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#201 Old 4th Oct 2009 at 9:19 PM
ehh sorry but my kitchen isnt even scored.. im short 100 because no one scored my kitchen.. well nevermind
congratz deatharella..
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#202 Old 4th Oct 2009 at 11:40 PM
geitje-are you positive no one scored your kitchen? Umm show me what post and I will get it corrected.
Lab Assistant
#203 Old 4th Oct 2009 at 11:49 PM
Quote: Originally posted by Deatherella
Thanks you all. That was fun. And I saw some really good decorating going on in this here contest.

"Congratulations Deatherella! Go to beeps for your star."

How do we get our stars nowadays? Mine from before the merge has neer been replaced.

MissMichelle: does being both-handed run in your family? One of my sons even writes exactly the same with both hands. When he was a kid, if one hand got tired doing long homework assignments, he's just shuck his pen into the other hand and carry on. We have ambidexterous and lefties all over the in our family.

Hey deatherella!

Umm, I am not entirely sure whether the ambidextrous things 'runs' in our family. I am not as fortunate as your son. I am much slower with the left hand and my writing, although it's legible (sp?), isn't as nice as the right hand. I suppose had I used the left as much as the right hand for writing throughout my life it could have been comparable? I can do a fair amount of other things just as easily with my left hand though ( that just came with practice and for some odd reason I don't even think about it)--just writing and art doesn't seem to be as neat...we do have a lot of lefties in our family. I think it's just about an even split. Perhaps it is a genetic thing? :lovestruc
Lab Assistant
#204 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 12:00 AM
Quote: Originally posted by geitje
ehh sorry but my kitchen isnt even scored.. im short 100 because no one scored my kitchen.. well nevermind
congratz deatharella..

I am positive I gave a score for your kitchen....I remember really liking it. It was the modern/orient with that beautiful red. I am pretty sure I gave you something in the mid 80's out of 100. I felt something was missing as well, but I was thinking it was all the last minute 'confusion'.

I can go look for my score sheet if Happyasabunny didn't get it. I remember sending it to her with my scores for Round 3 though...hmm. I hope that she got it!!
Lab Assistant
#205 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 12:16 AM Last edited by MissMichelle_JoanofSpark : 5th Oct 2009 at 12:21 AM. Reason: adding comment...
Default geitje's score for Round 2 by MM

Round 2: 'Center of the Home'

geitje( I deducted 2 points out of fairness to the others...Happyasabunny may change that if she wishes!)
note: I deducted marks because it was in late...but as I said Happy may change that

Layout----- 8/10


Comments-- I really love this kitchen! Well done! It is very modern/oriental. Sometimes modern styles can feel 'cold' but your use of that bold red in contrast to the dark and coolness of the straight lines just gives it this awesome impact and adds a lot of warmth. Lovely!

added comment:

My scores for Round 3 + this score was definitely sent because I found it in my sent box. I also have your Round 3 as well geitje if you wanted...I am not seeing my scores up for that round either...
#206 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 2:29 AM
Quote: Originally posted by geitje
ehh sorry but my kitchen isnt even scored.. im short 100 because no one scored my kitchen.. well nevermind
congratz deatharella..

The scores are really hard to figure -- I noticed that, too. Maybe a certain happy little bunny could correllate them all into one nice neat thread for us to see. I'm not sure which rounds some of the score columns were for myself.
If geitje is really missing a round, our scors are close enough that it matters to do a recount after you add a hypothetical perfect 100 to hers.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Test Subject
#207 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 5:40 PM
yes i like to have a recount. i think someone forgot some round from me. im not sure who, but i noticed it then, but thought they already made the scores because i was very late with my post. so i figured they would score me the next time for it.
But now only my garden was scored. But i think, if the scores where added again, deatharella will still win, but it would give me a nicer feeling.

thank you
Test Subject
#208 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 5:49 PM
See at page 7, posted by happyasabunny 25th Sep 2009, 07:01 PM
and then the last one,
there is everyone scored for round 1 and 2,
marloezzel didnt scored anyone for round 2 there but she posted it later,
when you scroll more down, missmichelle only scored me on round 1
there i was 100 points behind because of,

