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Mad Poster
#701 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 8:03 AM Last edited by lauratje86 : 29th Nov 2016 at 9:56 AM.
In my latest iteration of Widespot, which includes Widespot College (which is located in the main 'hood and is home to the YA's from Land Grant University), Rhett Hart seems unsure about how he wants things to progress with his latest fling, Daisy Wheels....

Come on, Rhett, make up your mind! Commitment - yes or no?!

(I play with an Adults Go Steady mod, so in my game I regard the engagement want to be a want for a relationship (rather than an engagement) if the sims aren't already in a relationship. So I kind of interpreted this as Rhett seriously considering a relationship, but not being sure if he wants to progress down the commitment road as he's not keen on the idea of marrying her! Daisy had a fear of being rejected for engagement but no want to get engaged, so I left things as they are for now. I expect that they will date again, so we'll see how things progress!)

(Quite frankly, I'm just pleased that at least one woman at Widespot College isn't into Andy Bellum. Other than his sister pretty much everyone seems to be after him - and nobody is keen on Hi Thyme! Dot Matrix now has her eye on a dormie, at least, but Helen Wheels has already been on a date with Andy, Ida Juana Knowe is in love with him* and JoAnn Gutenberg has a thing for him as well. Sigh.)

(*OK, so now Andy is in a relationship with Ida. He rolled an engagement want, so he asked her on a date. The engagement want kept coming back, so he asked her to be his girlfriend. As soon as the date ended he rolled another want to get engaged to her - and a want to get engaged to Helen! Darnit, Andy, pick one!)
#702 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 12:03 PM
@lauratje86: The want to be engaged gives more aspiration points than the fear of getting engaged takes away. So I always regard that as a mild desire for commitment. And Rhett also seems to have a fear of NOT getting engaged, which reinforces the desire. I think these are his hormones talking, by the way: he's a romance sim, not normally interested in commitment. But at this point in the date, he's so horny he'll do anything to be able to nail Daisy to the mattress. Even if he'll regret it in the long run. As for the fear of getting married... if he'd had room for more wants, I'm sure he'd have the want for marriage up simultaneously as well.

But I wonder: what the hell is that want that you have locked for him? I've never ever seen that symbol!
Mad Poster
#703 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 12:55 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BoilingOil
@lauratje86: The want to be engaged gives more aspiration points than the fear of getting engaged takes away. So I always regard that as a mild desire for commitment. And Rhett also seems to have a fear of NOT getting engaged, which reinforces the desire. I think these are his hormones talking, by the way: he's a romance sim, not normally interested in commitment. But at this point in the date, he's so horny he'll do anything to be able to nail Daisy to the mattress. Even if he'll regret it in the long run. As for the fear of getting married... if he'd had room for more wants, I'm sure he'd have the want for marriage up simultaneously as well.

But I wonder: what the hell is that want that you have locked for him? I've never ever seen that symbol!

Heh, no, you wouldn't have, it's not from the game, it's a default replacement career that I made :-) A replacement for the Slacker career.

And yes, Rhett totally just wants to get laid, but Daisy was completely willing to woohoo with him without any commitment on his part! She's still young, she has no real desire to get tied down to any one person (yet). And who knows, as a Popularity/Fortune sim, perhaps she never will......
#704 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 1:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
Heh, no, you wouldn't have, it's not from the game, it's a default replacement career that I made :-) A replacement for the Slacker career.

Ah, that explains!

Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
And yes, Rhett totally just wants to get laid, but Daisy was completely willing to woohoo with him without any commitment on his part! She's still young, she has no real desire to get tied down to any one person (yet). And who knows, as a Popularity/Fortune sim, perhaps she never will......

Of course she was willing. I completely understand. I suppose that Rhett has some persuasive benefits to his advantage, like most Romance sims do (some of mine can charm anyone into the sack, regardless of their aspirations or previous commitments). But unless Rhett is a regular mind reader, he couldn't know how willing Daisy was. If she wasn't, he'd have been prepared to pull out all the stops.

Ah, but I guess you're well aware of that, too. And it's still fun to see how screwed-up they sometimes can respond to situations, right? It's almost like they're human.
Mad Poster
#705 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 2:17 PM
Rhett is often a surprisingly commitable Romance sim, though.

And it's not that hard to tell when someone needs a commitment to go farther, and when someone's physiologically ready to woohoo and ripe to go ahead without one. You don't get far in Romance if you don't work on your people-reading skills.

