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Lab Assistant
#51 Old 22nd Nov 2020 at 2:49 PM
I'm not sure if this is related entirely, but I notice if you cause the alt-tab glitch in the final game it makes that character's face looking around picture appear (as) below. That's never really used in the release from what I remember, brings me a bit of unsurity of what/why it's there and what it would've been used for.
Lab Assistant
#52 Old 4th Dec 2020 at 9:33 PM Last edited by Burnziie : 5th Dec 2020 at 3:55 AM.
Unsure if it's been mentioned before from what I've seen but I've rewatched the Steering Comittee video and noticed something particular.
There's this early live mode HUD shown, and it has what seems like a really early model of what the final uses as the "No Portrait" pictures and in some early game footage (like the 99 Gamestar one.) As well as Crazy Larry from one of the original pictures posted in this thread by Lucpix.

However there also seems to be 2 extra motives with Room named as Envir. Another couple are mentioned in the bit below.

Now there was also something else I found with a lot of the 95-96 era Sims that shows some of the animations and how the characters sprites worked, including a nice good look at the trees! I'll put this in the spoilers because there's a lot to unpack. Since I can't post the PDF it'll picture the whole doc page by page. Unfortunately all links at the bottom were completely dead.

On a side note, wasn't Ross' original Steering Comitte outfit used in the Sims Online? I know his head and newer clothes are used and named after him in the final. Hopefully then it's not permamentally lost. I know Mercedes has her head and outfit used in the final game, however Sam's head and outfit wasn't in the files from what I remember.

Edit: Hopkin's site has some more design documents. Might be some good finds in them. I've saw a mockup of the brain HUD thus far
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#53 Old 8th Dec 2020 at 10:41 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 8th Dec 2020 at 11:39 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by Burnziie
I'm not sure if this is related entirely, but I notice if you cause the alt-tab glitch in the final game it makes that character's face looking around picture appear (as) below. That's never really used in the release from what I remember, brings me a bit of unsurity of what/why it's there and what it would've been used for.

Hey @Burnziie; . Haha we love some of these scaring thumbnail corruptions eh - are both of them supposed to show the head of the same Sim (being twins) or is it another glitch? Don't be afraid! I'm not really sure it is a phenomenon that happens SINCE the Vanilla game but, once a Sim is generated, so are their thumbnails, including the ones we see during the game and the ones above -- apparently, the engine creates 3 different versions of the "Active Character" faces, either leftovers from pre-release versions or technically meant-to-be-used templates that can only be triggered under IMPOSSIBLE conditions. Just to clarify, this is how the maid looks like when we "ask" her to use the three templates. I'm not a BIG fan of the third one as it makes it easy for all the skins of adults to be partiallycropped out:

Quote: Originally posted by Burnziie
Unsure if it's been mentioned before from what I've seen but I've rewatched the Steering Comittee video and noticed something particular.
There's this early live mode HUD shown, and it has what seems like a really early model of what the final uses as the "No Portrait" pictures and in some early game footage (like the 99 Gamestar one.) As well as Crazy Larry from one of the original pictures posted in this thread by Lucpix.

However there also seems to be 2 extra motives with Room named as Envir. Another couple are mentioned in the bit below.

Loads of us might've left this interface behind, thanks for remembering and for sending the documents/95's shots. Finally we can say we have seen Mr. Crazy Larry live on the Sim hood, even if superficially. And, God, it's even older than the said 1998 version, that primitive Duchess could with ease be the daughter of what she would eventually become. I have something below to talk about a couple of these moods, specially Stress! The lighting of the characters is interesting, resembles something we would see in a Dreamcast game, but anyways! I gave the documents a read (the first one of future many!) and brings us a more "theoretical" perspective over everything that has been at least thought out for the game, such as the Cooking TV shows (as we know later put into reality in Sims 2) and some of us eventually can list here the complete discarded features these docs mention. Big thank one more time!


TO-DO: Unused sprites explained + 2 new pre-release webcam videos + Share the recently found high-quality versions of the known food render pictures + those massive amount of Sim WebCam pictures from 1999 or earlier.

13.05.1999 Let's start off gawping at the Sims 1 stand there at E3 1999!

New video! TS1 Unused/Circumstantial Vox

"A couple of sound effects and voice recordings on the (base game of) The Sims that never get the chance of being called by the Sims/objects or, if they do, are under very specific conditions.

We obviously weren't entirely sure about the "unusedness" of one or two of them in spite of the several in-game experiments as it sometimes can be a complex task, so I'm pinning a comment on this video with a couple of digressions and theories over all that, of which you of course can be a part!

