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Mad Poster
#8776 Old 28th Apr 2024 at 10:49 PM
that Prof Ball thing

always reminds me of Hamlet talking to the joker's skull
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#8777 Old 28th Apr 2024 at 11:44 PM
Me too! Alas, poor Von Ball! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy!
Mad Poster
#8778 Old 29th Apr 2024 at 11:07 AM
Damn, now I want a DR of Professor Ball for my medieval game that is a skull!
Test Subject
#8779 Old 30th Apr 2024 at 10:50 PM
Hey everyone, long time no sim!

Literally, long time no sim. :') The past 5 months, my chronic migraines have lived up to their label, but I'm finally able to tolerate screen time again. Naturally, I celebrated by checking in with the pixel people in my uberhood.

Most of them are doing well enough, though nothing too exciting. The Pleasant twins are beginning to expand their social circle beyond their boyfriends, Isaiah Gavigan traded up girlfriends (bye, Meadow!), and Lucy Burb is finally befriending sims her own age... even if General Buzz Grunt remains her closest bud. John Burb is soaring through the education track, going from a substitute to high school teacher within a week. Similarly, Trent Traveller traded the corporate ladder for the chutes of mail delivery, and he is killin' it! I'm so glad I downloaded NPC careers to play around with. On a related note, Jennifer Burb is fully embracing the barista lifestyle: her new espresso machine is a hit with friends, colleagues, and the many random townies invited inside during their neighborhood walk. (Stranger danger? The Burbs have not even heard of it.)

Don Lothario is also doing well in his career, despite my efforts to get him canned. How is a man this sloppy allowed in a sterile work environment?? I'm trying to take him down a few notches via chance card, but his networking skills are too strong. Guess it's out with the organic and in with the engineered.

It's actually my very first time playing him. In past games, I just evicted him and stole his house, whoop. I always assumed he was an irredeemable playboy, but as it turns out, he's pretty entertaining! He befriended my town's resident manny, constantly geeks out on the telescope, and showed Strangetown's Bella Goth a great time at the local Renaissance fair. I'm not totally sure how I want his engagement to Cassandra to play out, considering he's dating her clone mom, but I suppose I have time to figure it out.

I've been trying to give all the premade families a fair chance, but it's tough to figure out which direction to take some of them. It was easy for the Gavigans, since Eliza (formerly Mary) gave birth to two more kids before dying in a freak model train accident. I let it play out since I never let sims die, and it's been super interesting watching the family come to terms. I take lots of family photos of them, since they know every moment together is precious. Also, the middle kid is planning on resurrecting her mom someday, so that'll be fun and probably a little traumatizing.

The Travellers, though? No idea. I built them a nice, tropical-themed house, took them on vacation, and gave Trent a job to save up for their next holiday. Tina has taken a liking to the easel, so at least she has something going on, but Trisha is just coasting along. I thought I'd spice it up with an affair, but Trisha's potential partner met her husband and liked him better, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have a list of sim challenges I'll examine, but if anyone has suggestions for this fam, I'm all ears!
Mad Poster
#8780 Old 30th Apr 2024 at 11:14 PM
Due to my own incompetence I'm having to age up all the YA's in Tinsel Town and putting earlier into action my plans for a military subset for TT.

So far I have 3 men and 1 woman in the military, with more to come. All the fitness hobbyists are eligible for this career, and a few of them actually want to become general, so the revamp of TT from a studio town into a more mainstream career oriented town is well underway.

There are about 10 more to go. Those in the military will have a 5 year enlistment, and those who wish to pursue the career of their dreams after will be allowed to. Hopefully by that time they will also have found housing and a romantic partner.

Although there will still be those who want to be in show business-notably Alec Shaw's two sons, who both want to follow in their father's footsteps and become 'icons'.

I don't know if the "college in the neighborhood' experiment is going to survive. I may have to go back to a default Uni or just cheat like hell and give the kids a faked degree when they become YA's.

I do so dislike Uni. It's just so personally tedious to me.

