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#126 Old 4th Feb 2006 at 9:15 PM
Default This one was tough!
I'm not a big fan of Victorian styles, but I gave it my best shot.

All of my content is from MTS2, marinasims and I can't remember where the walls came from but I'm sure I could look it up if anyone would like to know...
#127 Old 5th Feb 2006 at 5:06 AM
Good luck everyone
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#128 Old 5th Feb 2006 at 3:48 PM
Default The Official S2c Home Make Over Content ~Round 4 - 4 days only for this round
This weeks voting was the hardest ever- We had to cut half this time- All of your rooms were wonderful and thank you all for participating so far

Week Four- Get Groovy with it!

Lets see your retro kitchens! Bright bolds and curvey lines- Show off your retro designs!

THIS ROUND WILL LAST FOUR DAYS ONLY~So you have until Thursday February 9th at midnight (going into friday) to get your submissions in this time. The last two rounds will go quickly then we will have our WINNER!

Pics required
2 ground shots of your room- ONLY 2 showing the decoration youve put in.
Pick your best two photos for this (keep in mind you will want to take these photos with the walls up so get tricky with your camera angles.
The Tab button will help you get closer and angle the camera better)
1 Aerial shot of the room just like the entry rounds but closer to show placement of objects and to ensure we've all decorated the right rooms.
Remember- you may change the style of the windows and doors but do not change the placement of the windows and doors.


1) You must stick to the layout as presented in the screenshots. Please follow those building instructions CAREFULLY.
2) Walls may NOT be moved or altered.
3) Windows and Doors may NOT be moved from their positions. (But they can be replaced with custom doors or windows of the same size).
4) Foundations may not be altered.
5) The use of “Half Walls” is allowed, but the “Half Walls” may not replace existing walls. They may only be added in as new walls in existing rooms.
6) Use of custom content is allowed and encouraged Whenever possible, please leave a note on your post if you've used alot of content from one site in particular. If you see something that someone has used in a lot and wish to download that content yourself do NOT post here- PM the member and ask privately.
7) Use of cheats is allowed. (angled furniture, moveobjects on etc..)
8) Please keep your photos to a maximum of 600x450. (standard in game screenshot size for most users) And only provide the asked for ammount of photos.
9) Please keep chatter in this thread to a minimum. Any questions about this round or comments belong in the original entry thread- Lets keep this thread strictly to entries only.
10) No reserving spaces

Contestants- Top 10

~4.angel f
~6.Ms. Useless Knowledge

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! ALMOST TO THE END NOW!!! 1 more round to go after this one
Test Subject
#129 Old 6th Feb 2006 at 5:50 AM
So, I'll open up the bidding.
Wow, man... it's like, totally trippy when you're cookin'....
But then it's hip & cool to eat in daddy-o!

Ok, so I'm no Jim Breuer or John Travolta... but here's my entry. I didn't waste any time in making this room... I dig some retro action.

A huge thanks to the creators of the RetroVille set on MTS2 (Lethe_S, I believe that includes you.) Other content hails from SunairSims, Aussietopenders, SpiffySims, and a few others. Enjoy!

**UPDATE** Made a couple of modifications to the kitchen area... new pics uploaded.

Stupid people are stupid
#130 Old 6th Feb 2006 at 2:14 PM
Here's my entry.

Top view.

View towards the left of the kitchen.

View towards the right of the kitchen.

I've gone for a 70s style.
Table, chairs and clock are from 11dots. Kitchen is a mesh by Solander, recolored by Reflexsims. Painting is made by Webbymom on MTS2. The retrowallpaper is from flipchick74 at MTS2.
Field Researcher
#131 Old 7th Feb 2006 at 7:30 AM
I kind of did a 50's aproach to the room, so its less colorful then others its done out in red, black and white. The burner is from Boblishmen, the lamps over the table was unlocked by Numerater, most of the other stuff is from mts2. I love the head vase by shannanisims. The cool retro-esk posters are from MtS2 by cheekywench.

