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Field Researcher
#801 Old 27th Oct 2013 at 6:30 PM
I tried the challenge using my Sims Life Stories. It turned out pretty well.
Even though Sims Life Stories technically won't allow 8 sims ingame... with cheats, such as "make sim selectable" it works, thus that's what I used.

My main sim, Taraz, a Taurus sim, was a knowledge sim with the LTW to become top of the medical career. Her inmates, Aren (Aries), Sagit (Sagittarius), Lea (Leo), Aqua (Aquarius), Libre (Libra... I often forgot about him, despite that I saw him all the time), and Scorpio all survived. Virgo died in the middle of the challenge with nobody noticing... she quietly starved of hunger and I didn't notice until two days or so after. She did not become the awesome gliding Ghost of Virgo until about a week after, and sims never noticed her until 2 weeks after. Taraz was thrilled the first time, and consequent times, Virgo popped up in front of her to scare her.
I loved Virgo. She was such a nice cleaner when alive, and such an awesome ghost when dead.

Near the end of the challenge I accidentally cheated and hired a maid because I had forgotten that it was disallowed. So, to make up for it, -2000 points! Or really, bye bye challenge. Or not. Anyway, obliviously I continued with gameplay.

No romances really happened of their own occur, even though I had Taraz check every sim out once so that they might not be so love-dumb. Didn't work. The only ones that got romantic was Taraz and Aren, who I had date a couple of times, interestingly after they got engaged. Well, they were in love before, so whatever.

Several points in the game, if I didn't like something, I would ex out to the neighborhood and resume from my last save point. For example, Sagit died of hunger... twice. The third time, I was like, Sagit, you are too much trouble to save. I will LET you die if it's impossible to save you. Besides, your urn is awesome. So, of course, he finally did the smart thing and grabbed the food I had left out for him. Hmpf. Turn your nose up at MY gelatin, why don't you?

On the last night of the game, Taraz's boyfriend got abducted by aliens... and everybody, who weren't knowledge sims, saw it except for Taraz herself, who WAS one, because she was upstairs in the shower. She skips downstairs just as Aren is sucked into the spaceship, sees everybody acting weird, and just waves happily. "Sup, guys?" Then she "Is disgusted" because somebody smells. Why should she believe them after all?

Because she sees Aren on the "Welcome home" shift. Well... so he was abducted. Hm.
He didn't get pregnant because Sims Life Stories does not naturally allow households with more than 4 sims.

The Saturday before Monday, the last day, I turned aging off (or was it Friday I did that...?) because they were all 2 days away from becoming elders and I had no idea if she would be promoted before they all started dying of old age due to super low aspirations and horrible lives. Monday she got promoted! Yay. So I counted the score... and realized the maid fluke. Oops.

So, 274 points without the maid thing! (All the sims were so nosy, looking through the telescope during the day whenever they could. Old Daktari the neighbor kept getting soooo mad. XD) ... -1726 is the total with the deduction from the maid thing. Or 74, depending whether 2000 or 200 is deducted.

I would be crushed if the score is 0. :}

Well, time to move out Taraz and Aren, make him alien preg, etc. Move on.

Asylum challenge: Awesomely fun.

P.S. ...if I ever do this again, I am totally putting the shower and the toilet in separate rooms.
#802 Old 1st Dec 2013 at 2:46 AM
I just started a new asylum for the first time in a while... first lesson learned: don't put in a coffee machine, because your sims won't eat and they'll stand around peeing everwhere. (I'm currently experimenting with ways to make the challenge *harder*, and so I have a toaster oven in addition to a stove, a sink in the bathroom, a double bed, no sofa, etc. So disappointed there's only been one fire so far. Adding a grill next time!)

For those who have a hard time remembering the Asylum rules or who struggle not to peek at the other sims on the lot, I'm also testing out this hack by Dizzy that enforces asylum conditions on the lot. It's a buyable object that you can place on a lot and start/stop whenever you want to play the challenge. It will let you know if you don't have the right objects, it re-randomizes all the sims' aspirations, it makes all but the active sim "unselectable" until you beat the challenge, and it keeps score.

