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Part-time Hermit
#126 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 10:07 PM
Looks like you've got some inverted faces. Which mesh editor are you using?

Replacing the Talking Table probably means something went wrong with the GUIDs. Did you get new GUIDs for all the three GUIDs? And did you update MMATs with the main one? Open the MMAT (Material Definition) and see what the objectGUID line points to. If it's not the new main GUID you gave the object, click on that line in the MMAT and edit the value to be the same as the new main GUID, then Commit and Save.
Lab Assistant
#127 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 10:14 PM
Okay, thanks, I use Blender 3D. I don't normally use talking table, but the texture is so ugly, I really like it the way it was.

Oh, and I deleted the mesh I made because I thought it would set the Talking Table back to the way it was. Apparently Not/=. :insane:


Lab Assistant
#128 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 10:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
labine730, are you referring to the darkness of the table or something else?

the darkness of the table. when you zoom in it gets darker and darker the more you zoom in.

Just an anachronism, move along now.
Test Subject
#129 Old 31st Mar 2006 at 11:41 PM
Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
nickbadal, which mesh program are you using?

Im using Wings 3D.
Test Subject
#130 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 12:41 AM
Quote: Originally posted by IgnorantBliss
For the uv-mapping, see this article by Numenor.

As for the GUID, most one-tile objects only have one GUID, so it sounds completely normal to me . When giving this object a new GUID, treat the one GUID as you did the main GUID with the dining table in the tutorial, and discard the information on the other GUIDs (meaning, you will have to update the MMATs with this one and only GUID).

Ok, I think I understand. I'll give it another shot. Thanks for the uvmapping link!

I thank you, and my llama thanks you

"Probably the saddest thing you'll ever see is a mosquito sucking on a mummy... forget it little friend" - Jack Handy

Visit my blog: http://uneffnbelievable.blogspot.com/
Test Subject
#131 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 4:01 AM
Default Now what?
The wonderful people who answer all of these questions have so much more patience than I think I would. Thank you so much!

Here is where I'm stuck right now. First, know this. In Milkshape I cannot regroup then rename or it crashes. I'm not sure if this is a big problem, because I don't think the name is important, but maybe I'm wrong.

Anyway, I've attached a picture of the Mesh Group Importer. I click the file, and then click "replace". The tutorial says that in the drop down menu underneath that I should find something of my own... but I don't. Why is this? Any clues?

Thanks again!

"Probably the saddest thing you'll ever see is a mosquito sucking on a mummy... forget it little friend" - Jack Handy

Visit my blog: http://uneffnbelievable.blogspot.com/
Part-time Hermit
#132 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 6:14 AM
For the people with Blender and Wings 3D related problems, I will let someone else answer the meshing problems, since I'm not familiar enough with those programs .

labine, I'm sorry if I asked you already at some point, but which mesh program are you using again? Milkshape or something else?

amymil, what is the name of the group(s) when you export them from Milkshape? If you renamaed it to what I see on the screen, then everything looks fine to me. But you say you can't rename it to what it should be? Milkshape has a tendency to crash sometimes upon regrouping. I would try again and again, and maybe do something else first and then try regrouping again. It seems to be some kind of a Milkshape bug. If you keep having problems, upload both the object package and the mesh file as an attachment here and I'll take a look, I use Milkshape, as well.
Test Subject
#133 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 7:39 AM Last edited by IgnorantBliss : 20th May 2006 at 8:05 AM. Reason: removed attachment

I've attached a zip file. Hopefully you can figure it out. I've been working on this allllllllllllllll day, and now it is time for me to go to bed and have nightmares about milkshape and simPE...LOL!

Thank you so very much. I'm sure it's something very simple that I have overlooked.

By the way... I did get my milkshape to "regroup" and I named it milktut, but I still had an issue in the mesh importer.

