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#1 Old 1st Nov 2024 at 3:00 PM
Default Maisy or Benni?
Appaloosa Plains here we go again I have married to each of them multiple times as Cruz, just wonder which one you guys prefer?
Lab Assistant
#2 Old 16th Nov 2024 at 7:31 PM
I think Cruz is supposed to be with Maisy and Benni is supposed to be with Benjamin Schmidt if anything, or perhaps with one of the townie girls that are in an homeless household with one of the parrot sisters. Benni and her roommates hate each other so they will propably kick her out and not fall in love. I ship Kenji x Haley a bit!

Also nothing is known about bennis parents. I assume she’s a exchange student from Appaloosa’s rival town. But what if she’s an orphan you can have her adopted.

And you can pair Maisy and Benni together. And send Cruz and Sofia to another place. Didn’t they live in Bridgeport, get him with Bronson littler or something.

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#3 Old 18th Nov 2024 at 2:59 PM
Maisy has Commitment Issues and has generally not been a great partner that I've seen. I'm playing the Riffins, and Calvin's blurb indicates he and Maisy were checking each other out. I followed Calvin's heart, though, and he ended up with Rodney Singleton.

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