Two programs were used to find the sound files: SimTalk (1999) - specially the children's ones - and FarEdit (for those included in the game's files)"

New video! [6/6] Sims Webcam Archive 8.18.99

"One of the multiple compilations of live streams hosted by Luc Barthelet and the whole The Sims gang months before the game's first release, from March 1999 to February 2000! The purpose was to show to all of the Maxis/SimCity 3000 aficionados the life simulator's WIP as they would also ask their audience to think of scenarios that could be reproduced during these live streams"

+ More unused sprites

The strings and commands that call the sprites (images) used, for example, as the conversation icons or the little bar above the heads of Sims that shows you the progress they're doing with a certain skill are found within the file GameData/Sprites.iff. Let's see those that are never seen during our day-to-day gameplay:

1- hdlineDrunk - even if, as stated in one of the e-mails inside SimWatch's mailist, Sims weren't wired to get drunk.
2- hdlineHate - you can suppose it was once used when two Sims had a very low relationship score, the natural opposite of the Love status.
3- hdlineIdea - planned to be used when a Sim improved one skill?
4- hdlineHurt - the Sims from the Base game don't feel sick or physically hurt in a way that doesn't kill them, except if we consider the Attack interaction and the initial lack of Cooking skill that makes them to accidentally hurt their fingers
5- hdlineLove - well, there is a used Love sprite in the final game, although it is a lot less cartoony and its icon is just ONE heart
6- hdlineSmell - it is not used, but Sims are programmed to be hygienically negligent, of course
7- hdlineStress - Stress is mentioned at different versions of the game as a motive of its own - in the final game, it is taken more or less as the opposite effect of the Fun mood?

This bunch of never-spoken-by-Sims conversation topics was first mentioned in this thread's first "actual" post, but it is worth it being mentioned again given this extra detail - if you're playing the base game and you run the "interests" cheat code, you'll get to know the actual names from these unused topics: Spooky Stuff, Babies and Beauty. My theory is that they were meant to be one of those subjects that are primarily spoken by children, specially if we remember that children have a considerably big number of talk voice tracks, of different intensities other than just the "upbeat" ones we know, that are never played in-game, which wasn't a good idea as it makes their conversations way more repetitive than the adult ones normally are.

Way more Sims Webcam pictures:
Tiny fragments of Sims screenshots sent by the Maxis crew during and after beta livestreams so the hyped future Simmers would have something to discuss about that funny TBD game called The Sims and publish cool new information on their blog, kind of as we are doing now, even if by a totally different perspective. Again, they knew everything about the betas but wanted the final game, and we are the vice-versa! Here goes a compilation of Sims Webcam pictures found in several sites. Do not only note the obvious presence of objects that the final version didn't get the chance of having, but also the different logo water marks and the captions:

Did you know you can also generate, in real time, one of these Sims Webcam-styled shots? The engine "secretly" allows you to, unless your game contains any of the Expansion Packs after Hot Date.
All you have to do is direct the mouse cursor right above the Sim you want to take a picture of (you will not be able to use it otherwise). This will cause two different possible effects: the highlighted Sim will either move a little bit faster (if they're the active Sim) or slower (if they're not the active Sim/NPC). To take the picture, press F7 before the Sim finds a reason to move away from the cursor and you'll se a quick animation of a silver framing increasing/decreasing in size until it squares the area in a way that the shot Sim is in the center, and an JPG image called SimsWebCam will be created in your game's main folder (where the executable is).


I'm not sure how to change the subtitles as the one from the picture above is written as default (anyone does??) but you can change the SIZE of the picture editing the coordinates at GameData/stalk.ini

Better Quality of Food Renders:

Now found on their "semi-original" source as one of the several graphical packs distributed by Maxis' people as one of the billions of ways of giving us fans visual resources of what was about to come when it comes to our beloved life simulator. This time, their original files were in well-compressed VGA, which provide us some new sharper pixels to see AND a new graphic of a microwave... ironically, the only file that the original zip file didn't manage to keep on its entirety as it was almost irreversibly broken. Yes... almost.

Sim Webcam Screenshots
High Quality Food Renders, livestream videos and applications

(so do you)
Lab Assistant
#54 Old 10th Dec 2020 at 10:16 PM
I've been doing some more looking, dug up a different link on Hopkin's site that has a ton of other Design Docs. Some ARE from the Sims 2 or later expansions I've noticed but I've seen a lot from the year '96-98

That "Happylife" reminds me of an old motive simulator I think Will Wright made that used something similar. That I need to refind.
Unfortunately not many links are clickable, and some (including one that would've led to a build of the game in I think 97) are down.

