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Mad Poster
#9051 Old 20th Sep 2024 at 8:44 PM
In Duma Key, several things have happened.

Nick Lothario had been having a very secretive affair with Frida Goth. His wife Adriana finally found out and threw him out of the house.
Brad Burb got drunk and did something very disgusting, and his wife Tiffany threw him out.

The teens have been up to things, too:

Johnny Burb and Daniel Pleasant have fallen in love, having discovered that they are both gay.
Mortimer Goth is in love with Mary Sue Oldie.
Bella Bachelor is rather taken with Don Lothario.
Brandi Newbie is rather fond of Michael Bachelor.
Skip Broke likes Jennifer Pleasant and Nina Caliente.

Thus the 'canons' of the game are getting blown up all over the place.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
#9052 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 1:14 PM
I used Nopke's character creator to create 10 townies for my town. It seems to try to overpopulate the area with redheads. (Only one of them is a playable Sim right now)
#9053 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 2:57 PM
Quote: Originally posted by CatMuto
I used Nopke's character creator to create 10 townies for my town. It seems to try to overpopulate the area with redheads. (Only one of them is a playable Sim right now)

I also used Nopke's character creator to create townies for my military base and noticed so many redheads in town. Good thing I like redheads! I do love that mod because (a) it's so easy to create townies and (b) I think the townies come out looking very interesting, with a lot of variety (except maybe hair color).

Well, my Romance Sim certainly finds quite a few of them to be very attractive indeed.
#9054 Old 21st Sep 2024 at 11:20 PM
My Knowledge Sim, whom I figured would be the kind of stereotypical 'nerd' character, is surprising me a lot by being quite attractive to several female Sims.

He did hit it off really well with a townie named Katy Ternynck, who is a Family sim. Since their romance started off pretty fast and did well (it is Spring, after all), she quickly got the want to get engaged to him. So, I decided to get them engaged and moved her in, with plans to move them to a bigger house because the one they are in is a mini-starter that has no rooms for potential kids.
And as a Family sim (and ACR), those two are definitely gonna have some kids and will need the room.
#9055 Old 22nd Sep 2024 at 10:33 PM
I've got the initial families set up in Camp Jejune and they are working on their careers and having babies and stuff. I'm starting with five families and then I moved several townies into the Barracks because I really like the townies that were generated. I may or may not play them into the neighborhood--that depends on how interesting they are and if they form any love connections. I would like to have at least 6-8 playable households as the foundation for building the town.

Attached are several pics showing the Camp layout and my starting Sims. The Harvies were my first family so they already have a child. They are a criminal family who live on the outskirts of town: Wenafrid is the brains, and Robert does the tech. Everyone else lives on base. The six with no last name in grunt uniforms are the townies I moved into the barracks, and all are currently military recruits or elite forces.
Mad Poster
#9056 Old 22nd Sep 2024 at 10:39 PM
that looks really good @sturlington ! I like the military base idea. Could make for some rather interesting stories and drama.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#9057 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 12:56 PM
In two of my towns, (Duma Key and TT) I have begun a way of pixels to get mental health help-by creating my own version of the Sim Shrink, (but without the lab coat or weird hair)-Dr. Freud, who runs the local drop in clinic and also a phone consultation practice. If pixels need someone to talk to, or visit for in person appointments, he's the guy they go to.

Also, I've developed a habit of not only creating 2 specific NPC's (Freud and the banker), but they're allowed to go on owned community lots to buy groceries and plants. When a family is out of food, or doesn't have enough money to buy some, the banker will drop by to give them a basket of food for free-usually they have tons of it in their inventory-including the food point style foods that add points to the fridge. I think that NPC's are under-used by far.

Receptacle Refugee & Resident Polar Bear
"Get out of my way, young'un, I'm a ninja!"
Grave Matters: The funeral podium is available here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/e6tj...albits.zip/file
My other downloads are here: https://www.mediafire.com/?r=wbmnd#myfiles
Mad Poster
#9058 Old 23rd Sep 2024 at 1:07 PM Last edited by HarVee : 23rd Sep 2024 at 2:04 PM.
Not what's happening in my game perse, more like what's happening to it... But I just got done making seven different theme songs for each of the neighborhood story subplots in Plot of Land. They'll be included with the 'hood as optional extras, but I uploaded them to my soundcloud for safe keeping and the links are open if you're interested in hearing them.

