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Field Researcher
#76 Old 13th Dec 2016 at 12:48 PM Last edited by _xKindredxSoulsx_ : 13th Dec 2016 at 6:02 PM.
Default Finally I introduce my Sims! AKA, I am so lazy...
So, I didn't want to deal with uploading the pictures elsewhere and linking back. Instead they are directly uploaded to the post below, and the info is in the pictures to avoid confusion. I went back in and grabbed some screen captures with their info after all. Everyone has a head-shot as well so you can see their face. The ones with sunglasses on have two head-shots so you can see their eyes. So many pictures x_x
The sporadic and not always great names are because I didn't want to take forever making them so I grabbed pre-mades from my library. Their names were all either quickie random rolls at the time, or made for specific settings(Randy's is a Buffy gag). I redressed them and changed their outfits for this challenge. They are all my sims and available on my Gallery page(in their original forms and families) except Jolene.
My ID is: xKindredxSoulsx

Military rank picked at random from enlisted ranks on Wikipedia... So as forewarning, I don't know what the heck I'm talking about...

Oh, and it's long because I decided to have fun with it. They're listed in the order they joined the group.

Field Researcher
#77 Old 13th Dec 2016 at 2:45 PM Last edited by _xKindredxSoulsx_ : 13th Dec 2016 at 3:14 PM.
Default And now to fill you in on my first week of play...
Some of this is more a rough outline, and some of it is more an exercise in creative writing. Depends on if I felt the need to explain events or was inspired. I don't remember much about the first day, but there were no big events.
Jolene has been filling in as cook and doing most of the cleaning, but not all.
Kerri is acting as my handyman and repairing things in addition to being my Ex-Marine
I only have one postcard. I'm trying to limit how much he can send out in a day and the Lunar Lakes one just won't come in... Don't know why...

Field Researcher
#78 Old 13th Dec 2016 at 3:01 PM Last edited by _xKindredxSoulsx_ : 13th Dec 2016 at 3:21 PM.
Default Some questions/issues/suggestions that came up from the last post:
1.) So, I found an issue with Encounter roll 41-50. The debug fish, once placed cannot be interacted with or dragged into the fridge or your inventory. Reset Object does not help. I tested some tomatoes and what I found is:
-- Produce & Fish which cost $0 cannot be used once placed.
-- Produce & Fish with a simoleon cost attached are however usable.
-- Fish only come in the $0 variety.
My solution for this was to allow my Hippie Prepper to keep two of the next fish destined to be "thrown back".

2.) If we can't buy books, and we can only go to Granite Falls once a week, how do we get enough Herbalism skill built. We can only keep one of each herb, and I still don't have the ingredients to start cooking. I can only identify them once I think... Book seems the best way to build the skill. Am I missing a trick here? Does this simply get easier after you make another trip?

3.) Also, it hasn't come up for me yet, but I know how to start an alien pregnancy with a cheat. Two ways actually and please forgive my vagueness, this is from memory.
-- (Untested, Reported to work) If you have the MC Command Center Main Module and the MC Command Center Pregnancy Module(Maybe Occult too?) there is an option under pregnancy to "Start Alien Pregnancy". I believe this is available for male and female sims, but I could be wrong.
-- (Untested.) When you [shift]+click on a sim with testing/debug cheats on, there is an option under more to start an alien pregnancy(I can't remember the wording). This is either a testing cheat or a debug cheat, I'm not sure because I have both turned on in MC Command Center. I don't know the code for debug cheats(although it must exist because I don't have the mod by that name, but MC Command Center turns them on). This option IS on ALL SIMS.
I believe you can also trigger an abduction with [shift]+click and under the Occult menu in MC Command Center. For those who want the realism of an actual abduction happening. I haven't tested either of these, but I know the MC Command Center option is reported to work just fine.
Test Subject
#79 Old 14th Dec 2016 at 3:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MistyDW
As I always say, the challenges I write are 100% changeable. No point in playing a challenge you don't enjoy. If you feel it's too hard, replace your handyman with a new sim as a cook. I wrote the challenge to make you feel like you weren't going to make it in those early days, but if it becomes too much of an exercise in frustration, modify it to suit your taste

I'm thinking of re-trying this challenge anyway, maybe try and roll a few different things to make the challenge a bit more interesting to me.
Test Subject
#80 Old 19th Dec 2016 at 6:28 PM
I feel like I'm probably being stupid, but why do we roll to 1-18 if there are only 17 roles?
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#81 Old 24th Dec 2016 at 1:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SimElla2812
I feel like I'm probably being stupid, but why do we roll to 1-18 if there are only 17 roles?

