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Mad Poster
#826 Old 8th Oct 2015 at 6:21 PM
Love your captioned pics. Guess the joy of this challenge never ends...I may even try it AGAIN... on a vacant lot.. "the homeless camp", complete with ACR. DOOM!
Test Subject
#827 Old 12th Oct 2015 at 9:54 PM
okay so i did this and it was going well until day 4 (well not amazing - my character (Lexie) her lifetime goal was to be top of the journalism career but didn't have a job in journalism but well enough (she was happy/healthy). Until Day 4. She had the day off from her job at the music store and she was having lunch. Of the the insane people left their TV dinner/lunch in the oven and forgot about it. And the kitchen started to burn.
Now lexi wouldn't ignore the fire (and i really tried to distract her) and the fire began to eat the kitchen so I told her to 'extinguish' it. And she did and then she died.
So I continued playing the other (7) sims, not interfeering at all.

In the fire their entire kitchen (including fridge) burnt down so they had no food, quickly they started to go more insane and one by one they died. I played a game of guessing who would die next..quite often i was right... anyways some of them had so many issues that they were rocking themselves back and forth crying in their rooms - it really looked like an asylum!
I had a mass death in one of the bedrooms which was fun to watch. Eventually only one guy was left and he didn't last long. Death came. Took him and then watched some TV before leaving. So now I have 8 graves just outside the house which should be fun for the next group of insane people! Stay tuned!
Test Subject
#828 Old 13th Oct 2015 at 1:09 AM
Quote: Originally posted by evilsim13
okay so i did this and it was going well until day 4 (well not amazing - my character (Lexie) her lifetime goal was to be top of the journalism career but didn't have a job in journalism but well enough (she was happy/healthy). Until Day 4. She had the day off from her job at the music store and she was having lunch. Of the the insane people left their TV dinner/lunch in the oven and forgot about it. And the kitchen started to burn.
Now lexi wouldn't ignore the fire (and i really tried to distract her) and the fire began to eat the kitchen so I told her to 'extinguish' it. And she did and then she died.
So I continued playing the other (7) sims, not interfeering at all.

In the fire their entire kitchen (including fridge) burnt down so they had no food, quickly they started to go more insane and one by one they died. I played a game of guessing who would die next..quite often i was right... anyways some of them had so many issues that they were rocking themselves back and forth crying in their rooms - it really looked like an asylum!
I had a mass death in one of the bedrooms which was fun to watch. Eventually only one guy was left and he didn't last long. Death came. Took him and then watched some TV before leaving. So now I have 8 graves just outside the house which should be fun for the next group of insane people! Stay tuned!

Asylum Challenge - TAKE TWO (same house, new people)
Amelia (my character)'s goal was to have 6 dogs/cats that were top of their job field. started w/ two dogs (had to use $$ to buy dogs and minimal dog supply (one food dish, one sleeping area, one bone)) This game was a disaster. Less than 24hrs after they moved in 4 people died in a fire - my sim this time was smart enough to be asleep.
Next day there was another fire - this one i managed to distract her with cleaning and she survived but others didn't. The next night she went to the toilet (which was discustingly dirty do to not being cleaned since the first family) and a ghost popped up from the toilet and she died of fright.
One guy was left - Bob. (Again I just watched) Bob was a superstar he exceeded the friday survival record and made it to saturday morning. He was doing great though - cleaning, making himself food, showering etc. However the shower was broken and he went mad trying to keep up with the puddle (he kept trying to clean and it kept coming back). So he died. Oh yeah the two dogs got taken by the police at the end.

Staytuned for family number 3 vs insane house w/ 8 ghosts
Lab Assistant
#829 Old 7th Dec 2015 at 8:32 AM
So I finally decided to attempt this challenge. Initially my sim Blair had the want to have 50 dream dates but I figured that would be too hard so I used the sim modder I think it was and that changed her LTW to get to the top of the gaming career. Everything was going so well and she was two promotions away and she was in love with another patient Georgina until stupid frigging Chuck decided to cook hamburgers and set the bloody kitchen on fire. I lost three sims including Blair and then I lost another sim, Rufus, to starvation I think it was. I haven't saved yet so I'm debating exiting without saving and trying again from my last save.
Test Subject
#830 Old 26th Dec 2015 at 9:11 AM
This was such a hard challenge for me! Because my Sim wanted the music career for her LTW and the newspaper would NOT provide it! x.x well, I'm sure it would eventually but more and more time was going by... so I had her buy a computer temporarily and of course it was an option then... so after she got her job, I "hid" the computer in her inventory... luckily I've only had 1 fire and I made sure to place the phone in a room that wasn't the kitchen so my sim was able to call the fire department without any deaths ^^;

I did cheat a bit for certain things because I started getting a little bored just playing as my 1 Sim... but I also tried to complicate things a little bit by having 2 of the crazy Sims as elders :B well... they died before she got to reach her LTW... 1 died because he went in the red (he was a romance sim and even though I have the cheat so that sims will flirt with other sims he didn't flirt with any of the other sims!!) I had an inmate try to flirt with my player constantly but not the elder romance sim... it's possible because I had her scope room and check sims out though? not sure...

