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Mad Poster
#12176 Old 28th Dec 2022 at 5:48 PM
I find it interesting, if I'm in a mood to PLAY a Sims game, I'm much more inclined to launch TS1 or TS3, but for creating things I'm 100% more likely to launch TS2... It just seems like there's more to the PLAY side of things here somehow!

Welcome to the Dark Side...
We lied about having cookies.
Field Researcher
#12178 Old 29th Dec 2022 at 12:43 AM
Exactly. What's more, those slactivists have to stop virtue signalling because it's getting boring.
"People who don't have their houses in order should be very careful before they go about reorganizing the world. People have things that are more within their personal purview that are more difficult to deal with and that they are avoiding and that generally the way they avoid them is by adopting pseudo-moralistic stances on large-scale social issues so that they look good to their friends and their neighbours" Jordan Peterson

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I discovered that items thrown at singers, magicians or acrobats during their performacnces show up in their inventories. It means I can cook mac and cheese from the items my sim picks up from the stage lol.

If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
Mad Poster
#12179 Old 30th Dec 2022 at 10:59 PM
Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
my sim just drew this graffiti. I guess he really cared about how the earth is feeling at this moment. shame thou, humans could learn one or two things from this game.

Sometimes a popsicle is just a popsicle. And being all moralistic is rather boring these days. As for melting ice caps, there's a peculiar thing about water: When it freezes, its unique polar molecular structure crystalizes in such a way that it expands. Therefore, ice has more volume than the same amount of water. It's possible that there would be more land available for both farming and feeding animals on earth if the ice caps melted than if they were to stay frozen. Also, we are still living in an ice age.
Forum Resident
#12180 Old 1st Jan 2023 at 6:02 PM
Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
my sim just drew this graffiti. I guess he really cared about how the earth is feeling at this moment. shame thou, humans could learn one or two things from this game.

Better shame on global market Global market is one of the source of pollution, source of poverty and source of relocalisation, Shame of the international industries which made greenwashing to hide their pollution. Why ecofriendly people never tell the Truth for a time. Shame on our West governements to be always for the lobbies of these firms that kills our planet , to keep the economy alive.

Well if so, I love the graffito.

For now I am finished to redo my town because I didn't like my current save and I start from 0.

I speak French only. If my statements are harsh, rude for you, that's not intentional. I just think Different due to my Language and my Culture.
But truly, I am open-minded than you think of.
Field Researcher
#12181 Old 1st Jan 2023 at 8:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LucieSims
Shame on our West governements to be always for the lobbies of these firms that kills our planet , to keep the economy alive.


If I lived on Mars, I would be pleased because the Earth is not my cup of tea
Mad Poster
#12182 Old 2nd Jan 2023 at 7:34 AM
I've learned that creating distant terrains is really not that difficult once you know some basics of Blender and Milkshape. Really, there needs to be more of these awesome cc distant terrains.
#12184 Old 2nd Jan 2023 at 4:10 PM
first time I purchased Lucky Palms deluxe version, I thought this object was called fountain of two sims pissing because the statues look like they shoot water out of their bodies.

why does this casino sign look like an octopus? do octopuses love playing blackjack or something?

LGBTQ+. Fans of RAMMSTEIN, GOJIRA and Architects. Check out my favorite YouTube channels: Second Thought, Adam Something, Climate Town, and Not Just Bikes
#12186 Old 3rd Jan 2023 at 11:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by legacyoffailures
why does this casino sign look like an octopus? do octopuses love playing blackjack or something?

The octopus ('la piovra'), especially if it's blue, is the symbol of Mafia (organized crime) - maybe because its tentacles reach everywhere. To put it on a casino building can be no coincidence, it's a universally spread rumor that casinos are typical locations of money laundering.
#12187 Old 4th Jan 2023 at 3:32 AM
I hadn't realised till now that if you delete a lot that has spawners on it they often get left behind. I was trying out various lots in an empty world I've been developing and it just so happened that I had buydebug turned on. So when I placed one of my own builds on what I thought was an empty lot I was shocked by the number of spawners there were. There were fish spawners, bug spawners, meteor spawners - you name it. Surely I hadn't placed all those!