Deatherella- 658
Karen445- 624
Dangmal- 624
AlfredAskew- 401
Clynnc19- 400
geitje- 582

and i figured, if i got for example 70 points for it, or something like that, i would be second place. cause i got then 652 points. but that never happened, i didnt got any points for that round
#209 Old 5th Oct 2009 at 8:38 PM
geitje, I'm of the opinion that if I'm the winner, you're second place no matter what because you had entries for all rounds.
I don't mean to sound snitty, but if a person drops out, I don't think they should be contending for a "place" anymore. That would just be unfair to the people that did have entries for all rounds in a contest. Any contest, not just this one.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Test Subject
#210 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 1:16 AM
No affence. but this contest was pretty stupid to begin with.
Alot of people dropped out including me.
I dont really get how deatherella won... there guy didn't look right, had no shirt on, had a hairy chest to show off.. ew. and they was playing the sims 2.
#211 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 1:54 AM
I don't understand your problem karen445. It was a Sims 2 contest and the only requirement for our decorators were that they be young adults or adults. So I guess I got scored on what my shirtless wonder did in the contest other than whether or not he spent all his simoleans down at the boutique.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Lab Assistant
#212 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 4:35 AM
Quote: Originally posted by karen445
No affence. but this contest was pretty stupid to begin with.
Alot of people dropped out including me.
I dont really get how deatherella won... there guy didn't look right, had no shirt on, had a hairy chest to show off.. ew. and they was playing the sims 2.

Hey karen!

Out of respect to Happyasabunny who worked very hard to make this contest and who also had to chase judges to give her scores, I think it may be a little 'harsh' to say the contest was 'stupid'.

I thought the contest was a great idea! It was well thought out and the rounds were really well done. The contest was actually for both Sims 2 and Sims 3 contestants.

As for Deatherella's designer, well I think she was implementing some humour with Justin's shirtless-ness and hairy chest which I found amusing and very unique. Happyasabunny said that the designers just needed to be human and that honestly left a big door open to make your character as unique, off the wall or as normal as you wanted...I was so sad to see you go karen!

geitje: As for a recount, I think it can be easily done. I would gladly do it for Happy if she doesn't have the time...she can send me what points she has that may have not been put up since it would only be yourself and deatherella. But, like deatherella said, I think you would need close to a perfect round to actually come in first, am I correct?

Missmichelle :lovestruc
Lab Assistant
#213 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 6:05 AM
Default scores for all rounds posted on forum
Application scores



Layout------ 7/10
Uniqueness-- 21/25
Creativity--- 20/25
Effort------ 20/20

Total------- 83/100

severe 009
application scores:


8/10 layout
15/20 design
25/25 uniqueness
20/25 creativity
15/20 effort


app scores


7/10 layout
12/20 design
15/25 uniqueness
17/25 creativity
14/20 effort


Deatherella total app score= 231

app scores:


Layout------ 6/10
Uniqueness-- 19/25
Creativity--- 20/25
Effort------ 20/20

Total------- 79/100



10/10 layout
20/20 design
23/25 uniqueness
23/25 creativity
20/20 effort

app scores:

9/10 layout
16/20 design
20/25 uniqueness
21/25 creativity
18/20 effort

geitje total for app round = 259


Round 1



6/10 layout
18/20 design
25/25 uniqueness
20/25 creativity
15/20 effort



9/10 layout
18/20 design
24/25 uniqueness
20/25 creativity
17/20 effort



Round 1: ‘Far out Man’

Design------ 19/20
Uniqueness-- 21/25
Creativity---- 21/25
Effort-------- 20/20

Total------- 89/100

deatherella total for Round 1= 261

Round 1




Design------ 15/20
Uniqueness-- 19/25
Creativity--- 18/25
Effort------- 20/20

Total------- 78 /100


8/10 layout
16/20 design
23/25 uniqueness
18/25 creativity
15/20 effort


8/10 layout
18/20 design
22/25 uniqueness
20/25 creativity
17/20 effort

geitje total for round 1= 243

Round 2



8/10 layout
18/20 design
23/25 uniqueness
20/25 creativity
17/20 effort


It would appear that this judge did not do a Round 2 judging???


Round 2: ‘Center of the Home’


Design----- 17/20
Uniqueness- 22/25

Total------- 90/100

deatherella total for round 2= 176

Round 2


8/10 layout
16/20 design
20/25 uniqueness
20/25 creativity
16/20 effort

Round 2: 'Center of the Home'

geitje( I deducted 2 points out of fairness to the others...Happyasabunny may change that if she wishes!)
note: I deducted marks because it was in late...but as I said Happy may change that

Layout----- 8/10


Marloezzel did not score this round for either of you!

