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Smooth Keeper Half Wall Trim

by Menaceman44 Posted 26th Aug 2024 at 2:05 PM - Updated 21st Sep 2024 at 11:58 PM by Menaceman44
6 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 6 Thanks Posts
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Lab Assistant
#2 Old 26th Aug 2024 at 2:25 PM
Really like the polished look of this-thank you! Picturing this trim in cafes with the Bistro set especially, but it is a style that will go with so many decor options!
Test Subject
#3 Old 26th Aug 2024 at 6:38 PM
Thank you so much for this! It would be amazing if you could make more! I was desperately looking for a stone one that matched the High School Years exterior stone work, but I'd be grateful for anymore you'd make!
Test Subject
#4 Old 26th Aug 2024 at 9:26 PM
I've been wanting more wall trims!
Test Subject
#5 Old 27th Aug 2024 at 12:46 AM
Oh, this is positively lovely! I love that added detail to the half wall; the in-game ones just never quite hit that sweet spot for me, but these are fantastic.
Field Researcher
#6 Old 27th Aug 2024 at 1:06 AM
I'm gonna get a lot of use out of this. I'm getting tired of the same ole trims, so this is a godsend. Thank you very much!
Space Pony
#7 Old 17th Sep 2024 at 10:35 PM
I recently changed computers and I thought I had lost them. These look fantastic in game, no more plain walls...but then I ran across them again and I am happy camper. Thanks again!