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#101 Old 21st Apr 2012 at 9:04 PM
I would buy this immediatly
Lab Assistant
#102 Old 21st Apr 2012 at 9:21 PM
I would faint first, then run to the nearest retailer and then faint again.
Field Researcher
#103 Old 21st Apr 2012 at 11:26 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Sugarmew
We never had anything like Showtime in TS2, last I checked, so theoretically it would be considered new. Of course, I may be wrong, but judging by The Sims Wikia, there's nothing that broke that with Showtime.

Not for Sims 2, no, but we did have Superstar for Sims 1.

Click HERE please, so I can up the sweet sweet page count. Thanks!

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." -Groucho Marx
Rogue Redeemer
retired moderator
#104 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 11:10 AM
Quote: Originally posted by zigersimmer
I also want full farming, not just raise a few plants, but farming with fields, farm equipment like tractors and combines, and barnyard animals such as cows to slop, chickens to milk, and pigs from which to collect eggs.

That sounds like an EP of it's own, unfortunately... I hoped that with Pets we'd get farming (including farm animals), but now that ship seems to have sailed. :/
Forum Resident
#105 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 1:36 PM
Quote: Originally posted by zigersimmer
If we get weather in an EP, I hope they give us a new town styled in an appropriate region that has four seasons, like New England. I also want full farming, not just raise a few plants, but farming with fields, farm equipment like tractors and combines, and barnyard animals such as cows to slop, chickens to milk, and pigs from which to collect eggs.

Milking chickens and egg-laying pigs? Hmm, now that's an EP that would at least be worth a look. :P
Field Researcher
#106 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 1:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by olomaya
Milking chickens and egg-laying pigs? Hmm, now that's an EP that would at least be worth a look. :P

IKR? At least it would be something different from everything they have done already
Top Secret Researcher
#107 Old 22nd Apr 2012 at 5:30 PM
They could implement seasons of the year rather than just random weather, so working calendars are options, also if there are months, there could also be diffeent sport seasons in different times of the year, alowing the sims to pick whether he wants to play -hockey, baseball, football, soccer, etc. plus division and national championships like the superbowl and the stanley cup.

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.

Test Subject
#108 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 2:02 AM
i am looking forward to this i miss the weather !!
Rogue Redeemer
retired moderator
#109 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 11:40 AM
Okay, I'm left speechless over this one thing right now. So EA makes a SP filled with decorative sweets and desserts... and then they release a separate store premium content ice cream machine, with ridiculous price tag (as this premium stuff usually has). It's just stupid, but more stupid is the fact that this means no ice cream during summertime when seasons comes along. Sure we have the ice cream truck, but with this machine there could've been an ice cream parlor...
Mad Poster
#110 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 12:01 PM
Personally Arisuka, I am delighted that the premium items were not in the Sweet Treats SP. I really didn't want that SP in my game, and the only reason I would have bought it would be the ice cream maker and deep fryer. I will take it being sold in the store.

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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Rogue Redeemer
retired moderator
#111 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 2:14 PM
I just meant that it's very ironic that EA made a whole SP revolving around sweets and desserts, but then releases the only functional thing as not part of the theme. It is indeed nicer to have it separately available from the Store rather than having to buy the EP filled with useless stuff, but it's still so damn ironic... Maybe we'll have milkshake machines in seasons EP, and the ice cream machine is just a leftover they decided to put in Store...it's also a bit sad that both the fryer and ice cream machine are something you generally see in cafes or fast food restaurants instead of homes, but in the game it's impossible to have functional restaurants. You'd have to fry your own stuff on the community lot at the best effort, while the WA cafe cash register stands around. : /
Top Secret Researcher
#112 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 5:06 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Arisuka
it's also a bit sad that both the fryer and ice cream machine are something you generally see in cafes or fast food restaurants instead of homes, but in the game it's impossible to have functional restaurants. You'd have to fry your own stuff on the community lot at the best effort, while the WA cafe cash register stands around. : /

I thought this was odd too. They definitely made them look commercial rather than something you would have in your home. I could see one of those little Fry Daddies sitting on your kitchen counter but that big commercial thing is rather odd. I am sure some really rich folks who love french fries might have one, but most people wouldn't.
Mad Poster
#113 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 7:56 PM
That is the one concern about those items. Will they be available for community lots? It is a big shame how there can't be a short-order cook or the like type of NPC for an open venue cafe or restaurant. I am thankful for the food register and ability to buy dishes, but I wonder why it's hard to make an open venue restaurant.

I understand what you are saying now Arisuka.

Resident member of The Receptacle Refugees
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#114 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 8:25 PM
Quote: Originally posted by lewisb40
That is the one concern about those items. Will they be available for community lots? It is a big shame how there can't be a short-order cook or the like type of NPC for an open venue cafe or restaurant. I am thankful for the food register and ability to buy dishes, but I wonder why it's hard to make an open venue restaurant.

I understand what you are saying now Arisuka.

I'm still hoping for a OFB similar EP with ability to run a restaurant or a store *-*
#115 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 8:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rian90
I thought this was odd too. They definitely made them look commercial rather than something you would have in your home. I could see one of those little Fry Daddies sitting on your kitchen counter but that big commercial thing is rather odd. I am sure some really rich folks who love french fries might have one, but most people wouldn't.