Sorry I changed the roles a bunch of times and I tried to go through and make sure I changed everything corresponding to them after I made a change but I must have missed that. Roll 1-17
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#82 Old 24th Dec 2016 at 1:36 PM
[QUOTE=_xKindredxSoulsx_]1.) So, I found an issue with Encounter roll 41-50. The debug fish, once placed cannot be interacted with or dragged into the fridge or your inventory. Reset Object does not help. I tested some tomatoes and what I found is:
-- Produce & Fish which cost $0 cannot be used once placed.
-- Produce & Fish with a simoleon cost attached are however usable.
-- Fish only come in the $0 variety.
My solution for this was to allow my Hippie Prepper to keep two of the next fish destined to be "thrown back".[/QUOTE/

There are a lot of "copies", some can be eaten and some can't. What you are doing is fine.

[QUOTE=_xKindredxSoulsx_]2.) If we can't buy books, and we can only go to Granite Falls once a week, how do we get enough Herbalism skill built. We can only keep one of each herb, and I still don't have the ingredients to start cooking. I can only identify them once I think... Book seems the best way to build the skill. Am I missing a trick here? Does this simply get easier after you make another trip?[QUOTE=_xKindredxSoulsx_]

No you can harvest more than one of each herb, it's just that you can only keep one of each herb per plant you harvest. If you like, go to granite falls more often.
Test Subject
#83 Old 15th Jan 2017 at 10:54 PM
Default New scenario!
Hi! I made a new scenario for this challenge <3 It is called Oasis Spring's Prison (my nick in the gallery is AlyChallenger) and, obliviously, it's an old, abandoned prison. Hope you like it and can't wait to hear what you think about it! ^_^
Test Subject
#84 Old 27th Jan 2017 at 9:36 PM
I've decided to do this challenge!

After my set up, I ended up with:

Ex-Marine. He has the evil trait though, which should make it interesting!
Handyman. Though I made mine a handywoman.
Housewife. She's sisters with the..
Mad Scientist. Looks completely normal, just a little off kilter!
Teacher. She's married to the..
Chef. He's happy as anything so far.

Just about to place them and download the lot and get started! Figure I'll spend the first day getting settled and have my first random event the next.
Test Subject
#85 Old 3rd Feb 2017 at 8:33 PM
How DARE you do this to me and create such an intersting and fun challenge I'm already doing another challenge and I have like life and stuff I don't have time for another challenge but I somehow ended up rolling for roles and I keep telling myself I'm not going to do this but now I'm going to look at the gallery for a lot I have no self control LOL

But honestly great job I'm going to update here when I finish all the setup!
Test Subject
#86 Old 4th Feb 2017 at 6:42 PM
Starting my sims 4 play through today. So excited!

"If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game show host."
Test Subject
#87 Old 5th Feb 2017 at 12:30 AM Last edited by Alyssa4Life : 5th Feb 2017 at 2:19 AM.
Welcome to Oasis Landing, where aliens have taken over the entire world. However, 6 sims still live there, hidden by a bunker at the entrance of the city.....

Maria Salgador: Ex Marine. Active, Loves The Outdoors, Hot Headed

Bio: She was a US Marine, but left after the alien invasion. Her family is quite the touchy subject, and its hinted at that she was engaged. First member to join and the supposed 'leader'

Brandon Leary: Chef. Foodie, Music Lover, Materialistic (His traits are so weird)

Bio: Once a cook for a 4 star restaurant, now helping this sorry group of misfits. Its said he joined after Maria managed to save him from a bandit attack. Third member to join.

Nikita Lockwood: Grumpy Old Fart. (Now that's something I've never thought I'd type.) Mean, Outgoing, Snob (I don't get hers either)

Bio: Brandon's auntie, the only reason Maria even recruited her is for him. She's hoping she dies of starvation soon. Fifth member to join. (They found her later)

Arianna Royal: Model. Materialistic, Romantic, Lazy (God her traits are fitting. Also, she's gonna steal someone's cot eventually. Woohoo!)

Bio: She was one of Hollywood's hottest models, before the aliens came to town. There's actually a rumor that the aliens tried to recruit her to be the poster girl for their takeover. For obvious reasons, she refused. She actually still wishes she took that deal. Recruited only because Dallas and Maria are super fans of hers. Fourth member to join.

Dallas Galvez: Computer Guru. Geek, Bro, Evil (Will he sell us out to the aliens? We don't know......)

Bio: One of the Underworlds most promising hackers, now helping Maria with bypassing alien servers. Its rumored Dallas has a crush on Maria, but Maria doesn't realize this fact. Joined after Maria saved Dallas from a burning building. Second member to join.

Ski River: Hippie. Loves the Outdoors, Bookworm, Slob.