(And, since these are so hard to find: Dizzy's asylum hack & other mods are also available here -- registration is required.)
Test Subject
#803 Old 4th Dec 2013 at 4:45 AM
I made a huge mistake by not getting a fire alarm. My main sim was at work when the house caught fire and because I couldnt control the other sims to call emergency services, three sims died. My sim returned home, bought a fire alarm, and life went on. I was bummed but at least they didnt all die.... yet. Keeping the graves on the lot, it became haunted. My sims were peeing themselves and becoming insomniacs because of the ghosts. After the first sim was literally scared to death, I almost moved the graves off the lot.... but then decided, no, I made it this far.. I'm gonna stick to the rules. Well, that didnt work out very well. My sim was the next to be scared to death. Lol. Sooo I failed! I might try this challenge again but not anytime soon...
Needs Coffee
retired moderator
#804 Old 4th Dec 2013 at 5:31 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kathrynvenus
I made a huge mistake by not getting a fire alarm.

You're not allowed a fire alarm, not if you are playing by the rules. It's part of what makes it challenging.

"I dream of a better tomorrow, where chickens can cross the road and not be questioned about their motives." - Unknown
~Call me Jo~
Lab Assistant
#805 Old 20th Feb 2014 at 2:02 AM Last edited by Vhee0829 : 21st Feb 2014 at 3:51 PM.
Just started it and so far I've had several people pee on themselves fighting for the bathroom, one kitchen fire and some patients just up and left the lot! How does that happen?!

I decided to do one reset and try again and so far it's going okay. I just can't seem to find the job my guy wants in the paper...No computer is HARD!

I am using the hack to keep score and help me out but it doesn't seem to track fires or people leaving. Also it's against to have romance with the patients, right? Cuz my guy wants to flirt with one of the girls...I can cancel it, it's just a pain.
Test Subject
#806 Old 12th Mar 2014 at 6:07 PM
my sister is doing this challenge. i think she's already mastered it once. i'm totally trying this. going to attempt two challenges at once and keep track of everything via weebly.com
Test Subject
#807 Old 13th Mar 2014 at 9:58 PM
why only 5 beds and 5 seats if there are 8 sims in the Asylum? but other than that it sounds like a great challenge.
~Sarahturtle1 :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc
Field Researcher
#808 Old 26th Apr 2014 at 10:37 AM
I'm the only one left now. Does that mean I won?
Lab Assistant
#809 Old 30th Apr 2014 at 11:10 PM
I tried this today for the first time and I barely managed to get my sim to the top of his career before he turned to an elder because the stupid career wouldn't come up. The others all survived although they set so many fires. Funny enough no one was harmed when they set the stove on fire, but one time lightning hit the telescope and two of them almost died.
Mad Poster
#810 Old 2nd May 2014 at 11:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by sarahturtle1
why only 5 beds and 5 seats if there are 8 sims in the Asylum? but other than that it sounds like a great challenge.
~Sarahturtle1 :lovestruc :lovestruc :lovestruc

This is old, but thought I would answer anyway--
the whole POINT of the challenge is ...there is not enough of ANYTHING; beds, chairs at the table, food, things to do. And, especially, control. That's what makes it fun; watching the crazy/stupid pixels get messed up.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#811 Old 5th May 2014 at 3:22 AM
Playing another asylum: my controllable wants to top the paranormal career! Have to use a hack to get her in there. She's made it to level five.
I've had one death. I won't know what she died from until she haunts: she died on the tile in front of the fridge, but I'm assuming hunger. At first the non-playables were doing lots of cooking, but now they are only snagging chips or stuffing face even though the fridge is full. I don't know what that's about but it's annoying. Why do my asylum sims never start fires?
They are cranky, doing worry hands, and the fortune sim is begging for simoleans out by the street so she must have gone into aspiration failure at some point. The family sim is mad at the cheese sim because he 'caught' her woohooing the knowledge sim. (ACR makes asylums much funnier.) Only Miss Cheese has been too slow to get to the toilet on time, and only once, so they're a pretty capable bunch. There are several who autonomously clean, so the place isn't even too messy!