"Probably the saddest thing you'll ever see is a mosquito sucking on a mummy... forget it little friend" - Jack Handy

Visit my blog: http://uneffnbelievable.blogspot.com/
retired moderator
#134 Old 1st Apr 2006 at 10:00 AM
yup, that looks like it's inside out
this happens if you scale it too far (try staying zoomed in and keeping you 'scale line' long enough for more control)
it's probably easiest to just remesh the tabletop, since it's a reasonably simple shape
or you can just flip the faces:
quoted from Darylmarkloc:

Have 'Show Normals' on..select the faces with the blue lines facing INWARDS and then select 'Normals >> Flip'
Lab Assistant
#135 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 12:27 AM
Sorry it took me so long to say this but I'm using wings 3d.

Just an anachronism, move along now.
Lab Assistant
#136 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 3:33 AM
Thanks Lethe_s! Anybody get me some help with repairing the Talking Table which has beed destroyed?


retired moderator
#137 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 9:41 AM
where did you delete the mesh? in the actual package?
in that case, just take the package out of your downloads folder and start again (reclone it)
#138 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 10:16 AM
Is There anyone could possibly send me this tutorial by E-mail it would help me a great deal since i'm running on Dial-up thx in advance!
Part-time Hermit
#139 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 10:29 AM
Which version of the tutorial do you want, Dylanier?
#140 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 10:34 AM
Milkshape Plz

my email Adress is dylannlanier@yahoo.com
#141 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 8:32 PM
I have a quick question about Milkshape 3d 1.7.7a I can't open the folder it says it is corrupted or invalid? What do I do to fix this? Thx in advance
Lab Assistant
#142 Old 2nd Apr 2006 at 10:56 PM
Lethe_S, I DID take the package out of my downloads folder, and the Talking table was still eaten by my new mesh.


#143 Old 3rd Apr 2006 at 12:52 AM
K now it Doesn't Say it is corrupt or invalid (downloaded win-rar)
Now it says this:

! C:\Documents and Settings\Dylan\Desktop\Dylan's Music and Downloads\Downloads\ms3d177a.zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged
! Cannot execute "C:\DOCUME~1\Dylan\LOCALS~1\Temp\Rar$EX00.891\Milkshape 3D 1.7.7a Setup.exe"

Any Ideas???
Test Subject
#144 Old 3rd Apr 2006 at 1:57 AM
Is any1 gonna help me?
Part-time Hermit
#145 Old 3rd Apr 2006 at 4:58 AM
Dylanier, try redownloading Milkshape, and make sure you let the download complete before opening it. I'm sending you the tutorial right now. And, please, use the Edit button to edit your previous post instead of making several separate posts in a row.

nickbadal, I'm not familiar with Wings 3D, so I'm waiting for someone knowledgeable with that to help you instead.
Test Subject
#146 Old 3rd Apr 2006 at 10:33 AM
Just stopping in here to say that I liked the Blender Tutorial. And that I successfully made my first mesh. Hazzas for Spirit of the Sims! I'm not going to post a picture--I mean, just how many Tables do you need to see? But, thanks, guys!

And, on a side note:

I'm not too knowledgeable with Wings 3D--I tried, and didn't like it. But from the error message, it sounds like that the mesh may be too big.

When you made your object, did you resize it using the Maxis object as a base?

Here's my site: Spirited Sims
retired moderator
#147 Old 3rd Apr 2006 at 4:14 PM
where did you put it?
OfB has a tendency to find anything that's in the sims folder.. desktop is a safer route here
or just delete it altogether
Lab Assistant
#148 Old 3rd Apr 2006 at 10:01 PM
I deleted it altogether the first time, and the mesh was eaten anyways, and I get...that. I wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't ugly.


#149 Old 4th Apr 2006 at 4:21 AM
Thx Ignorant Bliss BTW does anyone know where I can get SimPE v.36
Part-time Hermit
#150 Old 4th Apr 2006 at 5:06 AM
Dylanier, you can find older versions of SimPE here, although 0.36 doesn't seem to be included. I don't recommend using the older versions with this object tutorial, though.
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