A Plot of Land
A Plot of Capitalism
A Plot of Loss
A Plot of Revenge
A Plot of Sadness
A Plot of Science
A Plot of Love

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Mad Poster
#9059 Old 24th Sep 2024 at 11:10 AM
Malcolm Landgraab's presidential administration has put a trade embargo on all objects not manufactured within SimNation and as such cannot be imported into SimValley. So, through the use of hiders, i've hidden many Maxis objects/walls/floors/fences/etc. from the catalogue. This was one of Malcolm's least favorable policies among the population of SimValley and has stirred up rivalries between those that support him and those that don't. Alabaster Cowl has been gaining some leverage over Malcolm because of this policy and has rallied more supporters to his "Zombie" cause.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Lab Assistant
#9060 Old 25th Sep 2024 at 3:40 AM
Trying to make an uberhood... the old-fashioned, "oh god don't do that" way. Take a gander!

The Characters folder is 122 MB in size and has 1,106 files. Only clean template I used is for Belladonna Cove's simply because that's the only way to actually move the Green family to to the Lots bin without the game crashing, since Chastity no longer has her poorly-erased grandma.
Mad Poster
#9061 Old 25th Sep 2024 at 9:51 AM
Are you on a mission to see how corrupted your neighborhood can get?

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Lab Assistant
#9062 Old 26th Sep 2024 at 10:24 PM
Quote: Originally posted by HarVee
Are you on a mission to see how corrupted your neighborhood can get?

Pretty much! I actually love seeing the way stuff gets corrupted in this game, because when I was a kid it was like my game was haunted, but even as an adult who now knows what the actual issue is, I still have a bit of a fascination with it, because I LOVE "haunted" games that have a technical explanation.

More specifically, I just like to look at the symptoms of corrupted data. For example, check out this screencap of Olive's graveyard. I have a default replacement for gravestones that shows a sim's aspiration regardless of if they died in platinum or not. So, as you can see...

...Sims who have the hidden Power aspiration don't have a symbol on their gravestone!

Ghosts with broken faces will just steal the faces of passerby. For example, it's hard to see here (and it was difficult to get a picture of her ghost because she died from drowning and blends into the background), but Willow Nigmos took Loki Beaker's face.
Attached Images
Forum Resident
#9063 Old 27th Sep 2024 at 10:56 PM
I have played one week at each of the three households in my Desiderata Valley take on the apocalypse challenge. Victor Aspir is at level four of the medical career, Marcel Jocque and Rick Contrary at level three of the culinary career, and John Mole is at level two of the military career.

Little Allan Jocque quickly got very attached to Opal Contrary, and now they're good friends which is cute. At the end of the week, he grew up to a fortune aspiration teenager, while Engla Contrary became a child, Violet Jocque and Rick Contrary became adults, and Edward Contrary became an elder. According to the rules that means I can no longer control Edward, though honestly he didn't do much in the household anyway. For the time being I am letting this one household use a cc portable-looking stove to cook food that they bring home using the hunting spears that I downloaded from modthesims. Technically against the rules but I really wanted to try them, so I figured if the stovetop in question was battery-driven and will eventually ''run out of battery'' it doesn't necessarily feel less in the spirit of the challenge than getting hamburgers from the fridge to cook on the grill. So for the time being, the Contrary/Jocque household has this little woman hunter tribe consisting of Sophia Jocque, Violet Jocque and Opal Contrary and I just think that's pretty cool.

In the Bell + Mole household, little Jakob Bell grew up to a child, Elisabeth Aspir came to visit, and John and Sharon fell in love.

In the Aspir + Una household, however, tragedy struck, as Elisabeth died from food poisoning (in the bathroom, of course).

Quote: Originally posted by Kligma
Pauline Aspir had a fear of her mum dying before everything was even set in place, hopefully that's not foreshadowing.


I have the realistic sickness mod for when I play the challenge, and it will stay until the medical career has been cleared. It just so happens that Elisabeth's husband Victor is the one currently in the medical career, so I suppose this will give him even more motivation to advance in it. Fortunately, Pauline became a (romance) teenager at the end of the week, and her little brother Levi a child, so it wasn't for long that Victor had to work, look after the kids and put food on the table all by himself, as the other remaining adults are all elders and thus uncontrollable. Both kids, Pauline in particular, are currently at or nearing aspiration failure, though. Pauline is going to take a job in the medical career for the time being. Levi found a neighbour to play with briefly, and he's also seen his mother's ghost.

