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#701 Old 26th Nov 2022 at 1:57 PM
I keep dreaming about work lately, I think they should be paying me for that
Mad Poster
#702 Old 3rd Dec 2022 at 5:00 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Dizzy-noodles
I keep dreaming about work lately, I think they should be paying me for that

Dream job

Seriously, you probably have been working harder than normal if you can't escape work.

As most dreams are a subconscious reflection of our needs and wants, it probably is a good time to step back and try not to burn out from work.

I get burnt out after helping my parents on their weekends. Good thing I have video games and movies to escape to.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Mad Poster
#703 Old 26th Dec 2022 at 5:23 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 26th Dec 2022 at 6:07 AM. Reason: Clarity
This time around, I was on "Family Feud" in a multiversal championship where famous characters from fiction could join in along with real-life celebrities.

I was part of an Imperial Royal family from the borders of France and Germany where the kingdom was with my grandfather, the Emperor, my Gramma Barb, the Empress Consort, my father, the King, my mother, the Queen and myself as the Crown Princess and our family of dukes, duchesses, marquise and marchionesses was in the audience...we were up against Lupin III's gang and the constantly chasing Inspector Zenigata.

The Steve Harvey was more a pastiche of the one Kenan Thompson does, right down to the face that says "Oh, man, I can't believe you did what I think you did...", With the 1,000 mile stare included.

I was called to start the game along with Zenigata and Steve said "We polled 100 people on the answer to 'what's small, green and goes up and down all day?'" I said something wildly inappropriate, bad enough to make Steve make the aforementioned face and embarrassed every man in the studio. Yes, I took some punchline I remembered from 20 years ago and used it to open up the game. (needless to say, the judges let me pass) Man, I still remember high school.

The dream ended and I woke up realizing I at least didn't get a smiling pickle on the front of my Christmas card from my grandparents as my father tends to shout "I'M PICKLE RICK!" I have an insane father and I inherited his insanity unfortunately.

Insanity is just part of father's family.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#704 Old 8th Jan 2023 at 3:43 PM
Everytime I tried to open the fridge door a robotic voice would be like haha denied and i'd be like :O (cos its was the ancient fridge my grandparents had from the 70s so like that def shouldnt be speaking to me) so I was like hmmm possessed. time to light shit up
#705 Old 22nd Jan 2023 at 5:53 PM
The other night I had a dream where I was due to show up for a rehearsal. When I got there I didn't seem to know which instrument I was playing. Bassoon? Oboe? Tenor saxophone? At one point I think I may have even be in the choir. (I don't sing. So that's a BIG WTF) But with the instruments, what makes this weird is I've had this kinda dream before, and when i say "I don't which instrument" I mean, it's very vague in the dream what instrument(s) I have brought with me. I think it just incoherently switches between them.

Is this my brain telling me to pick one instrument?

♫ Keeping this here until EA gives us a proper playable woodwind/brass instrument ♫
For now, though, my decorative Bassoon conversion for TS4. =)
Mad Poster
#706 Old 30th Jan 2023 at 6:53 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 30th Jan 2023 at 7:04 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by bassoon_crazy
Is this my brain telling me to pick one instrument?

Don't know. You might be in an indecisive mood.

I was dreaming about Richard Epcar, who heard me rattling around downstairs and as soon as he got my attention, he asked "You okay, little one?" (I'm 5'0", he's 6'6") I began crying. I was being watched over while my parents explored Europe. In the dream, the war was over and my parents were donating time rebuild the parts of Europe that were attacked during the war.

Richard had to sit me down on the couch and comfort me as best as he could "It's okay, kid...no need to cry." He even started talking in those voices he was famous for. He even made a snack and drink to calm me down (He noticed I was pale.)

I woke up and start crying myself. I suffer from separation anxiety, mainly because I am somewhat social. My parents are here, but I feel disconnected from my life lately. Mainly because my parents are working later lately and we haven't had much time together.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
Test Subject
#707 Old 2nd Feb 2023 at 2:11 PM
Hello, sorry for the sudden intrusion into this thread
I am just so curious about dreams others experience lately. I am studying Oneirology as part of my Master's Degree and it really is a very fascinating subject.

