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Sim Game Selector 3.0 Support for "Into the Future" and "Movie Stuff"

by ralphaelninja Posted 29th Mar 2013 at 4:52 PM - Updated 27th Nov 2013 at 3:43 PM by Nysha
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#2 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 5:00 PM
I found this to be extremely useful and easy to use, not to mention it addresses those who start the game by the Launcher and those who bypass it, allows users to keep their default User Files for saved games and cc, and great for testing multiple configurations for creating mods. Great Work!
Test Subject
#3 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 5:16 PM
Will this work with mono on a mac?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 5:50 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Ella
Will this work with mono on a mac?

Sorry to hear that your mac has mono….

No unfortunately I don't understand the structure enough on a Mac (even though I have one) to make the necessary changes…

what is mono on a mac? I have a mac but I never have mono… or do I and I don't know it :P
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#5 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 5:51 PM
Quote: Originally posted by werismyki
I found this to be extremely useful and easy to use, not to mention it addresses those who start the game by the Launcher and those who bypass it, allows users to keep their default User Files for saved games and cc, and great for testing multiple configurations for creating mods. Great Work!

thanks werismyki for the testimonial….
Test Subject
#6 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 6:07 PM
Was excited to try it, bt it doesn't appear to run on Windows 8 Pro x32.
Tried Compatibility settings, but that didn't get me any further than a message that says "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher."

Kudos for the app though, for those who can run it. This was a needed addition to the tool set.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#7 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 6:27 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
Was excited to try it, bt it doesn't appear to run on Windows 8 Pro x32.
Tried Compatibility settings, but that didn't get me any further than a message that says "This app can't run on your PC. To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher."

Kudos for the app though, for those who can run it. This was a needed addition to the tool set.

sorry to hear MaxQBaker and I'm not excited about jumping on the windows 8 platform just yet…. well we shall see…

One thing to try is giving it administration rights… although you will be the first guinea pig for trying it out on windows 8.

Good luck if you do try...
Test Subject
#8 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 6:39 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ralphaelninja
sorry to hear MaxQBaker and I'm not excited about jumping on the windows 8 platform just yet…. well we shall see…

One thing to try is giving it administration rights… although you will be the first guinea pig for trying it out on windows 8.

Good luck if you do try...

I did try the "Run As Administrator" option with no further luck.
And when I right-click and view security, permissions are set for Full Control for System, Administrators, and my local user (which is also a member of Administators.)

I am guessing it makes some kind of API / hook call that Windows 8 prevents. (You wouldn't be the first utility to run into that, if that is the case.)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#9 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 7:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
I did try the "Run As Administrator" option with no further luck.
And when I right-click and view security, permissions are set for Full Control for System, Administrators, and my local user (which is also a member of Administators.)

I am guessing it makes some kind of API / hook call that Windows 8 prevents. (You wouldn't be the first utility to run into that, if that is the case.)

are you able to get the startup screen at all? or is it just quitting from the get-go?
Test Subject
#10 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 7:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ralphaelninja
are you able to get the startup screen at all? or is it just quitting from the get-go?

Right after I click the .exe; Windows 8 prevents it from running any further.
Test Subject
#11 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 7:34 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
Right after I click the .exe; Windows 8 prevents it from running any further.

Maybe a dumb question ...
any chance you compiled it on an x64 box, without setting backwards compatibility for x86 ?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#12 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 7:44 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
Maybe a dumb question ...
any chance you compiled it on an x64 box, without setting backwards compatibility for x86 ?

thinking about it... anything is possible... I also have a set of restart code at the begining to detect if it is running as admin of which is useless anyways even if you are running under admin in Windows 7, it still needs to restart for some idiotic Windows 7 reason. Windows 7 basically prevents you from running any program...

"are you sure you want to run this program? (Microsoft Windows 7)"

This could be the fundamental change with Windows 8 that prevents a program from shelling out to itself. I am thinking that I could remove this piece of code and let you try it under 8 to see if this is the problem and if it is the problem whether or not the program will work properly as many OS's are trying to sandbox all programs from the system even though you run as admin. I'll post up a download link shortly if you want to give it a try...
Test Subject
#13 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 7:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ralphaelninja
thinking about it... anything is possible... I also have a set of restart code at the begining to detect if it is running as admin of which is useless anyways even if you are running under admin in Windows 7, it still needs to restart for some idiotic Windows 7 reason. Windows 7 basically prevents you from running any program...

