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Top Secret Researcher
#76 Old 21st Dec 2011 at 2:18 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Qwerty126Alex
WOW So many amazing family tree's! Makes me want my legacy to go even further!

Here is my legacy family tree: http://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&...214180522611838

Vanessa was my Foundress, and she married my makeover of Matthew Hamming (An EA made Townie) with lots of facial surgery. They had 3 children, and Carmen, the evil good-looker is my heiress. I'm hoping to se eit go on for a LONG time.

Wrong section; this is for Sims 2, not Sims 3. Although Vanessa does look gorgeous!

#77 Old 21st Dec 2011 at 10:35 AM Last edited by Selly_2009 : 7th Jan 2012 at 12:54 AM.
petmama299, I am not a moderator but:

1. Please do not double/triple etc post... please use the edit button instead. That's what it's there for.

2. If you are referring to someone else's post, please tell us to whom you are talking to.

3. In regards to the "monkey thingy", this is (a) the wrong area of the forum, and (b) if you mean a piece of CC, please refer to the creator's instructions and/or read Downloading For Fracking Idiots for Sims 2, or TS3: CC Basics for Sims 3.

Btw, the Sims 2 Help Topic IS actually called that; I am not calling you an idiot.

EDIT: Right, back on topic - I finally pulled my finger out and remade my Appleby Family Tree, but with only the legacy line visible. The other one is just getting too big now I'm into 4 generations!

Hmm... MTS doesn't want to know, so I'm posting the link instead: Appleby Family Tree.

No need to use my full name, "Selly" will do just fine.
#78 Old 7th May 2012 at 6:59 AM Last edited by Night Racer : 8th May 2012 at 12:54 AM.
Lets see if I can post this in a way that makes at least a little bit of sense. I was gonna cut each face out and try to build it out full on one image, but that got really daunting really fast. Family tree of the sims in my neighborhood, original starter sim the male on the first picture. He took her name, Strange, because it was more unique than his, which i now completly forgot. the same case for the Salamis branch of the family, I liked Circes name alot better.

Calipoi (wavy haird elder in burgundy sweater thing) has a son and husband who aren't pictured, but you can see the son in my post in the Family portraits thread. And Manoli, the man to the right of her, was married but she died of starvation while pregnant, so its just him now.
Top Secret Researcher
#79 Old 17th Jun 2012 at 9:38 AM

Figured I post this, since my hood is corrupted anyway. Sigh.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Mad Poster
#80 Old 4th Jul 2012 at 10:38 PM Last edited by lauratje86 : 5th Jul 2012 at 1:53 AM.
No pictures (yet), but here is the Brettwaite family tree - including unborn babies :-) If anyone would like to see a photo of the family, there is one here.

I'm sorry to hear that your hood's corrupt Fivey, I love reading about your sims :-(

**EDIT** Rebecca & Phil's baby has now been born - a little girl named Sheryl :-)
Top Secret Researcher
#81 Old 4th Jul 2012 at 11:09 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lauratje86
I'm sorry to hear that your hood's corrupt Fivey, I love reading about your sims :-(

I have toddlers with Lifetime wants popping around, so that's either major borkage or caused by something else. Nobody has disappeared yet, but I'm still wary. Until I see sims getting kidnapped by mole people, I ain't quitting this hood.

Asks are always open, even to anons. I will always reply to asks, and I do my best to be cordial/less snarky than usual.
Mad Poster
#82 Old 5th Jul 2012 at 12:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Fivey
I have toddlers with Lifetime wants popping around, so that's either major borkage or caused by something else. Nobody has disappeared yet, but I'm still wary. Until I see sims getting kidnapped by mole people, I ain't quitting this hood.

But the Pauline Aspir has a LTW and she's just a tot! Even the other Bell child.
Mad Poster
#83 Old 5th Jul 2012 at 3:33 AM Last edited by lauratje86 : 9th Jul 2012 at 12:05 AM.
Slightly updated version of the Brettwaite family tree. Still lacking pictures, but now with icons (and several unborn babies on the way!)! :-) Pictures to come sometime over the next few days, probably before the weekend. I'm getting a teeny bit obsessed with the Brettwaites....!