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#706 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 4:37 PM
True, Peni. But sims aren't the smartest breed around, are they? In fact, they're well known for being rather stupid!

I see my romance sims make mistakes all the time, trying flirting options that - considering the target - *I* know will most likely fail. The romance sim rates the relationship as 60/40, but the target feels likes it's no more than 20/4, for instance. So the Romance sim tries something like a romantic hug, and the target forcefully rejects, of course. They could have accepted, if only the Romance sim had exercised some patience.
Mad Poster
#707 Old 29th Nov 2016 at 10:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Rhett is often a surprisingly commitable Romance sim, though.

In one of my past iterations of Widespot (the longest lasting one, I think) Rhett was quite willing to marry Penny, and they were together for some time - before he cheated on her at one of their daughters' birthday parties with Sadie Wilkie and she left him! I guess he likes the idea of being in a long-term committed relationship like his parents were, but he generally doesn't manage to make it work out! Perhaps he'd do better if he found a Romance sim who was willing to settle down with him in an open relationship.....

So, I've played one round in my current Widespot so far, here's what's happening. I've included all the households, even the ones that aren't usually in Widespot, so that the events in the original Widespot households make more sense. It's under a spoiler because it's long!

I really enjoyed playing this rotation. I love this 'hood! One thing in particular surprised me, though......

Field Researcher
#708 Old 1st Dec 2016 at 3:20 PM
I'm about to start Round 4. Not sure what my last update here was, but here's what I remember.

Brittany Upsnot moved downtown and spent the day visiting community lots. She wants a career in politics, and has started becoming friends with Rich Mann. He's persuading her to meet with some friends of his in hopes that she'll become a pawn in his pocket. He does her a few little favors now, then down the road, he owns her.

Jane Stacks is one of Rich's pet projects too. She's in the criminal career and has a crush on Junior. Rich knows about it and thinks that if he can get Candy out of the way Jane will be a more suitable daughter in law.

Junior and Candy are 'happily' married and living in a small house Junior bought them with their son, Richard III. Candy is spending money quicker than Junior can earn it and does not care for motherhood. It's boring, and Junior gets all the credit for being a great dad while she gets stuck with all the work. He's talking about second kids and she's not having any of it. Unless he gets a promotion soon and starts making enough money, I don't see her sticking around if someone better comes along.

Hamilton and Sandy are thrilled about their daughter Shelly. Even Daytona is cooing over the toddler. Hamilton paid a few bribes to 'adopt' Shelly had have his name put on the birth certificate so that no one knows they baby isn't his. So far everyone believes them. Rocky is doing well this time. He wants to own his own business and is trying to talk Beulah into hiring him to work at the Grocery Store.

Rich and Lana were bored at home without their son, so they took a vacation to the Far East. It's a working vacation though as Rich keeps playing tai pei with the Unsavory Charlatan. They're dogs are being taken care of by the maid while they are away.

Homer and Beulah are saving up for a vacation. They hope to visit Twaikiki Island once their youngest becomes a teen, but as the grocery store isn't making a great deal they may have to just go camping instead. Dixie and Scot are in college and loving it. Dixie spends her time making out with her boyfriend and studying. Scot is taking things more seriously and studies except when Goldie and Virginia invite him over. He's dating both girls and they haven't figured it out yet, or if they have, they don't care. As the Frat and Sorority are pretty crazy with people woohooing each other right and left, I don't think they were expecting a more serious relationship. The girls are in the sorority. Scot has pledge to the Frat, but not yet joined. River and Delta finally got the dog they wanted, and they don't seem to care about much else.

Valentine and Mary are enjoying parenthood. They've gotten married and persuaded Rhett to move out. They had triplets and Mary is already expecting again. She wants ten kids total. She works at her parent's grocery store while Val stays home with the kids. They seem to like how things are going. Rhett has moved downtown to work on his music career. He spends his free time meeting ladies in hopes of meeting the Diva, who will have enough money to be his Sugar Momma and support his dreams.

