the emergencies and a bunch of other gameplay issues from here and moved the firetruck as it was placed in an inaccessible spot. And honestly, besides the glitches and lag, I'm actually having fun with this career. I like how it's more free roam than Sims 4 careers. I also like that so far there has been no repeat emergencies.

I did change the seasons when it started snowing in what's supposed to be a tropical paradise. I hope the seasonal settings in per save.

Oh and also! I'd do the gnome invasion emergency and I laughed a bit when I saw Cameron here sneaking up on the gnomes. I didn't know they did that! I'll also say that I much prefer that the sims burn the food rather than causing a house fire in the Sims 3, when using a cheap stove/low cooking skill. In Sims 4 they always start a fire when cooking for the first time. It's annoying. Here they just burn the food, much better.
Field Researcher
#4008 Old 1st Mar 2024 at 2:27 PM

If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
Forum Resident
#4009 Old 3rd Mar 2024 at 2:23 AM
It took me forever creating these Sims and there's more to go but I quit right there for now, lol. So these two are based off of wave 1 from the Barbie Looks collection. I wanted to create more male models to practice male fashion but I will be putting them into gameplay as well.

I didn't really spend too much time with their outfits but somehow I think the one on the left looks good despite wanting to try a pattern I rarely ever use, if ever. Tweed.

TS3 has a lot of interesting patterns and I am excited to discover a bunch I do not typically use.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#4010 Old 9th Mar 2024 at 10:26 PM Last edited by lucy kemnitzer : 11th Mar 2024 at 8:13 AM.
I've been trying to fix CAS because it took me ten hours to create four sims. 1st step was recategorizing stuff so there's no longer high heeled boots, dresses, long pans, and hats in swimwear, or shorts and sandals and open shirts in outerwear, or lord knows what in sleepwear. Then I renamed things to take out the weirdo characters (mostly []) Then I merged most of CAS into 4 packages (clothes, hair, makeup, accessories-shoes). I have kept every version of this carefully labeled far away from my game and deleted caches every time I changed the game. Also I installed Smooth Patch.

Last night I made the rather stupid decision to make some sims before entering livemode and adjusting my nraas settings, so I didn't have compact mode on. Anyway, it took four hours to make three sims, which is an improvement (originally 2.5 hours per sim, then it was 1.3 hours per sim). I'm not that fussy. Most of the time is waiting for the commit and waiting for the catalog to load and waiting for create a style to load, commit, and resolve.

Some things were much much faster. Initializing of CAS, moving through the face modeling, committing the sliders, very fast. Clothes catalog-noticeably faster but still slow. Create a Style- much much faster but the commit is still kind of long. Switching between plain and accessory hair for some reason still achingly slow.

I've been pretty happy with the sims I've been making, I think I might have gotten prettier skins, though my default is still Lady Frontbum's Naughty from way back when. I installed new ramps, and I think they might apply to all the natural skins? Anyway my dark skinned sims are gorgeous now. I'm not going for pretty, modelly, hollywood sims, I'm going for ordinary people, so when I say gorgeous, I mean they're just the right amount of goodlooking and just the right amount of realistic.

Anyway after that I went into live mode (this is all in a throwaway world, I don't want to go into live mode in my actual world till I have all the pieces in place) and I did my Master Controller, Story Progression, and Woohooer settings (at least the human ones, I'm leaving animals at default until later). After I do the other settings (much good %$#$%$#! Tempest ever does but like a fool I set them every time) I'll export my settings and use them as a base for every world, editing them as I see fit for different worlds. I had all this done some time ago but the usual crisis made my settings disappear-for some reason the special ones that fit my grand goblin's tastes did survive.

EDIT After I set my Nraas settings, compact mode and some other things, CAS runs so nice and fast and smooth.
#4011 Old 11th Mar 2024 at 2:51 PM Last edited by DrChillgood : 12th Mar 2024 at 7:17 PM.
I'm now starting Starlight Shores and moving in my teenage wasteland characters James and Claire Askew, Lily Vanilla, Tori Delight, and Yeet Yolo, all made as teens with a ghost parent who immediately returns to the netherworld, to circumvent CAS not allowing a teen-only household. When Lily wasn't able to eat her salad (like it didn't appear in her menu at all), I immediately put the game down and looked for a solution (https://modthesims.info/d/535651/up...l-to-meal.html). Then, already Story Progression paired Yeet with Mandy Best.

EDIT TO AVOID DOUBLE POST: Lily is my main Sim. She works at the grocery store. The good: I got her and James hooked up, and I had enough money left over from moving in to invest in the grocery store. The bad: The school bus came while food was still on the stove, and I couldn't cancel that. I moved the stove out before it could burn down the whole place. No way am I getting another SimmerChar, can't afford any other stoves, we're living on cereal at the moment. Stirred awake by her mom's ghost (who I assume was saying "You should thank me for moving that stove out and saving your house!"), and waking up feeling sick. The last was too much, testingcheatsenabled true, ctrl-click, I didn't need that. "And you should also thank me for dispelling your cold!"