**EDIT** Edited to update the family tree - Kayleigh & Benjamin's twins have now been born and Dagmar passed away. A family portrait, taken a few hours before Dagmar passed away, can be viewed here.

**EDIT AGAIN** Another update of the family tree - Jared has passed away, Cassiopeia's half-alien son has been born and Rebecca & Stephen are now married and their daughter has been born.

I don't know how I'm going to manage to make the Brettwaite's family tree using Photoshop any more! Have a look at it here if you'd like to see why I think it will be so tricky! Suggestions and tips are very welcome! :-)
#84 Old 29th Aug 2012 at 5:50 PM
thread revivaaaal

The Brussard Family Tree

It's yuck because it was done on paint I tried!
Mad Poster
#85 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 5:09 AM Last edited by lauratje86 : 27th Sep 2012 at 5:37 AM.
This is the up-to-date family tree compilation for Simtopia Isles. As you can see, there are seven main families, two of which are related to each other. The main families are the Ottomases, the Nova's (they're the two connected ones), the Beakers, the Curiouses, the Brokes, the Patels and Don Lothario and Vivian Cho, who are engaged but not married (yet?). Sims whose names are in faded letters are deceased. Some of the children are the ones that their mothers (or in Tycho's case father!) were pregnant with at the start of the game - Tycho Curious, Soraya Patel, Petra and Theodore Ottomas and Phoenix Broke were all conceived before the Great Disaster of 2012. The others were all conceived and born during the first 7 days after the disaster, whilst all of the survivors were living together in the Beaker Fertility Clinic.

Over time I expect all of the trees to become connected, as these are the only residents in the 'hood (though I may introduce a few more sims at random intervals, if I can fit them in to the story) so the next generation won't have much choice when they are choosing their partners! :-)

This second family tree shows which sims will (probably) not have biological children of their own - they are marked with red crosses. The reasons that they will not have children vary - Tycho Curious and William Nova are completely infertile, Shahzad Patel is partially infertile but won't have access to fertility treatment and Theodore Ottomas is gay and won't have access to the facilities required for him to have children using IVF and a surrogate (though if any of these four will manage to have children it'll be him, as he is fertile and could act as a sperm donor to a close female friend). So there are five fertile/non-lesbian females and four fertile/non-gay males in the next generation (so far!). Phoenix Broke is bisexual, though, so he could end up pairing up with Theodore (or Tycho, who is also bisexual). I'm hoping that a few more babies will be born into this generation, and I'm especially hoping that Heather will have another baby and that Don and Vivian will have one or two, but it's up to them (and ACR!).... :-)

#86 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 3:56 PM
Marie Curious lmfao I love it
Mad Poster
#87 Old 27th Sep 2012 at 10:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Night Racer
Marie Curious lmfao I love it

Hehe, thanks. Turned out rather well, that did. I'd already decided that I'd name Pascal & Stella's children (together, not by abduction) after famous physicists, and Marie seemed like a good one to start with! :-)
Mad Poster
#88 Old 6th Oct 2012 at 3:56 PM
The Black family's family tree. Not a lot of them so far but I am enjoying playing them, which is good :-)

#89 Old 14th Oct 2012 at 8:57 PM Last edited by Selly_2009 : 19th Oct 2012 at 7:35 PM.
Ella, aside from having to squint to make out the sibling ties on your third generation (those pictures are very close together), your tree is fine. I'll admit that Paint isn't the ideal program to use, but it's done the job you wanted Don't sweat it, we all like to see other players' trees!

I need to update that last one of mine again, as well as put together the ones of the families I've been playing recently...

I said I would, so here in its legacy-line entirety - The Applebys! Please be advised that the full family are not currently in sync, as I needed to play the main line through further during the Scrapbook Contest. If they had been synchronised the entire second generation would have little gravestones on their pictures...