Skye is helping Penny take care of her toddlers. She also had triplets. She's working on a career in the Intelligence field. Skye is planning to retire soon to spend more time with the grandchildren once Penny is firmly established in her career. Woody is still in high school, but should be headed to Uni soon. He finally got his first kiss after many rejections. He then peed on himself and had a bad memory about the date. Virginia hasn't called him back.
Field Researcher
#709 Old 1st Dec 2016 at 3:46 PM
Lab Assistant
#710 Old 18th Jan 2017 at 3:22 AM
I just started playing this Neighborhood and I wonder, " What took me so long?" Lots of fun. I am mixing and matching up the families. The lines between families are very blurred. Here's one:
Mann: Junior is having fun playing games and fooling around with Candy and Mary. Candy wants his $$, so she wouldn't mind marrying him, but Mary beats her to it and marries Junior. She then proceeds to have Sallie, another man's baby. Junior is really oblivious to it all. Lana HATES Mary and insults, yells at, pokes her every chance she gets. Mary just apologizes and runs around cleaning up the house and feeding everyone. Meanwhile, Junior moves in with Candy and their daughter (Purple). Although Candy thinks she will get $$, they are broke. Prior to moving into a little house with Junior, Candy was an awful Mom. Although they both have to work to support Purple, they turn out to be great parents! Back at the Mann house, Mary has a party to age up Sallie and Valentine gets into a huge fight with Penny Weiss! Mary 'comforts' him and Junior and her get into another fight. She divorces Junior (since he isn't around any way). Lana goes crazy and kicks Mary out, but she insists Sallie stays because she has grown fond of being Sallie's 'Grandma'. Mary moves into a trailer poor and broken in every way. Valentine keeps showing up every day and soon she becomes pregnant by him, again!!! I'm going to try to get her into the Education career so at least she can be a successful teacher. Love the drama!!
Field Researcher
#711 Old 10th Feb 2017 at 11:16 AM Last edited by Felicia1066 : 10th Feb 2017 at 12:10 PM.
I've just had a very eventful day at the Beech lot.

Field Researcher
#712 Old 1st Mar 2017 at 2:06 PM
Well, I'd say the mystery of who fathered Virginia's son Holmes Beech has been solved - and all it took was one look at his face when he toddlerized.

Lots more kid pics under the spoiler cut:

Lab Assistant
#713 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 2:42 AM
Widspot kids
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#714 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 4:48 PM
To Candy Hart (and Junior Mann), S1 with Mom's eyes and hair, Richie Hart.
Candy's reaction: "Yes, I get you're Dad's latest floozy, but get out of my bedroom and go home!"

Val rolled a teach Goldie to study want, and landed himself a knowledge secondary. Candy got a family secondary, Rhett got a fortune secondary. His turn-ons are for voluptuous aliens, so while he wants to marry a wealthy sim, he hasn't yet met Chloe Curious and is only interested in Penny right now. Candy got an Artist job to chase her LTW, Rhett got an Athletic job to chase fortune wants. Hey, Athletics worked for Dad meeting ladies, right? Now that Richie is born, Candy needs to move to Downtown or Belladonna, which is where Art jobs are located. Rhett also needs to move (technically he should have before going to work, but troubleshooting hack--solved). He may end up switching to military at somepoint when Penny and Woody get caught and relocated to Strangetown. Or not, because I've had enough hack screw-ups in reassembling my downloads I'm probably going to restart again soon.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Mad Poster
#715 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 7:11 PM
I'm still playing one of the many hoods; they encouraged me to appreciate "odd" faces..

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
Original Poster
#716 Old 9th Mar 2017 at 7:50 AM
This guy, right here, is possibly the adorablest toddler Val and Mary have ever produced. This is Gwen Donald, and he has all the outgoing and active points he's going to need to survive his name.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Forum Resident
#717 Old 12th May 2017 at 7:11 AM Last edited by teafortwo : 12th May 2017 at 11:17 AM. Reason: the usual
**The Widespot Grapevine**

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Retired Military Commander, Rhett Hart - Weiss.

(When Rhett married Penny Weiss he took her maiden name out of concern for thier born out of wedlock son Quincey. Rhett divorced Penny after discovering that a third child she was carrying was not his. but, was the result of her having been seduced by his elderly father, the late Valentine Hart.)

His sister, Goldie Hart, was with Rhett at the Hart Family home (which they shared) when he suddenly died mid stroke leaving his latest painting unfinished.

After his and Penny;s divorce Rhett was granted custody of thier two children. Quincey was then in Kindergaten. Daughter Erin was a toddler.

Goldie, a recent Landgrant University grad found herself needing to look after the two children owing to a decline in her elderly brother's mental state. It came as a great relief when the Child Welfare Department stepped in. Goldie personally delivered her niece and nephew into thier mother's care. Erin was by then in Kindergarten and Quincey was an elementary school student.