I am Error.
#9064 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 2:02 AM
At Camp Jejune, Jethro Harvie became my first and only teen, so I made some townie teens to keep him company. He is a Fortune Sim who wants to own 5 top-level businesses, and I think this town needs more businesses, so that's good. I've also had 5 babies born in the last season:

- The Harvies had their second child, a daughter named Rosanna.
- The Chapmans had a son named Rufus.
- The Kemmes had twins named Jonas and Phoebe.
- The Dares had their second child, a daughter named Aphra.

The Viccarses have not had any children, nor have they wanted any. Being gay, they would have to adopt anyway, as there have been no alien abductions yet. Peter did get elected to City Council and now has decided he wants to be mayor, and Ambrose really, really wants to adopt a pet. There is no pet business, so I'd like him to adopt a stray, but so far, no strays have come onto their lot. Of course, they stay away from the one lot where they're wanted!

Now that we have children, we need someone in the Education career, so I decided to move in two new families. William Archard is a Pleasure Sim, but he is a very chill and introverted type who likes to read, write in his diary, and cook. He runs the mess hall and has advanced so far in the Culinary career that he is thinking of opening a restaurant in town. He was dating Lina in the Barracks--mainly because he is actually in love with Joyce Kemme, but she married someone else, and Lina is very much like her both in looks and personality, but let's not psychoanalyze this too much! Anyway, he got her pregnant, and the military forbids fraternization among the lower ranks in the Barracks, but they told Lina she would not get a dishonorable discharge if she agreed to get married and teach at the school. So she will marry William.

Also in the Barracks, Walter and Josh fell in love, and Walter then became quite resistant to the many, many passes made at him (well, he's not at all bad looking, but he's apparently also very faithful--good for him). So Josh proposed, and Walter accepted. Walter also wants to go into business, and since Josh is Family, he too decided to become a teacher. He does want children, so I expect he and Walter will be adopting soon after the wedding.
Mad Poster
#9065 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 5:58 AM
Malcolm Landgraab unveiled a new devlopment project for Plot of Land that will introduce some rather nice and luxurious empire-Victorian homes into the neighborhood. Many local Sims are astounded by the designs of these homes, but some of them think Malcolm Landgraab is trying to over-inflate the town's worth and sense of history by introducing these homes.

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

#9066 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 2:28 PM
I played this morning. Walter and Josh moved into their new house and had a lovely wedding at the chapel. Their fellow recruits attended in support, even though Brighton has a huge crush on Walter and has been rejected by him many, many times. Walter and Josh seem very happy and woohooed twice once they got back home.

Moving on to William and Lina. She moved into his house and her pregnancy started showing. Well, they had a very long talk, and it seems neither of them could go through with the wedding. William is in love with someone else, and Lina just isn't into marriage at all. So while William was at work, she gave birth to a little girl named Joy and immediately gave her up for adoption. Then, she vanished into the night.

I think the military will be very interested in having abandoned babies adopted as soon as possible. I'm sure they will make the process easy for Josh and Walter to make little Joy their daughter. As for William, maybe he's just destined to be alone, pining over Joyce...
Test Subject
#9067 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 2:40 PM
Due to a recent death in the family (my old computer,) I am starting a new game in Strangetown.
Be like the 22nd elephant with heated value in space, bark!
retired moderator
#9068 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 9:33 PM
Quote: Originally posted by LordXenophon
Due to a recent death in the family (my old computer,) I am starting a new game in Strangetown.

My commiserations!
Mad Poster
#9069 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 9:42 PM
CommSIMerations abound!

Because the earth is standing still, and the truth becomes a lie
A choice profound is bittersweet, no one hears Cassandra Goth cry

Test Subject
#9070 Old 28th Sep 2024 at 11:04 PM
Gino Digger negotiates a lease with Vista del Polvo Townhomes. He and his cats are moving into the green one. The white cat is Paws and the black one is Scratch.

