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#1 Old 2nd Mar 2024 at 8:24 PM
Default Changed Guid on custom window but it still crashes the game - not sure how to proceed

I'm not much of a creator, but I do edit things for my own game and I've run into an annoying problem. I love Windkeeper's Helios Set (note, TSR link), but every time I put it in game, the game will crash in build mode. I'd found a short tutorial on cloning the item and changing the Guids, which I gave a try - but it didn't work. The 2 tile window still crashes the game.

I'm not sure what's gone wrong, but I'd love some advice on how to determine what else might be making the objects crash the game, and if it's genuinely just a guid issue, I'd like to go about updating the set so that it won't do that anymore.

Thank you!
Mad Poster
#2 Old 2nd Mar 2024 at 9:54 PM Last edited by simmer22 : 2nd Mar 2024 at 10:12 PM.
First of all, if you clone an item that already has issues, you most likely clone the issues, too. If changing the GUIDs didn't fix the issues, that's probably not what's causing them.

I'm more inclined to believe it's the GMND that could be the issue, because problems there (like repoing, etc.) are known to cause crashes. GUID issues are a bit more likely to cause errors or just the wrong meshes showing up, depending what the problems are. I've mostly had "silent" issues with GUID problems, and the few times I had errors it was usually multi-tile items where one or more GUID hadn't been changed at all.

There's an extra "copyright" line in the GMND that doesn't have an entry in the cObjectGraphNode Datalist. When there's a mismatch between the numbers in the Datalist and the items in the Blocklist (Datalist goes to 0x5, Blocklist goes to 0x6), this could cause crashes. Usually more of an issue if it's an important resource like the one that does the repoing or some such, but I'd think the Copyright line just being there could be a big enough issue for the file to crash in buy mode.

Two ways to fix - either add the Datalist reference for both the GMNDs in the cObjectGraphNode for the first item in the blocklist (0x0) (use these numbers: Dependant 0x00, Enabled 0x01, Index 0x00000006), or delete the Copyright line in the Edit Block tab. Don't do both!
Then test to see if that does the trick (if not, the issue could be elsewhere).

I haven't noticed that particular issue with this set (I've had it in my game for a while), but haven't used all the available items to build with, so it is possible you need to click on it for the game to crash.

Technically, the copyright line shouldn't cause issues since it's basically just text that's "meaningless", but you never know with the game.
Forum Resident
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#3 Old 4th Mar 2024 at 4:54 PM
OHHH! Thank you so much @simmer22! I've been struggling to work out what the problem could be for some time - I think something I have in game is triggering whatever the issue is with this set, but I want to try your method of fixing it first because the rest of my game is stable (it only crashes when I add this set in >.<)

I'm going to give this a go this week and I'll report back!
Forum Resident
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#4 Old 5th Mar 2024 at 2:45 AM
I gave it a try tonight! And... I've either done it wrong or it hasn't worked >.<

I'm going to pull out some other build sets I have and see if I can isolate what in my existing files is being stubborn. Essentially, any item from that set (with three notable exceptions) crashes the game as soon as I click on build-mode. I've had this issue before and have given up in frustration and just rebuilt my folders thinking it was bad cc or something, and it probably is, but likely it's not from Windkeeper's set then. It's gotta be something else I have that just doesn't place nice with Windkeepers set... or something. I have no idea. *Sigh*

I'll 50\50 build mode and see what I can figure!
Mad Poster
#5 Old 5th Mar 2024 at 3:16 AM Last edited by simmer22 : 6th Mar 2024 at 12:05 AM.
I've had that set in my game for quite some time, even built with it, and haven't had it crash my game. Could be a different problem. I'll check the set to see if I can find any issues in my game.

Are you using the files from the Booty or the TSR files? (I honestly don't know which ones I've got - I ended up updating/redownloading a few of the files a while back, because I had a blue-flashing item from the set. Been fixing up some issues lately)

I've had objects in my game that crashed my game but clearly worked in other people's game (the most notable was an item that I found copies of in at least 2-3 lots I'd downloaded, which kept crashing when I tried visiting them, plus I also had it in a set I'd downloaded - the item kept crashing small electronics in buy mode, so I couldn't access phones and such for the longest time. Never figured out why it caused issues, but I think it was based on a fire alarm), so it is possible to have problems with an object that nobody else seems to have issues with (had no more crashing after removing it, and I'm certain I'd not hit the OBJD limit).
Mad Poster
#6 Old 5th Mar 2024 at 11:56 PM
Quote: Originally posted by terula8
I gave it a try tonight! And... I've either done it wrong or it hasn't worked >.<

I'm going to pull out some other build sets I have and see if I can isolate what in my existing files is being stubborn. Essentially, any item from that set (with three notable exceptions) crashes the game as soon as I click on build-mode. I've had this issue before and have given up in frustration and just rebuilt my folders thinking it was bad cc or something, and it probably is, but likely it's not from Windkeeper's set then. It's gotta be something else I have that just doesn't place nice with Windkeepers set... or something. I have no idea. *Sigh*

I'll 50\50 build mode and see what I can figure!

Are you sure you haven't hit your OBJD limit for CC? I've seen more than one person who hit the limit have their game crash when they opened the window/door section of buy mode.
Forum Resident
Original Poster
#7 Old 30th Apr 2024 at 4:48 PM
Quote: Originally posted by omglo
Are you sure you haven't hit your OBJD limit for CC? I've seen more than one person who hit the limit have their game crash when they opened the window/door section of buy mode.

That's actually a really good point - I think that I did in fact hit my limit, because I wound up solving this by removing a few things (not a lot of things, but a few). LeSigh. I am a bit of a whale when it comes to cc, so I'm not ruling it out! I haven't hit my limit anywhere else - but I certainly have a weakness for build mode sets
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