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Mad Poster
#812 Old 7th May 2014 at 5:53 AM
Sunbee; I agree about ACR, but when I play a challenge I make it so pregnancy is rare - otherwise it just becomes the "how many babies can we drop on the floor" challenge. Oddly, last time I did a challenge they did the same cooking deal - everyone stopped cooking; I would have thought that cooking experience would ENCOURAGE them to cook MORE. And I expected more deaths from starvation, but I guess garbage is not only filling, but not very sickening.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#813 Old 7th May 2014 at 8:12 PM
I only had four babies born--one for each non-playable women, two for two of the non-playable men: the third guy ended up together with my playable, and she didn't get pregnant, nor did he cheat after he settled on being with her. The two boys had the same dad and were born the same day, the two girls had the same dad and were born the next day. They had lousy aspirations the whole time, autonomously made bff with each other, got first kisses, then made enemies, lots of drama. Since I still had the needs-based miscarriages in, pregnancies were pretty rough for the women to manage. Going to try Mattie's random miscarriage next time.

However, my playable became a plant-sim and I wasn't set up with sun lamps, so her mood tanked and I couldn't get her out of red for work. Plant-sim moods are hard to fix--she had to have all her needs absolutely green for about a sim-hour before her mood would go back to green. So much for that challenge!

I'm sure I'll play again soon. Right now I'm making the four teens get their grades up so I can send them to college. I think they'd be a lot of fun to keep playing together.

Pics from my game: Sunbee's Simblr Sunbee's Livejournal
"English is a marvelous edged weapon if you know how to wield it." C.J. Cherryh
Lab Assistant
#814 Old 10th May 2014 at 1:44 AM Last edited by Shinigamigurl : 10th May 2014 at 2:05 AM.
Default Did a 1 day POWER Asylum Challenge
OK After a very boring day I found this challenge at about midnight- so decided to give it a try, but of course being the obsessive that I am I couldn't do it 'normally' so I did the whole thing in less than 1 (real) day. It was really fun but a LOT easier than I thought it would be. Maybe it was the luck of the draw but I did use a random aspect generator and teen transition program to pick the horoscope/ aspiration/ turn-on/ turn-off for each...the ONLY thing I picked was the horoscope of my controlled sim since I might be using him after the challenge.

I also made a 'daily' log- for each of the 18 days that it took to get my LTW of becoming City Planner. (It's a little long so I don't know if I should post the WHOLE thing...but if anyone asks I will) So I'll just post the outcome...in detail.

Overall Review for ALL sims on lot:
- 19 Hobby Lot Invitations
- 1 Max Enthusiasm
- 5 Max Skills
- 0 Fires
- 0 Aspiration Failures
- 5 Crushes
- 2 Loves
- 3 Unrequited Crushes (included in the 'Crushes' above)
- 2 Alien Abductions
- 2 Babies born- from Alien Only
- 1 Baby taken by social worker
- 1 Case Food Poison (non fatal)
- $1,886 paid in Groceries + $200 in Delivery fees = $2,086 Total

The Good:
* never used influence = + 20 points (YES)
* Uncontrolled sims skill= +131 Controlled sim skill= +36 } Total 167
* each 1000 aspiration points your living fellow patients have at the end (add them all together and then round up) = + 1 point
* each friend of the household = + 1 point

-SKILL -ASP (per 1,000) 0 Friends outside of household
Amiti- 19 15
Botan- 18 12 Never USED Influence +20
Ibu- 26 7
Jiro- 19 7
Taro- 22 53
Yasou- 15 6
Takai- 12 14
KAMI- 36 94
___ ___
167 + 208 + 20 = Positive Grand Total 395

The Bad:
* every sim day that you remained institutionalized = - 1 point
Negative Grand Total= -18
* 0 roommates deaths
* 0 visitor deaths


SIMS: (All sims were male due to them being in my gay hood)
Main Sim: Kami
Male - Scorpio - Knowledge- Cooking/ Cleaning- Grey
LTW: City Planner

Amiti- Male- Aries- Wealth- Red hair/ Cooking- Plantsims
Botan- Male- Taurus- Family- Zombies/ Glasses- Werewolf
Ibu- Male- Virgo- Romance- Servo/ Grey- Underwear
Jiro- Male- Gemini- Wealth- No Job/ Hats- Swimsuits
Taro- Male- Leo- Romance- Stink/ Mechanical- Logical
Yasou- Male- Capricorn- Stink/ Underwear- Glasses
Takai- Male- Virgo- Popularity- Strong/ No Job- Red hair

Babies born:
Isei- Male- Alien Father- Taro Mother **Taken by social worker due to neglect** (pregnant Day 4)
Tama- Male- Alien Father- Kami Mother (pregnant Day 14)
Test Subject
#815 Old 31st May 2015 at 3:17 PM Last edited by vaskikissa : 31st May 2015 at 10:59 PM.
I recently found out this challenge and thought I'd give it a go. I'ts now been over 3 weeks, only one death which I caused myself since it was way too easy and boring. Everyone's just best friends and no one's causing fires. Also, everyone's fat except for "me", there's lots of crying and everyone smells bad. By the way, Having a pond to fish in makes it really easy to not starve, since everyone's addicted to fishing!