PS- I second that DR of Professor Ball into a skull! I wish some enterprising modder would do that! Then we could actually have "Hamlet" acted on the stage as there is now a mod for the 'dramatics' of romantic actions in the mirror available.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://app.mediafire.com/myfiles
#8781 Old 1st May 2024 at 12:10 AM Last edited by sturlington : 1st May 2024 at 12:21 AM.
I have been playing Strangetown. I have to confess I was feeling a little overwhelmed by how much it had grown, so I took some executive decisions. Some of the LFT grads, odd singles, and elders got moved into communal housing so it would be quicker to play them. I deleted the subhood Sedona after putting all the babies up for adoption and townifying all four residents. I do want to play it at some point, but not now. I have an idea if would be a fun hood to play in conjunction with Shady Shores, Emerald Heights as a downtown, and Quadington University, so that will be my project if I get tired of Strangetown--which I am back in love with now. I set everyone to the beginning of winter, and to heck with synching ages.

I wanted to post this pic I took because I know quite a few Simmers don't particularly like the Grunts, but they are absolutely my favorite family. General Buzz is very close to the end of his time now, and I think he knows it because he has worked hard on repairing his relationships with all his kids. He threw a birthday party for his wife Kristen, and all four of his kids attended. Buzz became best friends with Ripp during the party after a lot of work--he had previously had the want to *drink* Ripp when Ripp was a teenager, so they have come a long way! Buzz's relationship with Tank is still on shaky ground, but Tank brought his two oldest kids to the party. Tank is also friends with Ripp now. Tank made a big effort to repair that relationship when Ripp called him on his wedding day to congratulate him on his marriage to Almeric Davis, immediately after Buzz had disowned Tank and physically fought him for coming out as gay. That was a while ago, but these things take time.

Anyway, here's where the Grunts are now. Buzz and Kristen have had a surprisingly happy and faithful marriage, and she has been very helpful in Buzz's efforts to make up with his boys. Thanks to two good chance cards, they are the wealthiest family in Strangetown, but the house's furnishing have not been updated for the most part. They do own a vacation home in Three Lakes. Their daughter, and the reason for their marriage, is now in university.

Tank lives downtown with Almeric. They do not have a lot of money but are so happy together. Tank is pursuing his dream of being an all-star athlete, and Almeric recently got a job in law. They have two teen boys: Magnus, who is Fortune aspiration and looks just like Tank, and Turner, who is Knowledge aspiration and looks just like Almeric. Almeric recently had a surprise pregnancy, and now they have a daughter, Faith.

Ripp lives downtown in a big house with his found family. That consists of his long-time girlfriend from college, Fatima; Chloe Curious, who he is in a relationship with; Aldric Davis, Almeric's brother, Chloe's partner, and Ripp's best friend; and the twin boys who were the result of a one-night stand between Fatima and Aldric and were the reason all of them decided to live together in the first place. Ripp has no children, he's happily dating quite a few women on the side, and he is a professional artist. His girlfriend and Aldric are both musicians. Chloe does whatever.

Buck lives in the Smith house with his wife Jill and has taken the Smith name. His relationship for his part with his Dad is not great because he didn't approve of how Buzz treated his brothers, but he's too nice to tell Buzz that, so he always shows up for family gatherings but never brings his wife or kids. He is in the science career and has three children with Jill, all blond: Kimberly, a teen; Kelsey, a child; and Lucius, a toddler. That feels like enough children for them, but is so tempting for me to get him abducted by aliens and he always wants to stargaze.

My challenge is to let these three boys become elders and live out their lifetimes because I don't want to see them pass, but then I don't want them to just live forever either. I do like their kids and would like to see what happens to them, so maybe I will try. This does feel like my "canon" incarnation of Strangetown, kind of like my last playthrough of Veronaville became my canon for me--I couldn't imagine it going any other way.