The JeffersonDemoTutorial seems to say that the game could more or less run without being paused in archutectual/build mode but had a few tree crashes. Pretty interesting to look at.
Test Subject
#55 Old 13th Jan 2021 at 8:52 PM
Default Found some new images!
Found these photos online, I love the design and everything about this lot!
Mad Poster
#56 Old 20th Jan 2021 at 11:32 AM
@lucpix - is that you at E3?

Addicted to The Sims since 2000.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#57 Old 31st Jan 2021 at 3:19 AM Last edited by LUCPIX : 31st Jan 2021 at 7:42 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by tacoman
Found these photos online, I love the design and everything about this lot!

Hey, tacoman, thanks for the visit and the very cool contribution, it is crazy how these images weren't mentioned until this moment!! Thank you. Unsure on whether or not it's because of the forum, but the attachments are with considerably lower resolution comparing to the known higher quality version of the pics, then let us post these ones just in case

This set of images — for the context enlightenment —, along with some other of equal importance, comes from Eric Hedman's personal website; Even if the name doesn't flag us a sign of resemblance at first, that man was the key element when it comes to giving to the Sims' universe the clever and exquisite material aesthetics that we know so well, as we notice thru the repertory of hundredssssssssssssssss of concept arts he's personally composed for the elements of almost all the expansion packs, it seems... ah, and the base game, too. It's also mentioned there in the 100th day trivia easter egg thingey that he was the mastermind behind the game's animations, to the point that even those almost-photorealistic-captured-by-movement recordings seemed amateur next to the ones he manually engineered!

Ah!, if you wanna check yourself the complete bunches of concepty media Mr. Hedman has published (not solely Sims stuff, it is worthy mentioning), pop your popcorns, straighten your duvet and start your researching from HERE — Thanks again!

Quote: Originally posted by VerDeTerre
@lucpix - is that you at E3?

By oceanic, age and why not cultural limitations, the 354-day me didn't have the resources and knowledge to be part of such a massive convention such as that one (specially when it presented to the western world the legendary Sonic Adventure, Superman 64 and the mysterious The Sims, even if not everyone was aiming their attention lens towards the latter.. yet) — We don't know AVault.com's David, Ron, Rex and Jason, but these awesome guys can now be fundamental part of our Sims history by being the authors of the only website we can get some solid unavailable-image-error-free media on E3 The Sims, even if an unfortunate deal of all of this has been lost by the sands of time :\ By checking the source, only 3% speaks on our life simulator but there's no need to say that everything else, by the lens of someone who wasn't there, is convenient and make us to imagine how frigging cool everything certainly has been

Hey, friends.. The The Cutting Room Floor article dedicated to the pre-release universe of our beloved The Sims 1 has been receiving a couple of extra editions by yours truly and also people from fellow Simmers to just equally-useful editors that "just" come to sanitize the unnecessary verb usage spree, keeping all of the information straightforward, impersonal and accurative-correct as it should've always been! Those unaware of the concept behind The Cutting Room Floor: you can imagine it as a Wikipedia that only provides information about games.. or, more precisely, the big mass of information regarding their unused material, being it currently present on everyone's game copies or something that can only be witnessed through the lens of pre-release footage. Just like Wikipedia, it is of free, accessible and public manipulation, meaning that all of their articles are generated, reviewed and edited by normal people as you and me. You can also imagine someone out there in this placed once created an article dedicated to The Sims and, since then, loads of well-intended and happy nerds decided to spice it up with everything that has been found and extra researched afterwards...

It's a deliberate job and the current mission is to basically exploit everything that we have found together since the last two years and give it an external, purposeful use, for all the people who access such webpages are exactly those who want to enhance a little bit more their repertory about the games' betas and everything else, including Sims! And we both know there is a whole bunch of stuff to talk about... Not to say this thread will have the tragic finale of becoming an obsolete source of discussion (as, again, all Wiki articles have the purpose of being as impersonal as possible), but this thread no doubt become the place we'll go to in case we're just not sufficiently "confident" to say whether or not a certain content is definitely "unused", and such, and such. Essential mediatic resources as animations, sprites, backgrounds and sounds have already been completely inserted into sub-pages of their own and you'll notice something extra could be done on its pre-release article, specially when it comes to covering the differences between the pre-release versions of the game throughtout the months we know these days as a timeline

By being a of-public-edition page, obviously, anyone who fancies giving a helping hand to bring more content to the article (or anything else there on TCRF that might interest you, in reality) is more than welcome!!! You can personally create an account there on the wiki in order to gain the basic editing rights or, if you're lazy about this step but is plentiful of ideas and thoughts, you can send them here, too, and who knows someone might take their time to include your ideas in it...