Here's my house layout in case someone is interested, I just noticed I have seating for 7... But I'll call it bending the rules, since no one really uses those chess table seats for anything but playing chess.

6 weeks and I made it! My sane sim became Captain Hero, and moved away. It took me a bit longer than I expected since I failed and nearly topped the wrong career first Total 3 deaths, which of one was by fire and two by starvation. And literally seconds after the taxi rolled away to take my sane sim to the freedom, this happened.

Effing geniuses

Didn't bother to count my points, since I did this just for fun and I cheated a bit, but I will definitely try this again.

Edit 2.
Started a new family called the Smiths, playing on the same lot with a few changes.

My sweet little family. I played them for a week now, and it's been way more amusing since the last group's graves are on the backyard, and I had a neighbour die as well. Oh, and dumb Bambina starved to death after 3 days. He ran to the stationary bike as soon I moved the family in, cycled 18 hours, was too tired to eat, and too hungry to sleep. So Smiths share the house with 10 ghosts. Poor things.

Poor Morticia has had enough of these goddamned ghosts. She's seen the shrink three times by now.

Test Subject
#816 Old 3rd Jun 2015 at 5:53 PM Last edited by vaskikissa : 4th Jun 2015 at 4:28 PM.
Sorry for the double post, but I'm just going to bump this thread up. Anyone still playing this challenge?
More photos of my asylum under the spoiler!

Other than that, everyone's doing fine. A few fires but no deaths, no one cooks for themselves only, my inmates are nice and take care of each others. It's been roughly one week, and my controllable struggles to find a gamer career. Piss puddles everywhere because of those ten ghosts, but at least my neato sims gain cleaning skills.

More under the spoiler.

End new spoiler again!

Whew, that was a lot of photos.

Edit. And photos again, under the spoiler!

Mad Poster
#817 Old 5th Jun 2015 at 9:51 PM
Love your sims & story! I often use "sort of" this challenge when I get bored with a family; will stop playing everyone except one child. But seems if you've been ordering them around for long enough, they sort of learn to eat and sleep.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Test Subject
#818 Old 9th Jun 2015 at 1:58 AM
And more pics under the spoiler again!
Field Researcher
#819 Old 9th Jun 2015 at 9:26 PM
Those are some pretty sims, vaskikissa!
I played this challenge several times and never lost a single sim, but now I've built new asylum and fellow patients started to die from hunger, even though the fridge is full of food, they just can't bother to go there and get something to eat . I have no idea why it's happening, in the old building they at least ate crisps, but now they just die. There are currently 5 hungry ghosts ravaging the fridge every night, it's hard to make money for replenishing food and paying bills (I was silly and built a huge and creepy asylum, so bills are pretty high), I keep getting delinquent notices... Is there some known reason for sims to prefer dying over eating?
Test Subject
#820 Old 24th Jun 2015 at 6:20 PM
This is only the second challenge I've completed (did Phaenoh's apocalypse challenge but screwed up so often with the complicated rules I didn't score it) and finished with a (fairly?) respectable score of 279
I had several fires, which bizarrely didn't kill anybody and one death, which absolutely nobody noticed (poor old Huge Heffner got struck by lightning on the lawn and it was only when he started haunting people that I realised) So now my asylum has a small cemetery.
My selectable character has the LTW of becoming a Hall of Famer and it took her 8 days of trawling through newspapers to find the career. She struggled with puddles of pee and whimpering Looney's for a whole 25 days before she hit the jackpot and got her release papers :D
Lab Assistant
#821 Old 1st Jul 2015 at 4:42 PM
I'm currently playing this challenge and i have to admit its been a bit of a challenge 'cause i'm so use to controlling everyone.so far nothing detrimental has happened,all of my sims are still pretty happy.i'm documenting it on my Livejournal if anyones interested in checking it out!
Test Subject
#822 Old 18th Sep 2015 at 10:55 AM
Hey, I'd love to try this out!
Only problem being is that I don't have University... :/
#823 Old 18th Sep 2015 at 3:46 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sigel
Those are some pretty sims, vaskikissa!
I played this challenge several times and never lost a single sim, but now I've built new asylum and fellow patients started to die from hunger, even though the fridge is full of food, they just can't bother to go there and get something to eat . I have no idea why it's happening, in the old building they at least ate crisps, but now they just die. There are currently 5 hungry ghosts ravaging the fridge every night, it's hard to make money for replenishing food and paying bills (I was silly and built a huge and creepy asylum, so bills are pretty high), I keep getting delinquent notices... Is there some known reason for sims to prefer dying over eating?

