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#651 Old 21st Oct 2023 at 11:40 AM
I'm like 3 months into my new job and I think I'm already bored. Again. I know that's how generic office jobs at generic companies go, but I haven't learned shit in 5 years and that's definitely not ok. Anything that I've "learned" was through research and trail and error. That's not how learning and development is supposed to work, "figure it out" alone isn't gonna cut it. Every job and every internship I've ever had has been like this. What happened to real training programmes and making someone useful? Why am I not worth training? Like other than the ususal bullshit of oh you're too expensive, or "in this economy?

Time to change job I guess
Mad Poster
#652 Old 21st Oct 2023 at 9:38 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 22nd Oct 2023 at 7:40 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
What happened to real training programmes and making someone useful? Why am I not worth training? Like other than the ususal bullshit of oh you're too expensive, or "in this economy?

You could ask if there are any training programmes or similar you can take part in. Sometimes there are, but the bosses just aren't aware people have any interest in it (or are used to people not showing interest, so they don't bother asking, or automatically send that one person they always ask/send).

I almost have the opposite problem. At my workplace there's too many things happening - always some new thing going on, usually a quick-course with at best a one hour powerpoint presentation (that ideally should've been a day-long workshop), and you're pretty much expected to know it by heart and use it in day-to-day from then on, but there's another one of those about every other week or so. If it's not that, it's new routines, new ways of doing something, yet another new app/program/thingamabob to learn... Would be nice if things could calm down just a tiny bit. There are limits to how much information people can take in...

What I would like some more training on is the apps/programs we use, because they've mostly been taught by very quick show-and-tell sessions between colleagues, plus a lot of trial and failure - and there's limits to how far this gets you, especially when everyone is at least a little bit unsure themselves...

And they always put meetings/course days/etc. on my days off. Always, Especially after several days of work - First day off I've got - BAM! Meeting/course day. Dunno how they're doing it, but they are
Mad Poster
#653 Old 22nd Oct 2023 at 10:35 AM
Husband called the courts on Friday and we were told we could appeal (which costs money) or just pay the money. They didn't seem to care that she had purposefully sent the court orders to the wrong address. So I guess all we can do is appeal it, they didn't say anything about it not being served? But I guess I would have to argue that when I appeal and maybe even counter sue for the price of the appeal (and I'm thinking the deposit too, seeing as it seems that money hasn't gone towards anything at all)

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Mad Poster
#654 Old 24th Oct 2023 at 6:26 PM Last edited by Bigsimsfan12 : 24th Oct 2023 at 8:59 PM.
More talk to solicitors, the police, etc.

So basically. Theres nothing we can do. Our options are: pay the money by the 1st or don't.

If we do? We admit to the damages caused and she gets the money. We can't go back on it at a later date.

If we don't or only partially pay; including if we appeal and it gets rejected or we ask for the court to reconsider the amount.... we get such a bad credit score for the next seven years we won't even be able to get a phone contract. Also we would have to pay the extra court fees, if we appeal we would be paying loads of extra fees which could amount to more than we're expected to pay LC. We don't even know what evidence she has against us, or what damages even are, or even what our deposit covered (so we could be paying double for things!) because she didn't provide any of it to the court so its hard to even say what she's accusing us of or whether we have a good enough case. We can't argue she used an address she knows we don't use, because technically it was the last address she knew we had lived at so its kinda a legal loophole. She did have a forwarding address that I didn't live at, but she didn't have to use it. She could've used my email address to serve it, but she didn't have to.. There's nothing we can realy do about it.

We spoke to the police about fraud by false representation, that she purposefully gave the wrong address, she won't provide evidence and didn't need to provide any evidence to the court etc... they said they can't give any advice. All they can do, is if we can in the future go through civil court and its deemed prugery or fraudulent, then it will become a police matter. We can't afford any of that.

We can agree with her a payment plan (which obviously she won't agree to, based on her previous behaviour), or pay in full. But from my understanding if it isn't all paid by the 1st November not only would our credit scores be completely destroyed, but we could face criminal charges.

