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Mad Poster
#651 Old 23rd Aug 2020 at 10:35 AM
Not much going on in my dreams.

Been cooking on a reality show called "Nightmares in Hell's Kitchen" I'm the chef hiding from Gordon Ramsey while creating soft drink-based gummy bears.

I woke up and started work on filling up my pillboxes.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Top Secret Researcher
#652 Old 23rd Aug 2020 at 11:44 PM
I think last night was the first time I dreamed about the current situation. I was in a shopping centre and there were people everywhere and none of them wearing masks. I had an anxiety attack trying to cover my nose with a sweater but could not get away from people, as if they were purposely bumping into me. I blame a documentary I watched about covid just before bed.
#653 Old 28th Aug 2020 at 9:05 PM
I dreamt that I was still living in the last house but the bathroom didn't make any sense. It was a mix of before and after the renovation- so like the shower/bath was unchanged, but the tiles were all new as was the mirror, but the sink and drawers were both the old and new one?? In the dream we had an old fmaily friend over but I never figured out which of her children came over with her. I remember her asking me to find her perfume cos she couldn't find it and I was like yeah but which one there's like 12000 in there? The "big gold one" was requested so I opened the top drawer of the cabinet and it was so deep I couldn't see the bottom so I was like bruh how am I supposed to find that. After 10 mins of rummaging about (there was an insane amount of stuff in those drawers that definitely wouldn't have fit in real life) I found the bottle and was surprised to find that it was the size of a volleyball and I was like huh that's not as heavy as I expected cos like it was a gold bottle and it was full of perfume. Then I spotted the crocodile toothpaste I used as a kid and was like yooooo

And then I dunno what happened cos mum barged in to my room and woke me up
#654 Old 2nd Sep 2020 at 9:57 PM
Apparently horse riding was a regular activity of mine (genuinely never even touched a horse never mind riding one). It was really tall and sandy coloured and it had all sorts of ribbons in its hair. Getting onto the saddle was a struggle (probs the most realistic part) and hugged the horse. Tried talking to it, didn't talk back which was kind of sad but he tried munching on my snacks so that was probably ok. I learned that he responded to both Bob and George and ignored any thing else.
Field Researcher
#655 Old 3rd Sep 2020 at 9:01 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Emmett Brown
I'm still having nightmares about work. I retired 5 years ago.

Ugh I get you on that. I retired back in 2012 due to medical issues that work gave me. I STILL get nightmares of me having to go back to work, but I don't WANT to go back to work... the doctors are all speaking a language I can't understand and there's no damn coffee in the office. (that's the scariest part. LOL)

Been having nightmares about my two exes - I could REALLY do without that crap.

Dead Ringers
Discord: RedBaroness13
Top Secret Researcher
#656 Old 6th Sep 2020 at 11:30 AM
Nightmare I was in an assassinated living apartment but I couldn't remember my apartment number. There was a really big elevator,so big it had little shops in it. I had to look at my checkbook to find my apartment number: 815, on the 8th floor. I ran around looking for an elevator; get to the 8th floor and check the mail box. My mail box had a dozen little boxes all locked and I opened them one by one, but it was like a toddler's toy and they weren't boxes, just doors. I couldn't remember anything: did I live with anyone? Where's my door? I had dementia, which I really fear because then I can't study science. The whole building was like a bad neighborhood. It doesn't seem that scary writing it out but the fear was pretty strong.

Sims are better than us.
#657 Old 14th Sep 2020 at 12:07 PM
I was juggling. I can't juggle so maybe that's something I've always wanted to achieve?
#658 Old 28th Sep 2020 at 5:08 PM
Tony Hawk was in my house brushing his teeth in the living room while dad was spray painting a skateboard bright blue. There was also crazy taxi sounds in the background
Mad Poster
#659 Old 30th Sep 2020 at 5:02 PM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 2nd Oct 2020 at 2:11 AM.
Lately, I had the flu in real life.

So I was taken to the town doctor in my dream. When I walked in, I was greeted by a male nurse from a fantasy from 2001 (when I had my wisdom teeth pulled out), he took my vital signs and left. Then came in Dr. Johnathan David Pearson (There is no such Dr. Pearson in NJ). He was handsome like George Clooney, had a bedside manner that was calm and collected, not to mention he had accurate diagnosis, and eventually checked respiratory systems after questioning. He eventually came back and said I need more rest, more fluids and additional medicine. Then it turned into into Inception as in dreams I thank him for the medicine.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#660 Old 3rd Oct 2020 at 5:12 PM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 3rd Oct 2020 at 9:18 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Noa1500
Tony Hawk was in my house brushing his teeth in the living room while dad was spray painting a skateboard bright blue. There was also crazy taxi sounds in the background

At least dad was apropos. Were you by chance playing Sonic Riders?