This change allowed thier Aunt Goldie to complete her latest mystery novel and to embark on a career in politics..

Rhett spent most of his last few months dressed only in his favorite plaid boxer shorts while romancing a floor mop.

Prior to his mental breakdown Rhett had been known as an accomplished pianist who enjoyed painting beach scenes. Upon retirement he became a master gardener. Rhett enjoyed researching and discussing healthy living, the paranormal and politics. Rhett was also an avid gamer and an active member of Games Of Glory.

Rhett Hart-Weiss is interned at Widepost's well tended, attractive Second Generation's Cemetary.
Forum Resident
#718 Old 12th May 2017 at 8:28 PM
**The Widespot Grapevine**

Despite any disagreements there is one thing that the first two Widespot generations agree upon. They wish to keep this out of the way community as it always has been. (Basically!) This means no more than five homes with plenty of space between them.

However, sometimes change happens anyway.

The small General Store was not locally owned and ended up sold, torn down and replaced with a small grocery store.

A parcel of land near the water tower owned by Rich Mann was passed down to his son, Junior. Which is how the Pink Flamingo bowling alley came into being.

Junior was the only child of wealthy parents, Rich and Lana Mann. As a young adult Jr. Mann was sought after by several ladies. What made Jr. so darned attractive was his parents posh home and his daddy's big shiny bank account.

One of the local young ladies eying Rich Mann's money was Miss Candy Hart who decided that if she could not have the father she'd settle for his son. Jr. was never quite sure just how he ended up engaged to Candy. The whole thing just kind of happened. Jr. bleived that he'd remain free of the bonds and constraints of matrimony. And then suddenly, while still living at home, he had a very pregnant wife.

His mother, Lana, was thrilled to be made a grandmother. Both she and Rich fell head over heels in love with baby Rita, At the same time Jr. realized that he really did love Candy and easily stepped into the role of devoted husband and father.

And, yet, thiers was not a happy home. Rich was sweet on Candy resulting in some serious flirting which soon soured things between Rich and Lana. Lana and Candy despised one another. Candy was jealous of Lana. And she was angry with Rich for ending thier flirtation in favor of regaining his wife's affection.

Poor Jr! All he knew was that his wife, his mother and his father were all three constantly at one another's throats. And then one morning there was a really terrific flare up after Candy informed Rich and Lana that she was done; she was leaving and taking toddler Rita with her. Jr. was not home at the time. While he was gone Candy met with an unfortunate "pool ladder accident".

Two years later, following a short illness, his mother passed away. Rich Mann suffered a series of heart attacts and was also gone within the year. Jr. was left to raise Rita on his own.

And then came the "worst winter storm ever. Only one home , the Hart family home, could be repaired. While homes were being rebuilt the Wiess, Beech, Land and the Mann families rented apartments off in SimPort City, By the time Jr, Mann moved back home his daughter was ready to start school.

During his time away Jr, came to realize that unless some changes were to come to Widespot its young people would evntually leave never to return. There was really not much to do in widespot. And so Jr. built the bright pink bowling alley.

Rita Mann recently celebrated her teen birthday, The following day her father, who had been ill for some time, passed away - just three days ahead of his elder birthday.

Rita's aunt, Goldie Hart, became Rita's guardian. The girl is not happy about being forced to move in with an aunt whom she barely knows. For now the Mann Home and the Pink Flamingo are in Goldie's keeping.
Forum Resident
#719 Old 12th May 2017 at 10:35 PM Last edited by teafortwo : 13th May 2017 at 12:16 AM. Reason: the usual
**Widespot Grapevine**

Elder Spotlight: Virginia Beech

Retired President of SimPort Widget Sales, local Social Celibrity and well known master gardener.

Virginia is a grandaughter of the late Mayor of Widespot, Daytona Beech, (The identity of the father ,or fathers, of Daytona's children is a secret the mayor took to her grave,) Virgina's father was the late Simport City Councilman, Hamilton Beech, Her mother was Sandy (Smith) Beech of Strange Town.

As a highschool student Virginia worked hard to earn the Sim City Scholar's Grant beleiving this would get her into Land Grant University. She was heart broken when her application was rejected owing to a clerical error that was only recently discovered. Determined to be seen as a success Virginia used her interests in the environment, weather and culture to educate herself. (It's best to not get her started going on ..and on..and on about the weather!)

Currently Virgina shares a home with her teen son, Dobie and her single adult siblings, Rocky and Betty.