Bio: A crazy, 4th generation hippie. Obviously cannot contain herself due to fangirling to Arianna (Hippies can watch models too) and gardens regularly. Has a plant boyfriend named Tom. They have divorced 4 times, still together. Joined after Dallas saved 'Tom' from falling into an anthill. (God she has low standards) Last member to join.

Sorry guys, but I don't know how to post pictures, sorry! Moving on....

The first day I planted my crops and went out to catch fish. I got one fish and four lemons from a random event. Of course, I starved the old person (sorry old people) And yet everyone is still hungry. I'm wondering who will die of hunger first?

I'm just starting second day, but already shit has happened. I got the model event and barely managed to win it. (Damn you 4 person household) The model then became a biologist, and she is now gloomy due to being traumatized.

I'll post more when I have something exciting. Later!

"If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game show host."
Test Subject
#88 Old 6th Feb 2017 at 9:06 AM Last edited by Fwooran : 6th Feb 2017 at 9:38 AM.
I truly love this challenge, thanks for sharing it, Misty! I just started it for the second time and this time I got really lucky with my rolls! Not one bad role and I have both a chef and a hippie! After playing with Palindrome's awesome lot the first time around, I now felt inspired to build something of my own. My survivors are now set up in an abandoned factory. (It is uploaded to the gallery in case you are interested. #purgechallenge)

Test Subject
#89 Old 6th Feb 2017 at 11:02 PM
Oh my god the food problem is just getting WORSEEEEE! Everyone is so uncomfortable due to zero food and the fruits aren't doing a thing! (Expect for the toddler I can literally just give her peas) I just now have tomatoes to make salad. Hopefully I can grow 3 of them. Also, my banana and strawberry bushes haven't done anything yet. Hmm......

"If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game show host."
Test Subject
#90 Old 6th Feb 2017 at 11:03 PM
Also.....Arianna and Dallas may have gotten engaged......and Dallas may have died..........lol

"If you were happy every day of your life, you wouldn't be a human being. You'd be a game show host."
Field Researcher
#91 Old 7th Feb 2017 at 9:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Alyssa4Life
Ski River: Hippie. Loves the Outdoors, Bookworm, Slob.

Bio: A crazy, 4th generation hippie. Obviously cannot contain herself due to fangirling to Arianna (Hippies can watch models too) and gardens regularly. Has a plant boyfriend named Tom. They have divorced 4 times, still together. Joined after Dallas saved 'Tom' from falling into an anthill. (God she has low standards) Last member to join.

Sorry guys, but I don't know how to post pictures, sorry! Moving on....

LMAO!!! OH MY GOD! This bit about your hippie and her "boyfriend" made me laugh soooo hard. I think I love you!
I really need to get back to this challenge. I got sidetracked and then stopped playing sims for a while. When I came back there were Toddlers shortly followed by Vampires, so I've been playing with them. When I finish with my massive trouble shooting endeavor I really need to get back to this. I forget exactly where I left off, but I was keeping track in ColorNote so should be good. I know I rolled a Handyman.....

Remind me when I come back to post later to explain pictures. There are a few ways to do them, and the way I did above is the quickest and easiest.

Quote: Originally posted by Alyssa4Life
Oh my god the food problem is just getting WORSEEEEE! Everyone is so uncomfortable due to zero food and the fruits aren't doing a thing! (Expect for the toddler I can literally just give her peas) I just now have tomatoes to make salad. Hopefully I can grow 3 of them. Also, my banana and strawberry bushes haven't done anything yet. Hmm......

How did you get a toddler? I've been thinking how they've completely changed all our challenge plays, but this one only under certain conditions. Did you roll a Housewife or lift some restrictions already?
I wonder if toddlers can eat raw veggies if you put them in their inventory or leave them laying around where they can get to them...
Field Researcher
#92 Old 7th Feb 2017 at 9:37 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Fwooran
I truly love this challenge, thanks for sharing it, Misty! I just started it for the second time and this time I got really lucky with my rolls! Not one bad role and I have both a chef and a hippie! After playing with Palindrome's awesome lot the first time around, I now felt inspired to build something of my own. My survivors are now set up in an abandoned factory. (It is uploaded to the gallery in case you are interested. #purgechallenge)

Love your sims! I'm so jealous that you have a Chef and a Master Thief in your group! Lol. My BR is killing me, and that Chef would have been real handy in feeding everyone early on. I'm going to get back to this after I finish trying(so far failing) to replicate the human energy for vampires glitch in a vanilla game and track down a cause. It'll take a while, but when I'm done this will be a nice place to return to.