Anyways, fun challenge but I'm probably going to try it again and challenge myself more and try not to cheat too much! I counted days by leaving the aging on but allowing my Sim to use the Elixer of life x3
Field Researcher
#831 Old 3rd Jan 2016 at 11:01 AM
So I've just finished my first Asylum challenge - didn't score it but made it to my Sim's LTW with only one death and one kitchen fire! I didn't want to give up the house yet so continuing with a kind of Asylum 'legacy'. Here's how I'm playing it.
Once your playable Sim achieves LTW, all other characters are now selectable. Take a look at their LTW. If they're career-based, or easily achievable (such as earning £100K), they can stay. More complex LTWs (raise 20 puppies/kittens etc) kill off, in whatever sadistic way you like (but quickly). If you turned aging off for the challenge, turn it back on.
Tart up your house - give the survivors enough beds, toilets, and fill it with snapdragons if you like. Essentially, asylum survivors get a nice life, and get to try and achieve their LTW.
BUT. Your original Sim must have a child, ideally with another inmate. The child can grow up, go to school etc, but try and avoid skill building if you can. The child cannot go to college. When they become a teen, roll for their Aspiration as outlined in the Asylum Challenge rules (Family aspiration not allowed).
Once the child is an adult, kill off any remaining original inmates, put all excess furniture that doesn't meet Asylum Challenge regs into the kid's inventory, move in 7 new sims, and boom. Challenge begins again in a now haunted Asylum.
Lab Assistant
#832 Old 22nd Jan 2016 at 8:30 PM
I just finished my first Asylum Challenge. Everything was going quite smoothly, surprisingly. It took over 2 weeks to find my LTW job from the newspaper, which was annoying, but finally I got it Then I forgot that I had a mod that allows more than 8 sims per lot and of course I was (un)lucky enough to get abducted by aliens and have an alien baby. Bought the neccesities for the baby and locked him up, so that only I could access the baby's room. Finally, as soon as he turned teen, I moved him to college, so no additional friends from school or anything. The challenge took 6 weeks and 5 days. Nobody died I ended with 323 points. Might try it again one day. Decided to release all the patients into my neighbourhood, so that my other sims are free to marry them (and have crazy babies ).
Lab Assistant
#833 Old 23rd Jan 2016 at 5:04 PM
I decided to start this one. The biggest problem I've had (besides it taking forever for their LTW to be available) is food. My band of crazies plowed through our supplies and I only had enough money to buy a few items, which quickly ran out again. Everyone was starving and it was getting upsetting having all the sims stare at me and cry about food lol
Lab Assistant
#834 Old 24th Jan 2016 at 9:05 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mocajava
I decided to start this one. The biggest problem I've had (besides it taking forever for their LTW to be available) is food. My band of crazies plowed through our supplies and I only had enough money to buy a few items, which quickly ran out again. Everyone was starving and it was getting upsetting having all the sims stare at me and cry about food lol

In the beginning I had the same problem. But I quickly took a random job (which was not my LTW career) to get some money. Eventually I had so much money that I had nothing to do with it anymore :D
Test Subject
#835 Old 8th Mar 2016 at 3:30 PM
I'm firing this one up again and I have a tip... when you design your kitchen, put the stove on a wall by itself, with no counters or other furnishings within 2 squares. Then when an idiot sets it on fire (and one will), nothing else is likely to catch fire and be lost. It controls the size of the fire.

I have Sims 2, 3, and 4 all installed and I'm thinking of doing the Asylum Challenge in each game. It is truly my favorite! Here's link to one of my Sims 2 Asylum Challenge stories:
#836 Old 24th Mar 2016 at 3:51 AM
I think this is my favourite challenge, except for the difficulty others have noted with getting the active Sim onto the right career track. Since I prefer to play with aging on, I think if I play it again I will allow a computer at the beginning, with the rule that once it breaks down it cannot be replaced or repaired. When two weeks had gone by and Cashew still didn't have a job, I decided achieving permanent platinum by any means would earn him his freedom (this is a rule I have for an asylum in another neighbourhood, nothing to do with this challenge, where I send Sims who either receive a visit from the Therapist or the threat of a visit from the Social Worker)...and a gypsy showed up the very next day! Cashew rubbed the lamp, got Peace of Mind, and moved out, kindly providing his former cellmates with a new television as a parting gift. I didn't score, since this isn't the proper way to end the game, but all eight of my Nuts were still alive and Brazil even had Gold-level Aspiration (she's Popularity, and Best Friends with everyone but Cashew, who kept to himself).