As much as I had a rough night, in my dream...

Dr. Pearson called me to check up on me and I was rounding the corner. He changed the medicine to accommodate my current symptoms.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#661 Old 29th Oct 2020 at 6:23 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 29th Oct 2020 at 10:22 AM.
I had a dream that John Stamos was dressed as Uncle Jesse from Full House and I was burning up. He gave me medicine and put an ice pack on my forehead. "I will be back later."

Then Bob Saget as Danny. He asked, "How's my champ? Jesse told me you weren't feel like going for a game of catch with your old man." I said, "I had being working really hard in high school, language club, voice over in the AV room and on the sports team and my kitchen duties..." Danny said "It's fine. The virus will slow down things for a while. But it looks like you have a cold. You're going to stay inside the house until everything is all better."

Jesse came back to my room, which was separate from the other girls, he noted that I wasn't running a fever but I was getting bruise colored sores. Some were black-blue, others were green and some were yellow. The pediatrician saw me as I was still 16 and was given the diagnosis of Arose's sores.

At home, Michelle asked me how I was, I said, "With the way school is for me, be glad you have less to worry about." She asks "Like what?" I said "Like nap time or how Uncle Jesse makes our food how we like when we have dinner together or every time I buy you a stuffed animal from the toy shop because I want to make sure I didn't get the same one. Things like that...the little things."

I was called down to dinner and tonight was spaghetti night. I chose butter and everyone else chose fancier sauces. Uncle Joey asked "not feeling like your self, kiddo?" I said "Uncle Joey, I haven't been like I was yesterday." Stephanie ask "Were you going to help with me and DJ's homework?" I said "I have to rest so I can be my best for the exams and whatever duties I need fulfilled."

I had a nightmare within where I blew off the family. I ran to uncle Jesse crying, and he said "Don't cry, Alexandria" he gives me a tissue and he said "Don't worry about your duties until you are ready to go back to school."

A few days later, I received some money to buy groceries, I went back to school for language club, AV Club, sports club and kitchen duties. I stopped by the toy shop and picked up a Care Bear for Michelle.

As far as they know, I let guilt control me, which was untrue. I was actually the older sister. I have to provide for the family when I have the ability.

In the dream, my hair was brown black like black coffee. I guess I took after Danny in this dream, because the girls were blondes.

Weird how I had a Full House based dream, not to mention it was one where Jesse takes charge to help me with coping with my constantly ill immune system

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Test Subject
#662 Old 1st Nov 2020 at 10:32 PM
I have been getting a lot of strange dreams lately. Ever since I started fixing my sleep schedule.

However I can't fully remember all of them, and the ones that I can remember (even one from last night) are pretty depressing, and I'm not sure if the mods want depressing things being said in the off-topic forum.

But right now, I am on a dreaming streak. I have been having memorable dreams almost every night for the past week or so.
Mad Poster
#663 Old 13th Nov 2020 at 3:25 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 15th Nov 2020 at 12:07 PM.
Ever have a nightmare from long ago that you thought would never bother you ever again?

This is a big fat lie. There is a chance it returns, just not exactly as you remember.

I was to give a speech on identity, and as I looked out at the audience and saw them, at first they were human. But I blink, and the humans are now singular eyeballs. It became extremely unnerving to speak to an audience of eyeballs. The dean with a split version of heterochromia iridium (two colored eye, half & half) asked "What's all the ruckus?" I scream and ran to my getaway car. It was as simple as phoning Jonesy to bring the car around.

The eyeball dreams are a real turn-off when you're lovesick.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#664 Old 8th Feb 2021 at 5:32 PM
I had a mohawk and two party hats on my head. Why I don't know because I would never do that to myself because my hair 100% says no to that kind of cut and also because it doesnt go with my personality
That's too many because's. Oops.
Anyway I also had a bunch of unopened shoe laces in my hands and were obviously important for something (not my shoes because I had them velcroes which is also odd because I've not had anything with velcro since I was 7 but ok not really questioning it).
When I woke up I had the main salsa song from TS2 stuck in my head. You know the one.
Top Secret Researcher
#665 Old 9th Feb 2021 at 12:02 AM Last edited by Emmett Brown : 10th Feb 2021 at 5:38 PM.
Something about a Siamese cat swimming underwater in a creek. I tried to rescue it, but it didn't need help. Once I pulled it out of the creek it turned all fluffy. It was a sweet cat, so nice I thought it couldn't be a Siamese. I put it down and it went back into the creek and started swimming under water again. It held it's breath for such a long time I wondered if it could breath underwater.