Field Researcher
#132 Old 8th Feb 2006 at 3:43 AM
:howdy: everyone

Well I redid this kitchen 4 times and ended up with the first one I did :einstein
Hope you enjoy viewing.

"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without the work"
Sophisticated Sims
Featured Artist at Spiffy Sims
#133 Old 8th Feb 2006 at 4:17 AM
Here is my retro kitchen. I decided on a 50's Diner-style kitchen. This was really fun, more than I expected it to be, as retro isn't really my style. I had been in a few retro diners, so used that as inspiration.

Here are my credits - once again, please forgive me if I left you out.
Sim2me - pot holders on wall
Ellis.Ru - wire corner table
Cloude at Meshkiste - gas pump armoire
Simply Styling and Tiramisu - round rugs
Spiffy Sims - Campbell Kids kitchen set, including wallpaper and red curtains
Mermaid Cove - red sink
Dh-site - dish shelf, towel
Simplan-X - wall utensils and spice bins
Simsistic - Kitchen clutter
ATS - cannisters
Sims2World - books
Bluete - small ice cream
Peggy's Sims - chocolate sundae
Retail Sims - knives
Buntah - roast turkey

And from MST2:
Justmoi - Sleek Art and Sleek Line paintings
MichNum1 - food pictures
Delenn - Elvis pictures
Boblishman - Daisies, clock, dish drainer, pepper grinders
Retroville set - 50's diner table
Snowstorm - red hotpads

That is all I can figure out. Thank you all for your wonderful meshes and recolors! There was even a lot of useful stuff in the Maxis items this time, thanks to Nightlife!

Mistress of Useless Knowledge
#134 Old 8th Feb 2006 at 5:39 PM
Retro ('50s) Primary Colors Kitchen


Kitchen Area:

Dining/Bar Area:
retired moderator
#135 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 4:13 PM
Flower power! :hippy:
This room is all about peace, love and chocolate pudding.
I took the whole 'retro' thing as an excuse to make the brightest, loudest, most colour-clashing room I could squeeze out of my downloads folder.
It's the exact opposite of what I would normally make, but it makes me feel groovy.
Warning: long exposure to the room might lead to epilepsy, sore eyes, headache and/or fits of giggling.
Yeah baby!

Overhead shot

View of the kitchen and breakfast nook

View of the 'chill zone'

Custom content:
Walls and floors by Parsimonious, Sunni sims, diMHZ
Kitchen by Sims2play
Tv: Oberkorn (MTS2)
Bits and bobs by Boblishman, Numenor, 11dots, Mickyss, Bienchen, Exnem, Ilona, Echo, Simwardrobe and Pixel Sims
Test Subject
#136 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 9:20 PM

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#137 Old 9th Feb 2006 at 9:44 PM
Excellent work everyone!
All rooms are in- Judging will start tonight- new round will be posted probably tomorrow- Final round!!!!!!!!! woo hoo
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#138 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 3:25 AM
Default The Official Home Make Over Contest- FINAL ROUND!!
This is it- the final round- Congrats to everyone who has participated this far.

Again judging was difficult- But we have our top 5 who will compete this round


The Final Round

Your Own Outdoor Oasis!

This is it folks- Youve made it this far by showing your superior interior designs. Now its the big test- We want to see the most exotic, luxurious backyard you can make.
Something fit for the gods! Create a backyard in the space provided on your lot that will make your sim neighbors green with envy.

Pics required
For this round you may submit up to 4 photos of your back yard to show the entire area. Be sure you submit one aerial shot for positioning. Thats a total of FIVE pics.

THIS ROUND WILL LAST FOUR DAYS ONLY~So you have until Monday February 13th at midnight (going into Tuesday) to get your submissions in this time.


