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#1 Old 4th Nov 2022 at 4:41 AM Last edited by Wepawee : 4th Nov 2022 at 8:43 PM.
Default The Ghoul in the Graveyard.
[IMG]snapshot_cdae9d39_1056608d[/IMG] [IMG]snapshot_ffd0bdc4_bfd2cc41.jpg -[/IMG]

Ok, I really want to post my story but this is not making much sense here at all. How do I see the picture that I posted? How do I post more pictures? Why is this NOT clear as to what is needed to make this work? Just a box with {IMGxxxIMG}}[ Really? How is this even helpful at all? Let me answer that for you, it is not, not even close especially for someone just trying to get a story loaded I can't even load one story here without loading at least one photo from the game, and to top it all off ZERO directions on how to add the one photo. I am not even sure how I got that one to work. Please make this easier. I would love to be more active on this sight, but right now, I want to wrap it up in bubble tape and push it down the stairs... Tee hee.


But just so I get at least something for my efforts out of this, here is the story that I posted for Halloween, it is based on a true story.

Here is my picture, or its supposed to be, I dont know, I cant tell because it only shows up with the that description.

"The Ghoul in the Graveyard!

This story was told to me by my mother and now I am telling it to you, my daughter. It is a true story. Names have been changed to protect any monsters or people in this story.

My mother told my siblings and me this story when we were all still children, she told us on a night during a winter storm up in WI when the power was out and the house was warmed by the wood stove, candles and oil lamps gave off their warm glow as the winter storm raged outside and steadily dumped 4ft of snow on Wisconsin.

Back in 1963, my mother lived in Los Angeles California she was 16 yrs old. Her boyfriend was 22 yr old John Hoss but everyone called him Big John on account that he was very tall strong and known to be brave a man.

Big John was a night security guard at the Graceland Cemetery in West Hollywood California. I believe the name of the cemetery may have changed over the years.

Big John was not afraid to be the night security guard in a cemetery. He worked from 10 pm to 6 am. He drove his pickup truck on a regular route through the large old cemetery all night long, armed with his walkie-talkie big police-style flashlight, and his clipboard of paperwork to record his route and times that he made them and anything that might happen during his shift. Usually, it was quiet except for the occasional teenagers brave enough to sneak in on a dare or maybe some bums sleeping off a drunk. But not on the night that this story takes place. Emoji

Right around midnight, Big John had just finished his route through the cemetery it was a foggy quiet night, some would say it was downright spooky. Big John was not unnerved and with doors locked as a safety precaution for the security guards, he stopped his truck at his usual spot on top of a small hill in the oldest part of the cemetery where there were many mausoleums. It was a bit chilly out Big John left the windows rolled up but opened up the driver's side wind wing window

Inline image

and started filling out the paperwork on his clipboard with his flashlight right next to him in the passenger side seat.
The fog drifted around the cemetery and the full moon peeked out from the clouds every now and then as if the moon itself thought it to be a spooky night.
Big John was concentrating as he filled out his paperwork by the dome light in the truck. He paused for a moment as he heard a scratching noise coming from outside the driver's side of the truck. He took a quick look out the window and saw nothing.
Went back to his paperwork and heard the sound again, this time it was more deliberate, something was definitely out there. Big John grabbed his powerful flashlight and took another look out the window, pranksters would love an opportunity to scare the night security guy, but Big John did not scare easily. He shone his light down the side of the truck and saw something short and hairy walk to the back of his truck and disappear in the darkness he could not make out what it was and decided it must be a stray dog but double-checked his door locks to make sure they were locked.
Big John returned to his paperwork by the dim dome light then he heard that scratching sound coming from outside his truck door again, this time it was much louder, and sounded determined to get in! Big John looked out his window again and saw the top of a hairy head just beneath the window, then he heard the scratching sound right next to him, to his horror he looked to the open wind wing window, and coming in that window was a large hairy hand with long sharp claws feeling around inside the door looking to find the door handle so the door could be opened!!

Inline image

Big John was now unnerved, "WHAT THE HELL he shouted in shock and hit the creature's arm with his lit flashlight, and still, the hairy hand continued to search for the door handle seemingly unaffected by the first blow. Then Big John started beating the hairy hand relentlessly until blood and hair started to splatter all over the flashlight and the wind wing window, the light on the flashlight went out as he continued to fight off the hairy arm finally the creature cried out in a horrifying scream and pulled its arm out of Big Johns truck window. Big John immediately started up his truck and drove frantically to the nearest police station to tell his wild tale. At first, the police didn't believe him and just about tossed him in the drunk tank to sleep it off but on Big John's insistence the police went out to the parking lot with him to look at his truck. Now convinced that something had happened to Big John up in that cemetery the police took pictures and blood and hair samples from the truck's wind wing window. The samples were sent to the lab for analysis. Needless to say, Big John quit his job in the cemetery that very night.
A week later the police contacted Big John with the results and the test showed the samples of hair and blood from his window were neither human nor animal.

My mother finished her true scary story of what happened to her boyfriend all those decades ago and we all stared at our mother her face aglow in the firelight; I asked her, "Mom, what do you think it was?" My mother looked at me with a frightened look and said with wide eyes, I think it was a GHOUL!! Just the way she said it was scary enough but of course, I had to ask, what is a ghoul? She told me, "A ghoul is a creature that lives in old graveyards and eats the dead! Ewwwwwwwwwww all of us kids howled together... Nasty!
"Ok, now everybody goes to bed! Muaahahahahaha! My mom teased.
"Noooooooooo way mom! I'm too scared now!"
"Ok, my little sister said, but I'm sleeping in your bed mom."


I am really annoyed at this whole thing at least the text has shown up but even where I made it bold it show up B bold B
Lab Assistant
Original Poster
#2 Old 4th Nov 2022 at 8:27 PM
Default The Ghoul in the Gravyard
[IMG]snapshot_ffd0bdc4_bfd2cc41.jpg -[/IMG] snapshot_ffd0bdc4_bfd2cc41.jpg - snapshot_ffd0bdc4_bfd2cc41.jpg -
snapshot_ffd0bdc4_bfd2cc41.jpg -
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#3 Old 4th Nov 2022 at 10:00 PM
Hi @Wepawee Yes you are right, there isn't really a tutorial on here showing how to post an image! Let me show you how:

I hope this helps!

I will choose a path that's clear- I will choose free will
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