New Dream: I was back at work. I had nothing to do and was goofing off, and boss said I was late on my release. I went and found that the release was done but the lead engineer didn't release, it. Not only that, he broke my ID badge and credit card into little pieces. I showed him my release and asked him to release it and he made all kinds of lame excuses. this one is easy to figure out because it really happened to me when I was working and he did it so he could tell the boss he needed his girl friends back in the group because work wasn't getting done. Company rules were that unwelcomed sexual harassment was forbidden. Welcomed sexual harassment was okay and since his 2 girl friends were about to be laid off otherwise, they were good with it.

Sims are better than us.
Test Subject
#666 Old 18th Feb 2021 at 1:56 PM
Although I can only remember snippets of dreams I have had, some of them seemed extremely melancholic, which in return only fuels my curiosity in regards to what it was all about in the first place.
Test Subject
#667 Old 18th Feb 2021 at 3:42 PM
quite frankly every dream is weird even for me
but since im too self-aware of it being a dream, i just want to sleep peacefully without dreaming honestly cause dreaming in general is very tiring
#668 Old 26th Feb 2021 at 6:03 PM
I was fencing and supposedly a natural at it. Which knowing my shoddy hand eye coordination is unlikely to be true. I guess I've passed the massive sign pointing to the fencing school enough times these last few weeks that dream me kind of wants to have a go at it.
#669 Old 1st Mar 2021 at 9:54 PM
I had this Spongebob dream on December 25th. It is mainly Google Translate, but I corrected it, sorry if there is something that you do not understand.

In this Plankton took control and created a hardcore dictatorship, everyone miserable.

Meanwhile, Spongebob went down to some underground restaurant-submarine-like place before it all really started, to be safe. Because there was some health risk thing independent of this. When they went down, they hid in a hidden but large metal trapdoor gateway in a modern shopping mall, and there was a mini room in light blue and gray, and there was another trapdoor that worked electronically (maybe the previous door worked that way too). And they had to climb in there, and since it was small, they were sitting inside. The ground was a little soft. The place was bright, due to artificial light, like a cool elevator. The ceiling height was such that one could have stood up but only crouching. There was a mirror opposite the inner trapdoor, I think, and a keyboard next to the door with only numbers on it. A code had to be entered, which was 538. And the inner door could have opened. Then they climbed in and could get down through a narrow metal slide.

And when they went down there, they had some kind of ventilator device because they were sick. A translucent thin tube was plugged into their noses and curved toward their backs. And meanwhile they worked in the restaurant, even Patrik. There was a central room, like a submarine control center, with chairs and a dashboard. And most of the things throughout the basement were yellow, the walls of the hallways were yellow with a metallic texture. And it was as if a whole complete world was different down there.

But Spongebob and his companions were a little sad because there were a lot of artificial things. For example, they were at the dashboard with Patrick and they pressed a button and their friends just came out in robotic form and were tied to the dashboard with computer colored cords. There was a Plankton figure smiling, talking something, and lying on the dashboard. Patrik was sitting next to Spongebob's right and was scared, he thought the figure was real, but it was just a robot. Spongebob pulled it out a bit and it looked like wires were tied to the dashboard, and he told Patrik that it wasn't real. Spongebob was always sad when he saw that when their friends' robot imitations were robotic, that nothing was real, and so it wasn’t the same as in reality. Maybe Squidward was down there, too, by the way, and Mr. Krabs, I think. I don't know about Gary.

And sometimes when they worked downstairs, wondering if it was better to stay down safe or go back, Spongebob always mentioned that the people up there needed help, and so on. And that’s when he always showed the “movie,” with various scenes above, to see how miserable people are. Everything was greenish-yellow, grayish, as if the water had been polluted. It was specifically that people always did something and then they said, "Plankton's interest demands it." First, there was a huge male fish who turned into a house, and was half swallowed by the sand, and then he said that sentence. Then a light purple fish mother spat the food she had already chewed into her child’s mouth and then said the sentence. Then a few were just walking, hardly, pulling something like working slaves. Then another mom and several of their children held each a plate, one with a little something on it. A third mother and her child went there. They glanced at their sad companions, who I think wanted to more food to be put on the plate. But the walking kid took one of the kids' plates while they were walking, because there was already some food on it. And after all, the individual said, "Plankton's interest requires it."