I am having the same problem. It's an issue of Free Will. Once I had a Sim die right next to a figgin' pizza! The pizza was on the floor and she died right next to it! I'm not sure I can play this until I figure out how to make them eat...

"Oh look, my grandchild is now an elder. They grow up so fast. Gee, I wonder when I'll finally graduate college." Sims 2
Lab Assistant
#824 Old 5th Oct 2015 at 9:46 AM Last edited by abrtx : 5th Oct 2015 at 9:53 AM. Reason: forgot including names in quotes
Quote: Originally posted by vaskikissa
Sorry, forgot to crop this one, but I keep my popularity controllable happy bu having her date with Angela constantly. They're so cute.

challenge rules:
Quote: Originally posted by discordkitty
Remember you can never control the 7 other sims. You can't even look at any of their information after creating them. You can not know their ltw, their current wants and fears, or the status of their motives. In other words, once on the lot, never click on their pic. Also you may not ask them any questions or on a date, take them off the lot or get them jobs. They are heavily medicated patients and unlike you, they don't have day passes.

You may only leave the asylum to work. You may have other sims visit. You can even date other sims as long as you don't leave the lot.

^I suppose the rules meant your controllable sim can only date non-patients.
Lab Assistant
#825 Old 6th Oct 2015 at 11:33 AM Last edited by abrtx : 6th Oct 2015 at 1:34 PM.
Default Bidoofuses
My first challenge. It was an excuse to try creating new singles for my legacies.

Willa Bidoofus - main, it was interning here or running away with carnies. Her parents wanted her out of the house.
Kitty Bidoofus - grown man thinks he's a cat. They took his cats away when people saw him licking them clean at the park. He refused to speak human and was unemployed so they put him in the ward.
Squeegee Giggity aka Squiggity goo goo Bidoofus - sexual trauma hence taking up a suit of armor for protection. A very irritable and repressed romance sim. His abstinence won't last long.
Tweety Bidoofus - A.D.D., has the attention span of a gnat, a Gayby with a preppy upbringing. Neglectful parents got caught money laundering and couldn't afford his drugs. Smothered by Kitty.
Deary Bidoofus - drowned a bag of kittens being affected by PTSD. Being kind to Kitty eases her conscience.
Lucy Bidoofus - has what used to be called Gender Dysphoria, it's known as being transgendered today.
Potato Salad Bidoofus - he's usually seriously 'mashed.' One day he jumped off a 3 story building. He survived, the poor guy underneath him didn't. Now supplies Lucy her hormones and puts surprises in everyone's food to make them less like the jerks they are.
Madeline Bidoofus - 'has delusions of grandeur' which made her feel entitled and act super paranoid. Took her obsession with fantasy too far because her life felt out of control. Gets easily butthurt over other people's opinions on fictional works. She stabbed a few people over a movie discrepancy.

-hard time replacing either stove or fridge. they didn't have a stove = no fires for a while but still waste SO much food. Serving gelatin is key because it doesn't spoil as fast. I think pizza or takeout would've been cheaper because these idiots aren't satisfied with one serving but don't have anymore servings when they're allowed = needing to leave extra group meals of gelatin...
-slacker career finally showed up on day 5 and the opening was for day 6
-Kitty died on day6* complaining he was hungry in front of the gelatin.

just realized i forgot to remove beds per death
retrying soon
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