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Jaspers Heights (Sims 2 Custom Neighborhood)

by RecklessJerry Posted 5th Jul 2024 at 5:41 PM - Updated 9th Sep 2024 at 8:09 PM by RecklessJerry
9 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 3 Feedback Posts, 5 Thanks Posts
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Forum Resident
#2 Old 7th Jul 2024 at 12:03 AM
This looks really cool, love the households' backstories!
Field Researcher
#3 Old 19th Jul 2024 at 1:11 AM
Can you please tell us what was updated? Thank you.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#4 Old 19th Jul 2024 at 1:23 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kaligi
Can you please tell us what was updated? Thank you.

Replaced the parking lot that was made by another creator (Zarathustra) with the one made by me and compressed all lots in the empty version of the neighborhood because I couldn't remember if I did that before, that's all.
Field Researcher
#5 Old 19th Jul 2024 at 1:34 AM
Quote: Originally posted by RecklessJerry
Replaced the parking lot that was made by another creator (Zarathustra) with the one made by me and compressed all lots in the empty version of the neighborhood because I couldn't remember if I did that before, that's all.

Thank you for the Information.

Kaleb, kaligi, kali, Valdi :)
Field Researcher
#6 Old 21st Jul 2024 at 6:00 PM
What I've seen so far is promising. The stories surrounding the families are really well written. The names of many NPC Sims are in Russian, but you can rename them with SimPe. All in all, this neighborhood is a great job.
#7 Old 2nd Sep 2024 at 6:34 PM
Thank you for sharing this. I noticed some of the places reminded me of the BioShock series, so kudos for that.
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#8 Old 4th Sep 2024 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by preemptive_doodle
Thank you for sharing this. I noticed some of the places reminded me of the BioShock series, so kudos for that.

Hehe I'm so glad someone noticed that
Yep, all of the community lots names and the streets names are referring to Bioshock. For no particular reason other than I'm a huge fan of the series lol
Test Subject
#9 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 11:29 AM
Which one of your hoods excluding Breedgetown is the easiest to run? They all look so beautiful!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 11th Sep 2024 at 12:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by BabeVonB
Which one of your hoods excluding Breedgetown is the easiest to run? They all look so beautiful!

Thank you!
And the easiest one would probably be Carier. It's the most imperfect one, but it's also the smallest and it doesn't have any plot going on