Well, actually, it turns out I did. Because I remembered that I'd earlier had my Darke Towers lot placed there, before changing my mind and deleting it. And not only does that lot feature a swamp and a cemetery, but the Darkes have also been practicing a lot of alchemy over the years. And that, as I've recently learned, causes a lot to get rather crowded with spawners. It is no wonder it became so laggy on my old laptop! I've now installed this mod:https://modthesims.info/download.ph...4&cb=1672795078 to stop that happening in future.

But, thinking back, I think that even if you delete a lot entirely, the spawners will still be there. Because I remember deleting a scrap yard one time, and for a long time afterwards random items of garbage kept appearing where it had been. Some of them were a devil to get rid of.

Legend is history as we would like it to be. We pick through the dusts of time for what is worth keeping and, here and there, we occasionally find treasure.

tumblr: Elyndaworld *** tumblr: Queen Lucy (new)
Forum Resident
#12188 Old 5th Apr 2023 at 11:15 PM
I had my Sim, Jules invite over Ashley and she kept flirting with him. Now it's nothing new I learned when Sims immediately use the start a water balloon fight social in response to a flirt which seems odd at first but some Sims use that as means to convey cool it. The radio was on and they started dancing, Jules brother Jonathon started playing the bass and then after the dance I think Jules left to go watch tv or something. For some reason Ashley slapped Jonathon and he immediately responded with a flirt but the icon used just makes it even more funny to me.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Top Secret Researcher
#12189 Old 10th Apr 2023 at 9:07 PM
Are Sims in TS3 left and right-handed? I just realized shortly before I quit the game that my sim was holding her fork in her left hand.
I thought North American eating culture has the fork in the right hand if they don't hold a knife also.

I might be wrong, it was just a glimpse before I shut it down.
Field Researcher
#12190 Old 10th Apr 2023 at 10:16 PM Last edited by thesims1depot : 10th Apr 2023 at 10:33 PM.
I had no idea until recently that you could put smaller table lamps at the mixologist's station or that floor tiles were rotatable. Color me embarrassed!

Quote: Originally posted by 310175
I just had the "Shoo Peeping sim" interaction for the first time since 2009. Unless I've forgotten.

I remember the first time I saw that. I mistakenly misread it as "shoo peeing sim"! I was like, "WHUT", then reread it and went, "D'oh."
Test Subject
#12191 Old 10th Apr 2023 at 11:58 PM
I have learned nothing today lol except I see a couple people in here and I wanted to say hi :-) I miss this game...
#12192 Old 22nd May 2023 at 3:07 AM
I discovered today how to get free meals at the restaurant without using the lifetime happiness reward (forgot its name).

When a sim comes outside to eat at the terrace, greet them. They first sit down at a table, but then get up again immediately without eating to greet your sim. They leave their food on the table and you can eat it. You might get a routing error first because your sim is competing with the other sim for the chair, but the second try will work.

So, just elbow your way in and enjoy your free food
Mad Poster
#12193 Old 22nd May 2023 at 7:07 AM
Quote: Originally posted by mithrak_nl
So, just elbow your way in and enjoy your free food

Just checking. This trick works in real life too, right?
#12194 Old 22nd May 2023 at 12:52 PM
Quote: Originally posted by igazor
Just checking. This trick works in real life too, right?

Well, in real life, it is someone else bringing the food and the guest is already sitting at the table. So you probably end up sitting on their lap and eat their food. That would look like a Sims 3 glitch though :p
Test Subject
#12195 Old 17th Jun 2023 at 4:18 PM
(I know the forum rules are against reviving very old discussions but I'm not sure exactly how long afterwards it's OK to reply, so apologies if I'm replying after too long). But today I found out that sims watching the big fish tank can do so while holding a baby the same way they watch TV! Not the most dramatic of revelations but I had my angler sim feed his son and assumed he'd put him back in the cot and go and do something else autonomously. Instead he took his son to go and admire his fish tank full of fish that got him to complete his private aqaurium LTW. I thought it was pretty sweet.
#12196 Old 27th Jun 2023 at 2:48 AM
So, I never buy a washer or dryer to prevent laundry showing up (wish that would work irl!). But somehow one day my sims started to drop dirty clothes everywhere. I was so confused and checked every room to be sure I didn't buy a laundry basket by accident. I could not find one, so I just kept deleting dirty clothes. I refuse to buy laundry related items

In the end it turned out to be a laundry basket that was in the process of being sculpted. Apparently the moment the game knows it is going to be a laundry basket, your sims start dropping dirty laundry everywhere :/ The game was trolling me!
Field Researcher
#12197 Old 2nd Jul 2023 at 6:14 PM
I found out that the Sims can talk to the Grim Reaper before he vanishes after reaping souls.