Virginia can not help but feel some envy towards Rocky and Betty who both made it into college. She is still upset with Rocky. Made no sense to her how he goofed off until he was kicked out! Such a waste! Betty applied herself, graduated with honors and is currently employed as a horoscope writer for the SimPort Times.

Despite her annoyance Virginia admits that she is proud of her brother who, like herself, has done well without a college diploma. In fact. the entire community takes pride in Rocky Beech, one of the SimPort Llamma's most important team members!

Virginia, not wanting to take time out from her business career for either romance or marriage, chose to visit a fertility clinic over at SimPort. She selected a donor whose bio claimed a high IQ and was employed as a professional barista. His photo showed a young man with blonde curls. a handsome prominant nose and straight teeth. The result being her blonde , so far good looking son, Dobie.

Dobie, who recently began high school is an energetic, outgoing A+ student with a good reputation. Dobie is his Uncle Rocky's biggest fan. The two of them spend time nearly each day shooting hoops in the back garden.

Virginia's once bright red hair is now silver - reflecting the silver she imagines lining any dark cloud that may appear on her horizon.
Forum Resident
#720 Old 13th May 2017 at 10:09 PM
**Widespot Grapevine**

At a recent meeting, held at the home of Goldie Hart, the WCP (Widespot Community Preservationists) agreed that the best way to preserve their community would be for individual families to purchase any available property.

The young Mann heiress, Rita, agreed to either keep the Pink Flamingo or to not sell to an outsider when she comes of age.

Goldie, President of the WCP, was "proud to announce" that she was acting on Rita's suggestion to start up both youth and adult bowling teams. The Flamingos and Fledglings.

Club secretary, Virginia Beech, suggested that "Shop local - Hire Local" be taken into consideration as a town slogan and as a reminder.

Club treasurer the now elderly Penny Weiss, pointed out that "such a slogan is all well and good, But, first we need to actually have more locally owned businesses."

River Land shared that the old petrol station "up there on the highway bend is up for sale".

NOTE: To keep rotation play more efficient and to keep family lines sorted out; families basically share the same home lot. Widespot is a subhood to Crowborough. While some Widespot Sims commute to work either in Crowborough or Sim Port City they prefer (for the most part) to shop and play in thier home town.

Also, while outsiders are welcome to spend money in Widespot they are not welcomed as nieghbors. Widespot folk keep to themselves. They may fuss 'n fight, but, they keep Widespot gossip and secrets right here in Widespot.

Behind where the corner General Store used to be (and where there is now a small grocery) there has been built (by the town of Widespot) a tidy row of look alike starter shops. These can be leased by Widespot residents who wish to start a business. There can be only one of each type of business.

The 'make out spot' and swimming hole remain as popular as ever :-)
Forum Resident
#721 Old 18th May 2017 at 7:48 AM
*Widepost Grapevine*


Mary Land
age 84

Mary, known for her selfless devotion to family and to her hometown. will be missed by many. Mary, besides raising daughter Julia, looked after her siblings and cared for her elderly parents.

After the great winter storm the Land family crowded into the older, refurbished doublewide mobile home where they yet reside. Mary left them her life savings asking that it be spent on a more comfortable family home. Her devotion to and concern for her family lives on.

Mary Land leaves behind her adult daughter, Julia; Siblings Scot, River, Delta, a young niece, Sunny and nephew Leo. Mary was preceded in death by parents Homer and Beulah; and by a sister, Dixie.

Note: Homer and Beulah died of old age. Dixie, an adult at the time, succumbed to the same flu like illness took Junior Mann's life (also an adult).
Forum Resident
#722 Old 18th May 2017 at 7:56 AM Last edited by teafortwo : 18th May 2017 at 8:01 AM. Reason: the usual

Widespot RFD Residents Registry

A - Adult
YA - Young Adult
M - Middle Age
LMA - Late Middle Age
E - Elder
T -Teen
C -Child
Tdlr -Toddler
I - Infant

Virginia Beech (80)
Goldie Hart-Enriquez (70)
Penny Weiss (74)

Woody Weiss MA
Scot Land LMA
River Land LMA
Delta Land LMA
Julia Land YA
Rita Mann YA
Betty Beech MA
Rocky Beech MA
Blair Enriquez - MA

Dobie Beech 10th grade
Erin Weiss 7th grade
Quincey Weiss 9th grade

Vincent Hart 4th grade
Sunny Land 2nd grade
Leo Land 1st grade
Barry Weiss 6th grade

