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Georgian Country Cottage (NO CC)

by FernSims Posted 29th Jan 2019 at 5:19 PM - Updated 11th May 2019 at 1:56 AM by FernSims
12 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 8 Feedback Posts, 3 Thanks Posts
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#2 Old 29th Jan 2019 at 10:28 PM
it's so English really. i can even feel the air of England country side. u made great atmosphere. last time France, this time English, waiting on next one.(ฅ∀<`๑)�*
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#3 Old 29th Jan 2019 at 11:58 PM
Quote: Originally posted by parkjoonho
it's so English really. i can even feel the air of England country side. u made great atmosphere. last time France, this time English, waiting on next one.(ฅ∀<`๑)�*

Wow, thank you so much! Such kind words! :lovestruc I'm building something at the moment Should be up soon
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#4 Old 30th Jan 2019 at 11:03 AM
Gorgeous! I'd love to live in that cottage!
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#5 Old 30th Jan 2019 at 1:15 PM
Quote: Originally posted by trisgod
Gorgeous! I'd love to live in that cottage!

Thank you! Me too hehe! :lovestruc
#6 Old 31st Jan 2019 at 10:41 AM
Groundbreaking! Sure you`ve already reported by moderators to use little screens. No matter what is this black points above the windows. I like this cottage very much! Low ceilings and gray outdoor surface reminds me of english habitats I see at the TV House Hunters! Think you had a lot of work to put all mess in the shed)
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#7 Old 31st Jan 2019 at 3:32 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
Groundbreaking! Sure you`ve already reported by moderators to use little screens. No matter what is this black points above the windows. I like this cottage very much! Low ceilings and gray outdoor surface reminds me of english habitats I see at the TV House Hunters! Think you had a lot of work to put all mess in the shed)

Thank you so so much! Those brown wooden things above the windows are supposed to be hoisting/lifting beams! They are for lifting furniture up and down floors! If you look at some old buildings you might see them, especially in Amsterdam! Here is an example!
#8 Old 31st Jan 2019 at 4:18 PM
Quote: Originally posted by FernSims
Thank you so so much! Those brown wooden things above the windows are supposed to be hoisting/lifting beams! They are for lifting furniture up and down floors! If you look at some old buildings you might see them, especially in Amsterdam! Here is an example!

I saw it in Amsterdam but never mind it was used somewhere else. We never had such lifting beams in Russia. So it take many problems to lift furniture here. Haha.

Here you can see more of my creations and conversions for sims 3. ;) I`ll glad to see your comments in.
#9 Old 31st Jan 2019 at 5:31 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Victor_tor
I saw it in Amsterdam but never mind it was used somewhere else. We never had such lifting beams in Russia. So it take many problems to lift furniture here. Haha.

the houses in Russia are always build widely and big, and have wide doors. so you people never need that lifting beams above window at all.
but the Buildings in Netherland always have small and narrow doors, so that some big furnitures can not pass through. for convenience reason they lift furnitures into the house via window and that beam. it's a very old tradition, and they are very clever
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#10 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 6:49 AM
I don't have the Get Together pack. Will this house still work for me? I love the look of it!
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#11 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 7:36 AM
Quote: Originally posted by GrannyDi
I don't have the Get Together pack. Will this house still work for me? I love the look of it!

I think it uses quite a bit from Get Together unfortunately you could try downloading it and replacing any missing objects though!

Kind wishes!
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#12 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 8:10 AM
Default Thank you!
Quote: Originally posted by FernSims
I think it uses quite a bit from Get Together unfortunately you could try downloading it and replacing any missing objects though!

Kind wishes!

Thank you, I will try it.
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#13 Old 8th Feb 2019 at 8:19 AM
Quote: Originally posted by GrannyDi
Thank you, I will try it.

Let me know how it goes!