Recently we've ripped the elusive unused sprites so it could be uploaded and analyzed neatly, as well as the acknowledgement of their file names...

Obviously meant to be thought by the Sims once their Environment mood/Room bar can't look worse, redder. No matter how dirty their place is, they won't even think of it...

Aah, here are the unused Interests once more.. Those who've seen these being reproduced by the Sims at one point during gameplay, your hacked content surely hold themselves accountable for this phenomenon. In fact, Babies2, Babies3, Babies4 and Babies5 don't come out of the computer people's mouths otherwise

Beauty1 to Beauty5, another unused conversational topic

Spooky1 until Spooky5... that's right, Spooky Stuff interest.. Has a puerile energy behind these unused interests... should them be one of those kids-only topics?

Remember that webcam-livestream video where the male sims dials for a pizza and the whole interaction is symbolized by this blur-looking slice of pizza with some slimy transparency oscillations? It's still in your game! The sprite, naturally, ends up being simply called Pizza

Can't find room

"Can't sit down"

"Can't stand up"

"Destination occupied"

"Dest chair occupied"

"Wall in the way"

"Alts dont match"
A good number of obstacle-awareness-oriented sprites, a good part of which summarily translated, in the final game, by no sprites and a self-explaining shrug animation...

Potential fellow TCRF editors welcome! It's for everyone!! Bye by now

(so do you)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#58 Old 30th Mar 2021 at 6:46 PM Last edited by LUCPIX : 31st Mar 2021 at 3:03 AM.

O... you a first time reader? For the comprehensive content, consider hopping to this thread's "first" post, ok? Well, this post is still gonna make sense to you if you don't, anyway, no worries

01. Aiding Dead Screenshots
02. A few more of Sims at 1999 E3! (VIDEO)
03. ...and pre-release "SimWebcam" shots! (VIDEO)


01. Aiding Dead Screenshots

What does social isolation normally mean... among... other things? Reflection! Meditation! Maintenance..
Had we thought our discussion would've made this far, say, two years ago, we, 100%, would treat our material better by, for instance, not being stupid enough not to list the pictures straight from their source websites as, we both know, anything could happen with them... Now, let's not even talk about the ~voluntary~ image resizements... noob... ; A major source of hi-fi images was the now-extinct GamersHell! Damn! Shall it, ironically, rest in Heaven

Some of the pre-released screenies from this topic's "core" post have been turned into browser errors/ghosts, as the structure that were composed around them became a nonsense circus for they were describing something that, in fact, was not there.

The problem has been presented; now, let us repair it, huh? Well, it already is but, in order to prevent you, as a returning Beta digger, to have *that* pain that exploring the forum spoiler maze that our opening post is (for some), they gonna be here, as well. Among these, some massively dejavu-de material given their omnipresent nature and some other reasonably, potentially obscure, for your viewing pleasure

That being said, did you know that most of the websites that use such pictures to illustrate their nostalgic articles about the first Sims do not, necessarily, know these pictures are from pre-release version?? Or, at least, they do not mention it. The fact is that practically all of these come from different media-kits developed as a way of using the game's image, at no cost, for the promoting purposes

BETA Bachelor Pad's Michael Ryan... Recovered from dead URLs

Previously with lower size & quality

Unsorted shots from different pre-release builds; Our good old Ryan

ALPHA Bachelor Pad's Michael Ryan, previously with lower size and quality (There is a version of it with the user interface, init?)

Let's call them the Alpha Sisters... Fashionable upside-down house plumbob taking the whole place

Random pictures, allegedly sourced from the very same media-kit... some of them are more beta-y than others (obviously from our "I've-already-played-it" perspective)

Blue Bike Bandana Buddy

Better quality pictures with the ROOMIES household as they looked in an early alpha, played by a naughty tester.

Aaah, there goes the personal favorite ones... WALLACE family, portraited by the adorable couple of "Amanda" twins called Mary and Ashley (that's right!). This time, slightly less compressed than the originally posted ones!

The infamous alpha Build Mode pics you probably knew from the EA's article celebrating the Sims' birth or something

The best images we can view, to date, regarding the, respectively, beta and alpha conditions of the neighborhood screen. The mistake made in the past was adding the faces of the members of those homes' respective owners as a way of giving you context to the pre-release images presented beforehand, kind of as to show you they belonged to the same alpha-verse. A few simmers might've believed that those faces were, in fact, part of the pre-release user interface! Well, these are the raw nhood pictures


02. A few more of Sims at 1999 E3! (VIDEO)

A TAD OF THE SIMS AT E3 [1999-2004] (Video)
Yo, that's cool! Found when they were expected the less — a very well compressed interview with Will Wright at E3 1999 (May 1999) while his team was busy presenting people this "obnoxious" dollhouse manager while the others were all about "innovative" online blood monster murdering strategy toys of everyday. Additionally, pictures and Luc Barthelet, a few years and awards later, presenting the world a more finished The Sims 2 than it looked like back in 2003...