Well, that's only what's been happening with the Grunts! There are many other families in Strangetown, but this is already long enough.
Mad Poster
#8782 Old 1st May 2024 at 9:23 AM
I was playing my 20 woohoo challenge hood last night. This is a challenge I'm trying to refine about creating a male sim with the LTW to woohoo with 20 sims and then basically ensuring there is a chance of pregnancy. If the sim gets pregnant, she has to move in, uncontrollable except when in platinum aspiration, until such time as her youngest child becomes independent and it becomes a kind of extreme version of the asylum challenge.

I restarted this challenge due to losing a lot of progress on the original and it really struck me how different this playthrough is. I think because I screwed up the pregnancy chance this time, basically almost every woohoo has resulted in pregnancy which is a HUGE load of kids and uncontrollable adults on the lot. So far sitting at 6/9 conquests moved in, one actually died (oooops) and one had a miscarriage so moved out again. We also have 9 kids D: And of the other 3, I basically haven't played them long enough to find out if they are pregnant yet. I think last time most of the women had one baby each, a couple of them had two. I had a sense of who all the kids were because I had time to breathe. This time it is just a blur of toddlers and I can't keep track of who everyone is.

The thing is, with the first one, obviously there are ethical issues ~in general~ with randomly going around impregnating women and then imprisoning them (ahem) but there were far fewer kids, it was all fairly amicable, yes it became more awkward to meet people due to jealousy etc but it sort of worked and was chaotic, challenging, and fun. I felt like my lead guy was a lovable rogue, despite the strangeness of his lifestyle. He did pretty well at providing for everyone, he kept them all mostly happy, he even kept their moods up high enough to go to work a lot of the time. (I just looked it up, and my final stats after the first challenge were 5 wives, 8 kids (2 teens, 3 kids, 3 toddlers) and 2 cats.)

This time around? He is absolutely DROWNING. I am using every single aspiration reward just to get him through the day and this guy. This guy is just an ASSHOLE. He basically collects women to force them to be pregnant 24/7 and they are constantly crying and on the brink of starvation and he just goes and hoovers up their aspiration in order to get back in his need renewal thing. He ignores the babies all the time and leaves them to the butler who keeps complaining about not getting paid but comes back anyway. I gave him a slight makeover last night rather than letting him wander around the hood with the messy hair and cute graphic t-shirt that he has been wearing. Now he has an obnoxiously perfect, slicked back blonde hairstyle, the outfit I always think of as "the Romance aspiration outfit" (with the open shirt), and to top it all off he has a beer gut. It is hilarious and I hate him so much. I don't know if it makes it worse or better that I really gave him an incredibly handsome face XD He now absolutely STRUTS around the town.

So... yeah. I screwed up the pregnancy chance for sure XD if I do play this again, which I doubt, or if I write it up to share, then I am going to have to put something in about ACR XD

I use the sims as a psychology simulator...
Mad Poster
#8783 Old 1st May 2024 at 1:24 PM Last edited by Charity : 1st May 2024 at 1:59 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by simsfreq
I was playing my 20 woohoo challenge hood last night. This is a challenge I'm trying to refine about creating a male sim with the LTW to woohoo with 20 sims and then basically ensuring there is a chance of pregnancy. If the sim gets pregnant, she has to move in, uncontrollable except when in platinum aspiration, until such time as her youngest child becomes independent and it becomes a kind of extreme version of the asylum challenge.

LOL, this reminds me of when I did a baby challenge and it said start with either a male adult who would keep having to get abducted or a female adult who would keep shagging the neighbourhood. I innocently created both and made them siblings. That was soooo many children. XD I think I quit at about 8. My female sim kept going into aspiration failure because she had a fear of her brother getting abducted again. XD

Quote: Originally posted by FranH
PS- I second that DR of Professor Ball into a skull! I wish some enterprising modder would do that! Then we could actually have "Hamlet" acted on the stage as there is now a mod for the 'dramatics' of romantic actions in the mirror available.

Found one! https://www.medievalsims.com/forums...hp?f=75&t=10737

What mod are you talking about?
Field Researcher
#8784 Old 1st May 2024 at 4:00 PM
Turns out, vampires can die at night.

