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Emotional Inertia Classic

by roBurky Posted 5th Mar 2017 at 10:41 AM - Updated 14th Jan 2021 at 4:53 PM by roBurky : v1.13.1 released
84 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 58 Feedback Posts, 25 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 5th Mar 2017 at 2:09 PM
Thanks for this. I had the Zerbu mods and liked them, but this is a nice twist to them
Field Researcher
#3 Old 5th Mar 2017 at 5:45 PM
Thank you so much for this and your No Happy Environment Moodlets mod! They are very much appreciated!
#4 Old 5th Mar 2017 at 9:58 PM
interesting but not for me all bad emotions which lingers are annoying for me
Test Subject
#5 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 12:53 AM
This is amazing and genius. Thanks so very much for being so awesome to make this. Makes game-play much better, especially when I want my sims to be emotional and have reactions to things, not just going about in a happy daze all day long.
#6 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 8:52 AM
I like it ...kind of. Great idea, but I don't really like seeing ALL moods extended, like for example playful, confident, inspired, lasting for hours and hours. Longer moods yes, but this is a bit much for me.
Test Subject
#7 Old 6th Mar 2017 at 4:30 PM
Quote: Originally posted by spidergirl79
I like it ...kind of. Great idea, but I don't really like seeing ALL moods extended, like for example playful, confident, inspired, lasting for hours and hours. Longer moods yes, but this is a bit much for me.

I agree, some moodlets really shouldn't be as long as others. Being angry or confident for an entire day is okay and somewhat realistic, while especially focused and flirty shouldn't have very long extensions.
Lab Assistant
#8 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 2:58 AM
May I request a certain flavor of the mod to be made? Such as one that only deals with negative emotions? I mean, I love the concept, I like it better than Zerbu's version, because unlike his, this actually shows moodlets. However, one main reason I want to use this mod is for the negative emotions, specifically sadness. With negative emotions, I can just direct my sims to calm down/give pep talk and what not if I get tired of them being upset for too long, but I can't get sims out of positive emotions i.e. if they're energized, but I need them to be focused for work/school.

Thanks though!
Test Subject
#9 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 4:14 AM Last edited by Akarimaru : 7th Mar 2017 at 5:29 AM.
It's great that you are continuing Zerbu's work, I really like this idea, but I also share other's people's opinion that there should be a version of the mod only for negative emotions, there's an huge disparity between positive and negative emotions that make it so Sims tend to be have positive ones all the time.

Even with the addition of Uncomfortable boosting negative emotions and getting rid of the "Nicely Decorated" buffs there's an excess of Happy buffs, while most are Weight 1, they add up very quickly, just having a small chat with another Sim is already enough to gather so many points in positive emotions that Sims quickly forget that their husband/wife just died moments ago, by instance.
At the same time, uncomfortable buffs are rare, occurring mostly due to negligence of Needs, which is something that is really easy to avoid in The Sims 4 due to slower decay and better AI, so that even if you are not actively controlling a Sim he will not starve to death or get uncomfortable for not taking a bath, in fact, it's more likely to neglect needs IF you are actively controlling a Sim and overriding their urges.

Also, like it was said, negative moods can be played out, it's nice to have a incentive to actually play according to the Sims' emotions, if they deal with their problems they get better sooner, while if they neglect their negative emotions they linger for longer.

In addition to that, while this point can be somewhat subjective, it's unlikely that one hears a few jokes and then keep laughing for 10 hours. Playful, Inspired, Concentrated, Flirty... are fleeting emotions, they really shouldn't linger at all.

This ended up being a long post about why The Sims 4's Emotion system sucks, sorry. Anyway, this mod buffing negative emotions fixes the game greatly, but if it also boosts positive emotions there's no much point using it :/
Field Researcher
#10 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 5:04 AM
Love the idea behind this, but the buffs shouldn't last as long, especially for the positive emotions. I think that for negative emotions, they should get a + 3 negative buff for 10 hours followed by a + 2 sad buff for another 10 hours, and then the emotion ends. This means that for small negative events (e.g. buffs in game that only last a few hours), sims will be sad, angry etc for around a day. However, for longer sadness buffs (which already last longer than a day), sims will be sad for longer, and it will be harder to break their sadness.