03. ...and pre-release "SimWebcam" shots! (VIDEO)

Time is short, but... an also-short video giving you the context of the beta The Sims livestreams made by the Maxis people to us mere mortals before the game was released!! Features loads of new old ones, including those above!! Bye for now! Enjoy!

(so do you)
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#59 Old 30th Mar 2021 at 10:30 PM
Thank you for this @LUCPIX !
Lab Assistant
#60 Old 3rd Apr 2021 at 9:29 PM
Some very cute and interesting photos!! Thank you so much!

I see they took a looooong time to make that UI less cramped; maybe that's why they changed it so much. The art direction seems to have been established pretty quickly; even in the first builds, thay had pretty much worked it out. I wonder if they experimented with other art styles at all; those cartoony sims from the first builds surely had to come out of somewhere!

Mary and Ashley? Really????? I've aleays loved the look of those original houses. They're all too big, and maybe that's why they scrapped them (along with, probably, the want to incentivate players to build their own houses); but they have a very nice look.
Test Subject
#61 Old 6th Apr 2021 at 11:23 PM
I've just finished reading this whole thread and wow am I amazed. I am so happy that each one of you has shared this, it has brought back so many good memories and it definitely made my quarantine better.

I always wondered why there were some Objects on the trailer that were not on the base game nor its expansions and I finally got some answers! I wish there was some way to get those TVs and Coffee tables on the game.

I also would like to point out how incredibly proud I was when I read this from @Burnziie's shared link in this document (TheSimsDesignDocumentDraft7-1998-10-02-DonsReview.pdf):

This whole thread is amazing, thank you so much to each one of you that made and contributed to this.
Test Subject
#62 Old 7th Apr 2021 at 9:40 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LUCPIX

Very well recalled - We know how it's not problematic to let the engine to accept any changes we happen to cause; Yet, to press Build Mode's Undo button after moving that layered piece of land/bush somewhere also will cause the moved object to VANISH instead of returning to its previous position

I wonder if there was a mod to put trees or bushes over grass or flowers. Having that only on EA Houses was kinda sad
Test Subject
#63 Old 26th Apr 2021 at 10:51 PM
Default a liitle something for a render like the beta or alpha
Quote: Originally posted by Raindrops
I wonder if there was a mod to put trees or bushes over grass or flowers. Having that only on EA Houses was kinda sad

I sometimes follow this discussion - I love to learn more about this wonderful game - thank you a lot Lucpix.
I have the solution for that, I made a mod quickly to be able to put the flora everywhere - aka Newbies' shrub haha
I don't know if it's the place for this but if I can make one happy... why not !
Attached files:
File Type: zip  flora_allowintersection.zip (4.28 MB, 44 downloads)
Description: flora_allowintersection
Test Subject
#64 Old 30th Apr 2021 at 12:20 AM Last edited by pifou : 15th Jun 2021 at 10:23 AM.
The hidden one tile table
The "portal table" can be used as a table now, 20 years later.

Updated June 15, 2021 : check the file in attachments.

The catalog thumbnail problem
I recently solved a problem that had bothered me for a long time. When you add some custom walls in The Sims, three of them appear with a bad thumbnail in the catalog and it changes when you add or remove some files in your walls folder : it seems random. The way to fix that is to add the real walls which can be found in the homecrafter folder : BlueExterior_Wall, BrownStone_Wall, GrayExterior_Wall. After making these 3 walls, you add them in the walls folder. Apparently the game recognizes these files and assigns them the right picture.

The reason why the game forces these thumbnails is surely because they are present in the file walls.iff.

If you have a good observation mind, you will see that the background is yellow like in the catalog of the beta version. It is possible that these are walls of the beta version.