Toddlers: None
Infants: None
Pregnant Sims:
Rita Mann (twins) Father is Blair Enriquez
Rocky Mann (one) Father is Pollination Technician

Sims With Alien Genetics:
Note G = Green Skin Tone
Penny Weiss G
Woody Weiss G
Sunny Land G
Leo Land G
Barry Weiss
Erin Wiess G
Quincey Wiess G


10057 Highway 13.5
Two new mobile homes, one small caravan
Siblings: Virginia, Rocky & Betty
Virginia's son: Dobie
Dobie, having been conceived via sperm donor, is not related to any Widespot resident other than his mother's siblings.

2 Side Spur
New home built by Junior Mann.
Rita Mann, YA daughter of Junior Mann & Candy Hart-Mann. "The last Mann standing"
Her aunt is Goldie Hart-Enriquez. Vincent Mann is her nephew. Vincent will also be a half-brother to her twins.

1 Land Road
Original home, New exterior stucco (blue-gray), new white window casings, new gray-black patio stone 'flooring'. plenty of light, brighter interior wall covering and flooring on the main floor. Old furniture has been reupholstered. New dining table. Walls are being filled with family portraits.
Newly Married (after sharing a home and a child for several years) Goldie Hart-Enriquez and Blair Enriquez. (Blair, a townie, is now a registered Widespot resident).
Their son, Vincent Hart
Vincent is related to Rita Mann (cousin) and will be half brother to her twins.

1 Valley Road
Refurbished, 3 BR older doublewide mobile home.
Siblings; Delta, River, Scot and their niece Julia.
River's daughter, Sunny; Scot's son, Leo
Julia is related to Goldie Hart-Enriquez, Barry Weiss and Vincent Hart.
Sunny and Leo are not related to any Widespot family other than their own. They however do share the same Alien Parent making them both first cousins and half siblings!

15 Valley Road
New 5 BR family home.

Siblings Penny and Woody Weiss
Penny's 3 children; Quincey, Erin & Barry
Penny is divorced from the late Rhett Hart.
Woody is a happy bachelor.
Quincey and Erin share the same father, Rhett Hart. Their Aunt is Goldie Hart-E, Vincent Hart is their cousin.
Barry's living half siblings are Julia Land and Goldie Hart-E. He is Vincent Hart's uncle.

NOTE: The first Sim to make a home here was the reclusive scientist, Skye Weiss. Although Daytona Beech came later she is credited with working to make Widespot an actual small, rural town. Recently the old make out spot was transformed into a lovely garden park dedicated to Daytona's memory.
Forum Resident
#723 Old 23rd May 2017 at 9:09 PM
(Note: The Widespot Grapevine is a local newspaper composed by none other than myself . If it were written and distributed by a local Widespot Sim there is much that would be omitted!! The official town newsletter contributed to by Widespot locals is published only after being approved by the WCP and... well..it's boring !!)


(Old news by now, yet, worth sharing.)

Newspaper clipping from the Widespot Grapevine's social page:

Hart-Enriquez Wedding

Hart Heiress, Miss Goldie Hart at long last married Blair Enriquez; father of her son, Vincent Hart. Owing to the obvious age difference theirs was a Spring-Winter marriage set against the background of a sunny early Autumn afternoon.

The bride wore a strapless, white satin designer gown nearly the same shade as her neatly coifed hair. Her golden haired groom wore a pink dress jacket.

Goldie and Blair exchanged vows beneath a rose covered wedding arch in a newly redecorated recreation room at the Hart residence. An intimate group of the bride's friends were in attendance. A catered wedding party was afterwards enjoyed by all.

The couple (for the sake of their young child) had remained together despite a serious falling out owing to the groom's romantic involvement with Miss Hart's young adult niece, Rita Mann, While Goldie believes that this now lies buried in the (recent) past there are rumors suggesting otherwise. (Best to keep in mind that some rumors are simply unfounded gossip.)

Goldie insists that her niece's overactive hormones, immaturity and lack of self-discipline led to the young woman's seduction of Blair. In Goldie's mind Blair has become an innocent victim.

Penny Weiss says "I know a gold digger when I see one " (she means Blair) "Goldie won't hear it; never mind the fact that she's not the first wealthy woman he's taken advantage of."
Forum Resident
#724 Old 23rd May 2017 at 11:21 PM Last edited by teafortwo : 24th May 2017 at 4:08 AM.
After being away for a few days (visiting real life family!) I needed to get my bearings in Widespot, so, it is a very good thing that I've kept notes and records!