I can't help but notice in your dream that he got you a snack and drink, do you happen to remember what exactly those were? was it something sweet for example?... or perhaps they weren't specific at all? I'm very curious because it would seem that could be one of the most important aspects of deciphering the meaning of this dream.
Again, I apologize for my sudden intrusion, and in no way do I mean to pry or offend. My curiosity at times can get the better of me.
#708 Old 4th Feb 2023 at 5:25 AM
Last night I had a dream that I was dating the lead singer of one of my favorite bands. That may not seem all that weird, but the fact I'm a straight male and the singer is also a guy makes it pretty weird to me.
#709 Old 11th Feb 2023 at 3:02 PM
Okay, so this one was not pleasant.

So back in high school when I began to want to play the bassoon, there was this woman who played it that I really looked up to. Get this, though... She's the older sister of the girl in this dream (yes, they both played bassoon). What was it with me and that family? lol

Anyway, no more preamble. This was a bizarre dream that was all over the place. At one point I was in the game Animal Crossing New Horizons. Lol. But in my house I found a door back to the real world. Somewhere in the real world portion of the dream, I was in a stadium or something, with deep snow everywhere. It was then I realized I had a "mission". That "mission" was taking out a very dangerous, violent criminal.

...That criminal, the aforementioned woman.

IRL, I am 100% a pacifist. This dream is complete nonsense. But what followed was disturbing. I ran into her and her sister both and began tailing them, until they got in an elevator. Where, face to face before the elevator closed, I...completed the mission.

WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT DREAM??!!! What are you doing, brain? Thanks, now I feel afraid of myself even though I'm 100% sure I would never ever harm anyone, or even think of it. And to involve these two, who I already was over-the-top with in high school, surely annoying the heck of them... it just feels wrong on many, many levels. lol

♫ Keeping this here until EA gives us a proper playable woodwind/brass instrument ♫
For now, though, my decorative Bassoon conversion for TS4. =)
Test Subject
#710 Old 16th Feb 2023 at 5:25 PM
Some odd dreams here and there. I remember one time when i was 5 or 3 years old i had a nightmare where my older brother was chasing me, except he was rainbow for some reason. Eventually i hid under a bed but he found me. My 5 or 3 year old me found that very scary so i avoided the room in where he found me for a couple of weeks.
Mad Poster
#711 Old 14th Apr 2023 at 7:23 AM
Okay, I had been sleep deprived due to my obnoxiously loud, vocal cat but this dream was like an Article 20 violation (Article 20 governs copyright issues within Japan)

I was operating a Gundam type robot and wouldn't you know, the teacher who automatically failed me (she had a thing of targeting students and intentionally failing them) was standing outside the middle school where she failed me. I grabbed the intercom in the cockpit and shouted at her and crushed her underfoot.

I then head to the Planetary Society, let's just say I have a beef with the higher-ups. While traveling, I played Mötley Crüe's Home Sweet Home and on arrival, I crushed an electric car in the reserved spot and I shouted "Nai-hakase! Get out here!" (It was chop socky quality anime subtitling and chop socky was like very little effort was put in. Yes chop socky is in Hong Kong's description vernacular, but it was just painful to watch) I had tears in my eyes, not comical clown ones but heart wrenching emotional ones. It was weird.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#712 Old 2nd May 2023 at 11:56 AM
Because real life hasn't been enough of a pain in the ass lately, the weird dreams have to start.

The dream takes place from my house, but my house isn't where it is in real life. It is somewhere in Texas perhaps. My son in this dream in roughly 5-6 years old.

In the dream, my house also has a fence and we have a black and white tuxedo cat named Azoo. Azoo somehow managed to get beyond the fence with a lampshade in his head. On the other side of the fence, there were aggressive, wild pigs that decided they didn't like the cat being on their turf. My son decided he was going to save the cat, but in the process of doing so, he was screaming at the tops of his lungs for me to come and help him ward off the wild pigs.

I don't know what happened to Azoo the cat as I woke up when the 'screaming' started.

I don't usually put too much thought into dreams, but I've speculated about this one.

Lampshade = Elizabethan collar

**For those that don't know what a Elizabethan collar is, it is the cone collars a vet will put on a cat or dog after a surgery as a example to keep the animal from picking at the area.

The reason I think my house was in Texas is because my parents speak often about how wild boar can be seen going for walks along highways in Texas. I try to check in with the parental units often, so I hear about the wild boars more often than not. If they don't have a story about the boars, they talk about alligators behaving badly. There is never a dull moment in Texas.
#713 Old 4th May 2023 at 5:02 PM
Omg so basically I'd forgotten all about my dream untill I'd watched a Hairy Bikers episode where they were somewhere in the US and visited a weed shop (aka coffeeshop cos I dunno if its called a weed shop in english).