So yeah, if you wanted to know how to scam poor people for all their hard earned money. There you go. I don't even have carpets, and my light sockets electrocute me... but I've just had to pay for a woman to furnish a perfectly good house she will probably put up for rent again and make even more money from and then repeat.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#655 Old 24th Oct 2023 at 11:22 PM
@Bigsimsfan12 Do you have a reddit account? Consider making a post here:
Really well moderated sub, they delete any unsound legal advice very quickly and a lot of the people who frequent there are legal professionals. Maybe they will have some good advice for you, because this sucks! If you don't have a reddit account you can make one pretty easily.
Mad Poster
#656 Old 25th Oct 2023 at 4:57 PM
@simsample I thought about it but I don't think there's anything that can be done at this time. I contacted a friend of mine who use to study law and he explained my predicaments to a solicitor he works for and that guy has a passion for bringing down entitled people. He's been trying to do what he can with the case. We can't really do anything other than pay by this point though.

Only problem is... she didn't give the courts any kind of information on payment method etc. So. They've said we have to get in contact with her and ask how to pay. Which we've been trying to. She was very hostile on the phone and wouldn't talk to me. She told me to email her, so I've emailed her and she's clearly avoiding the question, asking who we talked to in court, what court etc. But won't tell us anything more. The court receptionist lady said while we can't force her to recieve the payment, we could still provide the court with the emails to show we've attempted to pay on time, but they aren't sure what that means for our credit score and solicitor friend doesn't know either.

I'm super stressed. This woman has purposefully ruined my life for the fun of it. No mortgage, no PhD. No third child. Husband probably won't be driving gain next year because of the cost. 7 years isn't a lot, but that's basically our kids whole childhoods. Where we'd be struggling with financial instability. I struggled a lot growing up in that kind of environment.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Mad Poster
#657 Old 30th Oct 2023 at 5:29 PM
Backache from work, and otherwise the usual minor frustrations (but nothing too big today).

Hoped to get home somewhat early from work, but no such luck - no chance of reaching the first bus, and the next bus had to wait over 20 minutes for a different bus at the station, making it nearly half an hour late (thought it would never leave...), and a heavy smoker had sat down next to me stinking up the general area (probably smoked just before getting on the bus), so by the time I finally came home I was both frustrated and slightly nauseous with a headache coming on.
Mad Poster
#658 Old 7th Nov 2023 at 3:57 PM
All of yesterday, and most of today. Exhausted, still a bit pissed-off at whomever drove the bus yesterday (they drove away from me twice, and I know it was the same driver), and more than ready for some days off (we'll see about some meetings but it's not very tempting )

Only thing that partially saved the day today was that I got cake, buns, plus a bit of dinner at work. Food always helps. And nice people at work (the people I work with that is, not necessarily the residents - some were better than yesterday, some were worse, and some situations I'd rather be without, especially the 3 pm one today. Let's just leave it at that... )
Mad Poster
#659 Old 9th Nov 2023 at 11:34 AM
Showered, got dressed, went out and broke out in sweat, despite it being only 10°C (50F) outside and it wasn't the first time it happened.
I either have a special talent or a condition I don't know about.

I come in peace
Need help building? We'll help.
#660 Old 10th Nov 2023 at 8:52 PM
100% confirmed that the last thing I w hinged about was rigged as hell. There is no way that any of that could have happened without it being intentionally set up like that.
Maybe I really should go to a casino
Mad Poster
#661 Old 20th Nov 2023 at 4:23 PM
Y'know how my life tends to jump from one traumatic experience to the other?... I saw a guy explode today. He had been smoking at a petrol pump and just kinda... exploded? Saw it all from the bus... so that was an interesting experience... and when I got on the bus my biggest problem was that I couldn't find my weekly ticket and had to buy a daily. Crazy.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#662 Old 20th Nov 2023 at 6:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
I saw a guy explode today. He had been smoking at a petrol pump

Mad Poster
#663 Old 20th Nov 2023 at 7:00 PM
^ You know the kind of "smoking is dangerous" campaigns that shows blackened lungs and all that? Seems to have very little effect, since it's "into the future". Show them footage of smoking actually being dangerous - here and now kind of dangerous, as in if you smoke in the wrong place at the wrong time, your face might blow up - and maybe they'd listen. Same if you end up with COPD and oxygen at a late stage - better not smoke around an oxygen supply, or your face might explode (no matter how many warnings, there's still some who just don't get it).