With fires. I wasn't paying attention, a fire broke out then sent the vampire to help put out the fire, but then the vampire died. That's what I get for skipping fire alarms.

Luckily the second sim was able to "plead for loved one" and the vampire was resurrected. Kind of amusing to think a vampire who's supposed to already be undead, died and then came back to life.. again.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Mad Poster
#8785 Old 1st May 2024 at 4:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Charity
LOL, this reminds me of when I did a baby challenge and it said start with either a male adult who would keep having to get abducted or a female adult who would keep shagging the neighbourhood. I innocently created both and made them siblings. That was soooo many children. XD I think I quit at about 8. My female sim kept going into aspiration failure because she had a fear of her brother getting abducted again. XD

Found one! https://www.medievalsims.com/forums...hp?f=75&t=10737

What mod are you talking about?

The "Thespian's Mark" that CreeSims made:

"Thespian's Mark - a Charisma building object for actors"

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://app.mediafire.com/myfiles
Forum Resident
#8786 Old 1st May 2024 at 9:20 PM
Visited Veronaville's sports hobby lot for the first time with Clarence Monty. Some autonomous flirting and bickering between townies/npc's, including a full-on fistfight between one of the garden club members and some other bloke while Clarence was getting close to the hobby lot instructor.

Bug exterminator Travis Collins married Guildenstern Capp at the Capp manor. Ironically enough, the lot ended up having cockroaches, probably because of some enemy Travis had made at the sports hobby lot who knocked the trashcan over, so they ended up having to call over one of his former colleagues. Both Goneril and Regan were present at the wedding but they managed to stay out of each other's way, probably distracted by the drinks (I hired a bartender for the party for the first time in my life). That same evening the couple adopted a baby, and the next morning a baby boy, Lucilius Capp, arrived.

Ariel Capp and Beatrice Monty went to the cuisine hobby lot hoping to cheer Ariel up some after she lost her dream job. Ariel's sister Imogen who Ariel recently decided she can't stand turned up so Ariel went to pester her some, then I directed her to join the cook-off and she didn't win. I don't think she was very cheered up, but her mother Goneril showed up, too. I just hope too many of the playable sims get invitations since a big point of the hobby lots here in Veronaville is they allow sims to meet new people. Beatrice had the hots for an old guy with no eyes, or rather, with the empty, painted on brown eyes. I've no idea why he's like that but it's kind of unsettling.

Titania and Oberon Summerdream also visited the cuisine hobby lot, as Titania recently got an invitation, and they had a date there.

Now that two of Miranda Capp's sisters are on bad terms with each other, and Miranda's mother and aunt are on very bad terms, Miranda decided that her birthday celebration as she was aging into an elder would be a good time for some peacemaking. She understood that Ariel had a rough time with her losing her scientist job, so she invited her in the morning to have a talk, give her a hug and have her prepare some pancakes. Next, she invited Imogen over and the three of them shared a pancake breakfast. Imogen and Ariel didn't really talk to each other, but when she was finished eating, Ariel went upstairs to play chess and Imogen soon followed her. Despite some sour faces and Imogen cheating they sat there for hours, talked everything out and vastly improved their relationship.

No such luck with Regan and Goneril. Miranda would tell Goneril to appreciate Regan, assuming it would prompt an apology, but instead she went with admire which Regan obviously didn't appreciate. Miranda would tell Regan to talk to Goneril and Regan would try gossiping and Goneril had none of it. Miranda would tell Goneril to tell Regan a joke, thinking that was a safe option... and Goneril opted for a dirty joke. Double minuses. I swear they knew exactly what they were doing. So in the end, their relationship came out worse than it started and culminated in a fistfight which Regan and her ten body points won with ease.

I am Error.
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#8787 Old 1st May 2024 at 9:50 PM
I made a cheese cake!

Plus, I started making another neighbourhood. I should finish and upload some of the others first really!