Then there was a reddish-orange young woman fish who wanted to escape the situation. She got to the mall, where she asked for help to get someone out of here or to help her. A man showed her the trapdoor on which Spongebob had also descended earlier. Not knowing how he knew about this, and if he knew then why he wasn’t down there. By this time I was already half in the body of the fish girl. I climbed into the mini room, the man told me with what code I could get down, and then he closed the door. Therefore, next to the inner door, I typed 538 and it opened (stretched from right to left) and I climbed in.

Then I was downstairs in a hallway and originally wanted to take a bath and I was recommended this place by the man or I don’t know. And I went into a tiny, unlit bathroom with a window on the door. It was tight inside and just a sink and a mirror. Then another door that would have led to the toilets. I would have started washing my hands and I could see my worried face in the mirror. But that's when Spongebob and the others were walking nearby. He saw me from the bathroom door. He said, "Look, this is Larry!" (he’s a big, muscular lobster) because I had a similar colour as him. But he remarked that "just a bit" I-don't-know-what (referring to me), so it's not entirely Larry-looking, but something else, maybe it's that his eyes aren't so thin, standing up? And I was a little sad, I was afraid, I didn’t want anyone to know I was there. That's why I put my unwashed hand on the door handle. That’s why the door handle was slippery because on my hand was some dirty slime. And I tried to keep it closed while they wanted to open it from the outside. And then I woke up.
Top Secret Researcher
#670 Old 2nd Mar 2021 at 3:29 PM
My dog drowned in hot water in something that looked like a washing machine. I was beside myself. The problem is the poor dog didn't look at all like my dog. I pulled it out and held it up side down and patted her back to get the water out, then began CPR. She seemed to stir when I woke up. Horrible!

Sims are better than us.
#671 Old 3rd Mar 2021 at 9:51 PM
^Emmett I once had a dream that the dog we had at the time drowned in a puddle or something. It was a horrible dream and I'm really sorry you had to have that. =(

Oh geez, last night's dream was so ridiculous. So for some reason we all (my family and a random assortment of other people I know) ended up in another state for some kind of big event. I guess this is an alternate universe where COVID doesn't exist. But anyway, this state is the place where someone I'm majorly infatuated with lives (but also because of the nature of what she does, I'm a big fan of hers and really look up to her). I have a lot of dreams where I get to go see her. But this one was weird. I ran into her, but she was going into the bathroom. I noticed I needed to go to the bathroom too so we both went in and I got behind in her in line and then when she got finished and came out of the stall I was right there like "Hi!!!!!!". (Jeez. Can you just imagine just wanting to go to the bathroom and when you leave the stall there's a fangirl who's infatuated with you right there to say hi?)

She left and I went into the stall and I then woke up and noticed the reason my dream went into a bathroom was because I needed to go bad IRL. Thank you, bladder. I get embarrassed by the events of that dream even though it didn't actually happen. Like some weird form of second-hand embarrassment, I guess. lol

♫ Keeping this here until EA gives us a proper playable woodwind/brass instrument ♫
For now, though, my decorative Bassoon conversion for TS4. =)
Mad Poster
#672 Old 9th Mar 2021 at 6:14 AM
Does a megafauna penguin at 2m high selling Antarctic timeshares with Phil Hartman's voice count as weird?

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#673 Old 14th Mar 2021 at 10:45 PM
I was stopped by an authority figure, probs the police, and told to empty my bag. I kept taking things out and out and out and I had piles and stacks of all sorts of things. And they kept asking me if I was done yet and I was like this is as much of a mystery to me as it is to you pal, we'll get there when we get there. After that I had an ice cream, you know the soft swirly one that comes out of a machine? Plus disco sprinkles thats only €0,25 extra
Original Poster
#674 Old 16th Mar 2021 at 9:18 PM
omg it's been in forever last time i was on this site, can't remember half of it but 2 days ago i had this odd dream about the world coming to an end (sort of)
i got to blame with like everything, i ran and ran, and i was jumping and that jumping became higher and higher and eventually i could fly, like how lol
can't remember how it ended up though

and last week i had a dream about going to the same room with the same people too (it felt like a identical multiple or something for sure) i guess you can call that the loop
no matter what floor i went, i saw the same people with exact the same room (it all looked like an living room) i don't even know how it ended up
#675 Old 29th Apr 2021 at 5:47 PM
I had drawn on eyebrows, like with permanent marker. Why I would ever need filled or drawn in eyebrows I don't know because I already have amazing eyebrows so I would like never endanger them like that. I think I also had a waterbottle stuck in a handbag, but I don't use handbags either. It was a strange one really.
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