In my dream I was minding my own business and then suddenly my mum was like "You! Me! Marijunana, let's get this bread!" and I'm like that's defintiely not how we use that phrase but also like since when would you ever choose to do this??? Anyway, I end up at the coffeeshop and like there's this massive counter with like a squillion glass jars and no signs anywhere (which app was the really weird thing in that moment). An employee is like hey how can I help? and I'm like yeah mum told me to get some stuff. Then they gave me a clipboard and a crayon (but it was also like a normal pencil) and was told that I need to list the top 5 best smells that I could smell from the jars I picked. The employee then took a bunch of lids off and im said I needed to wave my hands over the jars until I felt the urge to pick one up (like the feeling with magnets), then take a deep breath and smell it and decide what I think. Suppsedly that went on for a while but I kept going back for the same jar, which I was informed by the friendly employee was Lemongrass. I'm like but lemongrass is lemongrass that's not smokeable bro. They're like "it is what it is" and somehow I was ok with that answer.

I've been to a coffeshop exactly once in my life and my mum disapporves of them like 300% so like this entire dream was like ????? why am i here??? When I did tell mum about this she really did give me the stare of disapporval
#714 Old 19th May 2023 at 2:27 PM
I had to climb up a wall using the ice breaker pointy things and there was some kind of chant going on in the background (99% sure its me remembering the football people partying in town last week). The climing thing was a weird one cos I'd never willingly do that. Heights are cool and all but I'm basically a noodle- like no strength at all
#715 Old 9th Jun 2023 at 10:52 AM
I had one of those pesky vivid dreams.

In my dream I argued with Elvis ( as in Elvis Presley) over whether I ate his pizza or not. In the end, I owned that not only did I eat it, I ate the whole thing.

I woke up to thinking I could smell pizza and was kind of disappointed when what I was really smelling was nothing.
Test Subject
#716 Old 13th Jun 2023 at 7:58 PM
I had a weird dream last night, tbh.

I woke up and I was just surrounded by tacos. The whole world was a giant taco shell.

Naturally I woke up craving tacos-
Original Poster
#717 Old 7th Aug 2023 at 8:54 PM
i'm surprised despite me dissapearing for like what? 6 months or even more? it's still alive

i have weird dreams about clocks or rather the times lately

the first week of June i had this scary dream we had to leave the vacation house and was running out of time (but once i woke up and on a vacation house irl it was just 6 0,clock in the morning)

a week later i had this dream i was gonna be late for work from my parents home (but once i woke up it was 5 0,clock at night so that was a relief, i had to go to work that day irl too)

2 weeks later apparently i had an appointment with a dentist but it turned out not to be true lol (or atleast not the day i had that dentist dream, it was a few days after that dream i had to go to an dentist)

last week i had a dream i was running out of time because the cinemas have almost started while i was busy having to take care of something (but thankfully irl it was just by 7 0,clock and REALLY had to go to the cinemas with a friend of mine)

and today i AGAIN had a dream i was running out of time

most of those dreams starts on mondays and i hate that day the most lol

it's like that dream is telling me something as a reminder on certain appointments judging by my dreams
#718 Old 10th Aug 2023 at 10:57 AM
I'm not sure what I dreamt, just that I was very confused while sleeping and I woke up confused too
Test Subject
#719 Old 27th Aug 2023 at 3:58 AM
I keep having strange dreams that don't make sense. Does that count?
Mad Poster
#720 Old 27th Aug 2023 at 7:30 PM
I had one about some people who kept reliving a very strange set of occurences (type Groundhog Day, but in space, and quite a lot wilder, doing some sort of "save the universe" mission - probably doesn't help I saw a couple movies with that exact premise last month...). For whatever reason there were also talking chickens, and talking cats. The talking chickens did not survive the talking cats...

Other than the unfortunate chickens (the scene was played for comedy, so the chickens somehow ended up head stuck in the snow, butt in the air, cartoon-style - I can't remember what led to their demise, though), it was a fun dream. I was quite entertained.
Original Poster
#721 Old 4th Sep 2023 at 7:20 PM
2 months or so ago i had this strange dream about haunted house, i must've played the game where you can scare people off because my room was moving in my dream
and i woke up very odd like the room was moving or something (thankfully the room wasn't really moving but i must've been dizzy when i woke up back then)

and yesterday i had a rather funny dream i was baking the cake but i made a poor job making the cake because apparently it tasted bad, someone must've casted a spell
because my jeans was all dirty when i got up from the chair like there was chocolate on my jeans or something, apparently i dissapointed everybody with the cake
(i risked my free day to apologize how messed up the cake was)

that dream i had yesterday was very interesting
Mad Poster
#722 Old 14th Sep 2023 at 9:21 PM
You remember the time Jim Carrey invaded my Crushosphere? He got into my dreams.