"are you sure you want to run this program? (Microsoft Windows 7)"

This could be the fundamental change with Windows 8 that prevents a program from shelling out to itself. I am thinking that I could remove this piece of code and let you try it under 8 to see if this is the problem and if it is the problem whether or not the program will work properly as many OS's are trying to sandbox all programs from the system even though you run as admin. I'll post up a download link shortly if you want to give it a try...


What kind of codebase are we working with? C++, C# (or other .NET), etc. (just curious.) I considered running procMon.exe on it to see what was being called when it bailed, but don't have that much time right this second :-)
Lab Assistant
#14 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 8:31 PM
Fantastic work, very creative!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#15 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 8:42 PM Last edited by ralphaelninja : 29th Mar 2013 at 10:41 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker

What kind of codebase are we working with? C++, C# (or other .NET), etc. (just curious.) I considered running procMon.exe on it to see what was being called when it bailed, but don't have that much time right this second :-)

No .net, nor anything that needs a large framebase It would be interesting what you would see under procMon, but keep it a secret will you :P

here is a link to a newer version that just might work on windows 8. If so, I'll have it replaced here.

updated: I've removed the link to a slightly newer version since it was provened not to be the problem with windows 8. The only difference was the check for administrator rights on both versions.
Test Subject
#16 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 9:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by ralphaelninja
No .net, nor anything that needs a large framebase It would be interesting what you would see under procMon, but keep it a secret will you :P

here is a link to a newer version that just might work on windows 8. If so, I'll have it replaced here.

New Sim Game Select

Just downloaded and tried, but got the same error "This app can't run on your PC."
Didn't even log a single entry in ProcMon; that's how fast Win8 shut it down.

(I had originally asked about the app being compiled under x64, since I run x86. you aren't using .NET, I know in .NET if you use 'AnyCPU' then there are times when it won't work calling an x86 app; so compiling as an x86 app will allow it to run under both x86 and x64 (special conditions, in that prior example, obviously.)

I have an x64 machine, which is also Win8, which I can try later on (but I do not have access to it right now.)
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#17 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 9:14 PM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
Just downloaded and tried, but got the same error "This app can't run on your PC."
Didn't even log a single entry in ProcMon; that's how fast Win8 shut it down.

(I had originally asked about the app being compiled under x64, since I run x86. you aren't using .NET, I know in .NET if you use 'AnyCPU' then there are times when it won't work calling an x86 app; so compiling as an x86 app will allow it to run under both x86 and x64 (special conditions, in that prior example, obviously.)

I have an x64 machine, which is also Win8, which I can try later on (but I do not have access to it right now.)

Thanks for giving it a try MaxQBaker... that eliminates the first suspect...

it should work under both environments, although I've yet to try it under xp I'll keep thinking...

Thanks again for giving it a shot.
Test Subject
#18 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 9:20 PM
Can I ask?
I'm not very technical and I was wondering..
Say I did this and unselected KP Stuff and ShowTime, is that a basic uninstall then I would have to use a disc to reinstall?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#19 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 10:08 PM Last edited by ralphaelninja : 29th Mar 2013 at 10:22 PM.
Quote: Originally posted by TheUltimateSimmer8900
Can I ask?
I'm not very technical and I was wondering..
Say I did this and unselected KP Stuff and ShowTime, is that a basic uninstall then I would have to use a disc to reinstall?

no… it just hides it from the Sim Launcher.

Next time you launch the Sim Game Launcher you can toggle KP Stuff and Showtime back on and either save it or launch the Sim Launcher and the games will be back.

No uninstalling
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 29th Mar 2013 at 11:01 PM Last edited by ralphaelninja : 30th Mar 2013 at 12:56 AM.
Quote: Originally posted by ralphaelninja
Thanks for giving it a try MaxQBaker... that eliminates the first suspect...

it should work under both environments, although I've yet to try it under xp I'll keep thinking...

