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Testers Wanted: 4 Recolored Alienware's

by mattym Posted 19th Dec 2004 at 2:52 AM - Updated 6th Nov 2008 at 12:22 AM by Canoodle
42 Comments / Replies (Who?) - 41 Feedback Posts
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Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#2 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 2:53 AM
Here are the object files.
Attached files:
File Type: rar  mm-Silveralienware.rar (45.6 KB, 3162 downloads)
File Type: rar  mm-Realblackalienware.rar (47.6 KB, 2798 downloads)
File Type: rar  mm-Camoware.rar (48.8 KB, 2016 downloads)
File Type: rar  mm-Punware.rar (48.8 KB, 2095 downloads)
#3 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 3:23 AM
my computer wont support anything ".rar" please PLEAZE repost in .zip
Field Researcher
#4 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 3:33 AM
Working just fine in my post-patch game. Great work, Mattym!
Field Researcher
#5 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 3:54 AM
BTW, yo can download a free version of WinRAR at
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#6 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 3:55 AM
to post in zip form i would have to redownload winzip. That would mean i would have to designate WinRAR everytime i had to extract or package something. So it would be easier for you to download winrar. It opens zip and rar filetypes. Most game modders use winrar, so should you.
#7 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 4:58 AM
Quote: Originally posted by ilikefishfood
BTW, yo can download a free version of WinRAR at

been there, tryed that. im telling you my comp wont support it for some strange reason. w/e im just some dude wanting to to enhance my game by 00.000001%. wait, "some dudes" won the best year ever award on VH1!
jk, thx neway
Field Researcher
#8 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 5:50 AM
Thankyou for doing these mattym, been wanting these since I first saw your first re-colours of these puters, but those ones didn't work as I had the patch installed.

When I'm all alone and blue as can be, dream a little dream of me.
Field Researcher
#9 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 8:36 AM
Wondeful.. been waiting on these ones.. was sooo disappointed when I couldn't download them before because I had the patch installed. Thank you. Especially love the silver one!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#10 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 4:58 PM
ok so with these out i will soon be taking requests for custom colors. You can either pm me or e-mail me at if you do e-mail me make the subject line "alienware request". In the mail or pm include any info on what you want or images you want on it.
Lab Assistant
#11 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 5:09 PM
Default alienware computer recolors
Excellent Job I'm tired of seeing the glowing green computer in an all pink room or whatever color I'm making. I would love to have just plain colored computers for all rooms like pink, white, red, yellow, orange, blue any of the basic colors. Thanks again I know I was suppose to email this but figured you'd read it in your post anyway and figured everyone would be interested in plain colors also. :santa:
Test Subject
#12 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 5:14 PM
Awesome job mattym. I love the last one...The Punisher. Petie3, I agree. A blue and white computer to match my all blue and white room, and my blue and white christmas tree
Lab Assistant
#13 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 5:53 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SDG
been there, tryed that. im telling you my comp wont support it for some strange reason. w/e im just some dude wanting to to enhance my game by 00.000001%. wait, "some dudes" won the best year ever award on VH1!
jk, thx neway

Use FILZIP instead ( ) It is a completely free program and I use it for my rar downloads . It's not as complicated to use as WinRAR either , there are no nag screens , and you can choose to use either the ' extract ' option for files when you've opened them or you can simply ' drag ' the contents out of the rar file with your mouse and onto your desktop or whatever and then install them from there . It's only a small download too ( just over 1mb ) :3dcool:
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#14 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 6:01 PM
In the next hour or so i will make a new post with 2 more comps. I am finaly releasing my transformers models.
#15 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 6:43 PM
thanks mattym

looked forward to these for my patched game.
they work fine
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#16 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 6:54 PM
i forgot to mention one thing. When i was working on my black version my game wouldnt lod the buy menu thumb. If you have this problem i already know. I just need time to fix it.
Lab Assistant
#17 Old 19th Dec 2004 at 7:11 PM
all the people that have a problem with rar files, theres another program the "unzips" rars...i had troubles with win rar and dont have troubles with this program, its free too!....
Lab Assistant
#18 Old 20th Dec 2004 at 11:21 AM
w00t nice recolors.

good job like these better then the last.

ps PIP check your inbox lol

Don't compare your life to others,
You have no idea what their journey is about.
Forum Resident
#19 Old 20th Dec 2004 at 1:13 PM
Terrific colours & a great job, thanx so much, Love em!
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#20 Old 20th Dec 2004 at 10:56 PM
I just wanted to make sure that all got the link to my
Other 2 Colors check em out when you get a chance. And for god sakes tell me some new alienware themes you would like to see.
Test Subject
#21 Old 21st Dec 2004 at 5:54 AM
Thank you very much. Can't wait to try them out.
#22 Old 21st Dec 2004 at 6:21 AM
These our great!So tired of the regular colors.
As far as diff themes,what about pink girly stuff for the kids,like strawberry shortcake or bratz,and for the boys ,blue ones w/power rangers or spongebob?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#23 Old 21st Dec 2004 at 7:08 PM
i am currently working on a sponge bob one. it will be cool
Lab Assistant
#24 Old 21st Dec 2004 at 7:17 PM
Quote: Originally posted by mattym
So i have been told that this is the best place to put up object recolors for the time being. I have made 4 alienware recolors so far. These are the updated versions made for the post patch game.

Silver Alienware vFinal (A silver version to add to your collection)
realBlack Aleinware v1.1, still need some graphic work (A black version that look like the real alienware comp)
camoware vFinal (<-Speeks for itself)
punware vFinal (A Punisher Theme)

I will post the pics right here. and the object files right below it.
Let me know what you all think and if you plan to use em in your homes.
Any questions, comments, critisms, jokes are welcome.

I also wanted to thank pinhead for helping me get these working right. You rock man!!!!

Could you possiblt make the plasma purple?
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#25 Old 21st Dec 2004 at 8:36 PM
my next relese will include an alienware unmade color and 2 customs. I dont know weather i will make the purple or white.Also finaly got my cheap website up and running. Check it out at Let me know what you think. I still need time to get it up to date.
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