Since Brazil had such good Aspiration, I let her get engaged to Almond (which made him Gold, too); they rubbed the lamp and were released. I'm thinking I might move them and Cashew to different neighbourhoods, where they won't have to take phone calls from crazies all the time.

I made some changes to the furniture rule, just to make it a bit more random. Rather than automatically losing one bed and one chair whenever an inmate died, which would have left me with the full quota for the whole game, I rolled an eight-sided die each morning, once for beds and once for chairs; if I rolled an 8, I deleted an item. It seems lunatics are very hard on the furniture: they were quickly down to just two chairs, and also lost a bed. On Mondays, I rolled an extra three times to see if any Board members had been by over the weekend to see how underfurnished the house was: an 8 on these rolls would have added a bed or chair (up to the maximum needed), or sent a repairman. I had also intended to add a bed and chair if a Sim had a visit from the Therapist (who would have threatened to go public if something weren't done about the appalling conditions), though that never actually happened.
#837 Old 21st Apr 2016 at 1:21 AM
@BlueAlien - I love the names of your "nuts". I also like your ROS-style of playing. I'll have to try this the next time I do this challenge. Thank you

"If it's in you, it's got to come out."
Lab Assistant
#838 Old 29th Jul 2016 at 12:15 PM
Funny: When I started this challenge, I had my game minimized (in windows) while reading this. I came cross a comment talking about bad luck about fire erupting, but I stopped when I heard a strange ticking sound so I thought it was a game. I switch to the sims, and I the last time I saw my playable sim from cooking lunch, to the another - seeing the kitchen on fire and it made me lol :D

Anyway, here's a tip: If you gonna build 1 bathroom with only 1 type of different plummings, don't make it small. I had my sims crowded in here to the point there were blocking an existing, leaving them stuck and a sim suffering bladder issues. I know this sound a nooby thing to do to make it a huge problem, but I just wanna let you know in general while playing don't make the same mistake of forgetting that there are EIGHT SIMS in your houses, so be sure to make the rooms bigger before playing without making yourself look dummer :D
Test Subject
#839 Old 4th Aug 2016 at 3:50 PM
I just finished this challenge. It was hard for me to do "hands off" because I'm a micro-manager most of the time. Only had 2 deaths. Final score was 211.
Lab Assistant
#840 Old 13th Aug 2016 at 6:52 PM
just saying, undertaking this challenge right now. I'm doing in in video (let's play format) ^^ in order to not to spam the place with posts, I'll link you all to my let's play page on the official forums:


I post there every time when I release new videos (so once a week). Expect me to be here in like a month with my final score so far there was a fire, everyone loves and hates each other, my uncontrollable sims keep us fed by watching the stars and one of them managed to get abducted by aliens. It is very fun so far
#841 Old 21st Aug 2016 at 4:33 PM
10 days has passed in my asylum, and nothing has happened. Everybody is pretty good at cooking, and they're all friends. My playable's LTW is 20 best friends and I'm considering rerolling, because it's just not fun. I'm also thinking about making the house layout more difficult, putting the stove close to other objects and having one bathroom instead of three seperate rooms with toilet, sink and shower. Just to spice is a bit up.
Top Secret Researcher
#842 Old 22nd Aug 2016 at 9:15 PM
It was like that for me too, I didn't find it boring but not much happened.
#843 Old 30th Aug 2016 at 3:35 PM
I ended up rerolling my playable, Holly's, LTW and she wanted to become Captain Hero! Much more manageable for me to play, and I just finished it! She got promoted through a chance card about thumb war.
Oh well, on to the score-keeping: I spent 6 weeks and 5 days, so that's -47. I never used influence, +20 and they had 9 household friends (all Holly's friends. I think one of the others had one friend besides the household, obviosly one of Holly's friends.) The dear fellow inmates had 131 skill points, and, here comes the interesting part, they had 350400 aspiration points. One of them had, like, 200000. That's more than Holly had! So that's +350 points. Nobody died.

That's 563 points total.
But, I did reroll her LTW and that must be like -100 and I also spent some aspiration benefit points to gain friends quicker, so that must be -10 each, -40 all in all.

And I guess that brings me down to 423 points?