There's a VERY good reason for the signs that tell you not to smoke around petrol pumps (or indoors in hospitals), and it's not for the sake of clean air (although I'd think most non-smokers appreciate clean air)...
#664 Old 21st Nov 2023 at 2:55 PM
Typically, I'm not a panicky person. (Lately, life's been catching up to me, but that's a different problem than this one.) I once positioned my car awkwardly at a small gas station because it was during the rush hour and the person in front of me stopped awkwardly as well. Basically, if we both had gone a bit further, it would've been just fine.

I remember seeing funny videos (mostly of American people, sadly) how they completely miss the side on which the tank opening on their car is, so they manage to wrap the pistol thing that delivers fuel completely around their vehicle - well, it turns out, on this gas station, the cable is much shorter than on those videos. I managed to position the pistol to gently touch the tank opening, not knowing that there's a latch inside that the pistol is supposed to take down. I let the fuel run, and it sprayed just a tad bit on the floor, the side of my car, and the tire. I quickly opened my car door, disengaged the handbrake and pushed my car a bit forward by hand. I tried running the fuel again; it then managed to fuel up efficiently.

I went inside the establishment to pay and informed the person of my concerns about the spillage. Basically, I panicked and thought that my tire will catch on fire if I turn on the car. Turns out, diesel is much more dense than petrol, so chances of ignition are even smaller than I should worry about, and the person assisting me was relieved to see a small, football-sized wet patch on the ground (they were expecting a big puddle).

I drove to my boyfriend's down the road after that and kept checking right mirror in case I saw any smoke. It was difficult to calm down at his place though, because I kept thinking someone would throw a lit cigarette butt next to my parked car accidentally. Once I was calm, I went to wash my car. All that fear over a harmless, 0,2 liter spillage.

So no, I couldn't possibly wrap my head around people who smoke at gas stations...

DJ. who?
opin suomea, kerro mulle vitsi DM:ssä (ja ole valmis selittämään se)
Mad Poster
#665 Old 21st Nov 2023 at 5:32 PM
So someone got hold of the security footage of the explosion at the petrol station yesterday, it's all over my fb news feed but I dunno, now I've watched it I feel weirdly less traumatised? Probably helps that the guy didn't actually die according to the news reports.

Anyway in the video you can see that he wasn't actually smoking at the pump... he put a lighter to the end of the nozzle and obviously.. kaboom Not a clue why someone would do that, the comment section is buzzing with comments about fraudulent insurance claims etc. There was also a murder (yeah my little town is suddenly very interestintg) that happened hours before so people are trying to link the events. Either way, I had therapy today where I talked about what I saw so that was helpful.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#666 Old 21st Nov 2023 at 7:04 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Bigsimsfan12
Anyway in the video you can see that he wasn't actually smoking at the pump... he put a lighter to the end of the nozzle and obviously.. kaboom Not a clue why someone would do that, the comment section is buzzing with comments about fraudulent insurance claims etc. There was also a murder (yeah my little town is suddenly very interestintg) that happened hours before so people are trying to link the events.

OMG! That's what happens when you live in Cabot Cove, Midsomer, North Wales I suppose.
The guy obviously had a problem, I remember many years ago, a guy on my shift at work sawed his own thumb off with an industrial bandsaw. To do this, he had to wedge a screwdriver in the safety gate switch, use a very long pole to reset an infrared beam he tripped, and use the same pole plus a broom to simultaneously press and hold the two switches you need to hit to turn it on. Than he had to hold his thumb under it and wait whilst it cut through very slowly (the thing was designed and set to slice carbon steel girders). He thought he'd get a big payout from insurance. He got nothing because it was all on CCTV.
#667 Old 26th Nov 2023 at 11:19 AM
People and public transport. I don't know what's happened in the last 6 months but people are acting as if they've never been on public transport before. Like wtf you guys. The rules are very fucking simple that unattended children are fully capable of following with no problems, and yet adults cant?

1. dont stand in front of the doors on the platform, people can't get out if youre standing in their way
2. dont stand in front of the doors inside the tram or train when people are trying to get out, step out and stand on the side
3. dont dive into the tram or train as if you're going to die if you dont get inside before the people trying to leave can get out
4. just fucking wait, if you can wait 15 mins for your custom coffee order you can wait 10 seconds
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#668 Old 27th Nov 2023 at 7:27 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 27th Nov 2023 at 3:33 PM. Reason: Clarity, Addendum, Tweaks and Errors
Due to my injury from my pre-Thanksgiving fall, I am scared of losing my job because I require rest and it stresses me to no end. The very idea of resting drives me nuts as I am trying to save money for my parents' gift.