I am confused but on this page it says Marloezzel on top and it doesn't say which round that she is scoring the first set of scores...I am perhaps to assume that is infact for Round 2?


geitje total for round 2= 162

Round 3


Layout 10/10
Design 19/20
Uniqueness 21/25
Creativity 23/25
Effort 19/20
Total: .........92/100

MissMichelle (I am perplexed as to why this didn't show up but I think it still may have been added up??? I am confused!)

Round 3 : ' Twins ? '


Layout------ 9/10
Creativity--- 24/25
Effort------- 20/20

Total------- 96/100

Deatherella total for round 3 = 188

It appears Severe_009 is missing for Rounds 3 & 4?

Round 3



Layout 7/10
Design 14/20
Uniqueness 18/25
Creativity 19/25
Effort 14/20
Total: ......72/100


Round 3: ' Twins? '


design----- 13/20


geitje's total for Round 3 = 141.5

Round 4 (It would appear I was the only one that judges this round, hmm, I am very confused? )


Round 4: ' The Great Outdoors'


layout....... 7.5/10
design......17.5 /20

Total........ 85/100

Deatherella round 4 = 85

Round 4: ' The Great Outdoors'


layout....... 7.5/10
design........17 /20

Total...... 84.5/100

geitje Round 4 total = 84.5

Okay and the points that I am not sure which round they are for on that link I will just add to the final score of what was put up....

Layout 7/10
Design 10/20
Uniqueness 21/25
Creativity 21/25
Effort 18/20
Total: 77

Layout 8/10
Design 16/20
Uniqueness 20/25
Creativity 21/25
Effort 16/20
Total: 81

accumulative points from all these points:

Deatherella = 1018
geitje = 971

note: If I am missing something, please notify me. I added my scores that were not submitted (round 2 for geitje and round 3 for both). Also, I thought every round needed 3 judges? I am not sure if the points were submitted and not posted (such as my round 3 for everyone and geitje's round 2?)
A little perplexed
#214 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 7:51 AM
Good job, MissMichelle. From what we've seen, I know our scores were really close and I wanted the right person claiming first place.

And, I, too, think happyasabunny did a great job with her contest considering how hard it is to even get a contest off the ground since Sims3 came out. You did good.

1st Place : Superb Sibling, Hearts Consume the Stars Contests
2nd place : Daddy N Me Cycle 2 Alien Edition, Sims Real Estate Contests
3rd Place : World Zombie Model Agency Contest
4th Placce : Aspiration N Me, Maxis Makeover Home Edition, My Girl, Stages of Life, SRE Cycle 2 Contests
Test Subject
#215 Old 6th Oct 2009 at 1:23 PM
I just.. some kind of feel like the counting still isnt right.. i feel like geitje should have won
but ok... congrats deatherella
Lab Assistant
#216 Old 9th Oct 2009 at 3:34 AM
Congrats to deatherella^^ Im happy for you... anyways i must say this thread is a little unorganized and happyasabunny is not that hands on to this contest i think MissMichelle would have been a better host because she is more hands on the the contest... anyways... Congrats to all... This should have been better....

Challenge breeds Excellence
Field Researcher
Original Poster
#217 Old 18th Oct 2009 at 12:34 AM Last edited by boolPropped : 19th Oct 2009 at 2:10 AM.
severe_009-Look. I can't help the fact that I have a couple of judges that won't give me my scores on time. Also, I just got a new job and started school so I was busy. How about you make a contest and see how much work actually goes into it.


Thanks Deatherella and Miss Michelle.
retired moderator
#218 Old 19th Oct 2009 at 2:17 AM
happyasabunny... Hosting a contest is complicated and time-consuming, and it can get pretty overwhelming when RL things pop up (which can't be avoided). But I do agree that as the host, it's your responsibility to keep your judges on schedule. If hosts have trouble with judges keeping on schedule with their scores, emergency judges should be called upon and a PM can be sent to me letting me know which judges are giving you trouble. That way we can work together to get a reliable set of judges to ensure your contest runs smoothly from start to finish

Everyone... ALWAYS feel free to PM me with any contest-related questions/thoughts/whatever you may have. I'm always here to help, and as I've said before I don't bite!

Formerly known as boolPropped
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