Time has passed bringing a few changes:

As we all know for our Sims birthdays are actually the day when they transition from one life stage to another.

Rocky Beech's daughter, Vivian, is now a toddler.

Virginia Beech's son, Dobie, became an adult. Owing to having reached the top of the military teen career Dobie was promoted to Flight Officer.

Rita Mann's twin daughters, Rosemarie and Ramona are now toddlers.

Scot's Son, Leo Land and River's daughter, Sunny, are both now teens. Sunny is a year older than Leo.


Mayor Virginia Beech
Age 89


Betty Beech is engaged to Ramin Akagi

Ramin is a Blog Writer from Simport City. (Both he and Betty are journalists). Ramin often came home from work with Betty. Interestingly, they became best friends completely on thier own while I was giving attention to young Dobie and then to baby Vivian. I did encourage Betty to go ahead and propose. Ramin happily accepted and agreed to move in. The couple are planning either a winter or spring wedding, Or, perhaps a summer garden wedding?

While Widespot locals tend to be friendly with outsiders they prefer that they remain outsiders. Ramin is now an outsider who happens to be living with the Beech family. He will not become a registered resident until he and Betty are married. And, even then there are those who will continue to treat Ramin as "not really one of us."


With the sudden passing of Virginia Beech the office of mayor is vacant. So far no one has "tossed their hat into the ring". Penny Weiss has been nominated to fill the position until elections are held.

Parents agree to continue a ban against sending children on to University. It is feared that doing so will discourage young adults from returning to Widespot. And why risk the ideas that they could be contaminated with!

Growing concern about outside influences on vulnerable young minds has prompted a vote in favor of alocating funds to establish an "all grades" school right here in town.

Donations are being accepted to created a roadside rest, recreation and shopping area. Described by Penny Weiss as "A place where outsiders will be happy to part with simoleons."


It is rumored that Blair Hart-Enriquez's visits with his twin daughters are about more than the children. Penny Weiss has suggested to Goldie that it could be in Vincent's best interest to instead have his cousins brought to the Hart home for visits. Goldie agrees that there is no need to blame innocent children for the sins of their mother.

Goldie, fire in her heart and ice in her hard edged words "I need to protect Blair. Rita can not be trusted. How could she have done this to us? After all I did for her. Her affection and respect, I now know, was play acting. She's a no good thief. Just like her grandfather Rich Mann. Wicked, wicked girl!"

Meanwhile on up the road the Land family are wishing for "land ..lots of land!" That trailer home feels as thought it has shrunk, there really is not enough garden space to sufficiently stock their popular produce stand - and, the stand itself hogs up more than its share of land. Oh, and then there is the leaking roof, wonky plumbing and iffy electric wiring.

Currently it appears that the only really happy household is that of Woody Weiss, his elderly sister Penny and his lively niece and nephews.
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#725 Old 26th May 2017 at 5:57 PM Last edited by teafortwo : 26th May 2017 at 6:04 PM. Reason: the usual
The Widespot Grapevine #8

**NOTE: I'm thinking that sharing how I keep track of rotation play may be of help to others. My goal is to lay a story foundation that allows individual (and family line) stories and history to intersect. Also, I wish to as quickly as possible bring the 3rd and 4th Widespot generations on stage.

This is then, a seasonal calendar of events & notes. Each Widespot household was visited for all four seasons - each in the same order.**

Early Winter; Sunny Land, Adult Birthday (Sunny, like her Aunt Mary) is depended on to look after children and to take care of household tasks.

Early winter; Goldie Hart-Enriquez learns that Blair is yet carrying on with her niece, Rita Mann. This short lived marriage is now in deep trouble. Winter is already a difficult season for this household - Goldie, Blair and Vincent have all been hit by flu and serial heavy colds.

Early Winter; Child Birthday, Vivian Beech (daughter of Rocky Beech)

Late Winter: Birth; a girl, Thelma Beech, parents are Betty Beech and her fiancé Ramin Akagi.

Late Winter; Birth, a girl, Martha, Mother is Julia Land.(Julia filled her wish for a child by visiting the Donor Bank at Sim Port City Fertility & conception Clinic. The donor just happens to be Blair Hart-Enriquez.)

