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Retired Duck
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#126 Old 2nd Jan 2009 at 11:27 AM
Make sure you have all the vertices assigned to a joint. If you do and you've still got the problem, upload the latest copy.
Field Researcher
#127 Old 11th Jan 2009 at 11:19 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Echo
Make sure you have all the vertices assigned to a joint. If you do and you've still got the problem, upload the latest copy.

I give up.
Yep! I rebuild my package, now is *normal* (can be "catched"), all vertices assigned. The cres work (gmdc and cres worked well importing to milkshape). Fix integrity, BHAV ok.

I have two versions... before I changed the BHAV, i mean, i was "copied" one package that you've fixed on the "building skeleton thread" (using a private BHAV, sub chime animation), the log of testing cheats:
Object id: 148
name: Sculpture - Vase Collection
Stack size: 1
Error: Could not find object reference.
Iterations: 2
Frame 0:
Stack Object id: 0
Node: 1
Tree: id 4096 name 'sub chime animation' version 33
Prim state: 0
Params: Locals:

And after I changed and putting everything on Main BHAV, don't have an error, but where have to animated is "under" ground.

attached the two versions (i changed the GUID, you can't put the both together) and one image.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  grrr-animpackage.rar (166.9 KB, 14 downloads) - View custom content
Retired Duck
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#128 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 9:27 AM
The error message you posted normally means that, most likely, your Stack Object wasn't correctly set. In the version of the file you posted, the "sub chime animation" function was never getting called, so I don't think it's the same version of the file as the one which caused the error message.

As for the other issue... Can you post the Milkshape file you used to make the animation?
Field Researcher
#129 Old 18th Jan 2009 at 7:03 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Echo
The error message you posted normally means that, most likely, your Stack Object wasn't correctly set. In the version of the file you posted, the "sub chime animation" function was never getting called, so I don't think it's the same version of the file as the one which caused the error message.

As for the other issue... Can you post the Milkshape file you used to make the animation?

I really put the wrong package. But still with that error.

Yep! I attach the milkshape file.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  anim_echo.rar (188.0 KB, 11 downloads) - View custom content
Lab Assistant
#130 Old 11th Feb 2009 at 9:34 AM
i would like to use 3ds, is't impossible?
Retired Duck
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#131 Old 12th Feb 2009 at 12:10 PM
kihaad - not currently possible, no.

electrodj - I can't see anything obviously wrong with it. I'll look again tomorrow when I'm a bit more awake.
Field Researcher
#132 Old 12th Feb 2009 at 3:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Echo
kihaad - not currently possible, no.

electrodj - I can't see anything obviously wrong with it. I'll look again tomorrow when I'm a bit more awake.

Sure! I tried one more time before, but the same error. Unhurried.

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Retired Duck
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#133 Old 15th Feb 2009 at 11:27 AM
eletrodj - Okay, the problem is that, in the OBJF, your "main" line is pointing to 0x1000 (sub chime animation) instead of 0x1003 (main). I reckon if you change that in the OBJF then your Stack Object error should go away.
Field Researcher
#134 Old 16th Feb 2009 at 11:15 PM
Yeah! Worked. Now I'm going to work on the animation.

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
#135 Old 6th Jun 2009 at 9:34 AM

In Milkshape, my animation plays exactly as I want it to. A simple spin...like a top might just spin upright on its point, 360.

However...when I test it in game, it no longer goes as it did in Milkshape, instead it goes more like side to side like someone slowly waving a hand in a royal wave type manner.

What could it be?
Retired Duck
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#136 Old 6th Jun 2009 at 9:59 AM
Aligeth, check out the part titled "When my object is turning in a circle, it suddenly spins around in the opposite direction for no reason!" in http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=239168
#137 Old 6th Jun 2009 at 10:03 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Echo
Aligeth, check out the part titled "When my object is turning in a circle, it suddenly spins around in the opposite direction for no reason!" in http://modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=239168

Ok...I was just now reading that as I sat puzzling this out.

What boggles my mind is that in milkshape my object spins, in game it..wobbles side to side.

I will read that other post some more. You would think making something spin would be so easy...like my head is spinning!

Maybe a better description is like this....

It should animate just like as if you were spinning a basketball on your fingertip or a top on its point

But instead, animates looking like someone waggling their finger at you as if you did something naughty!
Field Researcher
#138 Old 13th Mar 2010 at 12:17 AM
Sorry for bring up the thread.

Well, loooooooong time ago i tried to make an object animation, give up and now i'm trying again, the same object (re-modeled). I've made a skeleton from a scratch, i'ts all working (cres, gmdc, anim file). But i think the BHAV it's not working...

Object id: 141
name: Sculpture - Wooden Model
Stack size: 1
Error: Could not find object reference.
Iterations: 4
Frame 0:
Stack Object id: 141
Stack Object name: Sculpture - Wooden Model
Node: 3
Tree: id 4096 name 'main' version 33
Prim state: 0
Params: Locals:

In my BHAV (GD: PaintingGlobal) the main have only "Main" not "Idle".
Attached files:
File Type: rar  EletroDJ_PenduloDeNewtonAnimado.rar (176.6 KB, 17 downloads) - View custom content

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Retired Duck
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#139 Old 13th Mar 2010 at 4:14 AM
Hi eletrodj,

It looks like your just trying to run the animation on the wrong object. The target object should be either "My Object ID" in the case of main/init functions, or "Stack Object ID" in any method where the stack object is the selected one.