I want to give them money to start them off for a chance to take a vacation since before the COVID-19 pandemic. As the disease had became endemic in the US and requires a shot every season, the past 4 years were a nightmare.

Especially the end of 2022, when me and my parents got it. Mom brought it home, dad went into a sleep\repair mode, apropos for a man who was program manager in various units for 15 years for Microsoft. Mom and I couldn't sleep. I was, in retrospect, feeling like "Somebody come along and put me out of my misery, please!" (Could not sleep without coughing fits kicking in. That bad.)

The following Valentine's Day, I was gifted a booster shot to prevent getting the latest strain at the time. Still overdue for my next set of shots (flu, pneumonia and Covid-19).

Also, the ginger ale I ordered last Wednesday was damaged in shipping and I am very angry after numerous delays. They are returning my money, but I just want the ginger ale after all that happened this week.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#669 Old 28th Nov 2023 at 7:46 PM
This job market is ew. It's reposts of scam jobs, fever dreams, and sometimes actual jobs not in my skillset. Those jobs do sound super interesting when I did research them, and I would definitely retrain or reskill if they were actually willing to train people with a minimally related background, but thats a tiny tiny chance. Whatever, I'm not surprised since the signs were already there in early 2022. So what am I going to be doing when not at work? I'm going to investigate how far can I tweak my cv (without lying*) to actually make it to the interview stage without being autorejcted by the ats. And by autoreject I mean for unknowbale reasons to us peasants, or boring stuff like caps on how many applicants are accepted. The aim is to sign a contract by April because anything sooner is probably far too ambitious. All that matters is that I get paid fairly and I get a new challenge - cos right now this job is none of these things!

Fabricate, Falsify, and Approximate: Employment Lore in 2023

1. Economising the Truth: removing relevant education
2. Substitution Outside Maths: group projects are internships
3. Globalisation 4.0: language levels are unnecessary
4. Efficiency in Industry 3.5: anything is a skill if you name it right

This ruins my day because I really shouldn't have to do this because there isn't actually anything wrong with my cv or my motivation letter. It's just the number of peoplve vs. open jobs vs. (probably) biased tools. And thats just UGH.

*lying would be making up stuff or completely exaggerating something e.g. i can work as an accountant because I had an accounting class all 4 years of uni.
Mad Poster
#670 Old 29th Nov 2023 at 6:24 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 29th Nov 2023 at 3:27 PM.
So a bit of background - Dad's got a weird family. Some of them are (or at least appear to be) relatively normal with the occasional hint of weird, some appear normal but are wackos in disguise (either you just need to know them, or they don't show their true colors until you get them going on a particular theme and then they go complete nutjob on conspiracy theories), some used to be relatively normal but have converted to wacko-in-disguise. There's at least one full wacko in there as well (appears normal only until they open their mouth - most of what comes out is pure BS, and you feel the need to throw your brain in the washing machine after spending a couple hours in the same room as them...).

Met one of the "recent converts" (one of the reeeally talkative ones) on the street while I was shopping along with mom. Relatively straight conversation at first, the "how are you doing, how are things, etc.", but it was freezing, we had heavy bags, and I really wanted to get moving. And I'd already realized this would be a game of "don't mention the war", because a cold got mentioned, brushed over, and I'm just thinking "don't mention covid, don't mention covid...", and of course it gets mentioned because mom absolutely needs to bring up the theme again. Three seconds later we're stuck in a 15 minute whatever it was where I'm left wondering when this person got their sense lobotomized, because apparently they don't believe viruses (and possibly bacteria) exist at all, and that lemon and ginger is a cure-all for cancer (and that's just the cliff's notes - this person sounded like they'd been consuming every single conspiracy site there is, hook-line-and-sinker...). And saying anything didn't help either (but I did, mostly to get things moving along, half to annoy mom a bit, because she was politely nodding and clearly making no moves to end the conversation, while I was freezing my hands off...).