Next to last day of Winter; Adult Birthday, Leo Land. Leo was promoted and now works as a Law Firm Representative for Yerklewitz, Yerkelwitz and Abernuckle of Sim POrt City.

Next to last day of Winter, Teen Birthday, Vincent Hart "Good Son". Vincent becomes a Family Sim who hopes to marry and to one day celebrate a Golden Wedding anniversary. This young man is determined to not follow his parent's example.

Last Day of Winter; Child Birthday, Rosemarie and Ramona Mann.

Last day of Winter; Goldie and Blair divorce, Blair moves out temporarily renting an apartment at Sim Port City near to the hospital and the Fertility & Conception Clinic where he is employed. (Blair is a General Practitioner), Goldie is now 78,


Early Spring; Scot land, age 81 passed away. (He passed just after having sold his movie theatre , The Royal, to the town of Widespot. Unknown to his family Scot had, while keeping a medical appointment at Simport made a donation at the Fertility & Conception Clinic.)

Early Spring; Retirement (Party DJ), Elder Rocky Beech,

Early Spring; Toddler Birthday, Thelma Beech

Early Spring Birthday; Martha Land (daughter of Julia Land) became a toddler.

Mid Spring; River Land, age 83, passed away. River was a retired Party DJ. Like his brother, Scot, River regretted never having married. He would love to have had grandchildren.

Late Spring; Julia Land became an elder.

Late Spring: Elder Birthday & Retirement; Betty Beech (Magazine Editor)

Next to last day of Spring; Passing, Goldie Hart-Enriquez, age 83 (Retired state Assembly Person - her second career was in Township Politics. Goldie was serving as Solicitor for Widespot when she passed.)


Early Summer; Delta Land, age 83, passed away.

Early Summer, Birth. A Girl, Parents are Rita Mann & Blair Hart-Enriquez.

Early Mid Summer: Hart home is closed, dust covers are placed over furniture, doors locked, arrangements are made for continued maintenance & garden care. Vincent's Aunt Julia becomes his guardian. Vincent Hart moves into his aunt's home. Vincent spends his summer vacation learning how to operate a business by helping out in the Land family produce stand and clothing shop.

Mid Summer; Martha Land became a child.

Mid Summer: Leo Land moves out! (He rolled this wish upon aging up. Leo did not get along well with either cousin Sunny or his Aunt Julia.

Mid Summer Wedding; Betty Beech & Ramin Agaki have a small garden, immediate family only wedding.

Mid Summer: Blair Enriquez moves in with Rita Mann and their three young daughters.

Mid Summer; Engagement; Rita Mann & Blair Enriquez.

Mid Summer Wedding; Rita Mannn & Blair Enriquez, private family ceremony at Sim Port City Hall, Mr., & Mrs. Enriquez afterwards dined at the Green Roof Pub with Racheal & Ramona, (Lenora was left in care of the family's nanny). Formal wedding portraits of the Bride and Groom and the older girls were taken at home amid bright summer blooms in the front garden.

Mid Summer, Toddler Birthday, Lenora Mann.
Mid Summer, Teen Birthday; Vivian Beech
Mid Summer, Child Birthday; Thelma Beech

Late Summer: Leo Land finds a furnished apartment to rent in downtown Sim Port City near to the law office where he is employed.

Late Summer; Adult Birthday, Barry Weiss, unemployed Knowledge Sim, training to become a florist via online correspondence course.

Beginning of new "rotation".

Widespot All Grades Community School opens. Uniforms can be purchased at Land Family Clothing.

Candidates for Mayor are Woody Weiss and Betty Beech. Voting will happen at the Community School on the last Saturday in Autumn.

WRC meetings and Town Hall meetings are now held in the school cafeteria.

The Rest Stop Park opened in Mid-Summer and proved to be popular with both outsiders and locals. The youth fishing pond is enjoyed by all ages. Our teens are thrilled with the arcade game venue - where taking goofy group pictures in the photo booth is "all the rage".

Vivian Beech, who was there with her little cousin, Thelma, says "It's really cool, Junk food paradise!!"

The rest stop is beautifully landscaped so that the restrooms, coffee shop, gift shop - tourist information center and game venue appear as a natural part of this roadside garden.

Rest Stop Park was designed by Architect Prudence Pennington a partner at Creative Visions Construction out of Crowborough. Ms. Pennington, a graduate of Land Grant University, is a great niece of the late Lana (Pennington) Mann.

The easy access parking lot has also resulted in more business at Peni's Diner.
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