1) You must stick to the layout as presented in the screenshots. Please follow those building instructions CAREFULLY.
2) Walls may NOT be moved or altered.
3) Windows and Doors may NOT be moved from their positions. (But they can be replaced with custom doors or windows of the same size).
4) Foundations may not be altered.
5) The use of “Half Walls” is allowed, but the “Half Walls” may not replace existing walls. They may only be added in as new walls in existing rooms.
6) Use of custom content is allowed and encouraged Whenever possible, please leave a note on your post if you've used alot of content from one site in particular. If you see something that someone has used in a lot and wish to download that content yourself do NOT post here- PM the member and ask privately.
7) Use of cheats is allowed. (angled furniture, moveobjects on etc..)
8) Please keep your photos to a maximum of 600x450. (standard in game screenshot size for most users) And only provide the asked for ammount of photos.
9) Please keep chatter in this thread to a minimum. Any questions about this round or comments belong in the original entry thread- Lets keep this thread strictly to entries only.
10) No reserving spaces

Contestants- Top 5

~2.angel f
4.Ms. Useless Knowledge

Stupid people are stupid
#139 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 2:33 PM
Here's my entry. I love making gardens, so i hoped to get to this round . I devided the back garden in three different area's. The left side is the pool area, the middle section is for relaxion on long and hot summer evenings, and the right side is a nice cottagy style garden with lots of flowers and trees. Great for sims who love birds and butterflies.

Top view.

Middle section, view from the house.

Middle section, view towards the house.

Right side, view from the house.

Right side, view towards the house.

Custom content is from Marinasims, variousimmers, aussietopenders and modthesims2.
#140 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 5:54 PM
Man do i wish i was still in this contest:9 LyricLee, are you going to make a second one of his contest?
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#141 Old 10th Feb 2006 at 5:56 PM
Yes I am working on planning rounds now- Chit chat in the main thread
Field Researcher
#142 Old 13th Feb 2006 at 8:30 AM
This is my entry. I'm not the best at gardens but I tryed to make it looks the best. I tihink I did good. Most of the costem content is from MtS2 but a lot of the plants are from http://sim2me.de/ . Part of the fountian is from http://www.parsimonious.org/. The candle is from http://www.welldressedsim.com/.

#143 Old 13th Feb 2006 at 9:36 PM
Default Aphrodite's garden
Ok, everyone, here is my entry. I think I went a little over the top, but the description did say to create a "Garden fit for the Gods!"

In honor of St. Valentine' s Day tomorrow, I created the "Garden of Aphrodite,"
or at least the garden in her Hollywood pad, where she hangs out in human form and plays the diva when she tires of the politics of Mt. Olympus.

As you can see above, the yard of this otherwise unassuming home is quite spacious. The entry to the right of the front door leads you into a cool, relaxing courtyard, with a lovely wall fountain. To the right, Aphrodite's favorite flower is showcased in the award winning rose garden, seen below.

Exiting the courtyard towards the pool area, your attention is caught by the path leading up the hill. The exquisite marble columns and lovely fountains frame statues of Aphrodite and priceless ruins from antiquity.

Returning back down the hill from the temple, you face the luxurious pool area, complete with a wonderful place to lounge. Aphrodite was quoted in "Gods and Gardens Magazine" as wanting "a simple, private little space where I can catch a little topless sun without having to turn 'Peeping Toms' into squirrels and goldfish all the time." Aphrodite's cats particularly enjoy chasing the squirrels.

Rounding off the far side of the yard is a beautiful natural pond with a waterfall, swans, water lillies and plenty of goldfish (see earlier comment).

Aphrodite is particularly fond of her "little pool jets," which have been known to soak unsuspecting party guests when they inadvertantly insult their hostess. She also has been known to frequently soak her hunky pool guys and gardeners, in order to get them to shed their shirts. The life of a goddess is full of amusements!

I got much of the content from MST2, with special recognition going to DH Sims Site for the lovely ruins, and Aussie Top-Enders for many of the lovely resizes and recolors of the plants.

I have really enjoyed this contest, and look forward to more.
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Original Poster
#144 Old 14th Feb 2006 at 2:03 AM
ok everyone we will begin voting- winner should be annouced soon!
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