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#1 Old 10th Aug 2024 at 7:54 PM
Default WCIF challenge mod
I'm picking up The Sims 3 as I was recently reminded how much I enjoyed it back in the day. When I was playing it all those years ago there was a mod or system that gave you challenges to complete in the game. The way it worked was you installed a prebuild scenario and you had to complete specific memories to complete the challenge. I am not 100 precent it was a mod but I do remember there was some automation about it. I really enjoyed that system as it had me play the sims in ways I normally wouldn't.

Searching for it now all that mostly comes up is the challenges forum board here which does not appear to be what I'm looking for. I would very much like to revisit those challenges and have those households running around in my game. Does anyone remember this mod and know where I might find it?
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