For positive emotions, I don't think they should have a long lingering effect. For example people who become energized, playful, etc should only get a +1 or +2 lingering buff that last for 5 hours. That way, they won't easily switch from flirty to playful with a few interactions, during a brief period of time, but they won't also stay flirty for a long period of time.
Field Researcher
#11 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 6:48 AM
Like many of the commenters above, I love the general idea of the mod, but would like to see a version of the mod that only deals with negative emotions. Science seems to suggest that positive emotions are generally "overcome" more quickly - even the ones that arise from events like births, marriages, and the sudden acquisition of wealth - but negative emotional states like anger and sadness can linger indefinitely and even snowball if the person doesn't take steps to deal with them. In short, it takes work to remain happy and to overcome anger.

Like a few commenters mentioned above, emotional states like confidence, inspiration, flirtatiousness, and mischief by nature don't last very long, and accordingly shouldn't linger at all (or nearly as long).

Also, how does this mod work with the Traits system in Sims 4?

"Make believe in magic, make believe in dreams
Make believe impossible, nothing as it seems
See, touch, taste, smell, hear, but never know if it's real"
--The Cure, "More Than This"
Test Subject
#12 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 7:49 AM
Unlike the other commenters, I don't really mind that all the emotions last so long. I don't care about realism of real-life science in this game, I care about gameplay and this mod makes the gameplay so much better because now I actually pay attention to the emotions. Yes, it's weird that a sim spends days being playful, but you can get rid of most positive emotions the same way you can get rid of the negative ones so I don't see why the mod should be adjusted.

I guess I just have a different play style compared to most simmers, or maybe I use more negative traits on my sims, because I don't really get the complaints that there are too many happy buffs. I've played four families with this mod so far and many of the sims had negative emotions. They came home from work in a bad mood because I chose the wrong option on a chance card, they got really really mad because they saw their spouse cheating, they got tense because they're loners surrounded by strangers, etc.

Anyway, my point is I like the mod the way it is because it suits my play style. It really improved things for me because now I enjoy watching what mood my sims are in and since the moodlets are now so powerful, I actually pay attention to what my sims are doing and how it affects their emotions. Before I pretty much ignored that whole aspect of game play because the moodlets only lasted about four hours.

So thank you for this mod!
Test Subject
#13 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 8:27 AM
Personally it would be better if it included the changes to the low fun moodlets, it bugs me that those are tense moodlets instead of bored.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 12:57 PM Last edited by roBurky : 8th Mar 2017 at 1:12 AM.
So, a few things to address with how the mod is now:

It doesn't lead to positive emotions lasting days in my experience. The +1 stage of the inertia moodlet is incredibly fragile - in my experience when a sim has two +1 moodlets of different positive emotions, they can just flip from one to the other. And obviously, once they do, they'll get an inertia moodlet for that new emotion. So the lingering thoughts +1 stage really only means that the sim keeps their current emotion until something/anything new happens to them. It's rare that a sim reaches the +1 stage in my games, and I've never seen that moodlet last long when they do.

The positive emotions having inertia can also make the game harder in its own way, as The_Frosty_Dr has discovered. A sim slipping into energized for just a moment, when you wanted them to be focused, means you now have a new challenge, because you can't rely on happy moodlets to get them to where you want. You need a plan for where you're going to get multiple points of +focused from. Sims can easily slip into negative moods from one need bar falling low, if you're not careful, and then even after the battle to bring them out of it, you have to think about what positive mood they're going to flip to when you manage it. Because if it's not the one you wanted them to be in, you've got another problem.

Bananafey's experience is what mine has been. It might not be perfectly realistic, but it is fun, and it does make me empathise a little more with these little computer people. I don't think it's easy to grasp the difference it makes to how the game plays and feels until you've tried it. (I can say that because the original design wasn't mine :P)

On suggested changes:

Making a judgement on specific emotions having more or less inertia would be difficult to do, I think. Even among the commenters here, there is disagreement on which moods would be more or less prone to lasting longer! I think it's pretty subjective, and a person's view on it dependent on their own experience of life, so I'm currently planning to keep this mod simple and equal, and let the balance between emotions be determined by traits and other moodlet mods.