Attached files:
File Type: 7z  betaonetiletable2.7z (28.5 KB, 48 downloads)
Description: betaonetiletable2
Lab Assistant
#65 Old 3rd May 2021 at 9:23 PM
@pifou, so awesome seeing people still interested in creating for this magnificent game. I'm hoping to learn, one day, to create too; your mods will surely be precious items on my downloads folder though!
Test Subject
#66 Old 4th May 2021 at 5:08 PM Last edited by PanCakezzz : 4th Sep 2021 at 9:53 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by LUCPIX
- We have only one example of a soccer ball in a beta picture, stationary, visualized by a medium bird-eye vision. So far it is unknown how exactly the characters would interact with them

The idea of having soccer balls became a reality on Sims 1... or its online equivalent -- these days, most notably being present on FreeSO (The Sims Online's ruins restructured by fans, whose engine is friendly to our current standard of hardwares), although it can not be normally found in Buy Mode like most of the objects, making it a rare item. To this date, it is not common to spot players who own a football using it.You can interact with the object once at a time, with 2 types of kick intensity available. [I believe that offline Sims' football would be played by the characters without the necessity of having a player to choose their paths, such as children's Play interaction

Had the soccer ball object still on a cd, it was missing animations, so never did anything with it. Some months ago i decided to fix the animation part, after seeing it in this post. Was going to upload it, but forgot, so after some delay, here is the soccer ball.

Interactions are like in the picture above : Kick Lightly and Power Kick.


edit : forgot to include the animation files
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#67 Old 31st May 2021 at 1:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by pifou
I sometimes follow this discussion - I love to learn more about this wonderful game - thank you a lot Lucpix.
I have the solution for that, I made a mod quickly to be able to put the flora everywhere - aka Newbies' shrub haha
I don't know if it's the place for this but if I can make one happy... why not !

Old Bot, & the gem of a human being he is.. by giving it a go here at my lots, I kinda see why the flower intersection had been summarily undone given how it opens the gate to zillions of visual idiosyncrasy potential I LOVE LOVE IT though, precisely for this reason! Yes, that is right, you've certainly made a few people's day! And don't feel embarrassed to make us aware of anything you fancy inventing next ;-)

Quote: Originally posted by PanCakezzz

Had the soccer ball object still on a cd, it was missing animations, so never did anything with it. Some months ago i decided to fix the animation part, after seeing it in this post. Was going to upload it, but forgot, so after some delay, here is the soccer ball.

Interactions are like in the picture above : Kick Lightly and Power Kick.


edit : forgot to include the animation files

Well, we're lucky the original Sims already has, in its cmx bank, all the four needed Soccer Ball animations to bring the CC you've shared us to life, as the Soccer Ball object, as we know today, was considered for The Sims' base game but, by the developers' own reasons, was summarily scrapped sometime before Fev 2000, and the ball kicking animations were the only things in the game's files that concretely remained from the idea, and they are perfectly called once a Sim interacts with the ball! It's worthy recalling that that is a copy from The Sims Online's soccer ball object

A few observations, for all who are prompted to do anything about it one day (myself included, to be honest):

—> The same hard-kick animation is played for when the Sim kicks the ball hard & lightly, even though there are specific animations designed to be used on the light kick interaction, for BOTH child and adult Sims!
—> Even if (still) I don't have anything to prove it, it is very possible that the original game's soccer ball operated in a totally different fashion compared to TSO's soccer ball: As Sims Online dwells on the concept of perceiving the Sims are an "extension" of those who are controlling them, it's made sense for the whole interactivity between the Sims and the ball to be entirely manual, constantly needing the player's participation and commands, one kick at an interaction. On Sims 1, however, this dynamic doesn't fit very well or look as fun as it should, as all the game's objects always (with some isolated exceptions) give the player some room for some idle observation, if that makes sense? Well. Why not making it to a continuous and automatic interaction? Kind of what happens when children play tag or the people from Sims Online have fun with sprinklers?

Quote: Originally posted by Raindrops
I've just finished reading this whole thread and wow am I amazed. I am so happy that each one of you has shared this, it has brought back so many good memories and it definitely made my quarantine better.

I always wondered why there were some Objects on the trailer that were not on the base game nor its expansions and I finally got some answers! I wish there was some way to get those TVs and Coffee tables on the game.

I also would like to point out how incredibly proud I was when I read this from @Burnziie's shared link in this document (TheSimsDesignDocumentDraft7-1998-10-02-DonsReview.pdf):

This whole thread is amazing, thank you so much to each one of you that made and contributed to this.

These guys are dope, aren't they?? Thank you!!


Call it a glitch, call it a beta-reminiscent, call it a developer dido... He's alive and breathing, anyway. Press and hold SHIFT whilst clicking the Neighborhood Screen's Select or Create Family button and his face will accompany each one of your ready-to-start-a-new-life SimPeople, exactly how he used to be shown at an early beta's Select-A-Family menu.