Prince Avalanche
#12198 Old 11th Jul 2023 at 10:39 AM
Today I found out that the Carter's XL display case is terrible. I've spent half an hour trying to manually place relics on all slots, only to discover in the end that the 'add..' option was greyed out. Turns out I could place only 6 items on that monstrous display case. Four items on the top row and two items on bottom row on the left for some weird reason. It looks awful this way and I don't understand why it is so restricted.
Seems it depends on the relic type whether you can place 8 items or less.
Forum Resident
#12199 Old 9th Aug 2023 at 9:25 PM
I already know the learning A.I. uses the icons depending on various context within Sim behaviors and/or social situations and not just as it was programmed for.

A recent instance in my game is I notice my Sim will use the 'Complain About Art' social interaction even though she doesn't have the 'Can't Stand Art' trait. (Though I have observed Sims having hidden traits based on the list of traits the player can pick in CAS. So it's possible she has this as her hidden trait. However, it's not something she does all the time and only seems to bring it up during certain circumstances so I doubt it's a hidden trait of hers.) Her name is Nicolle and one of her roommates is Jonathon who is not only artistic but also flirty and he flirts a lot...with some women more than others.

Well during one visit from a known maneater, Andreia, she was heavily flirting with Jonathon and vice versa though I noticed he wasn't trying to take it further than just that but clearly she was. During one of the breaks in-between Nicolle complained to Jonathon about art. Now she probably picked up on Andreia's art of seduction and manipulation tactics, also I notice Nicolle has a crush on Jon. After she complained Andreia immediately got super close and personal towards Jon and for less than a second there was a quick unscripted animation that she performed on Jon. Now this isn't the first time I've seen something 'out of bounds' happen as clearly my Sims are deviants, XD. You know I did get my M-rated life simulator afterall and my question about whether it was possible for a virtual character to learn how to move in ways that were not programmed even possible answered.

So to wrap this up, Andreia basically caressed Jon and the look on his face just made me laugh. It happened so quick I don't know if Nicolle noticed but I saw what you did Andreia, lol, flawlessly transitioning into the hungry animation didn't mask that. Now I'm thinking about that cutscene between Dead Pool and Death from the game.

And this is why I enjoy playing on high free-will so much and playing any other way just isn't for me. ❤️

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
Forum Resident
#12200 Old 19th Aug 2023 at 3:34 AM
There is a lot and I mean a lot of detail in TS3. Some of it I keep rediscovering because I cannot remember every single detail.

So in my "A Look At Genetics" topic I had custom eye colors saved as presets in CAS and when one of my Sims aged up into a toddler I noticed he inherited an unexpressed eye color from his parents that I didn't recognize as one of the usual colors. When I took another look it was one of the custom eye colors that was saved. So I found out that Sims can inherit eye colors the player inputs into the game. Now I was not sure if once deleted, does the game have a system where it stores it in its data bank for a possible future use.

Now to the connection to this post because that was information to know that relates to my next discovery or rediscovery...I don't know anymore, lol. I was playing my Monte Vista save for a bit and had Maria call a babysitter as she had to go to work soon. So then the babysitter shows up and I'm like...hmm. That recolor of that top looks awfully familiar, I created that top to be the uniform of the high school students in Moonlight Falls years ago. Since then I've deleted the user presets quite a few times because it's easier than to go in-game and delete everything individually. So I know I no longer have this saved preset in-game, but I did document the details to replicate the pattern in my CASt Recolors in Excel document.

I took the babysitter in CAS and went to check the RGB/HEX codes for the channels of the pattern of the top he was wearing and it matched exactly with what I had. So that means it is possible for the game to store the data from player created saved presets even if deleted and the game can still reuse those recolors. That's amazing!

This screenshot below was from 2016.

Previous Game: Batman: Arkham Knight (Hard Mode/Unfinished-Another Time)

Current Game(s): ObsCure and Cyberpunk 2077
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