I have to admit, I get easily offended on behalf of my profession when people outright say that "I have researched this thing that one person says and completely believe it" which turns out goes completely against at least the past 300+ years of discoveries, scientific studies and accepted theories/hypotheses in medical science, to the point where if it was real you could just throw out half a library, most scientific studies, a lot of medications, and leave a LOT of people without a job because they've studied it half their life and it's no longer of any use. Because one quasi-scientist and some brain-washed followers are of the opinion that viruses don't exist. But hey - in their opinion, at least there's no common cold, chickenpox, covid, flu, HIV or any of that... right?
In newer times even tiny viruses are observable in a microscope, so their existence and how they work can be proven (and has been, plenty of times, in a repeatable manner).

It can be very easy to get swept up into a conspiracy theory bubble (I've got plenty of family members already bitten by that bug, and a few of them used to be somewhat sensible adults). At times even I have to take a step back from something that at first seems like it's a "better hypothesis", but if it goes against every other established thought, or seems too good to be true at first, there often is something iffy going on.

Anyway, we got away from there in one piece (I didn't lose my hands), but I doubt I've caused any dents in those conspiracy theory beliefs (didn't have any hopes of that). I just hope it doesn't spread to dad (I know they've tried, because there was a small period of stupidity spouting from there as well, although I think reality kind of hit him straight in the face a couple times too many lately. If he stoops to those lows, I'll not so politely remind him of the multiple infections that have tried to finish him off the past couple or so years, and if he starts thinking it's caused by - I don't know - angry demons or some such? Then I'll whack him over the head with my microbiology nursing book and make him READ IT!).
Mad Poster
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#671 Old 29th Nov 2023 at 9:11 PM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 29th Nov 2023 at 9:12 PM. Reason: Grammatical and Correction
My mother got conjunctivitis (pink eye) and is taking her inability to see out on me, especially when it was time for me to put away the dishwasher dishes.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#672 Old 1st Dec 2023 at 7:11 PM
Kids were vomiting all day yesterday. They're fine today, but now it's mine and husbands turn, we've both been vomiting all night and most of the day. We've been sleeping in shifts while one of us looks after the kids and oh my god it's terrible. To be fair they've not been too demanding, just mainly trying to sit on me and won't get off when I need to go be sick. The dog on the other hand is driving me crazy! Ever since we moved house, he's been different. I dunno if he's starting to show his age or what. He got excited earlier and peed all over the floor and lately he's been ignoring his food and trying to eat out of the bins or trying to pull plates off the kitchen side (thank god they're usually plastic). He's crying right now and scratching at the kitchen door because Ivy's dinner is in there because she "isn't hungry" (I'm sure she will be later when I tell her its bedtime ). Ugh. I wanna go back to bed We were suppose to go see Santa's sleigh today but obviously we had to cancel, and tomorrow is the baby's 2nd birthday party so fingers crossed we're better by then.

~Your friendly neighborhood ginge
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#673 Old 2nd Dec 2023 at 5:47 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 2nd Dec 2023 at 8:54 PM. Reason: Clarity, Addendum, Tweaks and Errors
I was coming out of the bathroom before going to bed and my father practically pounced on me, accosted me, asking if I was responsible for some "weird noise".

The way it happened almost scared the crap out of me. I was opening the door and shut it enough and told him I didn't know what he was talking about when it came to "a weird noise"...

He eventually got my mother to get off the couch and go to bed seeing as he's going to chauffeur her to work. (her conjunctivitis is almost done and over with.)

Edit: my mom has to go to the emergency room. The pink eye got worse and it concerns me as her daughter. Especially since she was doing fine in treatment.

Also this year was awful.

Not only did Grunkle Charlie die, but so did my uncle Gary's father, and my second cousin Mary's sister, both passed away not too long ago.

I still need to get vaccinated for flu, COVID-19 and pneumonia.

(This would be about the time a personal stormcloud rolls in and dumps buckets of water on me...at least that's the overall feeling of the year.)

Not happy about Q4. I have to go back for physical therapy as my left leg hurts after that fall.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Test Subject
#674 Old 6th Dec 2023 at 2:09 PM
Got sick yesterday with Covid. Was going to this christmas lunch with my new job! (Has worked there for two weeks now") where everyone was going to bring either food or cake (I really struggled to make brownies because i wasnt feeling well) and i bought gifts to this gift game, and then i called because i felt really sick and they said i couldnt come and then i got proven covid at the doctors office
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#675 Old 8th Dec 2023 at 9:32 AM
Physical therapy on the horizon.

Got my flu shot. I have to get my COVID-19 and pneumonia shots on the 12th.

Ankle hurts.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
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