And by the way it's great to see a few others have added some alternate builds. Means I won't get bored of my location if I ever decide to play another round. I probably will, because I absolutely LOVE Misty's challenges.

[Edit] : I love how you used to stealing animation that goes with the Klepto trait to make it look like your Master Thief is patting the kid on the back or something...
Field Researcher
#93 Old 7th Feb 2017 at 9:39 PM
By the way, @MistyDW is it all right if I upload my sims to the # when I get back to this? Thought it might be nice to share them as a group for showing off purposes and in case anyone wants to snag them to play themselves. I didn't know if it would bother you to get the hash tag to cluttered though...
Test Subject
#94 Old 11th Feb 2017 at 4:16 AM
I feel like I'm missing something.... Sorry if this is a dumb question.

On the website, it says to choose Oasis Landing as your world. In The Sims 4, there is no world called Oasis Landing. Is it supposed to be Oasis Springs?
Also, do I need to get rid of all of the townies since it's supposed to be a post-apocalyptic world, or can they stay?
Test Subject
#95 Old 1st Apr 2017 at 8:31 AM Last edited by Simerica : 2nd Apr 2017 at 9:21 PM.
I've decided to do this challenge, read it all and I think it's an excellently well thought out challenge. Unfortunately, my group is absolutely horrific.. LOL. Seriously, I don't think my roles could have possible have been worse. Damn you Google random number generator.. LOL

Role 1: Biologist (genius, cheerful, non-committal)- Ok, good start (SR 1)
Role 2: Computer Guru (geek, bro, evil)- Ok, would rather have a cooking or harvesting role, but whatever. (SR 1)
Role 3: Grumpy Old Fart(mean, romantic, non-committal)- Nooooooooooooooooo.. LOL (SR 0)
Role 4: Model (materialistic, self-assured, hot headed)- YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME!!! (SR 1)
Role 5: Young Child (genius)- REALLY, REALLY!!! (SR - 1)
Role 6: Housewife (neat, family oriented, mean)- Ummmm.. YEAH (SR 1)

BDR- 1

I have no cooks and barely any defense. I have no experts at harvesting and can't use fishing since we can't cook, so all we can do is scavenge for fruits and veggies and eat them raw. My group is not going to survive long at all unless there is a miracle. Pictures soon will be posted.
Test Subject
#96 Old 3rd Apr 2017 at 1:59 AM

Stefan Messina- The old fart

Brooke Valencia- The model

Reece Page- The computer guru

Sidney Macias-Rios- The housewife (wife of Brenton)

Sloane Macias-Rios (daughter of Sidney and Brenton)

Brenton Rios- The biologist
Test Subject
#97 Old 3rd Apr 2017 at 2:13 AM
I was getting bored with the same old gameplay;so happy I found this challenge! i have a silly question- I downloaded a dice app to use with this challenge, and have 3 dice - how can I roll a 1 or 2?
Test Subject
#98 Old 4th Apr 2017 at 11:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Randingo
I was getting bored with the same old gameplay;so happy I found this challenge! i have a silly question- I downloaded a dice app to use with this challenge, and have 3 dice - how can I roll a 1 or 2?

Never mind, I am just using a random number generator instead of dice. But I do have a few questions
1) re harvesting- is it that we can only keep one harvested item per sim? I.e. I take 3 survivors out to scavenge. All three harvest a different apple tree. Do all three get to keep one Apple per sim?

2) if I lose a survivor who came with an item (bed, computer, rocket) do I have to get rid of the item? I am thinking I can keep them.

3) if I don't get a chef, hippie or teacher, does that mean I don't have either a fridge or stove? My sims are going to starve!
Test Subject
#99 Old 8th Apr 2017 at 2:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Randingo
Never mind, I am just using a random number generator instead of dice. But I do have a few questions
1) re harvesting- is it that we can only keep one harvested item per sim? I.e. I take 3 survivors out to scavenge. All three harvest a different apple tree. Do all three get to keep one Apple per sim?

2) if I lose a survivor who came with an item (bed, computer, rocket) do I have to get rid of the item? I am thinking I can keep them.

3) if I don't get a chef, hippie or teacher, does that mean I don't have either a fridge or stove? My sims are going to starve!

I wondered the same thing! I put in a cheap stove (probably shouldn't have)
Test Subject
#100 Old 24th Apr 2017 at 10:42 PM Last edited by princesslilian : 24th Apr 2017 at 10:43 PM. Reason: Spelling
Just started this, and my seemigly random question is this: lot traits. Clearly we dont want anything too helpful, but things that are negative (gremlins etc) turn out to be helpful in their own way. What did everyone decide? Or did you just forego them?
I think I'm going to go with Quake Zone, Filthy and Grody. Seems legit.
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