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Lab Assistant
#151 Old 9th Jul 2015 at 10:32 AM
Ok Well I have started this already and I have posted this on youtube however the Points I am shocked how there no why you can lose a point if your family fight
Top Secret Researcher
#152 Old 11th Jul 2015 at 2:45 AM
The toddler got taken away within two "days". The mother was useless but you'd expect at least one adult or teenager to feed the toddler. Too late she realised after bathing the boy, that he needed feeding. The social worker was in the house by then. She didn't even mourn his loss! (No-one did.) The idiots often starved themselves or couldn't find a bed or shower/bath (there were enough). I think most of them starved to death and one died of fright from seeing a ghost. I forgot to score as I shook my head at their combined stupidity.
Test Subject
#153 Old 9th Feb 2021 at 12:52 PM
I’m doing this challenge right now and so far, my sims have actually been surprisingly decent at taking care of their needs. Mostly they just eat and sleep and go to work/school and do the normal thing. The dumbest thing they did was to go out in their underwear in the middle of the night when it was raining and thundering, and play catch for a few hours before going back inside. What they are really good at is ignoring the poor toddler though.

There was a fire starting once, but the firemen came quickly and put it out, everyone survived. I really hope they stop being so smart soon!
Mad Poster
#154 Old 9th Feb 2021 at 1:51 PM
I have a hard time only controlling ONE Sim, can't imagine the agony (for ME) of not controlling anyone. So I will torture myself and try this..and to make it worse, I have ACR (which I will not adjust), and a no social worker mod. Since I'm not keeping score, I think that's OK. Having to keep score would be too much torture...for me.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#155 Old 9th Feb 2021 at 4:49 PM
This might be fun to merge with my other challenges for my playable townie households when I start adding those to my towns though I will have to allow some degree of control to keep them from killing themselves off unless it's meant to be a part of the story.I also have a no social worker Mod and will not be sending any children or kids to school since they wouldn't be going to school in the 17th century in the colonial settlement.The children will be learning skills at the free school in town or working on the farm tending crops instead of attending school since I have those options and the school they'd be assigned to is school vacation.Some might get flexi school if their parents max out logic skill.I'll have ACR though I might still have to direct some things manually because I don't want a total disaster.I still can allow a few harmless mistakes like taking a bath without using the toilet as they tend to do that and I'll not control elders much since they might be most likely to mismanage themselves and kill themselves which is fine though still sad
Mad Poster
#156 Old 10th Feb 2021 at 11:30 PM
I made 2 families and moved them to a barracks. Ned & Nancy Nice had teen girl Nervana & toddler girl Noobo. Stone & Silk Stupid weren't married; she had teen boy Sack. I forgot to make the child, & it was downhill from there. Thanks to ACR, Stone & Silk had twins, Nancy had a miscarriage (I forgot I had that mod), then had a baby. When they were all toddlers, I took a nap, & came back to find:
all the kids were gone ..guess I DIDN'T have a no-social-worker mod.
scrolling down the screen - endlessly- was "Stone missed work & has been fired".He had at hundreds of memories - way to rub it in! He was at his favorite ballet barre, freezing for some reason. Sad Silk was looking for "God"--oh she's stuck in a chair, Ned was having a breakdown, Nancy was in bed (the only one with any sense, but she was starving, like everyone else - including the cat). Nervana's boyfriend Sack was dead.

I used the blender to feed the cat. Ned died. Nancy went nuts, fell asleep in the snow & died . Silk went nuts and went outside to play with the roaches. Teen Nervana grew up. At this point I couldn't stand it and decided to save her. She adopted her toddler sister.
Here's a picture of the only time the family ate together; far left is Silk Stupid, then teen Nervana, then her mother Nancy, Sack Stupid, and Stone Stupid. I never saw such a nasty fish tank. And Stupid's mom Silky, looking pathetic (actually I MADE her that way).