I also only had two kitchen fires, obviously the first one started by my playable, so, yeah. I might have to try this again and make it more difficult. Make them all grumpier and more messy. Oh, well. I think I'm gonna townify the guys and let them roam freely.
Test Subject
#844 Old 10th Sep 2016 at 3:54 AM
What if your sim's LTW is to raise 15 puppies or kittens or to raise 15 children etc.
#845 Old 10th Sep 2016 at 5:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by BirdY_GirlY295
What if your sim's LTW is to raise 15 puppies or kittens or to raise 15 children etc.

By the rule, you cannot choose Family aspiration for controllable sim(if it is family, roll the dice again). But if your sim wants 15 puppies or kittens.... use cheat tools to reroll LTW?
Top Secret Researcher
#846 Old 10th Sep 2016 at 3:39 PM
It's not impossible to raise 20 puppies/kittens in the challenge. But since it was created before Pets, you could indeed reroll.
My controlable wanted to master all skills I think, it's not always a career related LTW even in BG conditions.
Lab Assistant
#847 Old 10th Sep 2016 at 6:48 PM
So is raising x children, but with a sacrifise on one sim passing away.
Lab Assistant
#848 Old 17th Sep 2016 at 3:20 AM
okay, rendering the last episode now. My ending score was... 286! I don't know if that is good or not lol.

never used influence + 20 points
skill points earned +99
aspiration points +106
friends of the household + 14

days spent -33 points
one death -20 points

Also I kept my sim young actually using her aspiration points and by buying the green potion that makes you younger. As it's not against the rules to switch aging off, I thought that that should be okay too
Lab Assistant
#849 Old 29th Mar 2017 at 2:13 AM
My first try was pretty boring so i decided to start over. I seem to have a good mix this time but for some reason none of the other crazies will go to sleep in a bed, they just keep passing out everywhere. a bunch of them are piled up on the bathroom floor so no one can use the toilet.
#850 Old 3rd Mar 2018 at 7:33 AM Last edited by Sketching : 3rd Mar 2018 at 9:16 AM. Reason: added pictures
The first time I did the asylum challenge, I plopped the inmates down into an apocalypse neighborhood to add to the story. Four inmates (2 female including my playable and 2 male) somehow survived to the end, although I left aging off in their lot while the apocalypse lineage was advancing through generations. Not bad considering the limitations of the apocalypse though.

This time, I decided to repeat the asylum challenge in an ordinary neighborhood with a whole gamut of "increased challenge" mods that I didn't have back then: more dangerous fires, lower hunger death threshold, Lamare's lot traits (includes power outages), real sickness, harder skills, higher bills, reduced salaries, and several others. It ended up being much harder than the apocalypse challenge. Not a single day went by without a storm or the power cut off and I had to keep using up what little money they had to refurnish the kitchen (and with an empty refrigerator mod, that hurt my wallet) they kept burning down. ACR may have been on full-force but they barely had time for loving.

My playable was a Knowledge female with an LTW to top the Artist career - not exactly ideal with the harder skills mod and 0 outgoing points for the required charisma. I know that there aren't actual LTWs for some of the careers, so I included them in a list and randomized from them to get a wider range of possibilities, at least for her. The other female inmates were Grilled Cheese, Knowledge, and Fortune, while the males were Romance, Family, Pleasure, and Popularity. They're all remakes of my original asylum inmates.

On the first day, Romance died in a fire he started - too bad because he was a hit with the ladies. I didn't want to risk my playable's death, so I had little choice but to call emergency services, and right on time because the phone lines died immediately afterwards. Since we were short on funds, I couldn't buy groceries for a while and another two died of hunger the next day. The ghosts rose up due to the lightning storms but they didn't manage to kill anyone.

From then on, I resolved to leave out plates of lunch meat sandwiches for the other inmates to eat in an effort to ensure their survival. Well, the constant fires plummeted just about everyone into aspiration failures they couldn't overcome; my playable was barely in the green and Grilled Cheese was somehow perpetually in platinum. Fortune went out to peddle for money and was struck by lightning, and later that night, Family got the amazing idea to walk out of the building to clean up the puddles in the yard, only to go the same way as the previous inmate.

Five down, three to go. I practically worked my sim into overdrive doing chores in the asylum to keep it running and thank goodness Grilled Cheese was inexplicably adept at housework, but Pleasure contracted food poisoning from a spoiled dish that was hidden among the garbage and died in due time, a few hours before my sim was fired due to a bad chance card.

Now only unemployed Grilled Cheese and Playable are left in debt in a rundown, haunted asylum without electricity. I wasn't playing for points, but I don't even want to think about the score right now because it must be in the negatives!

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