No need to use my full name, "Selly" will do just fine.
Mad Poster
#90 Old 28th Oct 2012 at 9:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LolliSmith
color behind frames shows supernatural type

LolliSmith, this is a 'Sims 2' thread, please post your pic in the Sims 3 Section.
#91 Old 2nd Dec 2012 at 9:05 PM Last edited by CrèmedelaCrème : 8th Dec 2012 at 5:50 PM.
The Noir Family Tree
#92 Old 25th Jan 2013 at 9:58 PM
Née whiterider
retired moderator
#93 Old 25th Jan 2013 at 11:24 PM
I am such a masochist when it comes to family trees. This is a small, pretty young 'hood and I am determined to maintain a tree of the whole 'hood. We're in Gen 2 and it's already pretty much illegible.

The Llanthes and Molliqs
See? Illegible! Divar and Aram are brothers, and not Tristan's kids. Albhe is Tristan's kid. And in case you're wondering, Albhe and Aram produced Little Miss Giraffe long before Albhe was a married woman.

I have to admit, unreadable as this bit of the tree is, I do like the symmetry of it...
And yes, I am aware that the lines are wonky. >.>

Daremes and Slanes
You'll notice a preponderance of single parents in these trees. Actually, the Slane twins do have a father. I knocked Crista up using the InSim and then killed daddy off as soon as I'd loaded their lot for the first time.

Loris is a warlock, too. I should find an icon to add to the tree to indicate that...

Talars and Aslans
No, it's not pronounced the same way as the fecking lion. Technically these two families are totally unrelated, but they've been living together for so long that I really can't imagine them separate. Although Leyla will be eloping in the relatively near future (with Loris)...


The new family in town. I won't start talking about them, because their family tree isn't very interesting, and everything else about them is so interesting I could write a bachelor thesis on it.


Aaand the lights keep flickering so I'm going to hit submit as quickly as possible, and say goodnight!

What I lack in decorum, I make up for with an absence of tact.
#94 Old 3rd Mar 2013 at 4:07 PM
Mad Poster
#95 Old 21st Apr 2013 at 4:17 PM
Here are links to the family trees for Pleasantview Island. There are currently three different ones, two of which contain 4 families and the other one which is just of one family. Over time I'm sure that all 9 of the families will become linked and I'll be able to put them together as one giant family tree.

But for now, we have:

The Goth-Bachelor-Caliente-Lothario Family

The Broke-Pleasant-Burb-Dreamer Family

The King Family
#96 Old 9th Sep 2013 at 7:33 PM
After working carefully through my notes on my BACC hood, I'm almost up to date on the insanity that is the GilsCarbo family tree: Take a peek, if you dare!

Names only at the moment; I'm hoping to sort out rough years of birth (and years of death for those who've passed on) in the near future as I work through the rotation.

For those brave enough, don't worry if you're completely baffled by the various interlinks and the sheer number of sims... it's difficult enough for me to keep up, and I'm the one playing them all!

No need to use my full name, "Selly" will do just fine.
#97 Old 28th Sep 2013 at 4:37 AM Last edited by ZXC56VB : 2nd Oct 2013 at 2:22 AM.
Default The Family Tree of Awesomeness
The D'Againcourt-Dernier-Teverson-Rochester-Chesterfield-Aubergine-Aquamarin'e-Argall-Durant-Wade Family Tree (dubbed the Family Tree of Awesomeness)

Link: http://imageshack.us/a/img30/8151/opz9.jpg
The file size is way too big and cannot fit under the file size limit of 250 kilobytes without sacrificing picture quality. Please click on the link instead to view the whole darn thing.

The Wharton-Smith Family Tree

The Thorne-Wright Family Tree

The Boyle Family Tree

#98 Old 20th Apr 2014 at 7:02 AM
The family tree for the Piccolo family so far:
Mad Poster
#99 Old 20th Apr 2014 at 5:07 PM
Why don't you have a Galileo Piccolo? That would've been my very first kid!

Ugly is in the heart of the beholder.
(My simblr isSim Media Res . Widespot,Widespot RFD: The Subhood, and Land Grant University are all available here. In case you care.)
#100 Old 21st Apr 2014 at 1:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Peni Griffin
Why don't you have a Galileo Piccolo? That would've been my very first kid!

Hmm, not a bad idea
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