Gino Digger enjoys his first meal in his new Strangetown home, a bowl of instant ramen, while Scratch watches from the counter.
Forum Resident
#9071 Old Yesterday at 4:03 AM
Default Deputy's Dawg
A while back, I decided to introduce Deputy Duncan (from the PSP version) into my Strangetown. I used fanseelamb's "Sheriff Lucius Hartwell" hat and uniform on a different build, and put him in one of the little inexpensive houses I had downloaded. Because I couldn't see him having a first name of just "Deputy", I used his title and name as a first name, and added a surname of "MacNab".

He fit in well, developing an interest in his neighbor the Good Witch Erin Beaker, but he's got more bolts with a Townie (female - he's straight) whom he hasn't interacted with as much yet. Will see where that goes.

I had one stray Small Dog left, let him get to know her, they got along extremely well, and presently he Adopted her. So now Petunia is Deputy's Dawg.
#9072 Old Yesterday at 3:12 PM
Played this morning. I lost almost the entire Harvie family. Wenafrid Harvie was a Criminal, and apparently a rival gang sent an arsonist in the middle of the night while Wenafrid was at work. The arsonist set pretty much everything on fire, killing Robert and Jethro. Wenafrid came home, and the fire was still raging. She perished as well, leaving little Rosanna to be taken by the social worker. I did have Walter and Josh adopt the baby that Lina abandoned before she disappeared, but I guess they're going to get a second daughter now. It's a good thing Josh wants to marry off six children!
Test Subject
#9073 Old Today at 2:39 AM

The Street family moves in to 199 W. Road to Nowhere, Strangetown, AZ. From left to right, they are Upton, E.Z. (the toddler,) Weedy, Rhoda, Lane, Red, Walker (the St. Bernard) and Wendy.

I wanted to make a household with a grandparent and a herd of grandkids, but Red doesn't count as an Adult relative. He's too old to be an Adult. I had to have an Adult relative to bridge them, so I created Upton Street - a Romance Sim whose girlfriends keep dumping his kids on him.

Here we see Red Street making the family's first meal in their new home. Unfortunately, the only thing he can make for lunch is a plate of Santa Cookies. I hope he learns more recipes before the kids get scurvy.

And here are the Street girls (minus the toddler) enjoying some exercise with their new stereo. From left to right, they are Weedy, Wendy, Rhoda and Lane.
Lab Assistant
#9074 Old Today at 7:43 AM
I think this is the first time I've actually had an in-born alien have their own babies in-game.
Never really cared much about them having families...
I'm a little freaked out now, ngl

#9075 Old Today at 2:35 PM
This morning in Camp Jejune, when I opened the Viccarses' house, I found that Ambrose had rolled the want to have a baby for the first time, despite being a Family Sim and being married a while. Maybe it's because his husband, Peter, just got reelected and is now a Congressperson, so they have the money to move off the base into a nicer house into town. So they adopted orphaned Rosanna Harvie. Peter, who adores his hubby, also went down to the flea market and adopted the dog that Ambrose has been wanting, a miniature poodle named Comfort. The dog and the toddler got on immediately, just cuddling and hanging out with each other. I think Rosanna will have a good life with the Viccarses.

With the adoption of Rosanna by the Viccarses and the loss of the Harvies, I now have five families that have children in Camp Jejune, plus William Archard, who is one of the most unusual (and fun to play) Pleasure Sims I've ever made but who seems very much determined to lead a bachelor life. Everyone is also in legitimate jobs, either connected to the military base or in the town that's slowly being built down in the valley. I think, though, that I may need to introduce a few more families to get a good starting base for the population, as I'm trying to limit my families to only as many children as they have room to house adequately.

William Archard - Runs the mess hall (Culinary career)
Alis Chapman - Runs the infirmary (Medicine career)
Leon Chapman - Recently took over the base newspaper after Nicholas was fired (Journalism career)
Eleanor Dare - Planning to open a small shop in town (Business career)
Aaron Dare - Officer in the Military and would like to be elected Judge at some point
Joyce Kemme - Ranking officer in the Military
Nicholas Kemme - Proven to be incompetent at most jobs but good at raising his twins; he'll get another job when they go to school
Josh Terry - Elementary school teacher (Education career)
Walter Terry - Planning to open a small shop in town (Business career)
Peter Viccars - Congressperson; basically, the entirety of the town government at this point (Politics career)
Ambrose Viccars - Military Police, the only law enforcement on base at this point (Law Enforcement career)
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