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#157 Old 12th Feb 2021 at 4:15 AM
@grammapat -I thinks you should've made sure there was a no social workers Mod in your game before starting and I've comfirmed that I do have that in my game because it was required to allow a leave little ones at home alone to work.I don't allow them to go off leaving a toddler alone for a night on the town though a quick run to the corner store to gab groceries is fine.
I'll take the time to make sure everything is set up and this will take hold of a townie family I move in as extras.
Mad Poster
#158 Old 12th Feb 2021 at 5:43 PM
Without controlling any Sim, playing without a social worker means the most pathetic toddlers you ever saw. They will be in such desperation they won't eat, won't allow anyone picking them up, and even with beds they can get into themselves, they won't STAY in bed. And even before they got that bad, if they asked another Sim for food, they would be rejected - because that sim was so desperate. If they grew up in that state they would instantly die. I did wonder about the "all teens and adults must work" but the rules also said "no nanny". So even without babies (via ACR) the two children would have been taken.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#159 Old 12th Feb 2021 at 6:01 PM
I've got a no welfare Mod in my game and I also have a rule of anybody old enough to must work either at a regular job or at a vocation from home or at a local community lot though they'll have to take any toddlers along if they have any and no baby sitter.I do count caregiver as a job and any teen or older can do that one.I am expecting to control sims though ones with low logic might make poor choices and ones with higher logic make better choices.
@grammapat -I count being a homemeaker or caregiver to a baby or toddler a job and somebody has to stay home to take that on.I do have a Mod that lets sims child age or younger be left home alone without an adult or teen though I only usually let it heppen for a quick dash to the store for groceries and not a night on the town.
Mad Poster
#160 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 3:08 PM
Quote: Originally posted by TadOlson
I've got a no welfare Mod in my game and I also have a rule of anybody old enough to must work either at a regular job or at a vocation from home or at a local community lot though they'll have to take any toddlers along if they have any and no baby sitter.I do count caregiver as a job and any teen or older can do that one.I am expecting to control sims though ones with low logic might make poor choices and ones with higher logic make better choices.
@grammapat -I count being a homemeaker or caregiver to a baby or toddler a job and somebody has to stay home to take that on.I do have a Mod that lets sims child age or younger be left home alone without an adult or teen though I only usually let it heppen for a quick dash to the store for groceries and not a night on the town.

My comments were about the RULES of this contest, that all adults and teens must have a job. But your "interpretation" would solve the conflict.

Stand up, speak out. Just not to me..
Mad Poster
#161 Old 13th Feb 2021 at 5:09 PM
That's because I count vocations and trades to be like having jobs if they're working at home or working from a community lot though my sims tend to take toddlers along to commmunity lots if they're intending to be out all day and they work from home if they have babies and take turns going out in shifts so there's always an adult at home taking care of the baby.
Test Subject
#162 Old 16th May 2022 at 11:38 PM
Quote: Originally posted by SchiZohybrid
A few hours ago, I decided to try out your challenge; I usually play with free will on, so this would be fun and relatively easy, and even removed all behaviour tweaks just for the lulz.

Fun and easy, my butt. Now I feel like slapping every moronic little pixel person from here to next friday.

-You have designated bed rooms. How about sleeping in your bed instead of napping in the living room where people come to watch tv, waking you up, destroying what little sense of circadian rhythm you might have?
-All facilities have been provided, how about you go take a bath instead of yelling to no one in particular about how you need a bath?
-If about to starve to death and/or pee yourself, the logical thing to do is of course to go cuddle under the stars with your significant other instead. (No.)
-The toddler is sleepy. Let her sleep. She does not need a fifth bath before bedtime 'just to be sure'.
Just to mention a few of my favorite moments from these last few hours.

Thank you for an interesting challenge, eventually reminding me of why I installed those mods to begin with .

Can't wait to do this challenge now
#163 Old 17th May 2022 at 8:24 PM
This type gameplay style is becoming popular on Twitch and TikTok. After seeing someone do this for the Sims 4 yesterday, I wanted to try it while I did some work.

I couldn't 100% not touch the mouse (or keyboard), but I had fun with the Strangetown Sims trying their best to do things on their own. Things were going sooo well, until the cruel heat made everyone surrender to Grim and the Social Worker visit a few times.

General Buzz ended up being the last one standing.

I going to try again with a different Maxis hood. Hopefully, the weather won't be so mean.

Thanks for the good times The Sims and The Sims Community. After 18 years, it is time for me to move on to something more purposeful.
Mad Poster
#164 Old 17th May 2022 at 9:01 PM
I would just do it modified to allow some intervention though it's my policy for playing townies to only interfere minimally anyways which is for the families in the town I'd rather not be too focused on so I can invest more in the main families.I'd incorporate this into my MCC in Alpine Valley which is a colony started in the new world in the earlier part of the 16th century.
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