Thanks again for giving it a shot.

alright... mea culpa... apparently it was x64 code. It should now run in 86 mode. It should be.... I hope...

updated: link removed due to .... program didn't work either...
Test Subject
#21 Old 30th Mar 2013 at 12:18 AM Last edited by MaxQBaker : 30th Mar 2013 at 12:25 AM. Reason: adding more info
Quote: Originally posted by ralphaelninja
alright... mea culpa... apparently it was x64 code. It should now run in 86 mode. It should be.... I hope...

try new sim game selector 32

We 'kind of' have progress. The good news is that message is gone with the latest build. (yay!)
I actually saw the GUI briefly, but it seemed to be acting oddly (had no color to it, and if I clicked on the tiles, it seemed to show an exclude icon overlay without color, but it didn't stay; and I could not launch); then on subsequent tries I couldn't even get that to happen. Will try on my x64 machine in a moment, for comparative reference.

EDIT for x64 comparison:
ok - different experience. I see the GUI; can disable expansion packs and click the launcher.
I am wondering if the difference on the x86 machine is also related to the difference in paths and reg entries for those different architecture (program Files (x86) vs just program files ... and the WOW64 reg hives, etc.)
Test Subject
#22 Old 30th Mar 2013 at 12:19 AM
Mono is something that you can install on a mac to make windows programs work on a mac using terminal.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#23 Old 30th Mar 2013 at 12:32 AM
Quote: Originally posted by Ella
Mono is something that you can install on a mac to make windows programs work on a mac using terminal.

didn't know that.... although I'm only a two year old Mac'er newly converted, and I did try googling mono mac with mixed results from building Cocoa applications on OSX using Mono, followed by another result that says that Mono has supported MacOS since version 10.3 .....

however to answer your question, the answer would probably be no since the mac version of the sims is configured completely differently then that of the PC although the save game format is probably similar or the same. Unless you are running sims under a windows emulator (which would be bad) this program will not be able to disable EPs or SPs on the Mac side even if you ran this program under Mono.

I would love to support the Mac side since I'm a big Apple fan, but I wouldn't even know where to start on the Mac side.

Sorry to tease you on your Mac Mono... :P
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#24 Old 30th Mar 2013 at 12:37 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
We 'kind of' have progress. The good news is that message is gone with the latest build. (yay!)
I actually saw the GUI briefly, but it seemed to be acting oddly (had no color to it, and if I clicked on the tiles, it seemed to show an exclude icon overlay without color, but it didn't stay; and I could not launch); then on subsequent tries I couldn't even get that to happen. Will try on my x64 machine in a moment, for comparative reference.

EDIT for x64 comparison:
ok - different experience. I see the GUI; can disable expansion packs and click the launcher.
I am wondering if the difference on the x86 machine is also related to the difference in paths and reg entries for those different architecture (program Files (x86) vs just program files ... and the WOW64 reg hives, etc.)

I have the gut feeling that I might be running into a buffer overrun problem in 32 bits (used for extracting the resources)... I am always an extremist when I program. like my Simbuilds, I tend to overextend the language that I write in and this program is no exception. sooo.... if I used the regular functions I might be able to be compatible in 32 bits too I'll check into it.... meanwhile thank you for being the guinea pig
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#25 Old 30th Mar 2013 at 12:54 AM
Quote: Originally posted by MaxQBaker
We 'kind of' have progress. The good news is that message is gone with the latest build. (yay!)
I actually saw the GUI briefly, but it seemed to be acting oddly (had no color to it, and if I clicked on the tiles, it seemed to show an exclude icon overlay without color, but it didn't stay; and I could not launch); then on subsequent tries I couldn't even get that to happen. Will try on my x64 machine in a moment, for comparative reference.

EDIT for x64 comparison:
ok - different experience. I see the GUI; can disable expansion packs and click the launcher.
I am wondering if the difference on the x86 machine is also related to the difference in paths and reg entries for those different architecture (program Files (x86) vs just program files ... and the WOW64 reg hives, etc.)

ok... lets try this last version (maybe last) I've reduced the 10MB buffer that was needlessly used on the other version to a 1mb buffer which might be the reason for the weirdness...

The Last Sim Selector Program in 32 bit
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