Making positive emotions in general not linger as long is something I've been considering. These are still the first values for moodlet durations that I came up with. I'm currently playtesting a version where the +2 stage of the inertia moodlets for positive emotions has a shorter duration.

Thank you all for your thoughts! I do agree that the game still has too many sources of positive moodlets, and not enough sources of negative moodlets. I am working on some other mods that might help with that.
Test Subject
#15 Old 7th Mar 2017 at 10:10 PM
I like the idea of this a lot! I have been a big fan of Zerbu's Uncomfortable boosting mod, so I'm glad you incorporated that and made it compatible (as well as fixing the low bladder glitch it had!) I think you and other commenters have some great ideas about weakening the positive moodlets, but I also understand your thoughts about the challenge that lingering positive emotions can have. Besides the happy emotion, which we see plenty enough as it is.

I don't know if it's something that can be incorporated into this, but when I tried out Zerbu's old version of a similar mod, I was sad that I never got to see my sims be just "fine". Because when emotions linger, the fine emotion is always overridden by something. I would like my sims to be just fine sometimes, too. I don't know if there's anything you can do about that though. Can you even give the "fine" emotion a weight?

Thank you for making this! I'm looking forward to testing it out in my game.
Test Subject
#16 Old 8th Mar 2017 at 1:21 PM
Love it, however like many others I would love an only negative version of this. Meaning the Sad and Angry moodlets being longer since the happy moodlets over power. Being playful, confident and flirty already boosts happiness but we don't have that for the negative moodlets. Which causes my sims to be happy for a really long time which I want the opposite off. Love the idea though, but it would be fantastic if you could make a seperate version with only negative moodlets. If that's possible!
Test Subject
#17 Old 9th Mar 2017 at 9:28 PM
A version only for negative moods would be amazing!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#18 Old 12th Mar 2017 at 7:45 PM Last edited by roBurky : 14th Mar 2017 at 3:01 AM.
New file uploaded: v5
The +2 stage of positive emotional inertia now lasts 10 hours, reduced from 15 hours.
The happy and uncomfortable emotions now have inertia as well.
Inertia moodlets from the previous emotion are now removed instantly when an inertia moodlet for a new emotion is given.
Forum Resident
#19 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 2:37 AM
Thank You
Test Subject
#20 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 6:30 PM
I am happy to see you are updating this and tweaking things. However, I am not sure that the added uncomfortable linger effect will work. Just think about how often our sims need to pee, or even when they get just a little bit hungry. If they don't have any other strong moodlets to overpower that (like when you first load the household, or when they first wake up in the morning and often they need to pee) they're going to be stuck in an uncomfortable lingering mood for hours and hours if nothing else interferes. It just feels like too much over something so trivial, like needing to pee. And it's +3, so it does take some effort to change. It just doesn't make sense that they'd still be upset hours and hours later. It's like, "Hey, remember when I needed to pee last night, that really sucked so bad!" lol!

Since uncomfortable happens quite often for all sorts of reasons, and because it works to boost other moods, I don't think it needs to have a lingering effect of its own.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#21 Old 14th Mar 2017 at 9:46 PM Last edited by roBurky : 14th Mar 2017 at 10:19 PM.
Hmm. You might be right on that. It didn't really come up in my recent testing, but that might just be because all my current favourite sims have some other kind of recurring negative emotion that suppressed it.
Test Subject
#22 Old 16th Mar 2017 at 3:10 PM
Any conflicts between this and something like MCCC?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#23 Old 16th Mar 2017 at 9:16 PM
Quote: Originally posted by youngestmm
Any conflicts between this and something like MCCC?

I don't expect there to be. I believe MCCC is all scripting, and this has no scripting, so it should be fine.
Test Subject
#24 Old 25th Mar 2017 at 2:21 AM
Thanks for this! For some reasons zerbu's was making mines glitch out but this worked for me :D
Test Subject
#25 Old 12th Apr 2017 at 11:41 AM
this is awesome, thanks for creating it!
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