(so do you)
Test Subject
#68 Old 31st May 2021 at 1:16 PM Last edited by PanCakezzz : 31st May 2021 at 1:35 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by LUCPIX
Well, we're lucky the original Sims already has, in its cmx bank, all the four needed Soccer Ball animations to bring the CC you've shared us to life, as the Soccer Ball object, as we know today, was considered for The Sims' base game but, by the developers' own reasons, was summarily scrapped sometime before Fev 2000, and the ball kicking animations were the only things in the game's files that concretely remained from the idea, and they are perfectly called once a Sim interacts with the ball! It's worthy recalling that that is a copy from The Sims Online's soccer ball object

A few observations, for all who are prompted to do anything about it one day (myself included, to be honest):

—> The same hard-kick animation is played for when the Sim kicks the ball hard & lightly, even though there are specific animations designed to be used on the light kick interaction, for BOTH child and adult Sims!
—> Even if (still) I don't have anything to prove it, it is very possible that the original game's soccer ball operated in a totally different fashion compared to TSO's soccer ball: As Sims Online dwells on the concept of perceiving the Sims are an "extension" of those who are controlling them, it's made sense for the whole interactivity between the Sims and the ball to be entirely manual, constantly needing the player's participation and commands, one kick at an interaction. On Sims 1, however, this dynamic doesn't fit very well or look as fun as it should, as all the game's objects always (with some isolated exceptions) give the player some room for some idle observation, if that makes sense? Well. Why not making it to a continuous and automatic interaction? Kind of what happens when children play tag or the people from Sims Online have fun with sprinklers?

I've indeed used the original animations that were left in the game files to fix the object. At first i had the lighter kick animation in the file aswell, but it only plays 1, so i went with the harder kick animation, because it looks cooler. I think the animation part got bugged when its was exported from TSO back in the day (because the files are slightly different) so it was playing the idle animation with the "Missing animation!" text.

I don't know if this is the right post for this one :

I also have enabled the vault door from Hot Date (it was cut from the game, but all the files are still there) and was added to TSO.

e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#69 Old 31st May 2021 at 6:06 PM
I love that @PanCakezzz but I can't access it- 403 forbidden.
Test Subject
#70 Old 31st May 2021 at 9:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by simsample
I love that @PanCakezzz but I can't access it- 403 forbidden.

Try this one :

e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
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#71 Old 31st May 2021 at 9:40 PM
Lab Assistant
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#72 Old 10th Jul 2021 at 8:30 PM
Sims 1 Beta thread new update!

*Given this thread's continuous rotativity, it's worthy mentioning: If it is your first time reading this discussion, do not overwhelm yourself about the relatively huge post count! That's absolutely a matter of your own will, obviously; however, if you wish to explore our studies on its entirety, you may begin here and explore the rest afterwards (chronologically or not), as it still is going to be understandable & of easily follow, and you will not by no means be missing out anything. *

More than 30 days without opening the mouth, when the repertory of recent finds isn't lightweight whatsoever! What a lack of personal commitment! Entire bunches of finds to be pinpointed here, and a summary of their respective visual contents produced down the line...

◘ Spiritually Featured...
A recent friendly contact brought the information to our team about Don Hopkins (the TS1 Maxoid chap which, even via the most unaware players, is recognisable by the Pie Menu/animation systems, Transmogrifier and, most contemporarily, the famously enlightening, for some, 1998 demo) and his YouTube playlist containing examples of Sims videos, mostly in the context of providing information about its features and the sustainable community of custom content inventions... and, as it seems, one of our videos is there!? You know, the Beta/Alpha Screenshot Compilation one. Thanks for the indirect expressed interest, Mr. a2deh!!! Hey, that was, consequently, a good testament that absolutely nothing in our sporadic researches is somewhat breaking some type of implicit rules when, in actuality, is providing some very cool stuff and information for fellow fans that we have no control or acknowledgement of, etc. That playlist compiles some very good Simming gems from the past and the present and you are invited to check it out yourself!

◘ "Plumbob" from the 1998 Demo still is in the game...
...as the ID' 2000 SPR# from "Sprites.iff", named "Head dots". One can call it by programming it to be shown instead of the typical circles sprites from the routing draw. In the final game, obviously, the plumbob is a 3D prop, @ Animations.FAR, whose name is xskin-head-arrow-ROOT-ARROW, probably a reference to how the mood indicator sprite used to be arrow-shaped on the game's March-April builds

◘ Beta-y videos produced in the gap of time between the last update and now...

Enhanced edition of our thread's first Unused Animations video from 2019, when its main purposes didn't go too much beyond the "hey, discord pal, lookie wut we found!" ones, therefore not demanding the absolute editing looniness/intrincateness that a Sims 1 video demands. Not to say it's now fully achieved but, at least, you can view those mo-capped Sims at full 60FPS glory as it should've always been...


The one from Don's list. The heart of our beta discussions, now as a PowerPoint-esque slideshow w/ some SimCity 3000 song. Includes some unseen shots, though!