Oh, and Babbage stole a gnome, and got zapped.
Mad Poster
#8788 Old 1st May 2024 at 10:41 PM
I have reinstated the gnome of instant shock back into Tinsel Town.

It has resulted in people being rudely shocked and made aware that stealing is a bad thing.

I love it.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://app.mediafire.com/myfiles
Field Researcher
#8789 Old 2nd May 2024 at 4:58 PM
Currently, a few Gen 5 babies are being born, and some of my Gen 3 are starting to become elders. Here's Klaus:

He looks so cool and accomplished! I'm happy he got 30 elder days because that means he'll be alive for 6-ish rounds, which with my playing speed and gigantic hood, might be up to 2 real-life years

Mad Poster
#8790 Old 2nd May 2024 at 5:35 PM
That cheesecake will go well with my wine tonight
Field Researcher
#8791 Old 3rd May 2024 at 12:07 AM
Giving my new library/museum a spin! Mostly because I want to verify there are no routing issues or such.

Though, it suddenly occurred to me... I forgot the lights. again I always forget the lights! So the whole place is just sitting in darkness.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
#8792 Old 3rd May 2024 at 12:22 AM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
Giving my new library/museum a spin! Mostly because I want to verify there are no routing issues or such.

Though, it suddenly occurred to me... I forgot the lights. again I always forget the lights! So the whole place is just sitting in darkness.

Even after years and years of play and building it never fails that I forget some of the simplest things. I do have a mental list that I try and run through... but gotta be careful that ya do that at the very, very last and NO MORE changes .. cuz if changes are made after the run through that's where I've found I'd made most of my "oops" mistakes.
Field Researcher
#8793 Old 3rd May 2024 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by CaliBrat
Even after years and years of play and building it never fails that I forget some of the simplest things. I do have a mental list that I try and run through... but gotta be careful that ya do that at the very, very last and NO MORE changes .. cuz if changes are made after the run through that's where I've found I'd made most of my "oops" mistakes.

I would like to do that whole "no more changes thing". But then I say that.. see something and go "I'll just change that" next thing I'm rebuilding the whole lot.

For example, most recently I was going to add a detached garage to one house, said detached garage became an attached garage, that opened a pathway for adding a basement, the basement lead to redoing the garden to hide it on the imposter, that lead to adding another floor to the house, etc. You know how it is.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Mad Poster
#8794 Old 3rd May 2024 at 3:47 AM Last edited by FranH : 4th May 2024 at 1:57 PM.
That's why I prebuild houses with everything I can think of (mods/hacks/CC) before I put anyone in them, and I still forget something!

It's often a small item (like the bathroom rug which soaks up all the water) but it's enough to make me ticked off.

"After all that building I still can't get it right!"

But otherwise in Tinsel Town life goes on-the military enlistees are trying to adapt to their new lifestyle, and some of them are definitely not cut out for the life! They're going to do only 5 years and that's it. Anything else would be a waste of time.

I did find out though that if you 'help' a pixel get a skill point (Oleg Powers wants to get to the top of the business career before he dies and I helped him get two last points for it) that will still fulfill any wants that they had-it rates as if they did it themselves. Which is a relief because trying to max out the charisma skill was making me nuts while he was standing there at the podium continuously talking..and talking.

I've also been working on forming the political parties in TT, because there are so many people running for office and are representing TT in the Sim Congress.

What I've got so far:

Change is bad. The status quo must be maintained-prosperity is the way to happiness and contentment, family always comes first, women are wives and mothers first, a large family is a happy family, law and order must be maintained. Crime must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Change is good, open minds with education; women are people and have all the rights of men, anything goes in private life-LGBTQ advocates, fun is not sinful, live and let live, let the people be free! Happiness and freedom from Tyranny! Free love!

Nature must be preserved! No cutting trees! Buy flowers and plants to beautify the environment. No pollution! Pick up your trash! Don't litter! Put things back where they belong! Science will lead the way to a better world! Save the whales! Save the llamas!