I've attached an alternative version, see if that fixes it for you?
Attached files:
File Type: zip  EletroDJ_PenduloDeNewtonAnimado.zip (183.9 KB, 16 downloads) - View custom content
Field Researcher
#140 Old 13th Mar 2010 at 4:04 PM
I knew that's a "small" problem. Thanks soooooooo much, Echo! *_*

Edit: Now everything is working.
Just curious, can I edit the speed in SimPE (without re-exporting the animation and replacing)?

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Retired Duck
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#141 Old 13th Mar 2010 at 11:37 PM
Yes, you can. The easiest way to do that is to edit operand 4.
From the wiki:
This operand controls the speed of the animation. The default value is 20, but it can be set to anything between 01 and FF (00 results in an error). Values from 01 to 7F make the animation play forward, with the higher the number, the faster the animation. HOWEVER: Values above 7F (or from 80 to FF) make the animation run Backwards, with larger numbers making the animation slower. So 7F would make a fast, forward animation, and 80 would make a fast, backward animation. For the technically minded, this value is stored in a fixed point format (1 sign bit, 3 integer bits, 4 fractional bits). Consequently, 0x20 represents a speed multiplier of 1 (the normal rate), and 0xE0 represents a speed multiplier of -1 (normal rate played backwards).

Alternatively, if you want the same animation to play at a different speed at different times (for example, if you had a fan and wanted it to start slow and gain speed over a few sim-minutes) then you can set the "Anim Speed in temp 2" option to "true", then put a speed value in the Temp 0x02 variable and it will use that.
Field Researcher
#142 Old 14th Mar 2010 at 1:49 AM
Interesting... Very useful! And kinda easy (speaking, course :D)

Speaking on BHAV, can I call an animation by a pie menu (like in the posebox or Decorgal's mod)? Speaking of Sims it's possible, of course, but for objects too? I mean, make a different BHAV (putting the "time" string and the animation itself - not sure if needs the Stack objects since we they aren't in the Main bhav) and call by a menu. And will be nice if it's possible to calling another menu to "off" the animation.

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Retired Duck
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#143 Old 14th Mar 2010 at 6:11 AM
Absolutely you can. It's done pretty much exactly the same way.
Field Researcher
#144 Old 14th Mar 2010 at 5:55 PM
Like I was imagine... Thanks very much, Echo.

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Field Researcher
#145 Old 17th Mar 2010 at 7:40 PM
Yeah, you can kill me. :$

I tried to put the animation under a new menu. Works, but the animation keep lopping (The sim go to the object, do an animation [for "act" they are rotating the object], the object moves but keep lopping). I tried to work with the opperand "0x006C - Animation stops" but didn't worked so far. Any help how can I do this? I mean, put the sim to go the object, do an animaton for "acting" and the object rotate (this is the animation) - everything working so far - and stop after the animation play - that's what I want?

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Field Researcher
#146 Old 30th Mar 2010 at 7:37 PM
Just to finish.

I fix the looping problem on day after my post. :$ Just remove the looping BHAV.

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Test Subject
#147 Old 3rd Mar 2011 at 12:58 PM
Hello, Mr Echo

Ive made a custom animation of sim. while I was making a new package file in step 3 of the video
and I realized that there had no 'texture image' to choose.. (see at 8:30) and some of them that should be in the box wasnt exist either.so I quitted the program and launched again.
Then Ive realized again there wasn't the picture of the object shown on the left either.(see at 5:00)

I don't know what should I do to fix it.
And hopefully you or your guys here can help

Thank you.

--- ---- -- -- ---
Field Researcher
#148 Old 3rd Mar 2011 at 2:05 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TLCRZ
Hello, Mr Echo

Ive made a custom animation of sim. while I was making a new package file in step 3 of the video
and I realized that there had no 'texture image' to choose.. (see at 8:30) and some of them that should be in the box wasnt exist either.so I quitted the program and launched again.
Then Ive realized again there wasn't the picture of the object shown on the left either.(see at 5:00)

I don't know what should I do to fix it.
And hopefully you or your guys here can help

Thank you.

I think you should clone another object (like a decor one) and then make it like a "pose box".

It's more simple and probably this Paul Reaction test will be with testingcheats options - which is not good.

It's alright to make mistakes you're only human. Inside everybody's hiding something. Take time to catch your breath and choose your moment. Don't slide.
Test Subject
#149 Old 3rd Mar 2011 at 4:53 PM Last edited by TLCRZ : 3rd Mar 2011 at 5:20 PM.
I think you should clone another object (like a decor one) and then make it like a "pose box".

Okay I will try, but what kind of objects we can use instead and is there any tutorial of making it if I can ask ?

As I've used the decor-> sculpture one and I have no idea how to make it as a proper package file.

--- ---- -- -- ---
Retired Duck
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#150 Old 3rd Mar 2011 at 10:17 PM
Not having icons isn't normally a problem, but you're better off cloning an object which you can already buy from the catalogue, like a painting or a sculpture.
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