That, I mean, if you CBA or dread running your Sims game to experiment the whole family of genable cheat codes, which transforms your neighborhood into some kind of Chris Sawyer isometric utopia, by the possibility of making some graphical elements of the gameplay invisible for your own visual amusement but not necessarily gameplay boost!


Introduces you lost and not-so-known official tools made for the pre-Sims Sims fans, as well as a few interesting assets, which in some what provides one the beta experience given the game's overall condition when the mentioned tools were published — talk about May 1999 onwards. In theory, they were what some people would call demos. They were originally made with the profoundest democratic conducts, free as a bird, then somewhere in the comments section you can download & try them yourself, too!


The aforementioned Smiley.BMP, the create-a-family list Easter Egg/Glitch, and how to make him appear in your game, regardless of which Sims version your PC has.


THE SIMS IN 1999...
In short, a testament of the The Sims community genesis and a diary of the game's development told by the posts from SimWatch (March 1999/Apr 2000), a discussion list on which both the Maxoids and Sim games aficionados would, in a win-win pact, help each other to build the game; The creation of Blueprint and so many other The Sims program we know these days. Did you know that the first The Sims fansite was created, say, 10 months before its webdesigner could, in fact, play with the game themselves?


PHEW... Guess I've said everything! LUCPIX#0054 is the passport for a more informal contact, feedback or anything... 'Til next time!

(so do you)
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#73 Old 10th Jul 2021 at 10:05 PM
Thanks for putting all of this together, @LUCPIX
Test Subject
#74 Old 11th Jul 2021 at 6:11 PM
Long time lurker and beta appreciator.
I found some screenshots on the public Maxis Alumni Facebook Group the other day. I'm not sure if they've popped up on here yet so here they are!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#75 Old 13th Jul 2021 at 5:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Sindle
Long time lurker and beta appreciator...

...and an old chap amongst most of us, come on, you already got this thread's keys and everything else — Hey, pals, if you've ever given the TCRF's Sims 2 article a go and liked what your eyes have crossed onto, then the gentleman above me is the one to 80% blame it on

More than anything, it is already cool to get to know about this group, built on a social medium of which the gen Z me at times believes being "beyond"; but now I know the origins of my visual youtube abode's occasional Facebook-based activity (to whoever's reading it: don't see me as an analytics freak! do know that reading those data carnivals from google are a fun and enlightening read for the amateur folks who don't depend their lives on it!!). Obviously, props for having the picture of the beta Ronald McDonald "dressed" as he is right there stuck in my head over the past 24 hours & the affirmation that the Maxoids have a very... curious architectonic sense (when, deep down, it's a clear "will the Maid swim her way to an island of to-be-cleaned stuffs" experiment or something of this kind) , but it's the fully legit factor behind these shots of unique elements that truly matters for all of us and you're massively appreciated the long-term readers will love it


Two back to back updates in less than a week... oi oi, someone's been busy prepare your happy tear tissues; today, it's all about the post-autorun worlds...


"LEVEL is a computer and video games magazine originating in the Czech Republic with branches in Romania and Turkey.", said Ms Google. At their Jul-1999 issue's CD-ROM, a good portion of its videogame previewing section was filled with The Sims stuffs. Are those our current groundbreaking sources with never-seen-before content that will change our beta-esque perceptions and Mandela effects forever? Not really. However, one should 100% take note the relatively higher quality pixels from from a few of its shots, if compared to those we've been working on over the past 2 years...

I'm younger than 25 years old, and the basic CD-ROM interface is more than enough to make me lose my **** in joy, etc.

Lawson household, and an Amanda child sample enjoying herself with a primitive, platform-free trainset


Bachelor Pad/Ryan's place

And another depiction, originally as one of the Press Kit CD-ROM's screenshots...


02. Yes

Sims 1 1999 Press Kit CD-ROM Tour (video)

Just like Columbus, discovering something that had been available since forever. As told by its original uploader, "Digital press kits for EA's The Sims. This is the first look the world had at what would become one of the most popular games in history." A massive, indirect, symbolic Thank You, GameHistoryOrg! The fun folders most of your favorite rendered Sims 1 assets came from, from a few weeks before E3 1999. The developer presentation of our beloved Simulator, before one could somewhat rest assured that the dollhouse-as-a-sandbox-game concept would be accepted by all the divisions of the gamesphere and, most precisely, the cultural impact that it caused in most of our lives, etc. You may totally explore the CD-ROM in your own computer if you want to, of course.
Again, images-wise, it's nothing too different to something discussed here at some point, but, hey, it is history

Until next time

(so do you)
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