Everyone IS out to get you! Aliens are real, and they have been here to check us out! Ghosts are real! Little green men do exist! That was a spaceship I saw! Did you hear about that newest conspiracy theory? Black boxes rule!

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://app.mediafire.com/myfiles
#8795 Old 4th May 2024 at 4:23 PM
I started my first BACC. with my own rule-set. While creating my spreadsheet and setting up my city ordinances, I learned that the first few rounds should solely focus on The Two P’s, Population and Profits. Despite the lack of resources, the city must find a way to have an increase in population. This is where the important of townies shine, because if you can have them move in, then, along with a baby boom, the population will increase greatly. The more population in the city, the more tax funding the city will receive. When enough taxes are collected, my city can do great things like build a City Hall and two §300K sports stadiums, lol.

Here are my founders. A total of 8 young families, with long life spans and ACR. I want to see how much profit the city makes after 5 rounds or so. Maybe the mayor will get his wish of two stadiums sooner than later.


There's no drama, like Sims drama.

My spiritual accountability website:

#8796 Old 4th May 2024 at 5:33 PM
I love big group photos! I do not have the patience to set up such a thing, so I appreciate it when I see others do it. Good luck in your challenge, monijt1.

Not happening in my game, but I proved yet again that I can never transfer files to a new computer without mishap, as this time I accidentally deleted all my Sims screenshots plus copies of older neighborhoods that I had saved in case I wanted to play them again some day and other downloads I wasn't using but was saving for some reason. They were all on my desktop and I did something stupid is the reason why--but I learned! Always learning. I still have the Strangetown I was playing because that was in my Neighborhoods folder, but I lost my uberhood and beginning of Strangetown that I hadn't played in a while. So I decided to start a new neighborhood!

It is loosely a Prosperity challenge, except I based the families partly on a book I'm reading and partly on the kind of residents I'd imagine would live in small village setting. But I randomized all their characteristics. The town is called Bellflower Village, and in my mind, it's set in New England on the coast, and it's very traditional, with everyone in everyone else's business. There are six families in all, of different sizes and age ranges. My main family is the Chapels: a conservative, workaholic father; a mother who's not quite all there mentally and is convinced their house is haunted (it is); and three daughters named Aster, Rosalind, and Daphne. The father desperately wants a male heir, so they had another baby, and it was also a girl, much to his disappointment. This one is named Iris.

I was pairing up Aster with the son of the other wealthy family in town, but as soon as Aster became an adult, her boyfriend's father fell in love with her! He divorced his wife and married Aster, even though his son regained his feelings for her after he grew up as well. That was quite the scandal.
Field Researcher
#8797 Old 5th May 2024 at 4:54 AM
So, my sims are in summer, and it's a hot day! I noticed that for the first time ever in the Sims 2, this sim actually has a maxed out environment bar. I'm genuinely shocked, usually it sits just below max.

Shabado... sha..ba..doo..badooo
Mad Poster
#8798 Old 5th May 2024 at 10:45 AM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
So, my sims are in summer, and it's a hot day! I noticed that for the first time ever in the Sims 2, this sim actually has a maxed out environment bar. I'm genuinely shocked, usually it sits just below max.

That pool/garden is really pretty. Looks like she appreciates it!
e3 d3 Ne2 Nd2 Nb3 Ng3
retired moderator
#8799 Old 5th May 2024 at 12:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by iforgot
I noticed that for the first time ever in the Sims 2, this sim actually has a maxed out environment bar.

Pretty sure my environment bar would be maxed out in a garden like that!
Field Researcher
#8800 Old 5th May 2024 at 8:16 PM
So after 2021 I stopped playing Sims 2 for several reasons, but last January I started once again, but when I added a new sub hood my game exploded, thankfully I have a backup from 2021 so I started again but I wanted to try new things this time, and one thing that never get in my game was the Skylines and horizons and right now I’m so grateful for try these ones, my Sims are happy also.

"Old Town Revival: My MegaHood"
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