Actually that's the smallest size of Deep Fryers, that I have seen around here, I'm sure they don't come smaller though. It may look big because of the angle the camera is and the game itself but inrl that's your general small home fryer in fact I have the double fry bin deep fryer. The same thing with the ice cream machine, that's definitely not commercial size by far, not even close imo, because the commercial size ones are like BAM. Ice cream for eternity.
Top Secret Researcher
#116 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 9:21 PM
You are right about the ice cream maker but I have never seen a fryer like that in anyone's home. But then, most of my friends are not 'fried food' fans...and the ones that are have those small round ones. I guess if you really love fried junk, then you might get one of those. I would hate to clean up after using it though! LOL I have some sims that might like one though...and I will make sure to give them a donut around the middle.
#117 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 9:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rian90
You are right about the ice cream maker but I have never seen a fryer like that in anyone's home.

this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=deep+fryer

And I hope that Seasons introduces non-rabbithole cafe's and restaurants because it's been too long and everything else is gradually opening.

I'm also hoping that diving boards, tubes, and all those pool essentials are included or else I'm gonna have a piss. And also more pool interactions, such as Marco Polo.

Another thing that would be really cool and realistic to add in would be a part time profession for teens or whomever as a lifeguard for the beaches and stuff if the oceans become swimmable. OH AND I EXPECT HOTELS OR BUILDINGS ALONG THE SEASHORE preferably hotels with a big boardwalk, but that won't happen. My hopes are so high, need to lower them.
Top Secret Researcher
#118 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 9:47 PM
Brandon, I am not saying that there are no such things! LOL I was just saying that I never saw one in anyone's house that I know. In fact, if you really read my above post you can see that. I rather found your link condescending. If I wanted to google it, I would have done that myself, but quite honestly, I don't care to see something that makes fried food as I can't eat that stuff..makes me sick. Trust me..I am an information junkie...but fryers are not all that interesting.
Forum Resident
#119 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 9:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rian90
You are right about the ice cream maker but I have never seen a fryer like that in anyone's home. But then, most of my friends are not 'fried food' fans...and the ones that are have those small round ones. I guess if you really love fried junk, then you might get one of those. I would hate to clean up after using it though! LOL I have some sims that might like one though...and I will make sure to give them a donut around the middle.

Well you have to remember that some properties of items within the sim world are highly exaggerated. Just look at those clay canisters on the counter in the same picture(that are from the base game). Home deep fryers come in all shapes and sizes, not just the cylinder fry daddy types, which are actually the cheapest and smallest. If your feeding a family of 8, you kinda want something bigger. TMBrandon's link can give you more info on that.

I'm really excited about the deep fryer and the ice cream maker. I voted for those items on the survey and I'm glad they actually appeared. I knew there was a chance that they would not end up in an EP and I'm fine with that. Of course, I'm waiting before buying since store items almost always have something wrong with them.
Top Secret Researcher
#120 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 9:53 PM
Again...was just repeating my experience.

I think it is great that they are making this sort of things for the store rather than bushes with ice cream cones on them. I hope they continue the trend of making useful, realistic items.

Brandon's link was not really a link..it was a hint that if I wanted more info, to find it myself. Great idea..but as I said....
Forum Resident
#121 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 10:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by rian90
Brandon's link was not really a link..it was a hint that if I wanted more info, to find it myself. Great idea..but as I said....

LOL I guess it was just a way for you to get acquainted with other deep fryer types that you may not have seen before, as you stated.

Did someone say egg laying and cow milking? Now that sounds like a fun EP to play. I remember there were a couple of mods for Sims 2 that could simulate a farm environment with tons of functional farm animals
#122 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 10:19 PM
EA Logic

They have the little Fry Babys or Daddys whatever they call them that sit on the kitchen counter, and then in the backyard they have the gigantic drums they fry turkeys in. The pictures currently showing on the store forum thread show something that looks suspiciously like fried turkey.

That wouldn't fit in the counter top model. So, you have a large counter top model that wouldn't necessarily fit a turkey... except in the magicreality that fuels the Sims.
One Minute Ninja'd
#123 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 10:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Periandre
EA Logic

They have the little Fry Babys or Daddys whatever they call them that sit on the kitchen counter, and then in the backyard they have the gigantic drums they fry turkeys in. The pictures currently showing on the store forum thread show something that looks suspiciously like fried turkey.

That wouldn't fit in the counter top model. So, you have a large counter top model that wouldn't necessarily fit a turkey... except in the magicreality that fuels the Sims.

There were also some funky looking fries on that table with the fried turkey. I've never had fries that stand up like a crystal formation, but honestly, I'm happy to see them at all. These are the kinds of small, functional touches that add to the overall game experience. I hope the price is reasonable; using past items such as the wall climber or the massage chair, I would expect these to come in around 400 to 500 store points. Not cheap, but still worth far more than a banana shaped sofa.

I do wonder if that's really a fried turkey, or a tofu fried turkey.
Top Secret Researcher
#124 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 10:31 PM
Summer Barbecues are another option. And have I mentioned Ski Resorts before? I'm not sure.

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather.

Top Secret Researcher
#125 Old 23rd Apr 2012 at 10:47 PM
Ack! Those cannot be fries!! LOL I really don't think their modeling skills are that poor! Maybe a bloomin' onion? Or some sort of funnel cake thingy? And yeah, that turkey is not going to fit into that fryer. How funny. Actually, those models look pretty bad...but at least they made the attempt...I guess. Hard to believe we are going to pay for this. Geesh.
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