He treated me to a backrub and he found the knot that required assistance. I was having a strange dream where my back was knotted and he called Keanu Reeves for backup. The two eventually worked out that knot and I thanked them both with a kiss, then...

...it began to become aggressive in rivalry. It was strange. The two were acting like they bullied each other as kids and didn't grow up and older. (Both lived in Toronto as teenagers, but Jim lived next to a tire factory and Keanu was working at an acting school.)

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#723 Old 30th Sep 2023 at 1:30 PM
It was a weird dream. I don't think that it was a bad dream, just that it was a lot.

The first part I remember is that I was minding my own business at home. But it wasn't any of the places I've ever lived, though the front door was from the last place which I only noticed when the doorbell was being run aggressively. I didn't want to get up, I was comfortable and it was my day off to do as whatever I wanted. The ringing was incessant. So I was like fiiiine I'll see who's there.

Big surprise though cos it was a childhood friend who I know I haven't seen in 10 years. She looked the same just older and I was like dude why're you here?? And she's like girl we need to go now! And I'm like no??? its my day off and I wanna stay home in my pjs and have soup. Bestie just yanks me by the arm and off we went! We were outside soemwehre, very city-esque compared to where ever home was, which might be why our outfits didn't raise any eyebrows (battered jeans/hoodie/flipflops combo for her, pjs/dressing gown/ spoon in hand for me). I'm not really sure what we were doing but we had to goooo. Where we needed to go and why was never explained but there was some sense of urgency while we were running around (ew) getting on to busses, fighting with tram doors, and shoving past people on the station stairs. Other things happened, I'm still not sure what, just that it felt like a lot of different things happened kind of like wtf I just want to go home :o

We were sitting next to each other on the edge of a grassy cliff (swinging our legs) sharing a cigarette. The sunset was really nice and the sea was very calm and it was just good to be there. Not sure how to explain it but it felt heavy like we had a great day but it's also the end and there's nothing you can do about it? That might be why I woke up it felt like I'd said goodbye or like lost soemthing forever.
Mad Poster
#724 Old 11th Oct 2023 at 4:10 AM Last edited by PANDAQUEEN : 11th Oct 2023 at 4:15 AM. Reason: Clarity and Addendum
Just having more hard to explain dreams.

I was in bed with Richard, finishing up reading an article on the likelihood of another merger in the entertainment business between Universal and Warner Brothers Discovery. He said "You done yet? I want to spend time talking to you before bed." I put the phone on it's charging cable and cuddle close. He pulls the blanket around me and said, "In 2 months time, you have made a 180 that surprised me. You're a precious little lady to me. I want you to succeed and win your games in eSports. I will be giving color commentary and cheering for you. And don't forget to have fun while we're at the floor."

I cuddled a little while and then went to bed after he fell asleep.

I went to my room and took out a good luck charm with my father's family's headshot and my mother and her sister's family, each head shot affixed to a Rubik's Cube-like device, one head per panel.

I was escorted to the floor to duke it out with various video game characters and just be ready.

I brought a gold chrome controller (my nickname in various East Asian and Southeast Asian language means "gold") and I thought I heard some screaming "IF MAMA AIN'T HAPPY, THEN NOBODY ELSE WILL BE!" as I whaled on my opponent and somehow I won.

Richard came to congratulate me on my World championship win for the USA.

When I woke up, it was 7:00AM...I guess I needed to process.

It was disjointed at best.

Personal Quote: "I like my men like my sodas: tall boys." (Zevia has both 12 and 16 oz options)

(P.S. I'm about 5' (150cm) in height and easily scared)
#725 Old 22nd Oct 2023 at 8:00 PM
I was zapping someting in the microwave, could've been food or a drink, or just as euqally somehting that shouldn't be in a microwave because danger is always fun. The real mystery was what the -15.000 on the microwave meant. Was it the countdown timer telling me how long till the beeps would start (but with a display error) or was it actually the time? To find out the answer I was supposed to wear yellow rubber gloves and collect leaves at a park a few hours away from home. I put the gloves on and planned my route on my phone until I realised that it didnt have enough battery for my journey, and then I just was???

I do feel like having popcorn now though
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