And another update: The morning after I played that session, I burned my bagel in real life.

I am definitely going to need to use the Relativity mod to make sure Sims actually have time to eat (and actually eat). Also, the shadows are a stupid square thingy, so I'm going to have to fix the GraphicsRules and GraphicsCards.

1/8/2016: New avatar! Pre-censored for EA's approval.
3/19/2015: Teens are too close to YAs. EA needs to either shorten the teens, or add preteens and make YAs look older.
Forum Resident
#4012 Old 16th Mar 2024 at 12:39 AM
Myra gave birth to a singleton, a baby girl named Nora, the Mwangi twins aged up to teens, and the Mwangi triplets aged up to children. Now Nora is about a month old and Myra is pregnant again and I just saved and quit, lol. I was hoping that my Sims would wait longer but of course not. But I did miss having toddlers. At least during the next round Taz will age up into a teenager. But for now it's 2 teens, 4 kids, 1 infant and 1 or more just conceived. As for the teens, it's great they have more independence to care for themselves such as cooking and although they autonomously can take care of their younger siblings it's not something I direct often. As a kid Tatianna made a little over $100,000 selling her art and during her teens years I will keep building her savings but also she kept rolling the Super Popular LTW so I'll work on that too. Her twin Sienna will focus on her collecting/metals/smelting/gems. But there was a wish she rolled to learn scuba diving that I didn't have room to lock so I'll have to keep that in mind.

Myra autonomously went to the hospital to deliver Nora so here is what she looks like. Upon checking in CAS, yup, her hair is black so that's the second carrier gene for hair color to get a phenotype in one of the kids besides Marlyn's blonde hair. So Myra, the mother, has strawberry-blonde hair and Tariku, the father, has brown which the twins inherited.

I had to quit without saving during the triplets birthday because Lulu glitched and wouldn't age up and when I forced her to age up all her facial sliders went to 0 and she looked like the typical preset Sim. That also happened with Sienna which was annoying but I'm glad I make it a habit to save and back up my in-game born Sims as toddlers as soon as possible. Though this time I hoped that me quitting and restarting would play out the aging up correctly which it did.

All the triplets have a room of their own like their other siblings and I decided to try something different with each room having a different theme. One room is pirate-themed, one room is underwater-themed, and the last room is whimsical/Alice in Wonderland-themed. Even their pajamas match their room themes, lol. Instead of choosing which room is whose, I let them choose their own room by whoever choose which bed to sleep in. So Lulu took the pirate-themed room, Indie took the Alice in Wonderland-themed room and by default that meant Marlyn's room is the underwater-themed room. I don't have any screenshots at the moment of their rooms but I'll try to remember to update when I do get some.

The kids have imaginary friends but they started to annoy me with how attention-seeking they are, so I took all the dolls and put them away. 😑

I haven't really been taking many screenshots lately and that's why I don't have much of any at the moment. But I thought this was funny how Sims will typically choose to sit and eat near the one they have a good bond with. Most, if not all the kids seek their dad's attention a lot more than their mom but then again he does have the irresistible trait which makes him the more popular parent by default or so it seems. Regardless, Myra seems to struggle to connect with some of her children like the twins and no matter trying to work on it, their relationship tends to keep tanking so I gave up for the moment to try again later. Tariku overall is just a lot more involved with his children.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
#4013 Old 16th Mar 2024 at 3:05 AM Last edited by Elynda : 19th Mar 2024 at 2:41 AM. Reason: correcting
I've finally begun making some progress with my 'Queen Lucy' story. Sometimes it seems like I've taken on more than I can handle, but I'm soldiering on. I hope to get something posted soon.

Here's a sneak peek at what I've been setting up for a new chapter.......

The gentleman in the top hat is Mr Jarvis Baskerville, owner and chief driver of Baskerville & Sons Coaching and Haulage. He is named in honour of a real life Baskerville, who operated coaches between Plymouth and the wilds of Dartmoor, way back when Sherlock Holmes was still resident at 221b Baker Street. I suspect that's where Arthur Conan Doyle got the name from. Most goods that come into or go out of Nantrelor have to cope with some pretty bad roads through the rugged mountain passes, so the vehicles have to be quite sturdy. I suspect that in real life that wagon would need a team of at least four, especially when fully loaded. Well, it can't be helped (since that's the only wagon complete with horses I could find to download). I'm just going to have to pretend they'll be putting on another pair later.

The soldier is one of the border guards, or 'Rangers' as they are commonly known. The Royal Guards, some of whom I have shown before, are chiefly concerned with protecting the sovereign, and although they do have some combat training, their duties are largely ceremonial. Not so the Rangers, who are tough mountain men and expert guerilla fighters, used to operating in difficult terrain. They are also skilled at riding Nantrelor's light hill ponies. Their main job is to patrol the mountain passes, on the watch for smugglers and roving gangs of bandits. The latter have become an increasing problem recently, and thus the Ranger shown here is preparing to ride 'shot gun' on the wagon.

(Shout outs for Danjaley for the wagon, GiveTheNineARide for the Invisible Parking Space and to Buzzler for the VanishingObjects scripts, without which I would have needed to do a bit of crafty Photoshopping on that screenshot).

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Lab Assistant
#4014 Old 16th Mar 2024 at 6:00 AM

This is Boyd's cousin Chattaya. He's a bit of an hippie or druggy type guy. Maybe a bit artsy? IDK I just dreamed him this night.

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
Top Secret Researcher
#4015 Old 18th Mar 2024 at 3:02 AM
I'm still playing River Tam, who is an elder. She prefers her pets over her family and especially her ex-husband and her younger son. She has the Age Freeze Lifetime Award, so I decided I will have her have a birthday cake when her old dog dies. I will invite her older son to move in, so no one else can inherit. if I understand correctly how inheritance works. I spent most of the cash. She relies on her son to take care of her horse, the other dog and the two cats. They're all elder and I'm ready to have someone else in the house.
Lab Assistant
#4016 Old 18th Mar 2024 at 1:36 PM

I wrote more about Chattaya! A whole world and lore (distinct from sims lore, and more closely related to my OC lore) is starting to form around him.

You know that meme comparing Last of Us and Stranger Things and saying "men who lost daughters named Sarah and gained daughters named El"?

Well it's the same thing about Chattaya with Zedna and LeYarre. EXCEPT THAT ZEDNA AND LEYARRE EVENTUALLY GET TO BE SISTERS TOGETHER AGAIN

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
Lab Assistant
#4017 Old 19th Mar 2024 at 1:10 AM
Playing Isla Paradiso with a father and son-duo based on a race of humanoids from the Elder Scrolls series. The last surviving members of their species, they were sent into the world of The Sims through a mysterious rift in time and space. Life ain't easy in this strange new world but so far, it's been good...
Lab Assistant
#4018 Old 19th Mar 2024 at 7:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sazandora123
Playing Isla Paradiso with a father and son-duo based on a race of humanoids from the Elder Scrolls series. The last surviving members of their species, they were sent into the world of The Sims through a mysterious rift in time and space. Life ain't easy in this strange new world but so far, it's been good...

If they're originally from Elder Scrolls and the last of their kind (that'd be the Snow Elves, right?) of course they were nice to end up in sims, I have a few last of their kind within my Chatters!


I feel like if I had more villains, it'd help me get out from my safe spot more, and be less squeamish over character deaths.

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
Lab Assistant
#4019 Old 19th Mar 2024 at 9:35 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Luvicsiana
If they're originally from Elder Scrolls and the last of their kind (that'd be the Snow Elves, right?) of course they were nice to end up in sims, I have a few last of their kind within my Chatters!


I feel like if I had more villains, it'd help me get out from my safe spot more, and be less squeamish over character deaths.

Kothringi, actually. They're described as "silver-skinned" and in my head canon it's because they have scaly skin -- hence the fish scales on my sims! It's a pretty obscure bit of lore, so far only Elder Scrolls Online has featured them properly.
Lab Assistant
#4020 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 12:21 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sazandora123
Kothringi, actually. They're described as "silver-skinned" and in my head canon it's because they have scaly skin -- hence the fish scales on my sims! It's a pretty obscure bit of lore, so far only Elder Scrolls Online has featured them properly.

Aah that makes sense, they’d be some sort of fish people!

Alolissimo Pomel of Goldel Lucentel, it's me, the Fandom Gremlin and Different Twin.

My main site is at https://www.ncls.it/unigaia/

Just a girl on Entropy’s Side
Mad Poster
#4021 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 3:00 PM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 21st Mar 2024 at 3:07 PM. Reason: Clarity, Addendum, Tweaks and Errors
Somehow, I live on Isla Paradiso and it's been a while since I had played with my The Sims 3 Sims. I had been so caught up in Paralives, Life by You, and INZOI.

It's a nice island and I plan to work on it.

I have been having trouble relaxing and simming because I am still busy caring for my mother while she has vertigo. 😵‍💫

Either way, I still commit the celebrity sin, but I am also guilty of inserting fictional characters as lovers or neighbors or rivals in the game.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#4022 Old 21st Mar 2024 at 5:23 PM
Started a new save series. My Sims are the vampire King and Queen of Praaven (I think the alternate version). I decided they need "minions", so began converting an XPS model to TS3...

And with a few occult mods, he can even fly!

Shiny, happy people make me puke!
Lab Assistant
#4023 Old 26th Mar 2024 at 2:09 PM
Playing Moonlight Falls, my favorite town in the game. I have no idea what my sim is plotting, but I feel concerned.
Field Researcher
#4024 Old 26th Mar 2024 at 5:42 PM
Moonlight Falls is an interesting town

If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
Field Researcher
#4025 Old 5th Apr 2024 at 7:06 PM

If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
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